Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Oct 12, 2021


This is an erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. There is both consensual and nonconsensual sex between characters in this story. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author. (gladiatorkid@hotmail.com)


Quick review: After Professor Baker was worked over by Ralph, the big wrestler, Buffalo Bob, being magnanimous, gives him a gift; that gift is the cute boy Finn. When the professor has the audacity to refuse this `gift', Bob's temper flares. He orders the professor to give Finn a blowjob and tells Finn not to go easy on him.


Let's analyze this situation. Bob is my student, I'm his professor. Why would I obey his orders? Yes, he's a hunk and has a temper but he's still my student. If I don't obey him, he'll get mad, but so what? I could get mad too and I have the power of the grades at the end of the term.

I kept thinking that if I could set him down and give him a heart to heart, I could control some of his worst impulses, but it didn't look like that was ever going to happen. He was simply not going to allow me to talk sense to him, and I had extreme doubts that it would make any difference anyway. Bob was what he was, and he wasn't going to change. Why would he change; he had the world at his feet; at least he acted as if he did. And he had the overpowering physique, the good looks, and the aggressive personality to put it there.

So back to whether I should obey his orders. The biggest problem is, I have an extreme crush on him. I want to have sex with him. I love his cocky attitude and his dominating personality. Without any training in psychology, he is brilliant in his masterful way of psyching out those around him and taking control of them. I never thought of myself as a masochist, but with Bob I've actually enjoyed his method of humiliation. He always comes across as gruff and mean, but I'm sure he has a warm side, and that gruff attitude is just a put on.

So, if I obey him, we can continue our relationship which I was enjoying very much, but if I refuse, he would ...., well ...., I don't know what he would do but it wouldn't be pretty.

Decision made; I gave Finn a blowjob. And Finn turned out to be a mean little shit. Bob told him not to go easy on me and he outdid himself.

Bob took Tracy into my bedroom, so I had to sleep in the guest room where Tracy had been staying. But the next morning, in order to get ready for work, I had to get into my bedroom and my bathroom. Bob was totally pissed last night, and I certainly didn't want to make him angry this morning, but I had no choice.

But they were asleep with Tracy cuddled up to Bob as I entered, so I was as quiet as a mouse as I cleaned up and got dressed. As I left, I noticed Tracy had disappeared under the covers, so I figured Bob would be waking up soon.

When I arrived at my office Claire and Jerry were sitting outside waiting for me. Stone-faced Claire looking fit to be tied and wimpy Jerry looking wimpy. I was pleased since I'd planned to call them in anyway to try to resolve this `Bob' issue.

"Good morning, Claire, good morning, Jerry" I said cheerily hoping we could start out on a high note.

"Good morning, professor" Jerry said, and Claire mumbled something, I think it was good morning.

"Okay, let's get right to it" I said as we settled in our chairs. "What about Bob? Bob Martin? Where is he now?"

"He's not in my class" Claire snapped.

"He sat in on Larry's class yesterday" Jerry said, showing a big smile. That was a surprise. If the dispute was between Claire and Jerry, why Larry? Is this something more I need to worry about? Larry and Buffalo Bob?

"So, what's the deal? Jerry, I never did understand why Bob wanted to leave your class and go to Claire's. So, tell me."

"It was playtime, professor. Bob was playing with her, and Claire didn't catch on, at least not at first."

"Jerry put him up to it" Claire snapped. "I want him disciplined and I want Bob expelled.

"Nobody puts Bob up to anything" Jerry said, still smiling. He thought this was funny. "Bob does it all on his own."

"Claire, you know I have no authority to expel a student, and I think Jerry has a point. Bob is very forceful, and I can't imagine him allowing anyone to put him up to anything."

"You should know, you're having an affair with him" she said.

"Now Claire, that was uncalled for. I know Bob is manipulative and he has obviously manipulated you, and I'm sorry. But we need to keep this from getting personal, and it needs to be kept outside of the classroom."

Claire stood up. "All I want is for him to stay away from me. And I want an apology from Jerry."

