Buddy Sleeve Trio

By Jack Santoro

Published on Apr 1, 2011


Buddy Sleeve Trio, Part 1 By Jack Santoro jackinnm1@yahoo.com

My partner, Mike, and I had discovered the joy of using a "buddy sleeve" to simulate docking, and had experimented with several techniques using it. We'd found that the best and most reliable technique was going head to head inside the sleeve and then sliding it over our pricks. We'd included our friend Eric in our play because it was his foreskin that had gotten us interested in docking.

Eric was our age, 27, but unlike us his parents had not had him circumcised. He was well endowed, for his foreskin extended in a half-inch nipple beyond the end of his glans when he was limp. Even erect, his foreskin did not skin back the way many men's do, but bunched up in a thick pucker at the end. His prick was different from ours in other ways too. By contrast with our helmet shaped tips, Eric's glans was shaped like a strawberry, with thick rounded rim, tapering sharply to a blunt point. Unlike our purple ones, his glans was deep glossy red, probably because the protecting foreskin had kept it moist and sensitive all these years.

All three of us measured about six inches, very average, although my shaft and Mike's were somewhat thicker than Eric's. Also, we were all about six feet tall, with average builds. Eric and Mike were blond, with blue eyes, and I was brown/brown. Mike's prick looked like a twin of mine, even down to the circumcision scars, because the same doctor had done us both at birth. My rim flared slightly more than Mike's, and my slit, unlike his, pouted to a teardrop shape with erection. This last feature had led to a very interesting result the last time we'd used the sleeve together. Because our tips were of the same size and shape, our holes were exactly opposite each other, and when Mike came, his first couple of jets shot right down my urethra, giving me a hot thrill that launched my orgasm.

Mike was out of town when Eric and I tried docking with the sleeve, and it was a complete success. Feeling the throbbing of each other's cock heads during climax enhanced the thrill for us, but Eric was eager also to do it with Mike upon his return. Now, a couple of weeks later, Mike was back and Eric had driven over to our house that Saturday morning for a three-way session. Mike and I had prepared for this, spreading a towel on the queen-size bed and placing the sleeve and a squeeze bottle of Astroglide on the bedside table.

When Eric arrived, we first sat at the kitchen table and drank a couple of cups of coffee. We knew that a full bladder enhanced both the erection and the quality of the sensations.

"You two will take the first round," I said. "I'll work the sleeve and after you've both come, you can rest up and do me later." "That sounds good," said Eric. "Maybe you'd like me to use the sleeve on you, especially since both our sperms will be in it?"

"Good idea," I agreed. "Now Mike, while I'm working the sleeve on your both, can you reach over and grab the skin at the base of Eric's prick and keep it tightly back? I want to make sure it doesn't slide forward to cover any part of the head, and that it's stretched tightly back so that all the little studs hit it. That way he'll feel all the sensations." Mike nodded assent.

After we'd finished the coffe, we headed for the bedroom.

Eric was already half-hard and leaking lubricant in anticipation when he stripped down. We sat on the bed facing each other, and I rolled Eric's foreskin nipple between thumb and forefinger while he squeezed our helmets rhythmically to stimulate us to erection. This didn't take long, and soon all three of us were ready.

"Your prick's more sensitive than mine or Mike's," I told Eric, "so let's put the sleeve on him and work him up at least halfway before you go head to head with him. That way, you've got a better chance of coming together." By this time Mike and I were fully hard, and I squirted several drops of Astroglide onto his prick. Eric worked it in evenly from glans to base with his fingers, while I put several drops into the buddy sleeve. Now I slipped it on to Mike's prick and he lay on his side facing Eric. Eric lay down facing him and I got behind Eric, reaching over to stroke the sleeve along Mike's prick. Our eyes were fixed upon the sleeve, because as it was of transparent silicon compound, Mike's hot horny prick was very visible inside it.

