Bubble Butt Bobby

By Mark Flynn

Published on Feb 20, 2005



Robert Harper pulled into the drive of his large detached house an immense sense of pride filled his chest as he looked around surveying his beautiful property and grounds. At just twenty five Robert was a millionaire ten times over, his success in the city meant that he had just left his lucrative job and was about to set up his own consultancy business.

Stepping into the large vestibule of polished mahogany and oak Robert couldn't help admiring himself in the large full length mirror which was one of the main features of the hall. Rob was relatively pleased with what he saw. Looking much younger than his twenty five years Rob was a slightly built young man five foot eight with thick wavy dark hair, large startling blue eyes and rosebud lips.

Rob was very much a pretty boy though he strove for hours in the gym to develop a more rugged manly physique his body remained defiantly boyish, lean and cute. Sighing Rob twirled around getting the full view of his dark tailored Armani suit, jacket off with crisp white shirt contoured into his firm chest, nipples slightly erect and pressing against the starched cotton.

The only real problem Rob had with his image was his rather large bottom, turning to look at the view Rob could not help sighing again. Despite hand made tailored clothes there was nothing Rob could do to disguise the large firm buttocks pressing tightly against the expensive Italian tailoring of his suit trousers.

Though a successful self made man Rob was still haunted by the memories of teasing and humiliation he suffered in his four years at high school. Even now seven years on Rob still blushed with embarrassment at the thought of the humiliation he endured at the hands of Tony Dimarco and his two best mates Paul Groves and David Riley.

Shuddering Rob tried to wipe his mind free of the images he was remembering, being held down by Paul and Dave while Tony stripped him bollocked naked so he could show everyone in class just how big Rob's arse was. Rob could still hear that mocking voice saying "Come on everyone have a feel it is real, baby big butt here has all his meat on this juicy fat arse thats why he has no dick!" The laughter of the other kids echoed in Rob's mind as he flinched remembering the spanks and pinches his poor bum had received that day before Tony flipped him over onto his sore butt exposing his little hard willie to all and sundry who proceeded to laugh louder and deride his poor little pee pee.

Rob could never understand it but every time he was humiliated and exposed his bloody dick got hard no matter how he tried to stop it. Tony's exploits of course were all enjoyed by the rest of the class who were just happy Tony wasn't picking on them. Poor Rob of course spent the ages of fourteen to eighteen trying to keep out of Tony's way but sadly he wasn't always successful, by the time he left school he reckoned all of the kids girls and boys had seen him naked at some point thanks to Tony and his mates.

As a child Rob had been known as Bobby, Tony and his mates made sure that he was known as baby big butt or baby Bobby.

As apart from having a well developed bottom Rob was otherwise sadly lacking developmentally and went through high school with no sign of puberty and was always significantly smaller than his peers with the exception of his large bum. Bobby suffered with what the doctors called delayed puberty and he went through high school looking like a twelve year old.

On leaving school and going to university Bobby decided Rob or Robert was to be his name of choice in adulthood and he had stuck to that, being known as Rob by his colleagues. At eighteen he had started taking hormone injections to kick start puberty but even now he only had a smattering of body hair and only had to shave once a week. Rob shook himself out of his reverie and proceeded upstairs to change reminding himself that he was a successful man now and not some little kid to be mocked and ridiculed.

After showering Rob changed into his cycling gear and got his aluminium framed mountain bike out of the garage ready for his evening cycle. The cycling had become part of his routine as he attempted various methods to reduce his bum size. Rob enjoyed the cycling but all it had done to his meaty buttocks was to firm them up and accentuate their size in his tight lycra shorts.

Rob sniggered to himself as he remembered last nights cycle ride, going through the wood he came across three teenage boys aged about fifteen or sixteen. Rob yelled at the boys to get out of his way which they did, but the boys then started to shout abuse about the size of his arse saying "Oy fat arse is that all your own or have you got padding down there!" Rob was used to this kind of abuse but he was annoyed and decided this time he would have some fun with his tormentors.