"That I can do" I said. "I will see that he stays away from you, and I'll have him removed from the class if he doesn't." I turned to Jerry. "You have something to say?"

"I don't know that I did anything wrong, but I'm sorry Claire. I'm sorry about this whole mess." Claire stormed out and slammed the door. I knew I had some work there, I'd have to talk to her, but it would be better after she had a day or so to calm down.

I turned to Jerry. "Why did Bob leave your class? For God's sake, you were his sidekick, even his slave, so why did he leave? And why is he in Larry's class now?"

"Bob's still living with me, and Greg and I are happy with the situation. But I told you, professor, Bob was just playing with Claire. He got her to suck him off and she got enamored with him, so he pretended interest. After the second blowjob, I guess he told her she was a terrible cocksucker."

"That was cruel Jerry, and I wish you'd quit pretending it was funny. It wasn't funny."

"There's more to it than that, professor. I don't know what went on, but Claire is a bitch and I imagine she deserved it."

"And Larry?"

"Bob's still playing games. He doesn't consult with me, but I think he's making a play for Larry."

"Larry's married" I said.

"Yeah, ain't that a bitch."

When I got home that afternoon the apartment was empty. All of Tracy's things were gone, and except for a messy bathroom, there was no sign that he had ever been there.

I was both disappointed and relieved. Disappointed because Tracy was really sweet and very excitable, so the sex with him was great, and we were equals, no dom or sub bullshit. But I was relieved because I still didn't know how old he was, but I know he wasn't eighteen. More likely fourteen or fifteen.

Bob didn't seem to care how old his pickups were as long as they weren't old like me, he called me the old man. Everybody was attracted to him so he could have anyone he wanted.

The next time I saw Bob was at my next lecture. He has quite a temper and he definitely holds grudges, but it had been two days since our dispute about his `gift', so I hoped he had cooled down. I was wrong.

"Teach" he said as I finished my lecture and started gathering my things together. "I guess the monasteries lived off of gifts from the community. They were supposed to be living in poverty but from what I have seen, they were doing okay. But, when people gave them food and money and stuff do you think they were appreciative? When someone gives you something, especially when they offer a service, offer to do something for you, do you think the monks would accept those gifts and enjoy them, or just turn their backs on them."

"Jerry, do you ...." I said but Bob interrupted.

"Did those monks act civilized and thank the citizens profusely for their offers to bring pleasure to the monastery? Can you imagine anyone rude enough to turn their back on someone offering them something they would enjoy?"

Jerry stepped up. "Bob, in the ...."

Bob interrupted. "Not you, him." Being very rude but meaning he wanted an answer from me. So, he was still angry, and he was bringing it out in public, in front of the whole class.

"Bob. Don't you think we could handle this...."

"I want to hear what you have to say now" he said sternly. Then he looked me in the eye and gave me a big smile. He wasn't angry, typical for him, he was playing a game. He was being a total shit, but he was having fun. Manipulating me and trying to humiliate me in front of the class, this was fun for him. "If I were to give you something, say, something to give you a thrill, would you appreciate it or would you rudely refuse? Answer me that?"

Okay, so now the class knew that this was personal, so everyone was wondering what it was he gave me and why I didn't appreciate it.

"Bob, listen. Yes, the monks received support from their local communities." I was attempting to obscure Bob's attempt to make it personal and get it back on track with the subject matter. "Of course they did, the monasteries would not have been able to survive otherwise. And of course, they would have been thankful for that support. Okay class, that's all for today" I said quickly, grabbing my briefcase. "It's getting late in the term so get going on those term papers."

"Teach, teach" Bob was saying, trying to interrupt but I think the class was tired of his antics too. Everyone got up and left, including me.

When I got back to my office I was sweating. Damn that Bob and God love him. I almost laughed. It was funny in a horrible kind of way. It was amazing how good Bob was a manipulating any situation to suit his interests. I'm an excellent teacher and I can pretty much handle any situation in my classroom, but Bob was just too much.

