Bubba Tim

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Sep 10, 2002


This is the sixth chapter to my rural mountain setting. Keep the comments coming and I will try to keep the story going.

all comments are welcome at chartoe@aol.com

Bubba Tim 6

Pops noticed me watching Bubba and Tom and said the man they were with is called Moose. He said he wasn't sure what his real name was but always answered to Moose. I looked around and noticed there were men in just about every sexual situation that men could get it. There was a couple sucking each other, while beside them was a fat man riding the ass of a slender built man. Another group of three were next to the fireplace with two of them with their heads buried between the third man's legs.

There was a lot of grunting going on as I looked around. There was a man that was over 200 pounds but maybe five feet tall standing by the table of food with a drink in one hand and a sandwich in another. While he was enjoying his snack there was another man enjoying his cock. He looked like a calf on all fours with his head turned to one side as he nursed on the man's cock.

Pops and I decided to move outside and see what was going on out there. Joe was still at it and we noticed he was still pumping his ass so he wasn't needing a breather yet. The line was just as long but some of the men had moved up beside Joe and was rubbing his ass and back as the other men fucked him from both ends.

Here comes Mr. Jones Pops announced as I noticed a man on a horse leading a mule with a large pack on it. Mr. Jones pulled up beside the stream and let his horse drink from it. The mule did the same as Mr. Jones started unpacking it. Pops and I went over to see if there was anything we could help with. He handed me a few food items and then handed Pops what looked like a harness of some kind. He told Pops to see if he could find a place for it. Pops said it wouldn't be a problem and then told him that this was a coming out party. Mr. Jones asked who was the lucky one this time. Pops told him and he thought for a second and then said he knew whom he was talking about.

Mr. Jones said he would be sure to get in line before he started enjoying himself. Mr. Jones grabbed some items from the pack and headed toward the cabin. As he walked into the cabin he said he really liked the way we had fixed it up and then said he really like the furnishings as he pointed to the many men fucking and sucking.

We giggled, as we knew what he was referring to. Pops told me to help him as he moved back outside. He moved over beside the outhouse and located a couple trees with the right size branches. Pops started throwing some straps over the branches as he untangled the harness straps. When he had finished I still wasn't sure for what or how the harness worked. Pops grinned and said I would see what it was for in just a little while.

I moved back into the cabin and over to the bed to watch Bubba and Tom with Moose. Tom was still giving Moose a thorough sucking as it appeared Bubba had just lost his first load of the day. Bubba moved back and motioned for me to get close to Moose's face. Before I had gotten settled on the bed, Moose had sucked my cock into his mouth. Another man not much older than Bubba moved in behind Tom and was forcing his cock inside Tom's asshole. Tom moved his mouth from Moose's cock and I was amazed at the length of the man's cock. It had to be ten inches long but because of the length it appeared to be very thin. I thought for a second that my ass had twitched when I saw the man's cock but soon realized it was actually Moose's finger that was working its way up my asshole.

Moose continued to suck on my cock as he worked my asshole open with his fingers. After a few minutes of this he removed his mouth and asked if I was ready for his cock. I felt so good that I had said yes before it really registered what Moose was asking. He pulled me down to the bed and started spreading my legs apart as he lined his long cock up with my asshole. He gave one strong thrust with his massive hips and his cock sank deep in me. I threw my head back and grunted as the pain hit me. Moose moved his arms underneath my armpits and pulled me up as he rammed his cock deeper and deeper into me. The pain was still there but I could tell that Moose was not trying to hurt me.

He leaned over and started sucking on the back of my neck, which sent shivers down my back all the way to my ass. He was now fucking faster and faster and my ass had opened up to take all of his cock. It had gotten very slippery and there was no longer any pain. I felt my cock grow as his was rubbing across my prostate.

Moose was so large that his stomach had spread apart and was actually hanging on either side of me. It felt as if I was being swallowed by some hot sweaty hairy animal and it was feeling so great. Moose had my upper body wrapped up in his arms as his weight had the rest of my body pinned to the bed with his cock driving in and out of my asshole.

I gasped as my cock started cumming all over the bed beneath us. Moose moaned as he felt my asshole tighten up around his cock. When it released it's grip Moose started pounding even faster. I could tell by the breathing on my neck that Moose was ready to cum himself. When I felt his cock jerking inside me my own cock matched it. Moose was filling my asshole full as I added to the big wet spot beneath us.

