Bubba Tim

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Sep 8, 2002


This is the 5th chapter in my rural mountain man story.

All comments are welcome at chartoe@aol.com

Bubba Tim 5

Tom and I had finished the outhouse and we headed back to the cabin. I started building some crude benches but they were very sturdy which was what I was looking for. I managed to build four of different lengths that would help sit the guest that might show up for the poker party. Tom helped me carry some small saplings along with some other larger pieces of trees. I set about cutting, sawing and chopping on the timber as Tom watched. He kept rubbing his hand on the top of the table I had sanded so I decided to show him how to use the varnish that I had brought.

While Tom brushed on the varnish I finished putting together a large bed that could hold several adults with ease. I made sure it was very sturdy and only hoped that the mattress I had purchased would fit it. Both of us finished our jobs at about the same time. I handed Tom a candy bar and had him go get us a soda from the stream. As we enjoyed our snack I asked Tom if he could tell me how many men usually showed up at these poker games.

Tom thought for a few minutes and said there would be at least ten for sure and could be as many as thirty depending on who decided to come. He said he once heard of one that almost 100 men showed up at and it lasted the better part of two days. Tom said he had only heard of it.

We heard Pops whistling from over the hill and decided to meet him in the yard. He had a large bag attached to his back that was stuffed with something. We helped him get it off and found out quickly that it wasn't heavy but just bulky. Inside the sack was filled with some blankets and some pillows. Pops said that Jeff would be bringing the other pillows and mattresses when he arrived early in the morning.

We carried the items back into the cabin as Pops handed me the thermos and said he really enjoyed the coffee. I asked Pops if I should have something for the men to eat when they came over for the party. Pops said it would be nice but that all of the men would bring something. He said that Fred usually brought a young pig that had been roasted, and some of the other men always brought a hindquarter of a deer.

I asked if we needed any vegetables to go with the meat and He said that all I really needed was to have plenty of bread so they could fix sandwiches whenever they felt hungry. I asked him if anybody made chili on the mountain. He thought for a few seconds and said he didn't think so. I told him that I made a good bowl of chili and would fix some for the men.

I figured either I could go to the store in the early morning or send Tom and or Bubba to pick up some bread. I decided to make a table that I could put against the front wall that would hold all the food. Pops helped me out and we had split a couple small trees and managed to nail them together and place them against the wall. Pops said that it would be plenty of room for the food.

I asked Pops what they usually drank at these types of parties. He laughed and said that every man would have their on private jug. I asked him if there would be anybody that might want something like tea or coffee. He said that the coffee was definitely a necessity and there would be some men there that might want some cool tea after some heavy breathing.

I noticed that I had not seen Tom or Bubba is some time and asked Pops if he knew where they had gone. Pops said he had sent them off on one of the mules to spread the word about the party. Pops said that all they had to do was tell a few neighbors who would in turn tell some more neighbors and before you know it most of the mountain would know about it.

"Hello in the cabin." We heard from outback of the cabin. Pops and I moved around and looked at the man standing in front of my outhouse with the door open.

"What is this thing in here?" He asked as we approached.

I moved beside the man and told him all he had to do was lift up the lid and have a seat. He stepped into the outhouse and lifted the lid. He looked down into the toilet and started unbuckling his pants. He spun around and sat down as we heard the sound of gas being passed. His face showed the strain that his body was going through as he relieved his bowels.

Pops and I moved over to the man's mules and started removing the large mattress that was strapped down tightly. There was another mattress underneath the large one and some more pillows on the second mule.

"Man that feels good." The man in the outhouse said as he let out a loud grunt.

Pops looked at me and said that Jeff was a pretty crude man but when it came to fucking or being fucked there didn't come many better. He said that Jeff would make sure whoever he was with enjoyed himself. Pops said that Jeff wasn't a very big man in the size department but seemed to make the best with what he had.