Rob circled back so that he was behind the boys, waiting until the boys got halfway across the stepping stones over the local beck Rob suddenly picked up his speed and cycled straight through the fast running stream drowning all three boys with the becks filthy water. Rob skidded to a halt at the other side of the stream and turned back laughing at the spluttering drenched boys who were cursing him saying "Careful who you call fat arse kiddies remember revenge is sweet!" Rob cycled off laughing ignoring the outraged shouts from the dripping boys.

Rob was still smiling as he cycled through the woods not paying full attention to where he was going his front wheel hit a tree root and Rob was hurtled headfirst over the handlebars of his bike landing bum out into a rather large bramble bush. Initially Rob was dazed and just lay with the top half of his body embedded deep into the bush and his large fleshy buttocks squeezed tightly against his lycra shorts sticking upwards and outwards.

After a few minutes Rob managed to regain his senses and began struggling to free himself of the bushes sharp thorns. It soon became apparent to the slightly befuddled Rob that he was stuck fast the more he tried to free himself the tighter the bushes hold became. The hapless Rob gave up trying to escape and decided his best hope was to shout for assistance and pray that a good samaritan would soon pass by.

Twenty minutes later poor Rob had yelled himself hoarse and was just laid weakly, splayed out on the bush still trapped by the vines and thorns. As he was about to give up hope of rescue Rob heard footsteps and voices heading towards him. Robs relief at being found was short lived when he felt a hard slap to his exposed behind and a voice saying "Well well its seems our fat bottomed friend has come a cropper lads!"

Robs heart sank into his boots as he tried to twist around to see the face of his potential rescuer knowing instinctively from the tone of voice, sniggering and slap to his bum that the voice belonged to one of the boys he had cheerfully drenched the night before. Rob tried to speak but was cut off with a further hard smack to his bum.

" Ow stop that!"

"Sorry mate but you can't expect us to ignore a target as big as your arse especially after your performance last night!"

The voice clearly belonged to the leader of the three boys who continued to spank poor Robs bum as he talked while the other two boys stood by and laughed.

"Ey fat arse remember what you said about revenge being sweet now its our turn. Last night because we went home soaking wet we all got a bloody good hiding and that is exactly whats gonna happen to you!"

Rob started to struggle as he felt his shorts being tugged downwards.

"Stop that immediately leave my shorts alone! I mean it I'll have you all arrested stop now you miserable little sods!"

Robs pleas went ignored as the boys pulled his shorts down and off nipping the fleshy mounds of his bare buttocks laughing in amazement at their size.

"Bloody hell mate I thought for sure you had padding in there I've never seen such a lard arse! God lads this is gonna be great fun look how his bum wobbles when I'm just using me hand imagine what its gonna be like when we start whacking him with that stick!"

"Ow ow stop that your hurting!"

To Robs horror the boys continue to ignore him intent on exacting revenge for their own spankings they proceeded to lay into his meaty white globes with great vigour. All three boys had a turn and Rob was screaming for mercy as his bum was turned a deep hot red. After what seemed like hours to Rob but was in fact only minutes the laughing boys stopped the spanking. Through his pain and embarrassment the now sobbing Rob felt two sets of hands grabbing a buttock each and the twin mounds were separated revealing a pink little pucker. Rob tensed as he felt the cold air waft over his most private place and to the boys delight the little pink pucker began to wink at them.

"Stop please don't do this to me I've got money please don't rape me! I'm sorry I'll never do anything like that again pleeeeease I'm sorrrrrreee!"

Rob was becoming hysterical and the lead boy spanked him hard on his still throbbing buttocks.

"Calm down mate none of us is gonna risk losing our dicks between those two mountains of flesh! All I'm gonna do is leave a nice plant embedded in your bum hole something to remember us by!"

The laughing boy then stuck a large nettle into the gaping chasm as his two friends released the captured buttocks which flew back in place trapping the nettle firmly and causing the helpless millionaire to scream in agony.

