Buddy Sleeve Trio

By Jack Santoro

Published on Apr 16, 2011


Buddy Sleeve Trio, Part 3 By Jack Santoro Jackinnm1@yahoo.com

That week, I discussed the possibilities with Mike. We both felt that we had to think up something different, a new twist, or Eric might become bored with the buddy sleeve.

"We can still use electro," I suggested to Mike. "That power box is versatile, and we can use different settings."

"Oh, I know we can," Mike said. "Last time we used the tingle setting. I know Eric hasn't yet felt the pulse setting. That should send him over the top." I knew what Mike meant. The pulse setting was a timed series of pulses that produced a "thump-thump-thump" sensation in my prick, and that would bring on orgasm no matter how hard I tried to remain relaxed. As Eric had enjoyed the tingle setting, the pulses should give him an irresistible thrill. Just thinking about it gave me a stirring in my prick, and I realized that it would be difficult to resist getting myself off before Saturday. We all realized that if we held off coming for a week, we'd have more sperm to discharge on Saturday, and therefore more intense orgasms.

The following evening Eric phoned to ask us if he could bring a friend along on Saturday. His friend, Barry, was also curious about docking, but had never found anyone with whom he could dock. We assured him that we'd enjoy meeting Barry, and seeing what we could do for him.

"Eric's probably going to get a lot of kicks from watching Barry get off," Mike commented afterward. As for us, I knew we always liked to get a new man into our little circle.

"We just have to be sure we've got enough Astroglide on hand," I told Mike. "Damned shame to run out of lubricant on Saturday." Mike laughed, and promised to buy a new bottle the following day.

Saturday morning Eric showed up at nine, with his friend Barry in tow. Barry was dark-haired, as I was, and his eyes were also brown. He stood a little bit shorter than Mike and me, but had a somewhat stocky build.

After the introductions, we sat around the kitchen table drinking coffee, to ensure we'd have full bladders to heighten our sensations. Barry was very curious about our buddy sleeve and electro-play, as he'd not had any experience with them before.

"They're good ways to get more sensations," I said by way of explanation. "The sensations are different and more intense than just stroking your prick or getting a blow job."

"It's very different, Barry," Eric agreed. "If you want, you can just lie back and enjoy the sensations. You don't have to do anything."

"You've never played with electro, have you?" Mike asked. He was concerned, as I was, that Barry might be one of the few people who did not enjoy the sensations, or who had an unreasoning fear of electricity.

"No, never have," Barry told us. "Eric told me it's terrific having the electricity going through both your cocks when you're head to head inside the sleeve." I was glad to hear this slant on it, as it showed that Barry had a positive outlook.

Now Mike stood and led the way into the bedroom, where we stripped down. Mike and I had our eyes on Barry as he dropped his shorts. The first thing I noticed was that he was circumcised, like Mike and me, and that he had a large purple plum shaped glans. Barry, after a quick look at us, was looking at Eric's crotch, and this told me that he was as attracted to foreskin as we were.

"Barry, how about you teaming up with Mike for the first round?" I asked. "Then, after you finish, you can watch Eric and me." Barry nodded assent, and Mike guided him onto the bed, where they lay down facing each other. Eric was fondling Barry's prick, giving it the familiar glans squeeze to get him hard. Barry was rolling the nipple of Eric's foreskin nipple between thumb and forefinger. Mike, anticipating what was going to happen, was already getting hard without help.

"Eric, could you lube their pricks, please," I said as I grasped his hand and squirted a spoonful of Astroglide into it. Eric wrapped his fingers around Mike's prick first, coating it from base to glans with the slippery conductive lubricant. Then he coated Barry's prick, which we saw was about six inches long when hard, and had a jagged scar ring behind the corona. His tip was fully swollen now, and I saw that he had a long slit, but it didn't pout. My guess was that he'd never experienced a hot jet down his tube, especially as he'd never docked with anyone.

I wrapped a blue band around the base of Mike's prick and then around Barry's, and connected the wires to the power box. Finally, I squirted some Astroglide into the buddy sleeve and held it between them. Mike eased his body forward, inserting his prick into the sleeve, and Eric nudged Barry to do the same. I began a slow back-and-forth stroking.

