
Published on Aug 16, 1997



===== BUDDYS =====

Greg and I were riding along doing nothing and going nowhere in particular. We are both nineteen; in fact, we were born on the same day. We have been friends all our lives - we've often, half-seriously and half jokingly, said that our friendship started in the nursery of the small town hospital where we were born. Greg is tall, six-foot-three, with a lithe build; I'm five-foot-ten and more compact. He is dark complected with brown hair and eyes while I am fair-complected with blond hair and blue eyes. Neither of us is movie- star handsome, but we've got decent enough faces. Girls at the high school where we had gone had told us that we were "cute" which, translated, meant that they liked our looks

As long as I'm making comparisons, I'll go a little further. I can do that because we were in the same gym class. In the crotch department, Greg's cock, soft, is about four inches long and kind of slender. His balls are the size of small chicken eggs, and hung fairly low in their sac. Of course every kid in town had been circumcised; that's standard procedure in the little hospital here.

My cock, soft, is usually about three inches long and sort of stubby. Hard, it stretched out to seven and a quarter inches. (Yeah, I've measured it.) And it's as big around an my fist. That is, my fingers don't quite touch when I wrap them around it. My balls are like giant almonds - unsalted.

If we had lived anywhere other than that small town things might have gone differently. Boy-boy sex was rarely talked about and certainly not condoned. We lived across the street from each other, so there was no reason for one of us to stay overnight at the other's house. In other words, we'd never found ourselves in a situation where we might have played with each other's cock and jacked off together or found out that two males could have good sex together. Instead, because that was the way things were done, we double-dated with girls from time to time. Funny it didn't dawn on us to screw them!

One evening we had driven the fifty miles to Center City, a much larger town, and, as I said, were cruising along, doing nothing. We drove through the main part of town. Then we were on a road that led to "Motel Row". Suddenly Greg said, "Hey, look there!" He then pointed to a smaller building between two of the motels. "There's a palm reader. Why don't we go get our fortunes told?"

"Ah, that's a bunch of crap," I scoffed. Greg agreed with that, but he said that he thought it would be fun to see what a palm reader would say. He made a U-turn and we headed back.

The palm reader was an over-weight woman in her sixties. She wore a ton of makeup and was wearing a long robe. She took Greg into another room. I looked at a magazine until Greg came out. Then I went in. She took my hand, turned it over, and launched into a spiel: "This line tells me that ... ah, this has already happened!"

"What's already happened?" I asked.

"You have already met a dark, handsome young man," she said.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I demanded.

She looked straight into my eyes. Then she smiled. "Don't be afraid of it, young man. Accept love. Don't fight it. Open your heart and let it enter your life."

Soon we were in the car and driving back through town. "What did she tell you?" Greg asked.

"What did she tell you?" I shot back, still grappling with what she had told me.

"It was crap," he answered. "She said, "The love of your life is near, just waiting to be touched. Geez!"

I glanced over at him. His profile was silhouetted by the hotel's neon lights that lined the street. I studied Greg's face carefully. Actually, I realized - though I had seen him almost every day of my life - I was seeing him for the.first time. Really seeing him. And the palm reader had been right; he was a tall, dark, handsome young man.

"Well, what did she tell you?"

Still looking at him, I thought, "But we're both guys!" Then I remembered what his cock looked like, about four inches long and sort of slender, with the circumcised head a little darker than the rest. I also remembered his balls. And I guess that something was already beginning to happen because my own cock stirred a little.

"Come on, Paul," Greg insisted. "What did she say?"

"She said.." Man! There was no way that I could tell him. But I wondered what it would be like to touch his cock, to see it hard. My own cock stiffened more, swelling and stretching down my leg.

"Well," Greg said with a sort of laugh in his voice, "you're the only one near me most of the time, so does that mean you're the love of my life waiting to be touched?"

It came out before I could stop it. "Yeah, I am!"

Greg slammed on the brakes, stopping right in the middle of the street. He stared at me, then said softly, "Hey man, what are you talking about?" He sounded a little scared. I guess that things were already beginning to happen to him, too.

I didn't know what to say, so I said the first thing that came to my mind. It seemed like it had been there all the time, just waiting to be said. "I want to suck your cock, Greg."

Then I told Greg what the Palm reader had told to me. "When you told me what she had told you, well, it all sort of came together."

"But ... geeze, Paul, we're both guys!"

"Yeah, we are, but..."

We were on the highway again, heading for home. I moved over a little closer to Greg. When I put my hand on his leg, I liked the feel of it. When he didn't say or do anything, I moved it up higher and my heart beat faster. My hand reached his crotch; I felt the bulge there. Then his cock started swelling and stretching out. Before long I could tell that it was snaked out of his shorts, a tube of hard meat with my fingers curled around it. I rubbed it gently.

His voice sounded week. "Would you ... would you really put that in your mouth?"

I tried to imagine what it would feel like to do that - to take his cock into my mouth. "Yeah," I finally answered. Then I moved my hand up and reached for his zipper but I couldn't get it down.