The sleeve had rings of rounded studs on its inner surface and we watched avidly as they rode along Mike's shaft and then up and over his rim, both rubbing and compressing the sensitive nerve endings. I was going slowly, about one stroke every three seconds, to give us a clear view of the action, and Mike's beautiful prick was responding. The vein along the right side of his shaft bulged noticeably as his erection grew firmer. Mike reached out to cup Eric's scrotum in his fingers. We were in no hurry, because we all knew that it was as important and pleasurable to enjoy the ride as to cross the finish line.

"This will be good," Mike said. "I haven't come during that last couple of weeks, and I've got a heavy load saved up. I was afraid I'd have a wet dream before today and lose most of it."

"I haven't come in a week either," Eric offered.

"That means I'll have to make sure Mike's really worked up and ready to go before you go into the sleeve," I told him. "The way you are, you just might pop with the first stroke." Now I gave the sleeve a twisting motion as I brought it forward along Mike's prick, and he gasped. We all knew that the sideways stroke was more exciting than straight up-and-down, and I wanted Mike to be close to orgasm when Eric joined him.

"Okay, I see both your balls are drawn up against your bodies," I observed. "You're both close, but I want to get Mike just a bit closer." I continued stroking, still at a slow pace, to build Mike's excitement another increment.

"Jack, Mike's helmet's getting darker," Eric pointed out. "Think it's time?" I saw the same thing through the transparent sleeve and felt a thrill deep inside because watching a guy's prick becoming more aroused was wildly erotic for me. I knew Eric and Mike felt the same way.

"Okay, Mike, now grasp Eric's prick and draw the foreskin back all the way down," I instructed him. We watched the red strawberry shaped glans emerge from confinement and stand out proudly, gleaming wetly, at the end of his shaft. Wet as he was with natural lubricant, Eric didn't need any Astroglide to ease the way. I gave Eric a gentle nudge to let him know to move in, and he thrust forward so that the nose of his glans entered the end of the sleeve.

"A bit more forward," I urged. "You want to get solidly head to head. Eric moved his hips and his red pointed tip touched the blunt nose of Mike's helmet. I heard them both sigh with satisfaction at the intimate contact. I maintained the slow pace of my strokes because we all appreciated that the longer the build-up, the more intense release would be.

All our eyes were on the sleeve, and we watched the rows of rounded studs riding over their pricks. Eric's inner foreskin lining was stretched tightly back and the studs raked them gently as they traveled along his prick. I knew that they were also caressing Eric's gee-string underneath his glans. The studs compressed his corona, applying a gentle pressure to enhance the sensations. Mike's helmet, bulkier than Eric's glans, received more pressure from the sleeve, all to the good because his circumcised prick needed stronger sensations.

"Now you both relax," I said. "Just enjoy the sensations and let me do the work." My body was pressed up against Eric's back as I reached over him to stroke the sleeve over their hard organs, and my hard prick was between us.

"Man I really like to feel his head against mine," Mike whispered. "It's so hot."

"It does the same for me," echoed Eric. "I know that when Mike comes, his hot juice will be coating my tip."

"Yours will be all over mine," Mike told him. " I hope we come together." I saw Mike's helmet darkening even more to a deep purple, and Eric's was darker red than it had been a few seconds ago. I said:

"I think whoever comes first will find that the other comes a second or two after. Feeling that hot juice is really stimulating." Just saying those words and thinking of how it had gone when I'd docked with Mike and then Eric a couple of weeks ago made my prick twitch. Although nobody was stimulating my prick, my erection had remained firm because I was watching their excitement mount. Now I had two hot pricks in front of my eyes, and I knew that both would be gushing their cream in a minute or two.

"I'm gettin' close," Mike muttered through clenched teeth. I continued the slow stroking.

"I'm going to keep the same speed," I announced. "I know that the last seconds before you come are really hot and intense and I want to make it last. When one of you starts creaming, I'll pump you harder." For the last few seconds they'd been breathing harder, and I knew their slits had been dilating as drops of natural lubricant seeped out. Poised just below the peak, both of them thrust their tips hard against each other, their straining pricks aching for release. I saw their eyes close.