"That's what the buddy sleeve feels like," I told Barry. "Just stay pressed head-to-head with Mike and let me do the work. Get used to the sensations and then I'll turn on the power box." Eric was now cupping Barry's scrotum with his fingers.

"This feels terrific," exclaimed Barry. "Those little studs inside the tube are really hot for me." Through the clear plastic I saw the rows of studs running up and over his glans, visibly compressing it where they pressed.

"Okay, just stay with me, Barry," Mike told him. "We might even come together." I motioned for Eric to take over the stroking and I turned to the power box.

Okay, Barry, I'm going to turn on the box. You won't feel anything at first because I'm going to turn up the power gradually," I announced. "Just let me know when you feel something." I twisted the power knob very slowly, not wanting to shock Barry by a sudden surge. The pulses were flowing from the base of Mike's prick, through their tips, and down Barry's shaft to the blue band at the base.

"I feel something," Barry announced.

"How is it? Eric asked him.

"Funny," he answered "Funny but nice, very nice." I turned up the power slightly.

"Ooooooh," Barry moaned. "That feels strange, so strange, but really nice." All this time Eric's hand kept stroking the sleeve back and forth along their pricks, providing constant stimulation. At some point, Mike had grasped my prick and was gently squeezing it, keeping me hard.

"It feels like a big hand is grabbing my prick and squeezing it with every jolt," Barry said. "It's a really hot feeling."

"You haven't come for a week, Barry?" Eric asked. He must have told him of our agreement to avoid draining ourselves during the week.

"No, not at all. It was hard, but I figured I wanted a really strong come today." Barry understood the mechanism, and this assured me that when he unloaded, he'd gush copiously. I turned the power up a bit more.

"That is really nice," Mike told me. "That pulsing feeling is very hot. I think I'll be coming soon. I saw that his scrotum was already tight against his body, a sign that he was indeed close to climax. I glanced down at Eric's crotch and saw that his prick was hard. The vicarious sensations he was feeling had aroused him fully, and he'd surely come before I did when it was our turn inside the sleeve.

Now I increased the power again, knowing that the "thump-thump-thump" sensation in their pricks would push them closer to the magic moment. Eric was looking down at their encased pricks as he stroked the sleeve and I heard him say:

"Both their tips are getting darker purple. They're close." I turned the power up a little more, and heard both Barry and Mike start grunting as the powerful sensations gripped them.

"HUNH-HUNH-HUNH" they grunted, almost in unison as their excitement mounted. I felt the tension in their bodies although I wasn't touching them at all. Barry's hips were moving slightly, compressing his glans against Mike's helmet. I saw Mike's eyes begin to close as his awareness of the outside world dimmed.

"They're both rock-hard," Eric said. "Mike's rim is really swollen."

I looked down and saw that Mike's big corona was indeed swollen, and straining against the rows of studs that were riding relentlessly over it. Barry also was looking down at the clear plastic sleeve that encased his and Mike's pricks. He probably didn't close his eyes during climax. His mouth was wide open, and suddenly I heard him:

"AH-AH-AH" he yelped as the first spasm of his climax gripped him. His hips bucked, driving his glans hard against Mike's helmet, and a second later Mike cried out as he tumbled into the free-fall of orgasm. I saw Eric's fist speed up as he pumped hard to intensify their sensations, and both bodies shuddered as another hot wave washed over them. The sleeve quickly filled with cream, which leaked out at both ends to fall onto the towel underneath, and I smelled the odor of Clorox from their sperm.

They yelped again as another hot spasm coursed through their bodies, and I knew that Barry, especially, was enjoying the new sensation of Mike's hot glans throbbing against his and coating it with cream. Eric was staring avidly at the scene below him, and I saw a drop of clear lubricant drip from the end of his foreskin pucker. I guessed that, if I reached over and gave Eric's foreskin a few quick strokes, he'd be helplessly blasting his cream onto the bed. It was beautiful to imagine, as it was beautiful to watch Mike and Barry unloading. At that moment, I felt a drop of natural lube begin to crawl up my urethra.