The three boys were doubled up in laughter at the site before them the arrogant young banker was writhing around trying desperately to free himself from the brambles shaking his naked and wobbling bottom to try and relieve the sting from the vicious nettle so cruelly inserted between his rounded globes. With one last slap to the naked arse in front of them the boys grabbed Robs shorts and bike and headed off saying what fun it had been but they had to get home for tea.

Realising he was about to be left trapped and half naked with his large red bottom on display Rob began to beg.

"Come on lads don't leave me here I could freeze to death. Please I said I was sorry you have had your fun come on you even have my bike please just get me out of this bush and we'll call it quits!"

The lads who had already set off yelled back "Don't worry mate we'll call the old bill when we get home and tell em there's some perv flashing in the woods they'll be down in a jiffy see ya!

Once again Rob was on his own, now half naked with his red sore bottom exposed for anyone to see. The young banker tried again to feebly escape the confines of the bramble bush, but his body was spent and sore and he soon gave up resigned to waiting for rescue.

After about forty minutes Bobby heard voices coming his way he began to shout and was soon aware of a figure standing close behind him.

A laughing voice ignoring Rob's pleas for release spoke up "Bloody Hell mate get a wriggle on, you have got to see this. This bloke has got the biggest arse I have seen and someone has stuck a nettle in his crack!"

Rob's face already red at his current predicament was now crimson and he did not get a chance to speak before another voice piped up, Rob became rigid and his blood ran cold as he immediately recognised the second voice.

"Well well well, what have we got here then? I'd recognise that round little bum anyway! Baby big butt still flaunting your arse in public I see!"

The two voices were both now laughing and slapping his bum as the hapless Rob wriggled about impaling himself further on the bush whilst spluttering indignantly trying to respond to the voice he recognised as belonging to his arch enemy and nemesis Tony Dimarco. Struggling to get his head around he managed to see that both his potential rescuers were police officers! Dear God Tony Dimarco was a copper!

The unfamiliar voice managed to get his laughter under control " Surely you don't know this big arsed freak do you?"

" Yeah me and little baby big butt go way back! Lard arse here was always a little perv, even at school he used every opportunity to show off this big fleshy bottom!"

Slapping Rob's bottom and laughing he said "Isn't that right baby we could never get you to keep your clothes on!"

Rob was incandescent with rage as all his adolescent humiliations at the hands of this bully came flooding back to him and he once again started thrashing around the bush screaming at his tormentor.

"You bloody liar Dimarco! It was you and your mates, you thought it was sooooo funny to strip me bollock naked and parade me in front of the school I never stripped off voluntarily I'm not a pervert!"

"So how do you explain your current display baby! You can't blame me and my mates for this!"

"Look this is all a misunderstanding I was cycling and came a cropper ending up trapped in this bush. Unfortunately for me some kid's I had upset found me and they thought it would be fun to swipe my shorts and bike! Its simple now just get me out of this bloody bush!"

"Looks to me like they did more than swipe your stuff mate judging by the heat coming off your arse!"

" Yeah ok they gave me a hiding as well! Happy now! Now why don't you and your mate earn the money that tax payers like me pay!"

Rob's anger had clouded his judgement and he allowed his frustration to pour out without thinking about the consequences.

"Tut tut tut! Seems like your forgetting your predicament here baby! PC Michaels and I more than earn our money and are used to dealing with arrogant little perverts like you! Seems to me your a little bit keen to get out of this bush looking forward to a spell in nick are you big butt? I imagine you'll be very popular with the lads in E wing!"

Sighing and biting back his inclination to continue to tell Tony exactly what he thought of him, Rob altered his tone and tried to talk calmly to his enemy.

"Look Tony I'm sorry if I appear to be a bit short I'm not exactly having a fun time here. You know I'm no pervert, please this bush is killing me I will be so grateful if you and your colleague could see your way to helping me out."

"Course we will baby you know I wouldn't leave you like this. Anyway I want to see if that little dick of yours has got any bigger."

