Bubba Tim

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Sep 3, 2002


This is the second chapter in my story of sex and life in the mountains.

All comments are welcome at chartoe@aol.com

Bubba Tim 2

We walked around the cabin and located the places on the walls where we could attach some crude shelves. We started carving some small pieces of wood to form the braces. When we had the shelves up I told Pops it would look even better if we could sand them. He looked at me with a puzzled look and I realized he didn't know what I was talking about. I told him to forget it that I would show him later.

Tom had just returned with a load of clay and dumped it on the plank I had been using. I dropped down beside him and showed him how to press and roll the clay to get it elastic. Tom was trying but I had to grab his hands and show him the proper way to press into the clay. The touch on the boy's hands sent a rush through my body that centered between my legs. I jerked my hands back as I felt my cock try to grow.

Tom continued to work up the clay as I moved back beside Pops. Pops looked at me and told me that Tom had that affect on all men. Pops slapped me on my back and said he even caused the same feelings in him. I took a quick look at Pops face and could tell he was not making it up.

Tom left the room for some more clay and I started telling Pops about the blonde haired boy that I had seen earlier today. Pops said it was Bubba and if he really took a liking to me that I had better be ready for some real fun. I wanted to talk about what he had said but figured it would wait until later.

Pops was checking out the chimney to make sure it was clear. He said it looked safe and whoever had built it had done a fine job. He said that we had done just about everything we could inside to the cabin. I followed him out as he went back to the clump of trees. He pointed one out to me and said it would do fine to repair the corner post on the porch. I started chopping the tree down as Pops looked on. I noticed he took the small ax and cut a few smaller limbs.

We managed to lift the porch up enough to place the new post in place. Most of the planks needed to be replaced so I started pulling them up. Pops went about splitting some small trees in half. We turned the split side up and nailed them in place. It actually looked quite well when we had finished it. During this Tom had managed to make several trips back to the clay pit.

Pops said it was time to break for lunch as we moved to the stream to clean up. Pops pulled out food he had brought along as the three of us started enjoying the sandwiches. I told Pops that I needed to buy some supplies for my cabin so I didn't go hungry. Pops said that I could buy some things from the store but it was better to get them from some of the people who had canned them. He told me that he would spread the word that I was ready to receive offers from the people around here.

I noticed that Tom had finished his sandwich and had sat down in front of his father. He had pushed himself against his father's stomach and chest as he leaned his head back. Pops took his free hand and slid it inside Tom's overalls and rubbed the boy's smooth chest. Tom closed his eyes as he took in the warm feeling of his father's attention.

As we talked about what else I need to do I noticed that Pops' hand managed to slide down over Tom's stomach. His arm would only go so far because the buttons on the side of Tom's overalls were fastened. Tom reached around and unbuttoned the sides. Pops' hand slide right down into Tom's crotch.

Tom started moaning and pumping his hips forward as Pops hand was busy working up and down on his cock. I watched as Pops managed to push Tom's cock out the fly of the overalls. Tom's cock was nice and fat and about five inches long. It was uncut and Pops was moving the skin up and down over the bulging head. I noticed some pre-cum beading up on the slit.

Pops was watching me and asked if I was up for some dessert. I leaned down and licked the pre-cum into my mouth. When Pops pulled the foreskin back my lips followed it as Tom's cock entered my mouth. Pops removed his hand and reached underneath Tom's ass. He lifted him up on to his legs, which forced Tom's cock even further out of his overalls. I was now bobbing my mouth up and down on Tom's cock as Pops was rubbing his chest and stomach.

Tom gave almost no warning as his cock exploded into my mouth. I drank all of his cum, as he slowly seemed to melt back into his father's body. I removed my mouth when his cock was spent and Pops rubbed his fingers through the boy's hair. Tom was almost asleep so I told him to go into the cabin and lay down. As Tom got up we heard the rustling in the bushes above the stream.

When Tom had left I asked Pops how long he had been playing with Tom like that. He said he was not much more than a little toddler when he picked him up one day and rubbed his chest. Pops said he noticed that Tom had a little hard-on after a while so he started rubbing it for him and the little thing actually had an orgasm. Pops said that he knew how well it felt for him so it had to feel good to Tom.

Pops said that ever since then Tom would just rub against him when he wanted him to play with him. Pops said it was a great way to get him to sleep. I said it sounded great for Tom. Pops told me that the boys in the mountains were playing with themselves and each other way before hair grew around their cocks. He said the girls were not allowed to have sex but the boys could. He said that most of them had even been taught by their fathers. They figured if they were going to do it while they were young they should be shown the best way to enjoy it.

Pops said that the boys on the mountain were so horny that if a bitch came in heat she was penned up to protect her from the boys not the dogs. Pops said that all animals were fair game for the young hard peters and sometimes the older peters. I couldn't believe what I was hearing but my cock was leaking enough pre-cum to believe him.