It didn't surprise me when Eric let out a loud cry of joyful agony and I felt his prick pulse through the soft plastic as a thick white gush filled the space between their tips. I knew Mike wouldn't be far behind, and I picked up my pace, pumping hard and twisting the sleeve to push him over the edge. Now Mike yelped loudly and added his white cream to the mixture of Eric's sperm and Astroglide. His jaw was clenched and his lips drawn back in a rictus as the shock waves of orgasm wracked his body.

Their straining bodies shuddered as the jets of cream gushed from their hot hard pricks, and I felt the throbs through the soft silicon plastic of the buddy sleeve. Eric wailed, and Mike grunted, as the biological storm swept through them. I knew exactly what they were feeling, and this brought my excitement up another notch. I knew that if I rubbed my prick against Eric's back I'd be jetting my cream within a minute.

I saw a dribble of thick fluid running out of each end of the buddy sleeve as their orgasms tapered off, and knew that they'd drained themselves thoroughly. This made me wonder if either would be up to another round, even later in the day.

Now I felt their bodies relax and their grunts and cries subside as their orgasms faded away. Although I'd stopped stroking, their pricks were still hard inside the plastic sleeve, and I knew it would take about a minute for their erections to die down. After a couple of minutes Eric opened his eyes and said:

"Now it's your turn, Jack. "Just stay the way you are and I'll turn around and put the sleeve on your cock. It's already well lubed with our juices." Eric pulled his prick out of the sleeve and I saw his foreskin roll forward to envelop his glans. He then pulled it from Mike's soft prick as he turned to face me. I felt a sense of warmth as the sleeve engulfed my prick, and then Eric began stroking it along the length of my shaft and glans.

"I'm already pretty hot from helping you guys," I said as the delicious sensations flowed into my prick. "It won't take long."

"We can see that, Jack," Mike said as he propped himself up on one elbow and watched Eric working on me. "Your nuts are coming up close against your body."

"That vein along the right side of your shaft is really bulging," Eric informed me as he continued to stroke me. The rows of studs caressed and compressed my flaring corona as they rode over it, and my excitement continued to mount. I felt the pressure and congestion in my glans as my prick went into its final swelling before the explosion. My eyes closed.

Now the familiar tickle began in my flaring rim as the rows of studs continued to bump over it. The tickle changed to a hot tingle and I felt my cock-root tense up as I started rolling over the peak. The tingle shot down to my cock-root like a hot flash and I felt the sharp contraction as the first jet shot into my tube. The liquid felt fiery as it gushed up my urethra and then it slammed through the pouting lips of my meatus to pour into the buddy sleeve, where it mixed with the sperm and Astroglide. I cried out helplessly as the second hot blast shot up my tube to gush from my throbbing helmet into the sleeve. I was moaning and gasping, overwhelmed by the intensity of my orgasm, totally unaware of the world outside my body, feeling only the hot thrills as my prick gushed again and again.

My contractions soon weakened, and I began to relax as my climax wound down. Soon I was lying inert, totally relaxed, sinking into a daze as my prick shrunk out of the sleeve. I was aware of Eric kissing me tenderly on the lips, and then I opened my eyes. Both of them were smiling down at me. Mike said:

"Well, you weren't head to head, but you sure seemed to blow a big load, Jack." He was right. Although what I'd just experienced was essentially a hand job, my orgasm had been hot and intense, just as shattering as if I'd been in the buddy sleeve with him.

We got up, gathered up the towel to put in the laundry, and took a shower together. Mike and I have a large walk-in shower stall with two heads, and we three fit into it comfortably. The hot water gave us the urge to empty our full bladders, and Mike and I let go, watching the water wash our streams down the drain. The flow of urine flushed the residue of our cream from our urethras.

"Go ahead, Eric," I urged him. "It won't hurt anything." Eric seemed to relax his body, and then I saw a yellow dribble pouring down from the end of his foreskin nipple.