Bubba and Tom came riding up at this time and both of them were naked as they climbed down from the mule. Pops and I both could see the dried lines of cum down the side of the mule's front legs. They grabbed their overalls and headed to the stream. Pops and I carried the mattresses into the cabin followed by Jeff who had gotten the rest of the items from the mules.

We placed the mattresses on the beds and they seemed to fit perfectly. I pulled out the sheets and put them on the mattresses as the two men looked on. I had pillowcases for the pillows and then spread the blankets over the beds. I sat down on the small bed as the other two sat down on the large one. They bounced a little to test how firm the bed was. They both agreed that before the party was over the new mattresses would be well warn in.

Tom and Bubba moved in and took their place on the benches. Jeff asked if he could spend the night in the cabin since his wife had let him come early. I said we had enough room for about four men on the beds and if we needed we could spread some blankets on the floor. Pops said he would have to go back home tonight but Tom was free to stay if he wanted.

I told Bubba and Tom that I needed someone to go early in the morning to get some bread but until then they were free to do anything. Jeff grinned at this as he looked at Tom and patted the mattress beside him. Tom sat down beside Jeff who instantly slid his hand inside Tom's overalls. He sat there playing with Tom as we looked on. Jeff said he needed to wash up before he got too involved.

Jeff headed to the stream as Tom followed him. I figured that we all could use something to eat so I started a fire in the stove and then looked through the things I had brought back. I opened a canned ham and sliced it up and started frying it up in a skillet as I also put on a pot of potatoes. Pops moved close to the stove and watched as I started whipping up a fairly good meal. With the canned vegetables to go along with the potatoes and ham all I needed was something for desert and of course some cold sweet tea. I placed a pot with water and tea bags between the skillet and potatoes. It didn't take long for the water to boil and the tea to steep. I quickly make a couple of gallon jars of sweet tea and had Bubba place them in the cold stream.

I had one other thing that I wanted to try and since the ham was done I could move the skillet and use the stove. I mixed up some batter and rolled out some biscuits and set then in another pan to rise and cook. I saved some of the batter and used it to make a self-rising cobbler like my mother use to make.

It took me a little better than thirty minutes to finish my meal and was just removing the last pot when Tom and Jeff returned from the stream. All the hair we could see on Moose was stuck to his body. He had apparently taken a bath but didn't have a towel to dry off with.

I had Bubba go get one of the gallons of tea as I told the rest of them to have a seat. They all took healthy helpings of everything and started stuffing their faces as no one felt like talking. They really liked my tea since they were not use to having it. Jeff and Pops finally leaned back away from the table as Bubba and Tom wanted another helping of the cobbler.

We watched at the two boys finished off their second helpings of dessert as the rest of us drank our tea. Jeff asked if three was going to be any fun today are were we going to wait for the rest of the party. Pops said it was always customary to wait. He said we didn't know if there was anybody wanting to make it a coming out party. Jeff shook his head and told Tom to go fetch his jugs from his mules.

When Tom returned he was carrying two old brown jugs that was filled with some moonshine. He took a big swig and handed it to Pops poured some in his glass of tea and handed it to me and told me that if I had never tried it to be careful. I poured a little in my tea and took a sip. It felt like my throat was on fire as it took my breath away. I gasped for air as the others laughed at me. My eyes had watered up and I was sure I had to be bleeding from the pain. Bubba handed me his tea as I drank half a glass. It eased the pain as I wiped my eyes off.

Jeff took another gulp of the awful liquid and said nothing tasted like his shine. I decided I would pass on having anymore. Pops said it probably was wise since my body was not accustomed to it. Tom and Bubba moved over to the large bed and sprawled out and said the bed felt great. They wanted to know the sleeping arrangements for the night.

I looked around and said it looked like whoever slept with Tom and Bubba was probably not going to get much sleep. Jeff sort of perked up at that and said he didn't mind sleeping with either of them. Pops said that left the small bed for him and me. I grinned as we all got up and started removing our clothes.