We changed the subject as I told Pops that I could manage the furniture if I only had a lamp so I could work at night. Pops said I could pick one up at the store, but then said it would not be wise for me to go without someone from the mountain. Pops thought for a second and then said what he would do was let Tom go with me to the store.

Pops called for Tom who came walking slowly around the cabin while wiping the sleep from his eyes. Pops told Tom what we had planned as he said he had to be getting back home and see if his no good son-in-law had done the work around the house. Pops rubbed Tom's head as he told him to be sure and mind me.

We walked to the front of the cabin as Pops headed down the hillside. I went inside and retrieved some of my money and told Tom we needed to get started. Tom started over the hill with me following. There was a fairly worn path that led through the woods. I noticed the smoke coming from the top of the store on the other side of the valley. It took us another 15 minutes to get across the valley.

Tom spun around and surprised me when he started talking. He said that I should go into the store and start looking around. Then he would come in and start asking about prices of things. He said that old man Jones would tell him the price and when he was through I could tell Jones what I wanted. Tom said that way Mr. Jones wouldn't know that we were together. Tom seemed to enjoy the fact that we were tricking Mr. Jones.

I entered the old wooden store and started looking around at the different barrels of seed and things. Mr. Jones asked if he could help me but I told him I was just looking for right now. He was getting sort of nervous and had asked if there was anything in particular I was looking for. Before I could answer him Tom walked in and headed to the other side of the store. Mr. Jones quickly went to where Tom was, I guess Mr. Jones had to watch the children of the mountain very close when they came into the store.

Tom would pick up one item and then ask the price of another. He had managed to ask about the lamps that I needed. Mr. Jones had finally had enough of Tom's questions as he told him to leave if he wasn't going to buy anything. Tom grinned at me as I told the man I needed three of the lamps and enough oil to fill them. Mr. Jones asked if I needed to know the price of them, and I told him I all ready heard the price. He walked off with a frown on his face.

He wrapped my items in some old paper and asked if there was anything else I needed. I had him give me a few cans of beans, some crackers, a loaf of homemade bread, and a small bag of hard candy that I had noticed Tom looking at. I also noticed that the man had some soda sitting on a shelf collecting dust. I asked him how much they were and when he gave me a price that was reasonable, I purchased all ten of them.

Tom and I left the store with our arms full and a little more energy in our walk. We made it back to the cabin a lot faster than we had taken to get to the store. As we made it to the stream I had Tom stop as I placed the bottles of soda in the deepest part of the stream. Tom looked at me but didn't ask any questions. While I was digging in the packages I found the sack of candy and offered Tom one.

He took the candy and quickly popped it into his mouth. I told him that the rest of it would be on the shelf in the cabin and he could get some anytime he wanted. He grinned, as he tasted the sweet candy. I heard the bushes above me rustle as Tom stood up. He yelled for Bubba to come on down and join us. I looked around and within a few seconds the blonde boy I had seen earlier that morning appeared almost from no where.

He walked up behind Tom as Tom pulled the candy out of his mouth and offered it to Bubba. I told him there was plenty that he didn't have to give his away. Tom took the sack and opened it. Bubba took a piece and licked on it before he put it in his mouth. Tom handed me the little sack as I gathered the rest of my items and started toward the cabin. When I glanced back the two boys were chatting and looking in the stream. I was sure they were wondering what was in the bottles.

I filled the lamps and set them around the cabin and it became very apparent I had to build a table and some stools for the cabin. I had just finished placing the rest of the items on the shelves when the two boys entered the cabin.

I turned expecting the two to say something, but took a deep breath when they started removing their clothes. It only took a couple of buttons for both of them to be completely naked. My cock had sprang to attention and was wanting out of my pants. I stood there as the two moved next to me and started taking my clothes off. I let them remove all my clothes as they started rubbing their hands up and down my body. They seemed to pay more attention to my ass and cock than anywhere else. They led me over to the bed and when Bubba sat down on the edge of the bed he pulled my head into his lap. I dropped to my knees making it easier for me than trying to stand and bend over.

Tom moved behind me and I quickly felt his wet tongue licking the crack of my ass. He took no time finding my asshole and rimming it out. Bubba's nice cut cock was pushing against my lips so I opened them to allow it in. He pushed up from his seated position trying to force more of his cock in my mouth. I placed the cock head against the back of my throat and swallowed as it pushed its way down my throat. I had just gotten use to Bubba's cock when I felt Tom forcing his cock in my asshole. I was glad it was Tom and not Bubba opening my asshole to the world of cock. Tom's cock was about half the size of Bubba's

They started pumping into my mouth and asshole as each of them started nearing an orgasm. Every time they got close they would slow down and wait a few seconds. This allowed them to start all over again. My throat was getting sore from being stretched so long. I felt Bubba's cock as it began to swell just before he filled my throat and mouth with his hot cum. I was beginning to think he was never going to stop as his cock erupted over and over. He finally stopped pumping and I could feel his cock start to deflate. He pulled his cock out of my throat but left the head of it resting on my tongue. I felt some cum ooze out of the head and rest on my tongue. I rolled it around and then swallowed it. The action of my tongue seemed to wake Bubba's cock as it started growing again.