We rinsed the buddy sleeve by running it under the showerhead, and rinsed ourselves off as well. We didn't need to soap up, just rinse off the sweat. Eric skinned back to wash off the sperm and lubricant from underneath and then pushed the hood forward again to protect the precious head.

Despite the coffee we'd had earlier, we felt sleepy, and we returned to bed for a nap, cuddled up together. We slept for about two hours, and then we woke up hungry. Eric volunteered to go out to pick up a pizza, for despite our advanced educations, we had strictly blue-collar tastes.

"You told me about what happened when you and Mike went head to head," Eric said while munching on his last slice. "That didn't happen with us because our holes weren't right opposite each other, but I'd like to see how you and Mike do it together. You should be lined up again, and I can watch it happen when he shoots into your hole." I felt a stirring in my prick as Eric spoke, and I said:

"Yeah, I think we can go another round." I saw Mike nod affirmatively, and I knew the prospect appealed to him too.

"We'll be slower this time because it's the second time around," Eric pointed out. He was right. I'd noticed that the second orgasm in a few hours did not have the same feeling of urgency that we felt when we had not come for at last a day.

"That first time was hot, but we should have intense orgasms this time too, because the build-up would be longer." We all knew that the longer the period of sexual arousal, the more explosive the orgasm. As Eric had undressed before sitting down at the kitchen table, it was easy for me to reach over and tweak his foreskin nipple.

"That feels good," he said. "Let's get started." We went into the bedroom, where Mike spread another towel on the bed to keep any dripping sperm or lubricant from soaking into the blanket. Eric lay down and I grasped his shaft gently while I probed his foreskin with my tongue. I felt his prick begin to swell as I tickled his meatus with my tongue-tip. Mike sat next to us and out of the corner of my eyes I saw Eric begin to squeeze his big purple helmet. I also felt Mike's fingers squeezing mine. Lacking the urgency of the first time, our pricks took a couple of minutes to firm up.

"Let me see how your holes line up," Eric suggested, and broke away from me to look closely at my prick.

"Can you slide over and put your cock right next to Jack's?" he said to Mike. "Just line them up, underside to underside." Mike slid over facing me and now our pricks were parallel between our abdomens. Eric inspected them closely and concluded:

"Your holes seem to be the same distance from the undersides of your cocks. You should be lined up for sure this time too. Having your pee-hole pouting lets him shoot right into your tube, Jeck."

Sensing that we could get started now, Mike picked up the sleeve and the squeeze bottle of Astroglide and began getting us ready. I felt his warm fingers spreading lubricant along my prick while I continued to work on Eric, probing deep inside his foreskin to caress his rim and the deep groove behind it. I tasted the salty flavor of Eric's natural lubricant as it seeped from his orifice, and reflected that there's nothing more attractive than a man's prick when he's fully aroused and eager for climax. Eric's prick was hot and sexy, and the foreskin was a bonus.

"Okay, Jack, we're ready," I heard Mike say, and I saw that he had also lubed his prick and the inside of the sleeve. Now we lay facing each other and eased our lubricated pricks into the sleeve. The warmth of that first head to head contact inside the sleeve thrilled me, and I heard Mike sigh with contentment. Our helmets were now pressed firmly together, and Eric got behind me and reached for the sleeve, beginning a long series of back and forth strokes. He kept himself propped on his left elbow while stroking us with his right.

"I like that warm feeling inside the sleeve, Jack," I heard Mike say. "The pressure of your tip against mine feels really good." I agreed, feeling the same way.

"I think you're pressing against each other just right," Eric said. "The front of your helmets are only slightly compressed." I knew what he meant. Our nerve endings responded to pressure as well as to friction, and if the pressure were too strong it would push the blood out of our helmets, which had to be firm to provide the backing for them. With a soft glans the sensitivity drops.