We all went to bed and every few minutes I would year someone giggle, as it was apparent there was a little playing going on in the other bed. There was also some going on in my own. Pops had managed to get my cock erect, which only took him touching it. He placed my cock inside his foreskin and was slowly pulling it back and forth. I let Pops take complete control as his hand and foreskin was working me into an orgasm.

As my cum started running its way through my penis, I could feel Pops hand as it tighten around the end of his foreskin. I could feel my own hot cum as it blasted inside Pop's foreskin and then would rush all around the head of my own cock. Within seconds I felt Pop's cum shooting against my cock. Pops continued to hold the foreskin of his cock as I pulled my cock out of his grip. I slid down to Pop's cock and sucked just the tip of the foreskin in my mouth. It felt like a little nipple in my mouth and I tasted the cum as I slowly sucked it out of Pop's foreskin.

As I felt the warm sticky cum leaking into my mouth, I pushed my tongue inside and licked around the head of Pop's cock. Pops released his gripped and my mouth was flooded with his and my own cum. I was able to swallow all of it as I pushed the foreskin back and licked Pop's cock clean. My cock was hard again but all I wanted to do was cuddle against Pops. He must have felt the same as he pulled my up to his chest and wrapped his arms around me. I reached down and placed my cock just underneath Pop's balls as he let me push it between his legs. The warm feeling was great as we both just lay together and slowly went to sleep with the sounds of moaning and groaning coming from the other bed.

I woke with the need to relieve myself and noticed that Jeff and Pops were already out of the cabin. I moved outside and headed to the outhouse and was really surprised when I opened the door. I almost yelled out as the man looked first at my face and then down to my cock. He reached out and grabbed my hard cock as he popped it in his mouth. He had it down his throat and was bobbing before I knew what was happening. My body had given me away as I started shooting my cum down his throat.

As my cock started going soft the pain to take a pee grew stronger. The man pulled my cock out of his mouth and told me to go ahead and do what I had come there for. He slipped my soft cock into his mouth again and waited. He looked up at me as I started to pull away from him. He grabbed my ass and pulled me back into his mouth. I could hold back my pee no longer as I felt the first few drops slip through my cock and down his throat. The floodgates were open as my cock let loose a steady stream of pee that I couldn't have stopped if I wanted to.

For a while I was wondering if I would ever stop peeing but I finally felt empty and the stream doing down the man's throat had become just a few little squirts and then stopped. He pulled my cock out of his mouth and licked the head of my cock before he pulled the foreskin back over it. I stepped back and closed the door to let the man finish what he had really been there for.

I heard some chatting over by the stream and when I headed over to investigate I was again surprised, as there must have been ten men bathing themselves in the stream. There were men of all builds standing around soaping themselves up as they chatted about everything important to people on the mountain. There were cocks of all shapes and states of erections. Every now and then one of the men would grab another man's cock and give it a jerk or two.

Pops noticed me and told me to come on over so he could introduce me to everyone there. As I approached Pops a big hairy man started toward us. The hair on his chest was mostly gray but there was some sprinkling of black also. His big belly bounced as he walked closer to us. He had a full beard with his hair cut just off of his shoulders. The closer he got the less of his cock I could see; it was covered by his stomach.

Pops told me that the man's name was Bo and he was here with two of his boys. Bo said nope that he was actually here with three of his boys. He looked at Pops and said that ole Joe boy wanted to be the toy at a coming out party. Pops grinned and said that it could be arranged. Two other men stepped beside Bo as Bo introduced his son's Roy and Sam. These two were just younger images of their father Bo. Sam kept staring at my cock and I could see his own cock rising to attention. Bo looked at him and told him to go wash up some more that it wasn't time to play yet.

Pops looked around at the other men and started calling them by names but said I probably wouldn't remember their names but he was sure I would get to know all of them better before the weekend was over. Tom and Bubba came out of the house with nothing on and several of the men moved over to talk to them. I looked around and asked Pops where Bo's younger son was. Pops glanced around and pointed out a chubby looking boy in the stream.