It's sinking into me that this crush I have on Bob is not worth the static I'm getting from him. It's serious when he begins using our relationship to disrupt my class. I'd obviously made a mistake getting involved with Bob in the first place, but I knew that all the time, so now I had to live with it. At least for the time being.

Because of his antics this morning, I knew I had to bring this to an end. Probably by just ignoring him, not giving him the attention he craves, and just pretend he wasn't bothering me. Tracy was now gone, so I could start locking my door at night.

Bob has never given me a chance to sit down and talk with him, so to cut this off I had to force the issue. At the first opportunity I was going to tell him my apartment was off limits, and to see me, he had to make an appointment. All I had to do was be firm, emphasizing my status as his professor, and tell him it was over. I know he won't take it well, but if worst comes to worst I'll go to administration and have him removed from my class.

But I still had a hankering for him. He is so gorgeous. And that body: I could eat it up.

There was a knock on my office door the next morning. I didn't ordinarily lock the door but under the current circumstances I thought it would be prudent. As I opened the door Buffalo Bob walked in pushing me back, forcing me to backpedal until I was up against the desk.

"I told you not to lock the door" he said.

Okay, here we go, confrontation time. Here was my chance. "Bob ...." I started to say.

He put an arm around me and a hand behind my head and kissed me. I tried to pull away, but he was holding my head and he was pressing me, crotch to crotch, against the desk. And with his arm around me, he was almost crushing me against him.

"I've missed you" he whispered and went back to the kiss. This was not an over aggressive kiss, but a soft sweet kiss with lots of tongue. I only objected for a moment and then went with the flow. After all, this is Buffalo Bob; gorgeous Buffalo Bob; dreamboat Buffalo Bob.

I didn't understand his saying he missed me since he was confronting me in class only yesterday. But, well...., okay. He missed me.

The kiss went on and on and I started to melt. He is so gorgeous and so wonderful, and I hadn't had a kiss like this for, who knows, forever. He was also moving his crotch against me. He was hard to begin with, but it didn't take me long to get there as well.

This went on for at least ten minutes, the only sound in the room was soft kissing sounds.

"I've missed you so much" he whispered again and went right back to the kiss. Then he pushed his hand down between us and grabbed my cock. I was startled and I actually jumped. He'd never touched me like this before. Bob's style as the dominant was to receive sexual favors, not give them, so that was a surprise. "You have a beautiful cock, professor" he said as he continued with the kiss.

He'd never called me professor before, and I wasn't aware that he had even noticed that I had a cock. What was going on?

After what must have been twenty minutes, he finally pulled back.

"Bob ..." I started.

"Sh, sh, sh" he whispered as he put his finger to his lips. "I'm sorry about Tracy but I couldn't abide him having sex with you when I wanted you all to myself." Another shock. He was jealous of Tracy having sex with me?

What the hell was going on here? Who was this guy? This couldn't be the Buffalo Bob that I know.

He pulled me away from the desk and got behind me. Leaning his butt against the desk he pulled me against him with his big member pressing against my butt. Reaching around me, he pulled my jacket over my shoulders, down off my arms and tossed it aside. Reaching around again he removed my tie and started on my shirt buttons. He was stripping me. After removing my shirt, he grabbed my undershirt and pulled it up over my head.

"You have a beautiful body, professor. Slim and youthful and just perfect." He started kissing my neck. I was simply flabbergasted. This was unbelievable but it was wonderful. This is the Bob I wanted from the very beginning, but I didn't know he existed.

Still with his arms around me, his enormous member still pressing against my butt, he opened my belt and pants and unzipped me. With a quick jerk, he pulled my pants down and let them fall to my ankles. Sticking his hand under my underwear he grabbed my very hard cock and gave it a good squeeze. I shuddered and could have cum on the spot if I had allowed it. I couldn't remember when I had ever been this excited.

This creature, this perfect physical specimen, this god among men, was enamored with me; ME.

Showing his strength, he ripped the underwear apart, leaving the shreds dangling as my cock popped out. He grabbed on and started to jerk it. What the hell? Buffalo Bob was going to jerk me off? Really?