"Steer a minute," Greg said, "and I'll take care of that." I took hold of the steering wheel. Easing up off the accelerator, Greg pushed his buttocks up off the seat, opened his fly, and pulled his pants and shorts down a ways. Lowering his butt, he took the wheel again. When I reached for the cock that was sticking straight up now, one of my questions was answered.

It was at least eight inches long, the shaft a little more slender than mine but still a nice handful. My fingertips, encircling it, barely touched. I stroked it a little, the way I had always stroked my own during jack-off sessions.Yeah! I liked that, I liked his cock. I moved my fingers up and felt the head. It was sort of rubbery-feeling, tapered, the flange around it slightly rough to touch. I moved my hand back down, my fingers still around the shaft. My own cock was sticky at the tip and almost breaking through my pants.

"Don't do that too much or I'll shoot," Greg said.

I quit stroking, but I kept his cook in my hand. I wanted to lean over and take it into my mouth.

His voice still soft and maybe a little scared- sounding, Greg said, "Why don't you ... why don't you pull your dick out?"

I let go of his cock long enough to open my pants and get them and my shorts pulled down to my knees. As I reached for Greg's cock again, he took one hand from the wheel. A moment later he had his fingers wrapped around my thick, seven-inch-plus whang. He stroked it a little, then stopped. We drove along through the night, our pants and shorts down and each with his fingers wrapped around the other's hard cock, slowly jerking them now and then, but not too much.

"What are we going to do?" Greg finally asked.

"When we get back to town," I answered, "we can go down to the river and I'll suck you off."

"No," he said, "not there ... I want to suck your cock while you're sucking mine."

"You do?"

"Yeah," he answered. A moment later he said, "Maybe that palm reader was right. Maybe we've been in love all along and didn't know it."

Since Greg and I both lived with our parents, neither of us could take the other home and into his bed. "What are we going to do?" Greg fretted as we reached the outskirts of town. "We've got to do it tonight, Paul. Now that I know we're going to do it, I can't wait."

The river was out. That was a place where straight couples went to neck and no doubt some of our old high school chums would have spotted us there and given us all kinds of hell. "Remember that old barn out past the Harrisons?" I asked.

"Yeah," Greg enthused "We can do it out there!" He then pressed his foot on the accelerator and we sped down the highway.

About four miles out past the 18st ranch, we spotted the old barn. It was quite a ways off the road, at the end of a drive covered with weeds. The barn was silhouetted against an inky moonlit sky. Greg squeezed mycock as we ground to a stop in front of the bar. "Our love shack," he teased. "Let's go!"

We pulled our pants up, slid out of the car, and went inside the barn. It smelled stale and moldy but that didn't bother us. Soon we both started undressing. in a matter of moments we were naked and on a bale of straw. We seemed naturally drawn together, our bodies pressed full length against each other, our arms entwined. Our mouths met. Then our tongues went to work and we started running our hands over each other's body. It was as if a floodgate had been opened; we couldn't get enough of each other. Our hard cocks were rubbing together, too, smearing sticky precum all over our bellies. Then Greg pulled his mouth away from mine. "Now, Paul! Now! Man, I'm so fucking hot I'm ready to bust my nuts!"

When he turned around, his dick hit me on the cheek and I felt his warm breath, then his mouth, on my cockhead. I slid a hand up and took hold of his cock at the base. Then, as he lowered his lips over my cock, I took his meat into my mouth. "Oh, yes," I said to myself. "Oh, yesl " I took as much of his cock as I could and he took as much of mine as he could. Then we started sucking.

Nature seemed to be taking its course. At the same moment, we each slid our hands up between the other's legs to take hold of each other's balls as we continued to suck lustily on each other's rod. Without ever having done it before, we seemed to know just what to do to give and get the maximum amount of pleasure. But there was one problem.

We were both so hot that it didn't take long before we started sucking faster, breathing harder. Then we both started humping, driving our hard cocks into the other's mouth, sucking and fucking at the same time. Then, at exactly the same moment, we both thrust our cocks forward, deep into the other's mouth, and started firing off our loads of hot, thick cum. We both came and came, gulping down the other's thick juices. Then, when it was over, we lay there with our cocks going soft in each other's mouth.

Greg pulled away f irst, sliding his soft prong out of my mouth as he let mine slide out of his. Then he rolled over onto his back. "Wow!" he said. "Man, we should have started doing that a long time ago."

I reached out for his soft cock, took it into my hand, and squeezed it. "We'll just have to make up for lost time," I answered, never having felt happier in my entire life.

Greg worked in his father's grocery store; I worked in my dad's hardware store. In the middle of the next morning the phone rang and it was Greg. "Can you manage to take a long lunch hour?" he asked.

"Well, I guess so. Why?"

"Man," he answered, "I've had a hard-on all morning. I can't wait until this evening to get some relief!"

Nothing could have held me back, but I didn't have to worry. My dad let me go without an argument. After Greg picked me up, we headed for the barn - or, as he had called it the night before, our "love shack." As we drove along the highway, I immediately noticed that he was sporting a hard-on. It was damned near bursting through the material of his pants. And within thirty seconds, I had one too.