Moose had stopped pumping but was gently kissing the back of my neck as I felt the addition of some more weight on us. Moose whispered and told me that someone was using his asshole and that I should just lie still and enjoy the rest. I closed my eyes, as I felt covered in a sea of warmth. I soon could feel the thrusting of the man on top of Moose as it also caused Moose's cock to move around in my asshole.

Moose's breathing was starting to pick up as his cock was getting hard inside me. After a few minutes Moose whispered in my ear that it was time to ride again. He started pumping his cock into my asshole, which made my cock jump to attention. I could not see us but could only imagine the sight of Moose fucking me while someone was fucking Moose.

I believe I got the best of the threesome, as I was cumming about every three thrust of Moose's cock. The man on Moose's ass finally yelled out as he came which caused Moose to fill my asshole full of cum again. I felt the third man as he removed himself from Moose. Moose told me to remain still and he would clean me up. I was thinking he was going to get a rag and clean all the cum that was smeared on my cock, balls, and stomach. So I was taken by surprise when Moose slid down my back and buried his face in the crack of my ass.

He started licking around my asshole and then sucking on it. He would slide his tongue into my asshole and clean up all the cum that was running out. After a few minutes of this he rolled me over and started licking my stomach, balls and then cock as he cleaned all the sticky cum from my body. He said he couldn't do anything about the huge wet spot where I had cum on the bed.

I told him that was all right as I sat up beside him and noticed his large breast. I reached out and pulled one to me as I sucked it into my mouth. I released it and told him that if he was around later I wouldn't mind trying the same thing but with me on my back so I could enjoy his breast. He said it was a date as he stood up and then helped me to my feet as he said he was going to get a snack and take a piss so he would be ready to go again.

As I moved out around the cabin I noticed that there was a lot of peeing going on. I moved around to check up on Joe and couldn't believe he was taking on ever one that wanted him. His ass and face was covered in cum and there were large puddles of it beneath both ends of him. I noticed Fred was standing in line but was actually letting some of the men play with his cock while they waited their turn. I asked him if he had been with Joe yet and he said he was going to wait until Joe was tired and a little less active. I told him I was going to go see what Mr. Jones harness was going to be used for.

Fred said that Mr. Jones had all ready had a turn on Joe and was probably ready for some action of his own. Fred told me to wait on him as he pushed three different hands off of his cock. As we got close to where Pops had put the harness we noticed that someone was in it and a couple of men were around fastening some straps.

We noticed it was Mr. Jones strapped in and he was at the mercy of anyone who wanted to do anything to him. I noticed that Pops cock was hard and he was lining up on Mr. Jones's ass. Pops pulled on a rope that forced Mr. Jones upper body to raise up to where he could see what was about to happen to him. I noticed that Mr. Jones cock was hard and had a piece of leather strap tied around it and his balls. They were pulled up and were dark purple looking.

Pops pushed his cock head just inside Mr. Jones asshole and then with a grin on his face rammed the rest of his cock inside. It was apparent that Mr. Jones was feeling the pain but at the same time his cock was shooting up in the air. Pops showed no mercy as he rammed faster and harder into Mr. Jones asshole. Pops didn't last but a few seconds as he shot his cum.

When Pops pulled his cock out of Mr. Jones asshole I saw the cum running out on the ground. Mr. Jones didn't have time to catch his breath as another man actually raped Mr. Jones asshole. It was understood that there was to be no mercy when a man fucked whoever was in the harness, short of really hurting the man. I watched as about six different men forcefully fucked Mr. Jones and each time Mr. Jones released a load of cum.

I noticed that a lot of the older men were drinking from their jugs and some of them were all ready too drunk to do anything or stop anything being done to them. I heard a loud yell yes I tuned around just in time to see Fred bury his cock into Mr. Jones now sloppy asshole. Fred showed no mercy and I expected to see blood stream from Mr. Jones's asshole at any moment. His cock shot about four times straight up in the air before Fred started unloading his own cum. When Fred pulled his cock out of Mr. Jones there was the usual stream of fresh cum running out but no blood. Mr. Jones's asshole appeared to remain gapped open as the men around him said they were going to wait until it tightened back up.