I reached out to cup Mike's balls to give him extra sensation. I heard him sigh as I gently kneaded his sac. Meanwhile, Eric continued to stroke the sleeve along our hard pricks, and I felt the rows of studs rubbing and compressing my nerve endings, especially in the corona. Eric shifted his grip slightly, pressing several fingertips into the underside of our pricks. The studs rode into my triangular groove and caressed both lobes of my corona and the gee-string between them. My prick twitched in response, and I felt Mike's helmet twitch against mine.

"I'm going slowly so that you enjoy the ride," Eric told us. He seemed to be maintaining a three-second cycle with his strokes, and I felt every sensation, every squeeze.

"We're not in a hurry," Mike told him. "The way you're doing it feels wonderful." Eric was giving us long, full strokes, bringing the sleeve forward until the end was right at my ridge, and then returning until the opposite end was at Mike's corona and the sleeve engulfed my prick to within two inches of the base. I'd once measured my glans and knew it was 1 7/8 inch along the top, and I knew Mike's was the same. With a six-inch sleeve, this allowed about two inches of stroke, and on the backstroke the end came well past my scar ring.

I felt a slight tickle deep inside, and knew that I was releasing natural lubricant. The first drop crawled up my tube, adding to the erotic sensations, and I knew Mike was feeling the same thing because he lubricates more than I do. He was really getting into it, because he leaned in toward me and kissed me on the lips. I caressed his nipples with my other hand because I knew he enjoys that.

"Both your sacs are drawing up tight," Eric observed. "You're making progress. The veins on your shafts are bulging too." Both Mike and I have a prominent vein on the right side of our shafts.

The insistent caress of the sleeve's studs continued, riding over our shafts and helmets, bringing us incrementally toward the final point. I was hoping that Mike would come just before I did, because I fervently wanted to feel his hot jets shooting down my tube again. It was unlikely that I'd be able to launch a jet down his urethra, because his slit remains closed except when dilated by a gush of his sperm. One of the minor differences in our pricks was that my slit pouts with erection, forming a teardrop shape that funnels his jets into my tube.

"I can see your helmets are getting darker now," announced Eric. As he spoke, I felt the pressure building up in my glans as my prick went into its final swelling. I hopes that Mike was slightly further along than I was.

"I'm getting' that tickle," Mike announced, and I felt a pang of joy that he was drawing ahead of me in his excitement.

"I know that you want to blast off first, Mike, so I'll use a little more pressure on your cock," Eric announced. "All you need is a couple of seconds, right?" Mike was not breathing rapidly, with low grunts, so he just nodded in reply. I felt Eric shift his grip slightly, and I guessed he was squeezing slightly more when he was on Mike's prick. Now I felt the familiar tickle in my glans, and hoped Mike would shoot at least one jet before I did.

Mike's breathing became louder, more like grunts, and I knew he was poised on the brink. The sensations continued to build up in my prick, the tickle changing into a hot tingle, and my breathing became faster too. I was right on the edge now, and....

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" I heard Mike grunt just as I felt his helmet throb against mine and a hot rushing stream slam through my meatus and shoot down my urethra. Eric's fist began pumping the sleeve hard against our pricks to intensify our orgasms. I yelped loudly at the sensation and then again as another fiery jet gushed into my tube. My prick exploded in sensation that traveled down my shaft to its root, and the first spasm gripped me. My first gush of hot liquid ejaculate shot up my tube, pushing Mike's sperm ahead of it, and poured against his helmet and into the sleeve.

We were both heavily into it, grunting, groaning, and moaning, shooting our jets joyfully, emptying our tanks in the free-fall of orgasm. Between Mike's helmet throbbing hard against mine, the flow of our hot sperm, and Eric's heavy stroking, the sensations were overwhelming, and tears came to my eyes, as they had during my first orgasm many years ago.

Now the sensations tapered off, as did out spasms, and our spurts became weaker. The frenzy of orgasm turned into the lassitude of the after-shock, and we relaxed completely. Time flowed as we floated in our reveries, until we opened our eyes. I remembered that Eric hadn't yet had his second climax, and I pulled out of the buddy sleeve and turned to him.

