Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Oct 19, 2021


This is an erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. There is both consensual and nonconsensual sex between characters in this story. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author. (gladiatorkid@hotmail.com)



After the dispute between Claire and Jerry about Buffalo Bob again changing classes, things between them seemed to come back to normal. I was impressed with Claire that she dropped the issue and didn't seem to carry a grudge. By the afternoon she was back to being friendly with Jerry and acting as if nothing had happened. I was pleased since we had to work together and couldn't have any underlining disputes between us.

But I had to wonder what was happening with Bob in Larry's class. Was Bob still playing his domination games, his infatuation games with Larry, a married man? Everything seemed to be okay, as far as I know anyway because Larry hadn't said anything, in fact he hadn't even mentioned that Bob was in his class.

But I worried anyway. Everything seemed to be a game for Bob, and those games mostly were about taking control and intimidating those around him, his teachers in this case: me and Claire and Jerry. I asked Larry to stay behind after one of our instructor meetings.

"You want to speak to me, alone?" Larry asked.

"Why? Is that a problem? It should only take a few minutes. I have a couple questions."

"No, no problem, but Jerry and I had intended to head out together," he said.

"I can stay professor" Jerry said.

"No" I said. "Give me a few minutes with Larry alone. You can wait outside."

Jerry spoke up. "Larry, you know what we agreed, ahh...., we all, ahh...., remember that...."

"Yes, it's okay" Larry replied. "Don't worry about it. There won't be a problem." I perked up my ears with that, wondering what it was Jerry was nervous about with me talking to Larry. What was going on here? Were they hiding something?

"It's about Bob Martin" I said after Claire and Jerry left my office. "I know he switched from Claire's class to yours, she told me that."

"Yes, that's right, he's in my class now."

"Well, how is it going? I know he had some problems with Jerry and Claire. Is everything okay with him?"

"Yes, everything is fine." I waited for him to continue, but he didn't say anything.

"Is that it? That's all you have to say? `Everything is fine?'"

"Yes, Doctor Baker. There's really nothing more to say."

"Not outspoken or troublesome or anything?"

"Okay, well, maybe a bit outspoken" he said hesitantly, and then laughed. "Yes, he can be a bit snippy and tactless, maybe a bit high-handed at times."


"Well, he can be somewhat imperious, even arrogant at times. He's obviously quite conceited."

"Arrogant, how?" I asked. "When and where is he arrogant? I don't understand."

"Well, maybe not arrogant. Perhaps I misspoke. But he is narcissistic, without a doubt."

"Are you seeing Bob Martin outside of class?" I asked bluntly. "Where are you seeing this arrogance?"

"That's neither here nor there, doctor" he answered.

"Answer the question" I demanded.

"No" he said.

"Is that a no' I won't answer, or no' you're not seeing him outside of class?" He did not respond, but just sat there looking at me.

"I'll take that as a yes then, you're seeing him outside of class. Listen, Larry...."

"Doctor, if it doesn't affect my class, it's immaterial what I'm doing or not doing. That's all I have to say."

"But Larry, I don't know if you realize how dangerous ...."

"Doctor Baker" he said, interrupting me, "I know about you, and I know about Jerry, and I know about Claire."

My heart sank. Larry was involved in some way with Bob and from his defensive attitude it's obvious that Bob has ensnared him just like he has the rest of us. The demigod wins again.

I knew that Jerry was friends with Larry and his wife and occasionally had dinner with them. I figured if something was going on between Bob and Larry, Jerry would know. Besides, as far as I know Jerry is still Bob's slave, so how could he not know?

Larry was not talking. Although he seemed to admit something was going on, he was saying it wasn't affecting his teaching and it was outside the university anyway. But I wasn't accepting that because I know how disruptive Bob can be and if he has something going on with Larry, it was eventually going to be a problem. I needed to find out.

So, I got Jerry to my office after my next lecture.

"So, is this something about Bob again, your Buffalo Bob?" Jerry asked the minute we got into my office. "You always seem to be talking about Bob."

"Yes, it's about Bob" I snapped. "It's always about Bob because he's always in the middle of things. But it's also about Larry. What's going on between him and Bob? Larry's your friend, and Bob is ...., well...., what? ...., he's still your master?"