Rob held his tongue as he heard Tony and his mate sniggering while cutting him free of the bush, Tony was sharing more stories of Rob's past with his partner.

Rob was crimson and squirming in embarrassment as Tony regaled him with a particular episode that Rob still had nightmares about.

"Yeah big butt here has all his meat on his bum but the smallest dick you have ever seen. God one time in P.E a couple of the lads grabbed Bobby here stark naked from the showers and decided it would be fun to see if baby here was a grower not a shower!"

Nudging the cringing Rob he continued. "You must remember this I bet it was the best orgasm of your life. Anyway they dragged the naked and screaming Bobby into the girls changing rooms where we had quite the audience. Despite his screams big bum here seemed to be having a ball his willy was fully erect at about only an inch long we were all hysterical with laughter. Then I grabbed the little perv here and put him over my knee and began to fuck his cute little boy hole with a cricket stump. Now first off he's screaming pleeease pleease don't after a few strokes though he's begging me me to fuck him, just as I feel he's about ready to cum I stand him up saying cum for me baby and he squirts all over the watching crowd man what a hoot. And you know what he's no grower that little pee pee didn't grow an inch!"

"Oh man I wish I had been there for that!"

At this stage Rob had now been released and he manged to free himself from the bush bright red and hissing at Tony covering his genital area he said "You bastard of course I remember that was one of the worst things you ever did and you did some pretty shitty things!"

Tony and his mate were still laughing at the blushing young man in front of them.

"Come on baby your not still mad about that are you! I know you had fun every time you got naked that little dickette of yours was always hard. And lets face it I bet you have never had an orgasm likethat before or since!"

"Fuck you Dimarco!"

"Now now baby you seem to forget I'm in charge here especially as your bollock naked and about to be arrested for flashing! So you'd better start remembering who the boss is. Now get those hands on your head, Bryan here wants to see that little thing you call a willy! Surely you remember my number one rule no touching your little dickie wouldn't want it to fall off now would we!"

Rob was speechless with anger as his chief tormentor turned to his cackling buddy saying "Yeah one of the rules baby here had to follow at school was no touching that pathetic little dick. I made sure if he wanted the loo one of the girls took him as he could only go sitting down! God once they put him a nappy as they were sick of him in the girls loo that was sooooo funny those ample buns all wrapped up in a big thick nappy!"

As Tony and his mate continued to laugh Rob finally found his voice.

"Tony Dimarco you are an absolute sodding arsehole! You can forget me moving my hands I am not that little kid anymore and I don't take orders from anyone so bollocks to you!"

"Aw baby sorry you feel like that seems I am gonna have to remind you just who is the boss!"

Before Rob could even move Tony had grabbed him pulling his arms behind his back and rapidly handcuffed them. Poor Bobby was now totally exposed and to his complete horror his little willy as predicted was fully hard!

"Well well well looks like your little pee pee hasn't grown much Bobster though it looks like you have e few hairs now! So Bryan what do you think?"

"Oh my God its tiny but your right looks like he's enjoying this!"

Despite the handcuffs Bobby was still furious and threw himself wildly at Tony kicking out and shouting " You fucking bastard Dimarco why do you always have to do this to me just sod off and leave me alone!"

The two coppers were laughing at the sight before them as the half naked young man flung himself at his arch enemy screaming, his face as red as his bottom. Even if his hands had been free Bobby was no match for Tony. Officer Dimarco was a strapping 6ft 5 and 220 pounds of rippling muscle. Tony grabbed the raging bundle in front of him and dragged him kicking and screaming over to a fallen tree stump where he sat himself down pulling Bobby over his lap with his bare bottom slightly raised.

Tony grinned at the sight before him Bobby's pert round bottom still pink from his earlier spanking was placed in the ideal position for further punishment. Tony loved the power he had over him it brought back all the feelings he had at school when he owned Bobby and delighted in finding different ways to humiliate him. Bobby had no idea how attractive he was and what that ample bottom did to Tony,who could feel his cock hardening just by holding the wriggling screaming Bobby. Tony couldn't believe his luck when he saw who was trapped in the bush it was like a dream come true.

