Bubba Tim

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Sep 8, 2002


This is the 4th chapter of my rural story of mountain life.

All comments are welcome at chartoe@aol.com

Bubba Tim 4

Fred, Pops and I were spent for the time being but Tom and Bubba were still going strong on my bed. We let them continue with their play as we walked around the cabin inspecting the new stone flooring. I had to admit it did work out a lot better than I figured. I moved over to the wood burning stove and stirred the fire inside it. I really wanted some cool tea but I didn't have any to fix. I made a mental note that I had to bring back plenty of tea.

We heard the boys as it sounded as if the two of them came at the same time. We watched as they cuddled up to each other as they came down from their orgasm. Pops and Fred started adjusting their clothes as they said it was time to get home. Pops told me to come by early and he would lone me a couple of mules to haul the things back up the mountain. He turned and asked Tom if he was going home with him or spending the night with Bubba.

Tom thought for a second then said he wanted to stay with Bubba for the night if it was all right with me. I told them they were free to stay anytime. Fred and Pops said their goodbyes as they left the cabin. I took down a few jars of peas and some of the fruit and started warming them up on the stove. Bubba got a whiff of the cooking and came over to see what I was whipping up. I sent him to the stream for some sodas as Tom decided to get up from the bed.

We had our meal, which either was almost good or we were very hungry, because there was nothing left. I looked around the cabin trying to figure out where we would sleep when I figured out we could all sleep on the sleeping bag if I unzipped it and spread it on the floor. We managed to find a warm spot just in front of the fireplace. We spread out on the sleeping bag with the two of them on either side of me.

Bubba was hard and we hadn't even started anything. He had snuggled up behind me and was rubbing his cock in the crack of my ass and between my legs. I was actually horny myself but told him that we should all get some sleep so we could get up real early. I told him we had a long day ahead of us, plus my ass needed the rest.

Tom and Bubba both giggled when I mentioned my ass, but they agreed and stopped playing with me. They moved in close and we slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Bubba shook me awake and said it would be sunrise in half an hour. He reached over and woke Tom up and then proceeded to get dressed. I got up and after getting dressed myself sliced the last of the bread and opened the last of the potted meat. We each had a sandwich and Tom had gone and got us some cold water to wash it down. We finally left the cabin and headed to Tom's house. When we arrived there Pops had all ready got his mules ready for the trip. He asked me if I knew how many of them I needed.

I wasn't sure but told him that we could carry three of them and it would lessen the load each had to carry. Pops had some large saddlebags that he draped on each mule. I told him that I believed they would hold everything I was intending to pick up. Tom grabbed the halter and started leading the mules away. I told Pops that I planned to be back before night.

We had walked for about an hour when Bubba asked Tom if he remembered when they had watched Todd and his big bear of a friend on their mule. Tom thought for a second and then started giggling. I was completely in the dark about what they were talking about but if they stayed true to form I would soon find out. Bubba stopped the mules and took the bags off of two and placed them on the third mule. Bubba removed his overalls and told Tom to hurry up and get his off.

I was still wondering what they were up to as Bubba told me I could ride one of the mules and he and Tom would be riding the other. I climbed upon the mule and watched as Bubba and Tom climbed upon the other.

Tom positioned himself in front of Bubba as Bubba massaged his cock into a hard state. He then started working it into Tom's asshole. Tom had leaned forward to make it easier on Bubba and himself. Tom grunted a time or two before Bubba's cock was inside him. Tom slowly raised and lowered his ass as he got Bubba's cock nice and slippery. Bubba said that he thought it was right now as he nudged the mule forward.

Tom sat down as far as Bubba's cock would allow as the mule started walking down the trail. I figured out what was going on as I felt the rough bouncing of the mule beneath me. I looked over and watched as Tom was being gently bounced on Bubba's cock and neither of them had to do anything. Bubba had wrapped his arms around Tom's chest to make it easier for both of them to stay on top of the mule.

We continued on down the trail and a couple of times I thought they were going to fall off as the mule made a misstep and stumbled a little. Each time I heard both of them gasp from the action on their cock and asshole. We must have been going along for a good thirty minutes and I was wondering how long they could keep it up.