"Professor, my relationship with Bob is just fine. He is living with us and I'm happy, Greg's happy, Bob's happy, so let's not discuss this again. Okay?"

"That's all fine and good, but what about Larry? He admits something is going on between him and Bob. What is it?"

Jerry laughed. "You know that your Buffalo Bob can seduce a post, don't you? He got you, he got me, he got Claire, so is it any surprise that he got Larry?"

"Oh shit" I replied. "But Larry's married. His wife...."

He continued laughing. "You've heard about threesomes, foursomes?"

"Foursomes? What the hell?"

"Yeah, Bob let me join in; foursomes."

"Oh, shit. I don't believe this" I said in despair, actually putting my face in my hands. "What is going on here?"

Jerry didn't reply but he got up, walked around my desk and stood next to me. Taking hold of my wrists, he pulled my hands away from my face. What the hell? As I looked up at him, he bent over and kissed me. Then grabbing my head with both hands, he held me there as he continued the kiss.

Jerry was an attractive young man, a graduate student and only two years younger than me, but as one of my instructors, I never for a moment considered him as a sexual partner. And, at one point, he had made it clear he had no interest in me. So, what was this? Where did this come from?

I didn't return the kiss, in fact I tried to push him away, but he held me tight and kept the kiss going.

When he finally let go, I came up sputtering. "What are you doing?" I shouted. "Stop this. Stop this right now."

"No way" he said, giving me a big grin. He grabbed me again, one hand in my hair and the other under my chin and went back to the kiss. I have considered Jerry a wimp, mostly since he so easily became Bob's slave, but that may not have been a fair description. He's smaller than me, maybe an inch shorter and ten pounds lighter, but right now he was overpowering me, he was in control.

"Kiss me back, professor" he said, looking me in the eye, still showing that grin. "Get with it, you'll love it." He went back to the kiss.

This was crazy, but I'm human and Jerry is an attractive young man, and wow, does he know how to kiss. I joined him in the kiss.

Pushing my chair back against the credenza he actually sat on my thighs and kept the kiss going. This went on and on as I calmed down and started to really enjoy the kiss. Something was happening in my pants too.

"I want you professor" he whispered as he started giving me soft kisses all over my face. "I've always (kiss) been attracted (kiss) to you (kiss)." He slipped off my lap onto his knees and put his face into my crotch. I was already hard, but my cock gave a big twitch anyway. It was ready for action.

I didn't make a specific decision to cooperate, but I also didn't resist as he started unbuckling my belt, unbuttoning my pants and getting me unzipped. He buried his face in there again and started licking me through my underwear.

"Oh, hell, Jerry. What are you doing?" This was not a real question, but just sounds of enthusiasm as I put a hand on his head, getting pleasure from pushing him against my hard-on, encouraging him. "Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah" I moaned. Grabbing my underwear (still sexy bikini type), he pulled them down and pulled my cock out. He kissed it.

"It's beautiful, professor" he murmured. "I always knew it would be." He kissed it again and then took it in his mouth.

"Ooooh, shit" was all I could say as he started sliding his wet mouth up and down on me. I was delirious. He was gentle and moved slow, but the feeling was heavenly. It wouldn't take me long to reach orgasm.

But then he pulled back off my cock and stood up. He had already pulled his cock out and now it was right in my face as he pushed his pants and underwear down to his knees. "Try this professor" he said as he pulled my face into his crotch.

He took aim and pushed his cock into my mouth. He had a nice one, un-cut with a nice head and probably just over six inches, perfect for deepthroating. Without objection, I started working it.

"That's it professor, go to it" he said as he touched the back of my head giving me encouragement. Keeping his cock in my mouth, he reached down and started working my cock. I was hotter than hell already, so his hand felt great, almost as good as his mouth.

Since I love sucking cock, I simply cleared my mind, refusing to recognize that this was my employee, one of my instructors, and there were a million reasons why I should not be sucking his cock. I aimed my total concentration on this wonderful cock I was sucking, dedicating myself to making this wonderful for both of us.

It didn't take him long. He was hot to begin with and I'm one hell of a cocksucker, so it wasn't five minutes before I heard him gasp and felt his cock shudder in my mouth.