Earlier that day Tony and his life partner and former Bobby baiter Paul Groves had just been discussing the return of the prodigal son and multimillionaire Rob Harper to his home town. Paul and Tony had been in love since the age of fourteen and had been living together since they were eighteen. Paul was a physical fitness trainer and like Tony was a big bloke hitting 6ft 4 and 215 pounds. Both men were more than happy with their relationship but felt something was missing. Paul and Tony had a slightly sadistic streak and got off on humiliating others, this need had been catered for at a local club but both men remembered happily their schooldays and their little baby big butt. Though neither man actually had sex with Bobby other than using various implements both had always maintained the fantasy that one day they could some how get Bobby back and own him just as they had at school but this time he would be their full time boytoy/slave/pet.

As Bobby was screaming loudly at been held firmly over his enemies lap, Tony decided now was time to take control again and raised his hand over and over again spanking the firm round buttocks in front of him till they turned from pink to deep dark red. Bobby had started off shouting abuse at his tormentor but this had soon turned to sobs and begging Tony to stop as he was killing him. The spanking continued until Tony felt Bobby go limp over his lap with all the fight gone from him.

Officer Michaels who had been watching the spanking with awe had actually come in his pants like a teenager he couldn't believe it. The sight before him was unbelievable his partner had this hot young stud with the most fantastic bubble butt held firmly over his lap while he proceeded to spank the life out of the ample buttocks, Bryan thought he had died and gone to heaven.The scene was amazingly erotic as the large round mounds of flesh were turned crimson Bryan could almost feel the heat coming of the blazing buttocks and as Bobby kicked his legs his pert bottom wobbled enticingly, God Bryan just wanted to take a big bite out of that arse.

As soon as Tony felt his little buddy go limp he stopped the spanking and began rubbing his back talking all the time. "Come on now baby calm down you know you deserved that Daddy Tony is here now and you need to remember the rules, I am in charge and you do what I say its that simple. Things are going to change Bobby I'm back in your life now and I'm going to stay. You remember that party we had at your house when we all left school and what Paul and I said to you how we owned you well I think thats still true. I own you don't I Bobby come on tell Daddy who you belong to come on say it!"

The sniffling sobbing Bobby managed to spit out "You own me Tony I belong to you"

"Good boy that's right I own you and don't ever forget it!"

Tony flipped Bobby over so he was sitting on his lap, Bobby hissed as his burning bottom hit the coarse fabric of Tony's uniform trousers and he was dismayed to see his little pee pee had betrayed him once more and was nestled firm and erect against his small collection of pubes. Tony flicked the small member causing Bobby to gasp saying "I own every part of you baby including that teeny weeny little pee pee!"

A grinning Tony looked up to see his partner rubbing his crotch with a glazed expression on his face. "God Michaels don't tell me you have come in your pants again! Jesus you are such a horny bastard."

Bryan gave him a sheepish grin back saying "Come on you can't deny your boy has one hot arse!"

"Yeah its true little Bobby here has no idea what that lovely little bubble butt of his does to everybody! I bet he's still a fucking virgin!"

Once more he flicked the erect little willy in front of him causing poor little Bobby to wince in pain.

"Well Baby come on Bryan and I want to know are you still a virgin or have you managed to get that little dickette some action, come on boys or girls Bobby what have you been doing with that little dickie for the last few years you still look like a virgin to me!"

Poor little Bobby flushed he was mortified sitting exposed and half naked on his arch enemies lap with his little pee pee throbbing painfully being asked if he was still a virgin, he had a few sexual encounters but due to his treatment at Tony's hands in his formative years Rob had never liked to be naked in front of anyone and so had never had intimate relations he was in fact still a virgin!

A laughing Bryan was the first to speak " Well I think the silence speaks for itself looks like your big bottomed mate here is still a bloody virgin. Looks like you were right about that orgasm you gave him with the cricket stump was his one and only!"