The boy was bent over in the stream as he splashed water on his head and shoulders. When he stood up I was able to really notice just how large his ass was. He had a large ass and the beginnings of a large gut like his father and brothers. As he turned around I noticed he didn't have much in the area of a cock but then there was very little if any hair around his cock too.

The sight of his body started my cock growing and I had to look away to try and keep control of myself. I remembered that Tom and Bubba needed to go to the store for me. I called them over and we went back into the cabin as they got dressed and I gave them the money they needed. The two of them borrowed a couple of mules so it wouldn't take as long.

The men had started moving into the cabin and were looking around checking out our handy work. Several of them tested out the beds by bouncing up and down on them. I put on some coffee and got out he cups I had. I started pouring the men each a cup of coffee. All of them wanted it black except Pops who asked if I had some sugar and the other stuff I had used before.

Several of the men had gone back out and returned with baskets full of different types of food. Most of them had large pieces of meat and a few jars of canned goods. I took my biggest pot and started adding the ingredients for my chili recipe. The men drank their coffee and a few of them had started adding a little shine to it from the jugs they brought.

I noticed Joe as he cautiously entered the cabin looking a little scared. I told him he could have some coffee if he wanted. I handed him a cup and someone poured it about half full of moonshine. They told him he should start getting himself ready for the fun later. I watched as he took a sip and then a big gulp. I could tell he didn't like the taste of it so I told him to run out to the stream and bring me one of the sodas.

He returned with the soda and I opened it and poured half of it into my cup and then asked if I could borrow one of the men's jugs. I filled the soda back to the top of the can and handed it back to Joe. Told him he might like that better than the coffee. He took a sip and then another. He said it did taste better and thanked me for the drink.

Pops walked over with a large skillet and a basket and said he would prepare breakfast for everyone. He placed the deep skillet on the stove and started breaking eggs into it. After about ten minutes Pops had scrambled up a large bowl of eggs, fried up another pan of sausage, and a large plate of biscuits. The men all took a plate and helped themselves.

Tom and Bubba came riding up with a bundle of things under their arms. They brought their bundles into the cabin and placed then on the long makeshift table. They then grabbed a plate and filled them. Between bites Bubba announced that Old man Jones was going to be at the party.

I heard a little cheer come from the men and then some giggles. I looked at Tom for an explanation for the men's behavior. He told me that Mr. Jones didn't always come to the parties but when he did all the men would fuck him rough. They said it was their way of getting even for the way he tried to cheat them at his story. Tom leaned over and told me that Mr. Jones really liked it rough.

Joe moved over and asked if he could have another drink. I poured some more moonshine in the cup of soda I had and handed it to him. He thanked me again as he moved back to the other side of the cabin. I asked Tom when did the party usually start and he said it had all ready had. I looked around and didn't see anything going on in the cabin. Tom said the action was out side. He said that Roy and Sam had grabbed Fred and was working his cock over.

Pops moved over to Joe and asked if he was ready for the fun to begin. I noticed that Joe's face showed the affects of the moonshine. He said he was ready and his cock was not making it appear any different. Pops asked if it was all right to use a blanket or two to make Joe comfortable. I pointed to a stack in the corner and told him to help himself. As Joe and Pops started out the cabin I noticed Joe was talking to Pops and pointing at me.

They went around behind the cabin and I was making sure that all the food was spread out on the long table. I had placed all the food on the table and managed to place all the jugs underneath to keep from tripping on them. Several of the men had started pairing off and rubbing each other. Some were rubbing their bellies together as they were working themselves into a sexual frenzy.

I was beginning to get excited myself and was looking around for someone who hadn't paired off yet. Pops called to me from the doorway and I pushed myself through the now hot sweaty bodies. I managed to drag my hand through several ass cracks and rub a few of those lovely hairy bellies. All the men I managed to touch seemed to appreciate the attention and a couple of them grabbed my cock and gave it a quick jerk.