Now Barry and Mike weren't as loud and their shudders had calmed. I knew their orgasms were fading their jets turning into seeping, both their pricks awash in hot cream and lubricant inside the sleeve. I was intensely curious regarding how it had felt to Barry as I turned off the power box. Eric had stopped stroking, and we waited for them to revive.

I reached for Eric's foreskin and gave it a couple of tweaks as we waited. I felt his fingers close around me balls, cupping them. Barry and Mike's pricks shrunk and gradullay slipped out of the sleeve, allowing most of the fluid to spill onto the towel.

Barry was the first to speak:

"Oh, that was good, really good. Between the sleeve sliding along my cock and the jolts from the electro, that really sucked the come out of me."

"I enjoyed that, and feeling your tip throbbing against mine when you came," Mike added.

"And the feel of your hot come shooting against my tip," Barry appended.

"Did any of my cream shoot down your hole?" Mike asked Barry.

"No, not that I could tell. Why?"

"When Jack and I go head to head, my cream shoots down his hole because our holes are right in front of each other and his is wide open when he gets hard, like now," Mike explained. Barry looked at my prick and said:

"Oh, yes, I see. His hole really pouts now that he's hard. The rest of us just have slits."

"You could feel the same sensation" I told Barry. "We've got this baby syringe and we fill it with hot water and shoot it down your tube when you're ready to come. Ask Mike how it feels."

"Really good," Mike told him without being prompted.

"It's our turn now," I told Eric. "Want to slide in on their lube and their cream?" He nodded assent. Mike and Barry slipped their blue bands off and placed them around the base of my shaft and Eric's. Barry held the sleeve between us and Eric and I faced each other an slipped our pricks into it, meeting in the center. Eric's foreskin slipped back and his glans felt warm and slippery against mine because he'd been dribbling natural lubricant all this time. I smelled the delicious aroma of the natural male. Barry began sliding the sleeve back and forth on our pricks.

"Ready for the electro?" Mike asked. Both Eric and I nodded and he turned on the power, adjusting the power level until it was at 35 percent and we could just feel the pulses.

"Can he go a little higher?," I asked Eric, and he nodded. I felt the strength of the pulses increase. Now we were getting double sensations, the rows of studs riding over our prick heads and the hot pulses coursing through us. Each pulse felt like a giant hand giving my shaft a sudden squeeze.

"I'm so worked up I'm not going to last," Eric warned me. I'd expected this, as he had been dribbling with excitement for a while now, and his scrotum was tightening.

"That's okay, Eric," I reassured him. "Just let yourself go and enjoy the ride. Come when you're ready and I'll enjoy feeling your hot cream splashing against my tip." As I spoke I felt Mike increasing the power level, and the squeezing sensations became stronger. I also felt a tightening in my scrotum as the rows of studs continued to snap over my flaring corona.

Barry had increased his pace slightly and now Eric was breathing heavily. I knew his prick was more sensitive than mine and that he'd be launched into orgasm very soon. Looking down at the sleeve encasing our pricks, I saw that his glans was dark red. Inside the sleeve, I felt that his glans had lost its sponginess and firmed up, ready for orgasm.

"Hah-hah-hah" Eric began grunting, and I found his excitement catching. My prick seemed to be getting more congested with each electric squeeze, and I knew that I would not be far behind Eric when his dam burst. His hands reached for mine and gripped me hard so that I could feel the tension in his body. I saw his eyes close as his grunts got louder, and then Barry began stroking us a lot faster. Apparently he was eager to see us coming, and I didn't blame him, for I'd gotten a vicarious thrill from watching him and Mike blast off.

I heard Eric cry out loudly, helplessly, as I felt his strawberry glans throb against my helmet inside the sleeve. A large gush of hot fluid poured from his slit to envelop my glans, filling it with sensation, and I felt a warning throb deep inside me as a drop of my natural lubricant began to crawl up my urethra. Now Eric's prick throbbed again and another gush of hot cream poured over my glans. His loud grunts filled the air and I felt the tension in his body as his hands gripped mine hard. He threw his head back and unleashed another hot blast of fluid against my waiting prick, tumbling in the free-fall of his orgasm.