The two officers had hysterics looking at the bright red tear stained face before them.

"Don't you worry baby Paul and I will sort you out! You remember my mate Paulie he always liked to see you with that little piggy tail butt plug rammed into that deep valley of yours!"

Bobby looked up horrified at what his tormentor was telling him, he couldn't believe this, it was just getting worse and worse. Dear God Paul Graves was a bigger sadist than Tony how could he ever forget that piggy butt plug! Tony was continuing to talk telling Bryan of yet further embarrassing moments from Bobby's youth.

"Yeah you should have been there Bry, Paul discovered that little Bobby's parents had gone away for the weekend just after we had finished all our exams. Naturally we thought it would be a great idea to throw a party at their house and Bobby here of course obliged. God it was a total hoot Paul had Bobby here bollock naked all night, but the best thing was he had this butt plug which was bright pink and shaped like a little Piggy's curly tail. Paul thought it was a nice present for Bobby so he had him lay over his lap while he stuck that thing up that shiny pink butt-hole and Bobby here was squealing like a pig the whole time as we were all watching and cheering. Man it was great, Paulie tied him to the bannister rail so for the rest of the night we all took turns at twisting and turning that thing just to hear him squeal. Course you know Paulie he had also tied his dick and balls up so the poor little sod was fit to pop with his little purple boner rock hard all night no way was Paulie gonna let him cum!"

Tony leaned forward flicking Bobby's little hard willie saying,

"Come on baby you must remember that night!"

Bobby was utterly mortified and he felt his temper rise as he struggled to get off his tormentors lap,

"Of course I remember you tosser you and that mate of yours scarred me for life, now let me go I need to get out of here NOW!"

"Tut tut Bobby Bobby Bobby you forget I own you now and unless you want to go to prison your gonna be doing exactly what I tell you!" Tony shook his captive firmly and stood up handing him over to his colleague saying, "Ok Bryan I know you have been dying to get your hands on him, he's all yours while I just make a quick call to Paulie."

Bobby was horrified as he before he knew what was happening he found himself upended over Officers Michaels lap with his red hot bubble butt once more raised up enticingly for the excited officer to play with. Bobby was resigned to his fate he knew his options were limited he just hoped if he went along for now Tony would quickly grow bored and he would be allowed to get on with his life. Poor little Bobby couldn't have been more wrong.


Bobby looked at his reflection in the mirror and casually fingered the slim band around his neck. An electronic collar the symbol of his status and the means by which Tony and Paul kept tabs on him. Bobby could not believe how his life has changed. In six short months he had gone from being a powerful independent man to becoming the boy toy for his former bullies.

Bobby had very mixed feelings about his new status in life. On the one hand he could not deny that both Tony and Paul were incredibly sexy men who both knew exactly how to turn him on, whilst on the other hand they could be cruel and delighted in humiliating him publicly which Bobby hated despite his bodies positive reaction.

Now he was their slave, he had no privacy any clothes he wore were chosen for him, some specially made to enhance his hated bubble butt. Currently he was wearing an extremely short pair of white cotton shorts with a cut off pale pink tshirt. Bobby hated how he looked with his buttocks straining against the tight cotton and his little penis fully visible through the thin material, still it was better than being naked which was often the way.

The beautiful house which had once been his had now been taken over by his chief tormentors and his bedroom was now their's. Bobby of course was allowed to share the room but not always the bed. They had made a large crib which sat at the end of their king sized bed like a small cage and when they felt it necessary to punish their boy he was left tied up in a state of complete sexual arousal and not allowed to cum whilst his two daddies continued to play and fully sate themselves while he was forced to watch.

Even basic rights like going to the toilet were now a privilege for Bobby, he always had to ask one of his daddies if he could use the potty and they always accompanied him as he still was not allowed to touch his own willy or bum hole without permission. Sighing Bobby turned away from his reflection yes the sex was great but he had to give up a great deal and he wondered was it worth it.