"You know," Greg remarked on the way out of town, "every time I think about how many times I jacked off when we could have been doing this .... Man, what a waste!"

We reached the barn and went in. I sat down on a bale of hay. "I want to watch you undress," I said. "I've seen you naked hundreds of times, but I've never really seen you."

"I know what you mean," he said as he started undressing. Shoes and socks came off, then his shirt. His chest was nice and firm, with a sprinkling of dark hair on it. His nipples were like two little headlights on his flat, sculpted pecs. His waist was narrow, his stomach firm, with sort of washboard-like muscles.

He truly had a nice body. His shirt tossed aside, Greg pulled his pants and shorts down at the same time and stepped out of them. "Yeah!" I cheered, looking at that strong, lithe body - all six-foot-three of him - with that stiff, eight-inch cock sticking out from his groin. "Yeah, I can go for that!"

"It's my turn to watch," he countered. Then, as I got to my feet, he plopped down on the bale of hay. I undressed sort of slowly while he watched my every movement. Before long I was standing there naked, letting him survey my smaller, more compact body and my cock. Though it was a little shorter than Greg's, it was thicker, and every bit as stiff! "Yeah, I can go for that, too!" He let go a long, low whistle.

As if drawn by a magnet, we wrapped ourselves in each other's arms. Greg reached down between us and pulled our cocks up so that they were pressed together between our bellies. His mouth met mine. Then, as his tongue slid into my mouth, we ground our cocks together. "Hmmmmmm!" Greg murmured, and I felt his hands on my ass.

Strumming his fingers over my buttocks, Greg began squeezing my buns as if he were kneading two large mounds of bread dough. That pressed our cocks closer together, and I guess it started something else. A moment later I felt his fingertips in my asscrack. Then one finger crept into my hole and teased it. And it was then that I knew - or sensed - that Greg was going to want to ram his big cock up my ass. To fuck me.

Suddenly his fingertip penetrated my bunghole, the first knuckle sinking into me. It hurt like hell and I could only imagine what a stiff cock would feel like. But still ... I had really liked sucking his cock the night before - our cumming together that way - and I had looked forward to doing it again on the way out from town. But the thought of his cock up inside me, in my ass ... I didn't know why, but I know that ... Yeah! I wanted his cock up my ass; I wanted to have him fuck me!

Pulling my mouth away from his, I looked into Greg's big, brown eyes. "Do you want to fuck me this time?"

He looked startled. "What ... What do you mean?"

"You know. Do you want to shove your cock up my ass?"

He gasped. "I never thought about that!"

I laughed. " Maybe you didn't, but your finger did! Besides, I want you to do it."

When Greg looked deep into my eyes, he seemed to sense something, too; for him to fuck me would have some special meaning. "Would you?" he asked. "Would you really let me fuck you in the ass?"

"Yeah," I answered. "I'd let you because I love you."

I lay on my belly on the bed of straw where we had sucked each other off the night before. Straddling me, Greg took his long, stiff cock into his hand, then stuffed the head between my buns. He prodded around down there a little. But it was obvious that his cock wasn't going to pop in without a struggle. "You're sure you want me to do this, Paul?," he half- whispered.

"Yeah," I answered. "And I want you to cum in me."

Finally the tip of his cock broke through. There was a searing pain in the hollow of my rump. But I gritted my teeth and cried out, "Do it, Greg! Shove it in all the way!"

He hesitated a moment, then gave a mighty thrust. His cockhead broke clear through my pucker and his shaft buried so deep inside me that his balls fell between my legs, banging against mine. The pain was god-awful, but I didn't complain because I didn't want him to stop.

All of a sudden, as if he had been doing it all his life, Greg started fucking me like crazy. In and out of my ass his plunger went, his balls banging against mine and his belly pounding my buns.As I felt that hot meat massaging my innards, the pain lessened and finally disappeared - replaced by a really satisfying feeling.

I loved the sensation of his strong body over mine and of his hard cock driving into me, pulling out until just the headwas there,then shoving in again. "Oh, yes, Greg, fuck me! Give me that hot meat of yours!" I groaned ecstatically.

At first he fucked me with long, even strokes, filling me full of eight inches of sizzling flesh each time. But before long he started to speed up, using his cock like a jackhammer and pounding it in and out of me. Then, when he gave a final mighty thrust - driving it all the way in - and left it there, I felt it get steelhard. A moment later, crying out, he started shooting off. And in turn, lots of hot, creamy cum started to spew out of my cock, splattering all over my belly.

After Greg stopped cumming, his body melted over mine and his cock started going soft in my ass. Slowly, his breathing retumed to normal. "Man!" he finally said. "That was one hell of a cum."

We lay there like that for several minutes. Then Greg slowly raised up and, pulling his soft dick out of my ass, rolled away. My ass felt a little sore. But I was very happy to have had his cock in it ... and to have received his hot load of lovejuices!

===== THE END =====

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