I felt another drop of lubricant crawling up my tube as my prick became harder, my flaring corona expanding, and I knew I was only seconds behind Eric. Between the studded sleeve, the squeeze of the electric pulses, and the hot liquid washing over my glans, I'd be hurtling over the edge any second.

Eric grunted again as he drowned my helmet with another hot gush. The next one was weaker, and I knew his orgasm had passed its peak. However. The tension built up in my body and now my eyes closed involuntarily as my awareness of the world outside my prick faded. My entire consciousness was centered in my straining prick, and when the next of Eric's jets splashed against the front dome of my helmet, I felt the heavy pounding begin deep inside me.

I grunted loudly as the first hot jet seared its way up my urethra, splashing against Eric's throbbing strawberry glans. Now I became lost in sensation as the thrills of friction, ejaculation, and electro pounded my prick. In the height of the sweet torture of my orgasm, I was dimly aware that Eric's prick had stopped throbbing. The electric pulses stopped, and I felt Eric's prick pull away from me, out of the sleeve, as it had become super-sensitive after orgasm, and further friction would only cause distress.

Now, with only my prick in the sleeve, Barry was able to double the length of his strokes, and I felt the sleeve slide down to the base of my prick, and then reverse to slide over my helmet almost all the way, and then back down to the base. I shot another jet, weaker this time, and then another as my body strained in orgasm.

Now I was only seeping, feeling the fading contractions in my cock-root, and the slow flow of the residual sperm crawling up my tube. A great sense of lassitude descended over me as I sank into a daze. Eric and I lay there inert, torpid, for a couple of minutes. I gradually awoke to hear the shower running. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Eric and I were alone in the room.

"I think Mike and Barry are in the shower," I told him. "We've got a big shower stall, big enough for three, but it gets a bit crowded with four. We'll get our turn when they're finished." I sat up and started rolling up the towel. Eric got off the bed and stood up. Then we heard the shower stop and I led the way into the bathroom, taking the towel and the buddy sleeve with me. Mike and Barry were drying themselves when we entered.

"I really had to pee," Mike informed me. "Barry had to go too." Eric and I stepped into the shower, Eric peeling his long hood back to bare his now shrunken strawberry glans, and I turned on the water. Flowing from the two shower heads, the water enveloped us in hot streams, that stimulated our sphincters the moment it flowed down our pricks.

Eric and I let go at the same moment, our yellow streams mixing in the bottom before flowing down the drain. This flushed the residual sperm from our pricks, and now we felt truly drained. We stayed under the water a couple of minutes, enough to rinse the sweat from our bodies, and for me to rinse out the sleeve.

Barry volunteered to go out to get us pizzas, as his car was the last parked in the driveway. Eric went with him, and when they returned we sat around the kitchen table to eat, washing down the food with Pepsi-Colas.

"Jack and I did pretty well this morning," Eric told us. "I was really hot and came first, but he wasn't far behind me."

"Well, although your prick's more sensitive because you've still got your foreskin, the electro and the feel of your tip shooting against mine sent me over the edge," I explained.

"That feeling of a giant hand squeezing my cock was terrific," Barry said. "I really like the way electro works."

"Would you like to see how electro alone works for you?" Mike asked Barry.

"That would be worth a try," Barry answered him. "Can we do it this afternoon?"

"That's what I had in mind," Mike told him. "We can all try electro by itself. Since our cocks won't be in the tube, we can also see how shooting hot water into our urethras works for us. You've never had that experience, Barry, and I think you'll like it."

After we'd finished we went into the bedroom, where I spread another towel on the bed. Mike motioned to Barry for him to lie down, and when he did so Mike spread Astroglide on his prick, concentrating on the base and the neck. Then he looped a blue band around the base of his still limp shaft. Then he placed a conductive rubber loop in the groove behind Mike's glans.

"Ready for me to turn on the power?" Mike asked him. Eric and I sat on the bed next to Barry, watching it all.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Barry replied. Mike turned on the box and began turning the power level knob slowly. When the power level reached 35 I saw Barry's prick begin to twitch. I went into the bathroom and filled the syringe with hot water and lubricated the end of the nozzle with Astroglide so that it would slide neatly into Barry's meatus when the moment came.