That got me even more excited. You can't get any more excited than that and it was about 90 seconds later that I started to shoot. And I swear, that first shot must have gone six feet across the room, and the second one almost as far. I couldn't remember when I had an ejaculation this powerful. Getting this from Bob, Mr. Perfect Beefcake Buffalo Bob was beyond thrilling. Vain, conceited , narcissistic Buffalo Bob was actually giving instead of taking and I was ecstatic. I was gasping for breath when I finished shooting my load, not so much for being short of breath as much as sheer shock of this gorgeous creature putting himself out for me.

He just held me there for a couple minutes nuzzling my nick and pressing his very hard dick into my butt.

"Professor," he said, whispering in my ear. "I'm going to fuck you, right here and right now. I've wanted this since the first day I saw you, weeks ago." I was delirious with lust, still hard and excited even after my ejaculation and there was nothing in the world that I wanted more than Buffalo Bob to fuck me. Beautiful, ravishing, stunning demigod, beefcake Bob. I wanted him, I wanted him bad.

"I've got some crème in my desk...."

"No, no cream. Just flesh against flesh, the way it should be." He had already ripped open the front of my underwear and now he ripped open the back, leaving my ass open for his assault. I was so overwhelmed with lust that I didn't even object to him taking me raw.

He put an arm around my shoulders, almost a headlock, and held me there as he spit in his hand and started working my ass. I came to my senses momentarily with the realization that, at least he was not going to take me dry, but was going to only use spit to get me ready.

He spit three times before he eased a finger into me, and then a couple more times before inserting a second and then a third, stretching out my hole. All this time he was nibbling on my neck and licking my ear while making humming sounds in the back of his throat.

"Reach around and unzip me" he whispered in my ear. He was ready to fuck, but now he wanted me to show that I wanted him. He wanted me to willingly show my acceptance. I was still excited, still filled with lust and after his preparation, I knew I was ready. I reached behind me and unzipped his jeans. His pants are always tight and his hard-on is always stretching to the left. Luckily he wasn't wearing underwear but even so it was a struggle to get the monster out of his pants.

He pushed down on my neck forcing me to bend over, took aim and pushed. Going very slowly, but without stopping, he slid the gargantuan ten-inch monster all the way in. Then he grabbed my waist and pulled me against him, forcing every last smidgen into me.

"Ohhhh, fu-u-u-u-ck" he groaned. "So-o-o good." I started to raise up, but he put a hand on my shoulder and held me bent over.

Pulling back almost all the way out leaving a void in my rectum, he slowly pushed back in again.

I was the one who groaned now. "Ohhh, fu-u-u-u-ck."

He'd been hard from the time he entered the office a half hour ago, so I figured he was far gone. Now, he started to fuck. Long slow insertions going all the way to the root, and then slow withdrawals. I'd never felt anything so good in my life, no pain at all, just sheer pleasure.

He went on for a while with those slow easy thrusts, maybe ten minutes before he started to speed up.

"So hot, so hot" he murmured as he grabbed my hips and started banging into me. "Oh, oh, oh" he groaned with each lunge as he carried on hot and heavy. I was making meaningless noises as well as he banged into me.

Even Bob, with total control, couldn't hold out forever, so with one final thrust he started shooting. It was wonderful. Just the sounds of pleasure coming from him increased my own experience, knowing that I could give this demigod so much satisfaction. In the excitement of the moment, I was sure this was the best sex I had ever had in my life. I considered myself a top and I didn't even like getting fucked, but getting fucked by Buffalo Bob was absolutely thrilling, sheer elation.

"I have to go honey" he said as he zipped up and pulled me around to face him, "but I'll be by tonight." He gave me a good hard kiss and headed out.

That's when I noticed that the office door was open. Luckily my office is near the end of the hall so there's not much traffic, but no telling how many people had come by in the past hour or so.

I'll be by tonight, he said.

to be continued

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkid stories'

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Next: Chapter 11

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