I looked around and noticed that Bubba and Tom were rolling some drunken man over on his back and pulling his legs into the air. When they had him in position Tom started fucking the man and all the man did was grunt as he felt the dick enter his asshole. I watched as Tom made short work of it and they switched positions. Bubba didn't take his time either as the two of them had fucked the old drunken man within a few minutes.

I moved over and asked if that is what they did at these parties. Bubba told me that a lot of these men had taken advantage of him when he was much younger and was moving from home to home. He said this was his way of getting back at them. He said he really wasn't mad at them but it felt so good knowing he was doing to them what they had done to him. I asked him why Tom did it and Bubba said he just like to do it.

The sucking and fucking went on for about an hour before it seemed to slow down. Joe had managed to take on almost everyone there. Pops had gone by and told the few men there that Joe needed to take a little rest and clean up, but he would be back to take them on. Pops had taken Joe to the stream and made him sit down in the cold water. They both came into the cabin as most of the other men had managed to make their way to the food and drink.

The chili was a pretty good hit as I showed them the best way to eat it. I placed some more water on for tea and had Bubba place the two jars in the cold stream when they were fixed. Most of the men were drinking from their jugs and you could readily see the results. Some of the men were almost at the point of passing out and they all knew that if they did their asses was fair game for anyone who wanted it.

Moose made his way over to me and said he wanted to sleep with me when the party stopped for the night. He told me to be sure and not promise myself to anyone else. I grinned at him remembering how it had felt with him earlier.

The men all gathered around the table as they ate their fill of food. Bo asked where Joe was and had him move over beside him. He asked Joe if he was having a good time. Joe said he loved it as he grabbed his father's cock and rubbed it. Bo had Joe stand up and bend over so he could inspect Joe's asshole. Bo made the comment that it looked like it didn't want to close up but still looked hot.

Some of the men made the comments about how hot Joe was for cock and that if he had been a girl that all the men on the mountain would be dead from fucking too much. This sent a roar of laughter through the men. I noticed that a lot of the men were beginning to touch each other and working themselves up for some more sex. Joe said he was ready for some more but the place out back was a little hard.

I told him that he could use the table in the cabin and we could place several blankets on it to keep it soft. Bo thought for a second and said that was an even better idea he said that Joe could continue right through the night. We cleared the table off and spread three blankets out before Joe started to climb upon the table. He was spread out on his stomach when I suggested he roll over and pull his legs up.

All right I heard one of the men who was just able to stand. He moved in behind Joe and started pushing his cock into him. Joe started moaning as he reached up and grabbed the man's shoulders and started humping his ass up toward the man's cock. The man let out one gasp as he shot his load. The other men laughed at how quick the man had cum. Fred moved through the men and asked if it was all right for him to ride Joe's ass.

Bo looked at the monster of a cock that Fred was rubbing and said that it was left up to Joe, besides he said old Joe hear with the help of his brothers had taken on a young stallion. The other men all said that they would have loved to see that. Bo said maybe next time he could get Joe to do a show for them. Fred wasted no time as he moved in close to Joe and told him to relax.

We watched as Joe pushed his asshole at Fred as he was waiting for the pain he figured he was going to receive. Fred's cock head popped into Joe as Joe grunted when he felt the pressure. Fred started slowly pushing and pulling his cock in and out of Joe's asshole. We heard Joe moan and then started mumbling yeah, oh yeah, as Fred picked up the pace. Joe's cock jumped to attention just before it started spraying cum in the air. Bo asked if anyone wanted some boy juice for desert.

One of the older men who were almost gone from the moonshine leaned in and sucked Joe's cock into his mouth. He started sucking and was waiting for the next volley, which was only seconds in coming. The old man moaned as he swallowed all of Joe's cum. He didn't remove his mouth but actually laid his head down with Joe's cock inside his mouth.

Fred was really into it now as his cock was sliding in and out without any resistance. The men were all around cheering as Fred started picking up speed working himself closer and closer to a climax. The old man's mouth blew up like a balloon a couple times as it was filled with Joe's cum. Fred's whole body tensed up and then went almost completely limp as his balls pulled up next to his cock and unloaded its contents into Joe's asshole. Fred finally was spent and almost fell to the floor as he pulled his cock out. Some of the men grabbed him under the arms and sat him down in a chair.