Paul strode in to view a vision in black leather and walked up to his delightful boy cupping the large buttocks in both hands and whispering into his ear, "There you are you naughty boy daddy Tony and I were getting worried about you. Now come along and lets get this show on the road your audience is waiting and someone needs his bare botty spanking!"

Bobby looked up into the handsome face pleading, "Please daddy Paul don't do this to me you know I hate it all those people watching and laughing at me don't do this to me please I'm begging you!"

"Come along and don't be silly this is for your own good, you know you love it really!"

Paul lifted the protesting Bobby up quickly and threw him over his shoulder kicking and screaming. Paul ignored the cries and marched into a large room with dim lights at the centre was Tony sitting on a chair looking radiant and handsome under a bright spotlight. The room was filled with at least fifty people who all cheered when they saw the reluctant Bobby being carried in and stood in front of Tony.

Bobby was crimson with embarrassment as Tony turned him to face his cackling audience.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I have before me a very naughty boy who has come here to be punished. Tonight little baby bubble butt is going to get his plump little botty soundly spanked!"

The audience started cheering and shouting as Tony gradually pulled the tight little shorts down bit by bit until his little penis popped out already hard and ready for action. Bobby wanted to die as the crowd howled at his already erect member and his misery was increased as Tony proceeded to tie up his small package. It looked like tonight poor Bobby was not allowed to cum he bit back a sob as Tony bent him over his lap.

There was a general intake of breath as the spotlight shone on Bobby's smooth round mounds of flesh, even those who had seen the sight before were taken aback by the sheer size and beauty of the perfect bubble butt before them.

Tony raised up his hand and started a rhythmic pattern of spanks applying even firm strokes across both cheeks. Bobby started to kick and scream as his creamy white butt turned from pink to deep dark red. Tony talked as he spanked.

"So baby what is like to be spanked on your little bare botty in front of all these people? Are you embarrassed Bobby all these people watching you scream and cry over your daddy's lap like the naughty little boy you are. Are you humiliated with the bright light shining on your big beautiful bot bot and everyone watching as the flesh ripples and rolls, big man multi millionaire Rob Harper reduced to the snivelling little boy that you really are. Thats right isn't it Bobby you love all this all these people watching as you get this gorgeous botty of yours spanked this is heaven isn't it your not a man are you Bobby come on tell everybody scream it out for daddy Tony your not a man are you just a little baby bubble butt who has two daddies to look after him to bathe him and dress him and spank him when he's naughty that's right isn't it you love this!"

Tony continued to spank until the tormented bottom in front of him was smouldering glowing red under the bright spotlight. Tony started gently rubbing his back calming him and then stood him up facing the audience with his little willy standing to attention straining at the bindings and dripping precum. "Say it for daddy Bobby come on now!"

Purple with embarrassment with a burning backside and humiliated beyond belief Bobby looked out at the expectant audience then said what all had been waiting for his total submission.

"I'm not a man I'm just a naughty little baby bubble butt who likes to get his bare botty spanked."

The crowd went wild and Paul went up to join his two lovers on the stage he grabbed Bobby hugged him then placed him over his lap ignoring the squirming and protests he separated the flaming mounds of flesh revealing a little pink pucker. Tony as always did the honours and inserted the little piggy tail butt plug that Paul loved so much.

Bobby spent the rest of the evening on display with the piggy tail clasped firmly between the cheeks of his flaming red bottom where he was constantly tormented and teased to fever point by all the party goers.

That night Tony and Paul took the mortified and humiliated Bobby into their bed and allowed him to cum. Paul came at him from behind and Tony took his little pee pee into his mouth swallowing every last drop of boy juice. As he came Bobby blacked out with the greatest orgasm of his life.

Paul and Tony looked down lovingly at their sated lover stroking his ample hot red butt. Their partnership was complete Bobby was the perfect boy toy a receptive little slut who hated being humiliated which is just what turned them both on! They smiled at each other knowing Bobby was theirs for life whether he liked it or not!

The End

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