We came across a rough steep section of the trail and I heard Bubba moan as his cock started empting inside Tom's asshole. He continued to moan for several more steps. Tom pulled the mule up to a stop and I noticed the sweat rolling down his body as he slid off of Bubba. I could see the clear white cum that was caked on the mule's neck that had been left there by Tom. From the amount he had cum more than once during their little joy ride. Bubba slid down and retrieved his overalls and tossed Tom his.

I climbed down and started leading the mules down the trail. I told them that we should keep them fresh in case they had to carry a heavy load back up the mountain. The rest of the walk down the hill was done in silence but my cock was about to kill me. It had been hard the whole time the two had been riding the mule and hadn't gone down yet. I started thinking of all the things I wanted to get hoping that would let it settle down.

Bubba pointed at the road below us and said that he and Tom would wait just inside the woods with the mules. I told them that was fine and if I could catch a quick ride to town, I would be back soon. I moved to the road and took noticed of where I was so I wouldn't forget it. I started walking toward town and was soon welcomed with the sound of a motor. When I turned around a man in an old pick up truck was coming up behind me. I waved at him and he started slowing down.

The old man wanted to know if every thing was all right since I was out there all alone. I told him why I was there and where I was headed. He said he was headed into town to get a haircut and was then returning home. He said he could give me a lift back if I could get my supplies loaded while he got his hair taken care of. I felt really lucky in that I wasn't going to have to find someone to bring me back to the trail.

The old man pulled up in front of the barbershop and told me to take the truck on down to the stores where I was going to get my supplies. I was really surprised that the old man let me use his truck but wasn't going to turn him down.

It took me about thirty minutes to collect my supplies and load them on the truck. When I returned to the barbershop the old man was just getting out of the chair. He smiled at me as he headed for the door. We didn't say much as we drove back down the road. The old man asked me where I needed to get out at and stopped right beside the trail. He helped me unload my supplies and made the comment about I had enough for several months on the mountain. Neither Bubba nor Tom showed themselves until the old man pulled away.

They came out of the woods and started carrying the boxes and sacks back to the mules. I had to tell them to be careful with several of the boxes because they contained some items in jars. It took us about ten minutes to load the supplies. As it turned out we didn't need the third mule but we decided we would take turns riding it so we could move a little faster.

We were a good hour into our return trip when I asked Tom how his ride on Bubba had felt. He grinned and said even thought it wasn't better than some of the other ways he had tried it was different and very satisfying. I asked him where they had got the idea and he told me of the time they had seen Todd and his mate doing it. Tom then asked if I was interested in trying it.

My cock answered for me as it got hard and was pushing against my pants. Tom said he would like to try it from the rear if I would let him. Bubba had been listening to us and stopped. He stood there as we removed our clothes and climbed upon the mule. It took a few minutes to get situated but we finally were ready.

As the mule started up the trail my hard cock was rubbing right along its neck and into the little bit of mane it had. Since we were headed uphill, my ass was forced back into Tom's cock every time the mule took a step. Tom's cock was rubbing right against my prostate and I was about to cum.

Tom had to be enjoying it from all the moans and groans that was coming from him. I believe he was actually fighting against the pressure of his balls to empty themselves into my ass. The mule bounced a few times when he had to take a little higher step and my cock sprayed cum all over the mules neck. As I tried to catch my breath Tom's cock was rubbing against my prostate and keeping my cock hard.

I must have cum four times when I finally yelled out for Bubba to stop the mule. I couldn't take any more as I slowly eased mysepf off of the mule and Tom's cock. Tom looked in disbelief as he noticed the cum running down the shoulders of the mule. Bubba moved over and said he had to try it. He removed his overalls and climbed up on the mule in front of Tom. I watched as Bubba scooped up some of my cum and spread it on his asshole. He gently lowered himself on Tom's cock and said he was ready.

I held onto the neck of the front mule as he started up the trail followed by the other two. "Oh," was I heard from Bubba as we started up a steep part of the trail. Tom wrapped his arms around Bubba as the two of them closed their eyes and held on. Ever so often I would hear a moan or groan from one of them, but I was too busy trying to recover myself to look back at them.