"uh, uh, uh" he grunted softly, barely audible as he fired in my mouth. Like everything else about cocksucking, I love getting a guy excited to the point of orgasm, and I love swallowing his semen. The nectar of the Gods.

Jerry had removed his hand from my cock while he was ejaculating, but now, now that he was finished, he dropped to his knees and took me back into his mouth. As you can imagine, I was damn near there already, so it wasn't even a minute before I exploded.

An absolutely perfect moment, still having the taste of his semen in my mouth, and firing my load into him, it was wonderful.

Jerry put his hands on my legs and rested his head on my thigh as he panted and got his breath back. I was in recovery mode as well, so it must have been five minutes, neither of us moving before he finally raised his head and looked at me.

We both smiled, the guilt trip hadn't clicked in yet.

"That was wonderful, professor" he said showing a big smile. "Mission accomplished. I enjoyed it."

I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss. "Yes, it was wonderful" I said.

Then came the guilt.

"Jerry, you know we ....," I started to say.

"No, professor, no" he said as he stood up. "Don't say it. It was wonderful. Just leave it at that." He fastened his pants and walked back around my desk.

"No, we can't, Jerry. I'm your boss. I can't .... we can't ...., how did this happen? You were never interested in me. And what do you mean: mission accomplished.?"

"Well, people change, times change, and sometimes you do what you're told."

"Huh? Do what you're told? Who told ....?"

He laughed. "I bet you can figure it out, I did say I was on a mission."

I had to think that through. A mission, an assignment? And then a light came on in my head. "Oh shit, don't tell me Bob put you up to this?" He got a great big smile on his face, and I started getting angry. He used me. He was obeying Bob's orders.

"Don't make a big deal about it professor. I enjoyed it, you enjoyed it, it was fun. And Bob's going to enjoy it too since I've got my proof." That's when I noticed he had set up his phone on my desk.

Now I was getting angry. Not only did he use me, but he filmed it. "Jerry, how dare you?" I said angrily as I stood up and started getting my clothes in order. "You can't ...."

"Hold on, professor" he interrupted me as he picked up the phone and hit some buttons. "Just hold on. We're going to delete this right after Bob sees it, I promise. No one else will see it." I stood there sputtering, so angry that I couldn't speak. That's when the door opened, and Bob walked in.

"Here he is" Jerry said. "You must have been close by."

"Perfect timing" Bob said with a laugh. "You didn't even need to call me." He looked at me with a huge smile. "How's it going pops? Did you enjoy my gift this time?"

His gift? Now the realization of this whole deal hit me, and I was absolutely seething. Now I shouted. "God damn it, Bob. And Jerry .... "

"Ooooh, you're mad aren't you" Bob said as he continued laughing and Jerry joined him. Walking around my desk he came right up to me. "Is my baby mad at me?" he said in baby-talk as he laughed in my face. "Oooh you poor baby. Buffalo Bob hurt his feelings."

Okay, so I couldn't stay angry. My face was red, and I was shaking in anger, but I forced myself to calm down. I pride myself on my composure, never losing control, so I had to stop this. And besides, I couldn't stay angry with Buffalo Bob. First of all, I didn't want to be angry with him, and second, I knew he wouldn't stand for it.

"Calm down pops" he said as he grabbed my head with both hands and gave me a quick kiss. "This was all in good fun."

"You...., you...., you set this up."

"Of course I did" he said and he was still laughing. "And I can't wait to see Jerry's seduction technique. His challenge was to get a video of you sucking him off, and if he did, he'd win the prize." Obviously, this was humiliating, but what else is new? That's Bob's game, humiliating people, humiliating me. But getting Jerry involved was just beyond the pale.

It was hard for me to believe this was happening. Just yesterday Bob had acted like an entirely different person, warm and wonderful. He had actually jerked me off and then fucked me, and it was like nothing I had ever experienced. And truthfully, he had me falling for him. It was no longer just infatuation, but I believe it was love.

But now, here he was playing his humiliation games again. He didn't come to my apartment last night like he said he would, and now he's actually set me up with my employee. How can I react to a guy who makes sweet love to me one day and makes a fool of me the next?

"Bob, for God's sake" I started to say. I was mostly calm now. "Getting Jerry involved...."