I managed to make it to the door where Pops was waiting. He had me follow him around to where he had left Joe. They had taken several logs and stacked them in such a way that Joe could lie on top of them and be just about waist high. The logs had been covered with the blankets. Joe was finishing the last drops of his drinks as I stepped close to him. Joe dropped to his knees and sucked my all ready hard cock into his mouth. He was doing quite a job on me and I started cumming within seconds.

He took all the cum I had and then swallowed my cock down his throat. My cock had started to go soft but when Joe swallowed it, he continued to swallow, which caused the muscles in his neck to bring my cock back to life. I let him continue and figured he was going to suck until he made me cum again.

I was really getting into enjoying his mouth again when he pulled his mouth away. He backed up and spread himself on the blankets. He pulled his knees forward and was lying there with his ass sticking out toward me. Pops stepped up and spread some kind of lubricant on Joe's asshole. Joe had started moaning and was pushing his ass back at Pops hand. Pops looked back at me and said that Joe had told him he wanted me to be the first one to start his coming out party.

I was horny enough that I didn't have to hear anymore. I moved in behind the two large firm cheeks of Joe's ass and had to rub them. As I rubbed it appeared that Joe's ass spread open and started pumping back toward me. I placed the head of my cock at the entrance of his asshole and had to gasp when it was pulled inside as Joe pushed back against me.

Joe was pumping his ass on my cock before I could do anything. I reached out just above his ass and found a good handhold on his hips. I rammed my cock all the way inside as Joe was now bucking around beneath me. Pops looked at me and said it looked like we had a real wild one to play with this time. He said he didn't think we would have to tie him down. He said it looked like Joe might wear most of the men out before he got tired.

Joe told Pops to move around in front of him so he could suck on his cock. I watched while riding Joe's bouncing ass, as Pops let Joe get his mouth on his foreskin. It sounded and looked like Joe was feeding on a tit as Pops stayed just far enough away that Joe could not get more than an inch or so of the foreskin in his mouth. Joe was squirming beneath me and I was sure he had cum when his body jerked and his asshole clamped down on my cock.

There was a lot of smacking and slurping noises coming from Joe's mouth as he continued to try to suck Pops cock into his mouth. I had taken and watched all I could as I slammed myself into Joe's ass and let my cock explode. When I slammed into Joe it had pushed his body forward enough that Joe had managed to suck most of Pops cock in his mouth. He was really moaning as my cock continued to fill his asshole with my cum.

Pops looked up and asked if I was through because he really wanted to deposit his cum somewhere other than Joe's mouth. I pulled out as Pops moved around behind Joe. Joe complained about not having a cock in his mouth. Fred stepped up and offered his cock to Joe's mouth. Joe started licking and sucking but there was not way he could get more than just the head in his mouth. Pops had buried his cock in Joe's asshole and was pumping faster and faster.

Fred asked if he was going to be able to use the other end of Joe. Joe said he could but Pops said it would be a while before Joe's asshole would be ready for Fred. Fred grinned and said as long as he would get a chance later was fine with him. Fred started jerking his own cock while he kept the head in Joe's mouth. Pops started grunting real loud, as he was empting his load into Joe's ass. Fred had brought himself to a climax and I watched as Joe tried to keep all of it in his mouth, but there was too much coming too fast as most of it spilled out onto the blanket.

I pulled my attention away from the action and noticed the line that had formed behind Joe. There were at least ten of the burly men with cocks in hand waiting their turn at Joe. I looked at Pops and he told me the party had really started, and the next time at Joe's ass would be even better. I asked next time. Pops said that before the party was over that some of the men would use him four or five times. He also said that if he was right that Joe, that Joe would be begging to be fucked most of the time.

Pops told me to follow him back into the cabin so we could get something to drink. As we were drinking I noticed how hungry I was feeling so I made a quick sandwich which Pops did also. While we were eating and drinking I noticed that Tom and Bubba had probably the largest man there sprawled out on the large bed. Bubba was feeding the man his cock as Tom was rooting around between the man's legs. The man was moaning and groaning as all three of them seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Next: Chapter 6

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