"Did he shoot into you this time?" he asked before I could say anything.

"Yes he did, just like last time. It gave me a really hot thrill to feel his cream shooting down my urethra. I wish you could experience it sometime."

"I'm glad you got it, Jack," he said. "It was a real thrill watching you two blowing your loads."

"How would you like it, Eric? Buddy sleeve full of our lube and juices, or oral?" Being intact, this was a meaningful choice for Eric, whom I knew really thrived on oral sex. His prick was still rock-hard, aroused by the sight of our spasms, and I guessed that he'd need very little to push him over the top.

"Oral, I guess," he replied. "You really have a way of working my skin with your tongue." I pushed myself down his body until his six inches were in front of my face. His foreskin covered his strawberry glans fully and formed a little pucker at the end. Grasping his shaft with my left hand, I probed the opening of his foreskin with my tongue. The pucker stretched easily to admit my tongue, and then I tasted the salty flavor of his natural lubricant. In another second I was probing his slit, making him moan in delight as his prick throbbed in response.

Mike sat up and removed the buddy sleeve from his shrinking prick. Our accumulated juices dripped onto the towel, and he wrapped the sleeve up in the towel and put it aside after wiping his prick with it. Mine was still very wet, and he wiped it with some Kleenex. Then he sidled up beside us and cupped Eric's sac, gently stimulating him.

Eric's glans felt glassy smooth to my tongue, and now I probed deeper, caressing his thick corona, working my way all around it until I came to the gee-string underneath. I felt Eric's prick throb again as I strummed this with my tongue for a couple of seconds, and then worked my way up the other side. His prick released several more drops of salty lubricant onto my tongue, and I swallowed them.

I knew that Mike was watching me enviously because he enjoyed sucking on an intact prick even more than I did, but I was there first and wasn't about to give up my place. Now I pulled gently on Eric's foreskin, drawing it back until his glans was uncovered down to the corona. My lips clamped into the groove behind the rim, and I twisted my head to provide the sideways friction we all loved. Eric's prick throbbed again in response to the strong sensations, and I guessed that I'd have his load within a minute.

I pulled back harder on his skin to stretch his frenulum, giving him more sensations to stimulate him, and began to pump up and down on his glans. With each stroke, my lips caressed his gee-string as well as his thick rim, and I twisted my head at the bottom of each stroke. I felt his glans go into its final swelling as I sucked him, the surface losing its sponginess and becoming harder each second. His breathing accelerated and became more gasping as his sensations mounted.

Now I sucked very hard on his strawberry shaped glans as I let my teeth scrape very lightly over his gee-string. Eric's prick throbbed powerfully against my tongue and palate, and I heard him cry out in joyful agony as a heavy jet poured into my mouth. I swallowed hard as another gush filled my mouth, and the aroma of Clorox rose in my nasal canals. I heard Mike exclaim:

"Go, Eric, go!" Another throb filled Eric's glans as it poured its third stream of juice into my mouth. Eric was gasping and wailing and his body shuddered in the frenzy of orgasm as I sucked more sperm from his hot hard prick. I was supremely happy that I was able to give Eric as strong a thrill as he'd given me and Mike.

Eric's cries and his jets grew weaker now, and in a few seconds he was merely oozing salty cream from his slit. I lapped it up eagerly as his prick began to deflate in my mouth, and then I pulled my head back and drew his foreskin forward to protect the strawberry glans.

After a few minutes we showered again, and once more relaxed our sphincters to let the yellow streams flush our urethras. Mike and I watched avidly as Eric skinned back to rinse his glans and foreskin, and then replaced the precious hood over the tip.

We got dressed to go out to dinner. We'd had a full day, and we were hungry. Over ribs at Uncle Mutt's, we discussed the following Saturday. Eric would of course be coming over again, and we thought of several ways to make next Saturday more than a repeat of today. One point of firm agreement was that we'd all avoid having orgasms until we met again, so that our discharges would be as intense as possible.

Continued in Part 2

Next: Chapter 2

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