"But maybe you should get the prize" he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled it into his crotch. Bob is big, even when he isn't hard, he's big. I couldn't help but grope him as he held me there. "What'da'ya think pops? Do you deserve the prize, or should I give it to Jerry?" He squeezed my hand on his cock. "But maybe you guys should share." He laughed. "Yeah, maybe you should share. Both of you getting the prize."

Jerry spoke up. "Hey DF, not with the professor. No. You can't ...."

"I can" Bob said interrupting him. "I can and I will."

"Please DF. No, not me and the professor" Jerry said. "He's my boss."

"I said I can" Bob repeated. "Come here and get me out. The two of you together are going to look prettier than hell." Like a good slave, Jerry jumped to obey, coming around the desk and dropping to his knees.

He pushed my hand away from Bob's crotch as he quickly unfastened his pants and pulled them down over his hips. There were no underwear. Bob grabbed me by the hair getting a yelp from me as he pulled me off the chair onto my knees, and suddenly there were two of us with our faces in his crotch, one on either side of his growing cock.

I had just given Jerry a blowjob so I shouldn't have had any objections to being nose-to-nose with him in Bob's crotch, however, it just didn't seem right to be looking into his eyes from inches away. He was my employee. I was his Boss.

But I was also aware of the chances of changing Bob's mind about doing something he wanted to do. That was zero. Besides, he was holding me there with a tight grip on my hair, so I wasn't going anywhere. I tried to blank my mind and not think about it as I stuck out my tongue and started licking.

"Just kiss" Bob said. "Just kiss. Two pretty mouths, pretty red lips kissing my dick. Ohhh yeah." With his hands in our hair, he pushed us against his cock which quickly grew out to its full ten inches. "Jesus, I love this" he exalted. "Two slaves worshiping my dick. Shit yeah, and both of them my teachers.

"Woo-wee" he howled with laughter. He was having the time of his life.

So what? I was his slave now? I knew Jerry was, but now me? Did I have any say in the matter? I wanted to be his lover not his slave. In fact, I thought I was his lover, although I accepted that he would continue playing around. But was there actually any difference between being Bob's lover and being his slave? One way or another, I guess it didn't matter because I was not about to object, so I kept kissing.

"Damn, you guys look pretty down there" he said. I tried to look up at him, but he was holding my head tight against his cock. "Okay, now get those tongues going. Time to worship. Let's see which one of you appreciates his prize the most." He thought that was hilarious and started laughing as he suggested that we were in competition with each other.

Jerry thought so too as he immediately took Bob's cock in his mouth, pushing me away. But Bob pushed him away. "No, no, not yet" he laughed. "Lick it up and down. No sucking yet." Jerry started aggressively moving his mouth and tongue up and down the ten-inch monster. Bob expected me to compete, so I tried to be just as aggressive as Jerry, licking and sucking up and down my side of the dick.

"Oh yeah, that's good" he said, "but let me fuck you." Taking hold of both of us by the hair and holding us steady, he began to fuck between our two sets of lips. "Oh, yeah, this is terrific. Open your mouths but keep those lips there." He pulled us in tight against his cock, so our lips were actually touching each other from either side as he kept fucking. Bob was holding me still so I couldn't move but I kept my tongue going as he fucked away between our mouths.

"Woo-wee, I could do this forever" he raved. "I love you guys. I ain't never letting you guys up from there." He was having so much fun that he couldn't stop laughing. And I admit it was kind of fun. I didn't mind worshiping, since I was totally enamored with his body, and it gave me a thrill seeing that he was enjoying it so much. Yes, I loved making him happy.

"Okay, okay" he said finally as he pulled our heads back away from his cock. "Who's going to do the honors? Who gets to suck me off?" The three of us were still crowded behind my desk between the chair and the credenza, so Bob walked away going to the middle of the room. He kicked his shoes off and pushed his pants down and stepped out of them. "Well, move. Get out here" he said since Jerry and I hadn't moved and like idiots were still on our knees behind the desk.

We both jumped to obey almost tripping over each other in out hurry. Jerry fell to his knees in front of Bob, so I did the same. "Pops, you give one hell of a blowjob, but you're my asswipe and I'll bet you could use some practice. And Jerry, my dipshit, you may not be the best cocksucker in the world, but I bet if you really exerted yourself, you could even out-do the professor. Let's give it a try."