I looked at Joe and his eyes looked glazed over as the sweat poured off of his body. The old man still had his mouth around Joe's cock and was waiting for the next load. The men had started lining up for their turn at Joe. Bubba looked at Joe's face and then placed his cock at his mouth. Joe instantly sucked Bubba's cock into his mouth and down his throat. Bubba remained still as he let Joe do whatever he wanted to with his cock.

The men weren't lasting very long as they had a continuous line of cocks entering Joe's asshole. Joe's body seemed to move by itself as the men used his boy pussy at will. The fucking of Joe lasted for more than an hour before it almost stopped. I told Pops that we should clean Joe up and let him take a rest. Pops agreed as I took a pail of water and a rag and washed Joe's body off. He seemed to come back to us as the warm water cleaned his body. When we had finished we moved him over to the bed where he rolled over on his stomach and quickly went to sleep. His ass was open to the world, as he had spread his legs apart. We knew that if anyone wanted to they could fuck Joe and nothing would be said. We both hoped that they would let his body recover for a while.

Bo came back into the cabin and said that they were doing a job on Mr. Jones. He said he had watched ten cocks try to rip him a new asshole and the man just grunted as his cock jerked. Bo walked over and noticed how red and swollen Joe's asshole was. He asked if we had something we could rub on it to help him a little. I went to my first aid box and took out a tube that contained some medicine for burns. I figured his raw asshole was almost like a burn.

I handed it to Bo who squirted some on his finger and then pushed it into Joe's asshole. Joe grunted but didn't wake up. I grabbed the tube and told Joe he didn't have to be so ruff. I took my finger and slowly spread the cream around the outside of Joe's asshole and then gently pressed some inside. Joe was moaning again but this time it was from the soothing feeling of my finger and the cream.

Bo watched, as a lot of the red disappeared and Joe's asshole seemed to close up and pull itself back inside. After about five minutes Joe's asshole looked almost like any other, just a puckered up hole. Bo slapped my on the back and thanked me for helping Joe out. He then grabbed his jug and started gulping down the moonshine.

Pops left the room but returned within five minutes. He said that he had made the rounds and told everyone they were welcome to stay and if they wanted in the cabin that they could throw blankets on the floor. He told them that the small bed was mine and whoever I chose to sleep with and the large bed was for whoever got there first.

I had taken only one step when Moose entered the room. He looked at me and asked if he was going to be my bedmate for the night. I grinned at him and told him he was if he was about ready to go to bed. He took a deep drink from the jug he was carrying as he moved toward the bed. I took the chili off of the stove and made sure everything else was ready for us to turn in for the night.

I moved to my bed where Moose was waiting. He gave my cock a long slow suck as he rubbed my ass with his hands. I moved to the middle of the bed and pulled my legs up toward my head. Moose looked a little puzzled but then rolled over on top of me. He was large enough that his bulk kept my legs pushed back away from my ass. Moose started moving himself in position to push his cock inside me. When his cock entered me I grunted and then started pushing my ass up at his cock.

Moose was holding himself off of me with his arms while his huge breast dangled in front of me. I grabbed both of them and pulled them to my face. I quickly nibbled on each nipple as Moose relaxed a little to enjoy my mouth on his breast.

He started slowly pumping his cock into my ass until he was sure he was getting the reaction he wanted. When my body jerked at his cock he knew he was where he wanted to be. He pumped a few times faster until he felt my cum splattering against his huge stomach. His breast were now lying on either side of my head and I rotated my mouth from one nipple to the next. Moose let all of his weight down on top of me, as all he moved was his hips that caused his cock to move back and forth in my asshole. It was very apparent that Moose was planning on fucking me for a long time, which was all right with me because I was cumming ever few minutes.

At some time during this I actually passed out of went to sleep only to wake up with Moose still driving into me. Since all I was feeling was the warm cock inside me and the occasional orgasm I didn't complain. I guess my body couldn't take the pleasure for too long, as I would doze off, only to wake with Moose still going strong.

Once when I woke up I saw Bubba on top of Moose as Moose let him have his fill of his asshole. As soon as Bubba came, Moose started up again. I felt so warm and secure beneath Moose's huge body that I didn't care what was going on around me. I do remember vaguely Moose rolling me over on my stomach as he pushed his cock back into my asshole. I guess he had pumped for as long as he could and was settling in for the night. As I drifted back to sleep I was aware of Moose as he made sure his cock was buried deep in my ass as he relaxed himself on my back.

Next: Chapter 7

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