When I returned the power level was at 45 and Barry's prick was hard, bobbing up and down with every pulse. When it bobbed up, the head seemed to expand and became glossy. Mike pushed the power up to 50 and Mike's prick jerked more strongly, the head expanding and softening with each cycle. Eric reached out and held Barry's prick upright, pointing at the ceiling.

"That is so hot," Barry murmured. A drop of natural lubricant appeared, distending his slit slightly. This was good. It would make it easier to insert the nozzle quickly when the moment came. I shifted my position so that I could squeeze Mike's helmet, bringing him to erection. I noticed that Barry was sliding Eric's foreskin up and down, obviously deriving some excitement from this. My prick was half-hard just from watching these hot guys.

Mike increased the power to 55 and Barry's prick jerked harder. He began to moan softly as the sensations reached deep into his body. Another drop of clear fluid appeared at his orifice. Mike's prick was now fully hard from the attention I'd been giving it. He turned the power to 60, and Barry began grunting hard with each pulse. I saw the muscles in his body tense, and I knew that he must be tightening up inside as well.

Mike boosted the power to 65, and I heard Barry grunt more loudly:

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" He was staring at the ceiling, not at his prick, and I knew he was withdrawing into himself, dominated by the powerful erotic pulses coursing through his straining prick. Mike twisted the power knob incrementally, and Barry cried out loudly:

"HAAAAAAHHHHHH!" I quickly plunged the nozzle half an inch into his urethra and injected a quick squirt of hot water, just as quickly withdrawing the nozzle. A powerful jet of water and sperm shot up from Barry's distended meatus, arcing toward his chest, where it splashed upon landing. Barry cried out again as another hot jet erupted from his straining, throbbing prick. I saw Eric press his finger into Barry's urethra for a second, and then release it. Another long jet shot from his orifice, this time coming straight down to coat his hot purple glans with creamy fluid.

I felt Mike's glans throb between my fingers and knew that Barry's excitement was catching. My own prick was fully erect, as was Eric's. Our full bladders helped keep our erections firm, as always. Another jet gushed from Barry's helmet, but not as forcefully this time. Barry let go another load, and then his prick was just oozing cream, but still twitching from the pulses. I saw Mike cut the power, allowing Barry to rest and recover.

"You're next, Mike," I said to him. Barry's prick was shrinking, and it was easy to strip the electrodes from it. In a minute, Barry rolled to one side and Mike lay down in his place, adjusting the electrodes on his erection. I sat next to the electro-box and turned down the power level before flipping the "ON" switch.

"I'm ready," Mike said as Barry sat up next to him, watching the proceedings avidly. Barry had just had an intense orgasm with electro and now he wanted to watch Mike blast off the same way. I pumped up the power to 35, knowing that Mike would just about feel it, and saw Mike's erection begin twitching with each pulse. Barry reached down to cup Mike's balls, encasing them in his warm fingers.

"Ready for more?" I asked, and when Mike nodded I boosted the power slowly to 45. Mike began groaning with pleasure as his prick bobbed with every pulse. Now I turned the power knob and brought it up to 50. With my other hand I pointed to the syringe and nodded at Eric, who picked it up and went into the bathroom to fill it. Upon his return he grasped Mike's prick by the glans, and when a drop of natural lubricant appeared, he spread it over the sensitive surface.

Boosting the power to 55, I saw Mike's scrotum start to tighten, and when I brought it up to 60, several more drops of lubricant seeped from his slit. Eric spread them over the glans, which was turning darker purple. Mike was now grunting hard, caught up in the rush of sensations, the pulses and the delicious wet friction on his helmet. I ran the power to 65, and saw Eric pick up the syringe with his other hand.

"He's ready to pop," Eric said to me. Mike's eyes were closed, and his hips had started to writhe. Eric's finger circled the wet, slippery corona, and Mike grunted harder.

"His tip's really hard," Eric observed, and then he plunged the nozzle into Mike's slit, squeezing the bulb as he did so and sending a gush of hot water down his urethra. As he quickly withdrew the nozzle, Mike shuddered and emitted a loud wail as a long stream of water and sperm erupted from his throbbing prick to arc high in the air before falling back on his abdomen. Mike cried out again as a second gush poured from his tip, and then a third. Eic had stopped rubbing his glans and now was just holding it to keep Mike's prick upright as it jetted again.