There was hesitation since nobody moved. "Well, get with it" Bob snapped. "Move."

Jerry was right there in front of Bob, so he immediately leaned in and took his cock in his mouth. I was a little slower on the get-go, as I processed what Bob had said. He wanted me to lick his ass. He wanted Jerry to blow him, and he wanted me on his ass. I looked up at him and he was glaring at me, obviously waiting impatiently for me to move. I crawled around behind him and stuck my face in his ass. Did I have any choice? This was Bob, Buffalo Bob. No, I didn't have any choice.

He reached around and pushed, forcing my nose into his crack. I started licking. I had already got over any objections I had to licking a guy's ass, particularly after Ralph, the enormous wrestler worked me over. I understood the importance of not being lackadaisical about it. Ralph and Bob were both demanding dominants who loved getting their asses licked and demanded energetic efforts from their worshippers, so I went at it, trying to do whatever I could to satisfy Bob and keep him happy.

I started with slow kisses but that did not seem to satisfy Bob. He reached back and slammed the back of my head and told me to get with it, and then took control, grabbing me by the hair and jerking my head around as I slobbered away, doing my best to lick as he jerked me around.

After a bit he took his hand away, so my actions were beginning to satisfy him. I kissed every inch of his ass cheeks but spent most of my time deep in his crack. I knew that was what he liked so I really went at it, coming up for breath occasionally, but then diving back in and jamming my tongue deep into his hole.

I don't know what was happening up front, as I concentrated on Bob's ass, but after about fifteen minutes he started fucking; fucking Jerry's face. As he fucked Jerry's face his ass banged against my face with each thrust, making it almost impossible for me to keep in there but that didn't keep me from trying. In fact, I kinda liked it. Licking Bob's ass and giving him pleasure, knowing he was relishing it and appreciating it, gave me as much pleasure as it did him. Buffalo Bob was a god and deserved my worship.

"Ohhh, shit, yeah" Bob shouted as he finally held still and starting shooting. I knew he was cuming, his whole body was shaking, but it didn't faze me in the least. I kept right on working his ass. I was enjoying it, I was enjoying giving him pleasure, and I'd keep right on doing it until he made me stop.

"Okay pops. Okay, okay" Bob finally said with a laugh. "That's enough. Get up here." He reached back, grabbed my hair and gave it a tug so I stood up. Jerry was already there as Bob pulled us into a three-way kiss. This was new to me, but it was fun as three tongues started dueling with each other. He held us there for two or three minutes, exchanging spit with us.

Then grabbing both of us by the neck, he pushed us back to our knees. "Okay, jerk off. Right here, right now, in front of me. Go ahead." Jerry had cum only a short while ago, and so had I, but we both seemed raring to go. We were both still dressed but it only took seconds for us to get our cocks out and start jerking them.

"Look at me" Bob said. "Look up here at this hunky body you're in love with." And yes, he is hunky, with a body that was hard to believe, and yes, just looking at him made me hot. He started to laugh. "Oh yeah. Dipshit and asswipe, my two slave boys jerking at my feet." Not sure if he was laughing at us or with us, but I was too involved to worry about it. I was already hot and hard from working Bob's ass, so it was mere seconds before I was ready to blow.

But there was really no doubt he was laughing at me, at us, more of his humiliation, but it was so hot kneeling before him, worshiping his glorious physique with our eyes, accepting our total deference to him, being his obedient servants, his slaves. I blew my load half-way across the room. Jerry was not far behind.

"You got some on my foot" Bob said, and he was still laughing. It took a couple seconds for that to click with me; he wanted me to lick the cum off his foot. Okay, so, no big deal. I leaned in to do it, but Jerry was already there, faster on the up-take than I was. He licked the cum off of Bob's foot.

Not to be outdone, when Jerry backed off, I leaned in and kissed Bob's foot; it just seemed like the right thing to do. When I raised my head and looked up at him, he now had a haughty look on his face. A look of unquestioned superiority. Reaching down, he started fluffing our hair, actually petting it. I swear to God, petting. He was petting our heads like we were his little puppies.

"Oh, yeah. True worship" Bob exulted. "Professor and Instructor, my two slave boys worshiping their master."

to be continued

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkid stories'

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Next: Chapter 12

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