Tom was the one yelling out this time, as he wanted to stop. I walked back to the two sitting on the mule and noticed the worn out look on both of their faces. Bubba leaned forward as Tom pulled his soft cock out of Bubba's ass and then slid down the side of the mule. Tom was having trouble standing and I noticed that Bubba was just leaning over the mule's neck.

Bubba finally sat up and I notice the deposit of cum he had left running down the mule. It was apparent that Bubba had cum more than once during his little ride. Bubba told me that there was a stream just a few yards off to the side of the trail and we could wash up and rest for a few minutes. We headed the mules in the direction that Bubba told us and within a few steps could see the stream.

Tom and I stepped into the stream and gasped as the cold water took our breath away. Bubba came over and quickly sat down in the water and then jumped right up. I took my underwear from the bag on the mule and dipped them in the water. I washed my cock and balls off and handed them to the others. While they were cleaning themselves I looked into one of the boxes and took out some cans of soda and placed them in the cold stream.

Bubba told me to bend over as he took the underwear and cleaned me of the mule hair that had stuck to my ass. We managed to dress again as I tossed them each a bag of chips to go with the sodas I retrieved from the water. We rested as we enjoyed the chips and soda. As we gathered the mules I asked Bubba how much longer we had and he said we could make it to Tom's house in less than an hour, and he added that we still had about another couple of hours of sunlight.

Bubba was right as we made it to Tom's house and Pops met us at the little corral. He said we had time to get the supplies to my cabin before dark and Tom could bring the mules back with him. Pops then had a funny grin come across his face as he rubbed his hand through the dried cum on the mule. He said it looked like several people had fun riding his mule. None of us said anything as we laughed.

We made it to the cabin and unloaded the mules when Tom said he had to get back home before he fell asleep. Bubba and I said we knew how he felt as we both sprawled out on the sleeping bag when Tom left.

The next thing I knew someone was shaking me awake. I looked over at Bubba who was still asleep and turned around to see Pops looking at me. He told me it was almost morning and he had come to see if I needed any help building my furniture. I rolled over and got up as I looked through one of the boxes and located the instant coffee I had brought back. I put on a kettle of water to heat as I retrieved a couple of cups the women had loaned me.

When the water was hot I poured each of us a cup and added the coffee. Pops just looked on, as it was the first time he had ever seen instant coffee. He smelled of it at first and I asked if he liked sugar and cream in his coffee. He told me he never put anything in his coffee and didn't know that people did. I told him to let me fix him a cup as I added a little sugar and cream. He tasted it and said it wasn't bad at all.

We sat there drinking our coffee as the sun started coming over the hill. Pops said that he was going to visit the family that made the pillows and mattresses. He asked me what I wanted him to tell the man to bring to the poker party. I looked around and asked if he could get a mattress that would fit the bed I had and if he could get one about twice the width. He said he thought he could and he wanted to know if I wanted to get any pillows. I told him about four pillows and maybe six blankets would be nice.

I told him that I had picked up some sheets from town. He drank the rest of his coffee and said it was really good. I asked him if he wanted some more or if he wanted to carry some with him. Pops looked a little puzzled when I mentioned him taking it with him. I reached into the box and took out a small thermos. I filled it with several cups of water and then added the right amount of coffee, sugar, and cream. I told him he could drink out of the thermos and then put the lid back on it.

He headed off while I started putting the things away. Bubba had rolled over but was still sleeping. I took out some of the sandpaper I had purchased and started sanding the top of my table. My ass was a little sore but from all the action it had taken in the last two days it probably needed a break. Thinking of my ass reminded me that I needed to repair the outhouse.

When I inspected the outhouse I realized it would be easier to build one than repair the old one. I had bought a toilet seat to mount in the outhouse because I always felt like I was going to fall in the hole in the old one. I went about constructing the new outhouse and in about an hour had everything done except the door. Tom walked up about that time and peered inside and asked what the lid was that covered the hole. I showed him how to raise the lid and sit on the seat. He was impressed but said I still needed a door.

Tom helped me fasten a door and then remove the old outhouse so we could place the new one over the deep hole someone had dug many years ago.

Next: Chapter 5

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