"HAH! HAH! HAH!" went Mike as the frenzy of orgasm tortured his body. His fists were clenched and his lips drawn back from his teeth as another jet ripped from his distended slit. The next gush was much weaker, and Mike's grunts and cries subsided as his orgasm began to fade. I felt a drop of lubricant crawl up my tube as I watched, vicariously experiencing his orgasm. Eric's prick was dripping clear liquid from the end of its foreskin, clear evidence of his arousal.

Turning off the power box, I grasped Eric's hot hard prick, working his foreskin gently up and down in slow strokes so as not to bring on his orgasm prematurely. I felt the hardness of his strawberry shaped glans through the long hood, as we watched Mike sink into the post-orgasmic daze. Mike's erection softened, and Eric began removing the electrodes from his prick. He slipped the blue band down to the base of his shaft, adjusting it so that it was tight. I drew Eric's foreskin all the way down to expose his corona and the deep groove behind it, and slipped the conductive rubber loop into the groove, tightening it so that it would remain in place.

Mike got up and Eric lay down in his place. Mike and Barry went into the bathroom, probably because their bladders were ready to burst, and I heard the shower start.

"They're probably washing the jizz off their bodies," Eric commented. "They sure had a lot of it."

"Can I start now?" I asked, hand poised over the power box. Eric nodded and I turned it on, quickly bringing the power up to 30. Eric's prick had been flat on his abdomen, but now it jerked up an inch.

"More?" I asked, and Eric smiled. I adjusted the power to 35, and then gradually to 40. His glossy red glans glistened in the soft bedroom light, and I grasped it between thumb and forefinger and began massaging it gently because I knew it was very sensitive. I was now holding his prick upright and I felt it jerk between my fingers with every pulse. He was seeping a steady stream of natural lubricant and this ran down his penis, keeping the conductive rubber loop and the blue band wet for good conductivity.

Now I boosted the power to 45 and Eric began to moan softly. His sensitive red glans throbbed between my fingers. Mike and Barry returned from the bathroom to watch the spectacle, and I looked at Mike and then at the syringe. He understood, picked up the syringe, and went to fill it with hot water. I knew there would be no need for additional lubricant on the nozzle because Eric's orifice gaped slightly and was filled with natural clear fluid.

Raising the power to 50, I saw Eric's scrotum contract as Barry cupped it in his fingers. Mike sat next to me with the syringe in his ahdn, ready to give Eric a shot of hot water when the moment came. Eric was moaning more loudly now, and I brought the power to 55. His hips bucked and he grunted hard.

"He'll be coming fast," I warned Mike. "His prick's so sensitive and the electro is really turning him on." I felt Eric's strawberry shaped glans lose its sponginess, hardening between my fingers. "When his tip turns darker red, give it to him."

"Okay," Mike agreed. Eric was now grunting hard:

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" I raised the power to 60 and saw Eric's hips buck. His eyes closed and I turned to look at Mike for a split second. He nodded and held the nozzle poised over Eric's throbbing tip. I turned the power knob to 65, and Mike pushed the nozzle into Eric's distended orifice, simultaneously squeezing the bulb to shoot a stream of hot water down his prick and then quickly removing the nozzle.

"HHAAAAAAHHH!" bellowed Eric as he gushed a long stream of mixed sperm and water. As it splashed over his abdomen, he erupted again, sending a long stream of cream onto this chest. He cried out in sweet agony as the hot sensations ripped through him, sending him into a another spasm that ejected more hot white cream. I felt each hard throb as I continued to finger his hot glans.

The next jet was weaker, and I took my fingers from his tip because I knew it would soon become super-sensitive and I didn't want to cause distress. I cut the power on the unit, and let the remnant of his orgasm continue unaided. He was still grunting, but not as loudly, and now his glans was just seeping white cream. The odor of Clorox filled the air, and his erection started subsiding.

"He sure had an intense one," Mike commented.

"Oh, yes, I felt every throb in my fingers, and he throbbed hard," I agreed. "That shot of hot water made it more intense, and he really drained himself."

"It'll do the same for you," Mike told me. "You know you're next."