Tom was grunting as I felt his cock squirt his hot cum inside my ass. Tom pulled his cock out and when he moved around to my head he was holding the foreskin over the head of it. He offered his cock to my mouth, which I opened readily. When he released his foreskin a small stream of cum shot into my mouth. I quickly cleaned it up and ran my tongue inside his foreskin searching for more.

Bubba had moved behind me and I wanted to yell out when he forced his cock into my asshole. He must have known how painful it was as he eased up on his attack of my asshole. After a few more thrust his cock was sliding in and out with little or no pain. Tom pulled his legs up which forced his asshole up close to my mouth. I was so excited that I was licking his asshole out before I even realized it. Tom had started pumping his ass at my face and I could tell he was wanting more than my tongue.

Bubba stopped pumping into me as he helped me move closer to Tom's ass. Bubba reached down and guided my cock towards Tom's asshole. When the head of my cock was inside, Bubba slammed himself into me. This forced my cock further into Tom's ass. Tom grunted as he forced his ass back into me. Bubba had started up again and I was getting pleasures from my front and back. I got a quick stab of pleasure as Bubba's cock rubbed against my prostate. With the next push of Bubba's cock mine erupted inside Tom. Tom's cock started to jerk as I watched his cum spray against my stomach and then fall on him.

I figured I was through but was surprised when I felt my hard cock still buried deep in Tom's ass. As Bubba kept pumping he was causing my own cock to move inside Tom. My cock would explode and then Tom's, as Bubba was not slowing down. The both of us had cum at least three times before Bubba finally yelled and released his cum deep inside me.

We all three heard the cough at the door and quickly looked around to notice Fred standing there with a big grin on his face. Bubba and Tom acted as if it was nothing at all but I could feel the heat coming from my body from the embarrassment I was feeling.

Fred said that there were some of the mountain people coming up the hill and we should make ourselves presentable. He said he thought that something like this was probably going on so he had come up ahead of the others. Tom and Bubba were dressed in no time while I was still fighting with my buttons. Fred reached up and straitened my collar for me and then patted my ass and said he wouldn't mind a piece of that himself.

We heard one of the women yell out as she got closer to the cabin. I could still feel the heat from my face as I stepped out and invited her in. There were three women and each was carrying a large basket with them. All three of the women looked to be in their forties or early fifties. The one that had called out stepped into the room and in a very stern voice said they had heard I was paying cash for preserved goods.

I told her yes I was as she handed me the basket to hold as she unwrapped the jars inside. She started showing me jars of beans and other vegetables along with some with fruit. Fred said that her berries were great. I asked the lady how much she wanted for the food. She looked at the other women and said she would take ten cents for each jar provided I saved the jars and lids and returned them to her. I did some quick math and told her I would take them all. A big grin came over her mouth as the other two women moved in closer. I told them I would take all their food at the same price but they had to make sure they helped me label all the jars before they left.

The women got busy and within a few minutes had all the goods placed on the shelves according to what was in them. One of the women looked around and asked what I was going to use to cook in. I told her I really wasn't sure but would come up with something. The older of the women said that there was an old wood burning stove at the store but Old man Jones would want a fortune for it. She then looked at Fred and told him he would have to go dicker the old man down so I could get the stove. Fred grunted but didn't say he wouldn't do it.

Fred looked at the woman and asked her what a fare price for the stove would be. She thought for a second and said that no more than ten dollars and that included the pipes to vent it. She then looked at me and asked if I could afford that. I told her that was no problem and it sounded real fair. I really was thinking I would have paid three or four times as much back home. She looked around and said she had an old pot and skillet I could use as long as she got them back when I left. The other women started stating what they could loan me as well.

I paid the women for their goods as they headed down the hill and Fred headed up the hill to go to the store. Bubba had gone with Fred to help him bring it back and Tom was standing around trying to figure out in which direction he was headed. I told him to follow me as I went back to the stream and took a couple of the sodas from the cold stream. I opened them and handed one to Tom. He looked at it and didn't taste it until I turned mine up. He took a sip before turning it up and taking a big gulp.