"I'm glad it's my turn," I said. "I've been getting so hot watching you guys getting off I'm almost ready to pop. "I really need relief." Now Eric's eyes fluttered open, and I asked him:

"Can you get the electrodes off yourself? I don't want to touch you because I know your prick's super-sensitive." Eric slipped the conductive rubber loop from his glans, and it slid easily because it was heavily lubricated by his discharges. Then he loosened the blue band and slipped it down my erection to the base of my shaft, tightening it enough to constrict the veins, assuring me of a firm erection. Now he placed the rubber loop around my helmet and slipped it down until it snapped into the deep groove behind the flaring rim. Finally, he slipped his long hood forward to cover and protect his shapely strawberry glans.

"Are you ready?" Mike asked me, his finger on the power switch. I nodded, and he turned on the power unti, immediately setting the power level at 40, which he knew I liked. I felt the pulses now, and one-second pulse and a one-second gap. My prick began to jerk with each hot pulse that shot through my prick, and I sighed happily, knowing that my release was only a minute or two away. I saw Barry take the syringe into the bathroom, and I knew that when I was almost there, I'd get a hot shot down my urethra.

Mike raised the power to 45 and I began to moan in anticipation. My prick felt really stiff and congested, and Barry commented:

"Your balls are raising." I felt the contraction, and a moment later his fingers were tenderly cupping my scrotum. Mike turned the power up to 50, and the sensations in my prick grew stronger.

"Your tip's expanding with every pulse," Mike commented. "It seems to get glossy with each pulse." Now Mike used his other hand to raise my prick to vertical, and the sensation in my glans grew to an ache, an intense need for release. My entire shaft tingled with each pulse, and my moans changed to grunts. I grunted with each pulse that hit me, and I knew I was getting close. Mike boosted the power to 60 and the sensation of my prick being squeezed became more intense. A drop of natural lubricant began crawling up my tube.

"Get ready, Barry. You see how his slit's wide open now. That'll make it easy for you to slip the nozzle in. When I ell you, give him a short squirt and take the nozzle out again right away."

"His tip's turning darker now," Barry commented.

"Right," Mike replied. "Grab his tip to steady it and give him the shot when I turn up the power. Getting hit with both at the same time will make him shoot." I was breathing hard, now, grunting loudly, and my eyes began to close. I felt Barry's fingers grasp my engorged glans and then a harder, hotter pulse shot through my prick, making it jerk. It felt like a heavy "THUMP" was squeezing my prick. Now I felt something probing my orifice and then sliding in smoothly, followed by a gush of hot fluid pouring into my urethra.

"HAAAAAHHHHH!" I cried out helplessly as my cock-root contracted, the first spasm sending a torrent of hot sperm shooting up my prick. My prick felt as if were being squeezed again, and I grunted, shooting another gush to erupt from my hot throbbing glans. I cried out again, lost in the free-fall of my orgasm as another hot electric pulse made my prick jerk again and another load of cream poured from my gaping orifice.

The next spurt wasn't as forceful, and I felt the power being turned down. I shot again, sighed deeply, and felt the next load move up my tube and seep from the tip of my glans. I became aware that my prick was still being held upright, and opened my eyes to see Barry's thumb and forefinger holding my glans.

"That was terrific," I said. "Thank you." Barry leaned over to kiss me on the lips, and I felt his finger running up the underside of my prick, milking the residue from my urethra. He then slipped the conductive rubber loop from behind my rim and removed the conductive blue band as my prick subsided. He wiped most of the cream off my abdomen with a corner of the towel.

"Let's hit the shower if you're ready," I heard Eric say. My prick was softening, and I let him help me up and followed him into the shower, where the hot water poured over us. Eric slipped his foreskin back far enough to lodge behind his rim, leaving his glans fully exposed to the hot stream. My prick twitched and my sphincter let go, allowing the thick yellow stream to flush the residue from my tube and pour out of my gaping orifice. A second later Eric's stream began, and we stood there sighing in relief as we drained ourselves completely.

We had no plans for the following Saturday, as both Mike and Eric were going to be out of town. Still, I felt that I would not be sexually inactive next weekend.

Continued in Part 4

Next: Chapter 4

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