We sat down on the log drinking our sodas when I decided to ask Tom a few questions about the male life on the mountain. When we had finished I had found out that most of the men met at least once a week for a so-called poker game, but the game really didn't involve any cards. The men would sit around drinking and fucking all night. Tom said it was great when most of the men had too much to drink. He said that was when he and Bubba would go around and fuck for hours. He said that once most of the men got drunk they didn't care who used their asses.

He said that on rare occasions they had a coming out party. He said that was when one of the young boys would be tied to a bed or table depending on where it was held. Then each man that was there had to fuck the boy and have him suck him off. Tom said it wasn't as bad as it sounded. He said that none of the boys were virgins to a cock up their ass. They just had to prove they could take every man in one night. When they did this then it was all right for them to have sex with any man they wanted to. Otherwise the boys were off limits to the men out side their immediate families.

He said that on occasions some of the younger boys were allowed at the party buy they had to wear a little cloth that covered their ass. This was to signal that the men could play with them but their assholes were off limits. I noticed that Tom had finished his soda but was holding onto the bottle. He then told me that Old man Jones would give him 2 cents for each bottle. I told him to place the bottles beside the cabin and he could have them anytime he wanted them.

Tom said he had to be getting back home so his father could rub him to sleep. Tom grinned when he said this and I knew that Tom's father probably enjoyed his play with Tom as much as Tom did. I went into the cabin and lit the lamps since it was getting dark outside. The lamps really did lighten the cabin as I looked around. The window shudders were in good condition so I figured I didn't have to worry about them. I needed to fix he door that had come off of its hinges.

I inspected the hinges and found them to just need some cleaning and I could use them again. I then looked around the floor trying to figure out what I could do to it. It was solid dirt and wasn't very level. I then came up with an idea that I would have to try the next day. I went out back and gathered up some of the split lumber and some of the smaller branches. I spread it out on the floor and started placing the split lumber beside each other and then nailed them to some cross-timber.

I was pleased with the table when I had finished it. I only had to cut the legs three times to get the table to not wobble. The wood grain of the lumber looked good and I made a mental note that I needed some sandpaper and maybe some varnish. I also knew that I was going to have to make a trip back to the real world to get some supplies.

I heard Fred and Bubba as they came over the top of the hill. I went out to meet them and help carry what they had brought. They had borrowed a crude wagon but it seemed to have done the job of carrying the wood burning stove. The stove was actually larger than what I thought it would be. It had two places on the top for cooking on and they had several pieces of pipe to vent the stove out of the cabin. We pulled the stove and pipe into the cabin as Fred said he had to get down the mountainside.

We waved at Fred as he walked away and I turned to Bubba and asked him if he had any place to be or was he going to spend the night with me. He thought for a second and with a very noticeable mountain accent said he would love to stay. I noticed he kept looking at the sack of candy on the shelf so I told him to help himself to it. I told him I had only bought it for him, Tom, and any other children that happened by. He took a piece and popped it in his mouth. He started moaning, as he tasted the sweet candy. It was apparent to me that before today he had tasted very little candy.

I placed some more wood on the fire and moved over to spread the sleeping bag out on the bed. Bubba was still enjoying the candy when I asked him which side of the bed he wanted. He looked at me and for a second I thought he was going to tell me he would sleep somewhere else. I noticed the front of his overalls start to move and knew it had made up his mind for him.

I placed the door over the entrance and blew out two of the lamps. The other I placed on the floor beside the bed as I removed my clothes. Bubba didn't have to be told twice as he dropped his overalls to the floor. I lay down on the far side of the bed and waited on Bubba. He moved over, blew out the lamp and then crawled in opposite of me. It didn't take but a second to figure out why he had done that as I felt my cock being sucked inside his mouth. I leaned forward and located his cock as I started enjoying sucking.

I had really gotten into this sucking as I thought of every place that his cock would love to be licked, sucked, or kissed. I could feel the hard candy that he was rubbing up and down my cock. He was really working up some saliva as he sucked and swallowed on my cock. My cock started jerking as my cum mixed with the sweet taste of the candy. Bubba's cock was rock hard but it didn't appear he was anywhere near close cumming.

Bubba sat up and spun around as he rolled me over on my stomach. He spread my ass and was pushing his cock into me before I even realized he was in the position to do so. There was some initial pain but it soon was gone as he started pushing in and out of my asshole. Bubba kept moving around until he noticed my body respond to his cock rubbing my prostate. He stayed in the same position but picked up the pace. I was spraying cum all over my sleeping blanket.

I counted at least three times that I had cum before I dozed off. I don't know how long Bubba fucked my ass, but later during the night I woke up as he started pumping into me again. I shot again within seconds and went back to dream land. The next time I woke up Bubba was at it again but I didn't mind because I was spraying the sleeping bag again. This time I felt Bubba's cock seem to explode inside me. I didn't think he was ever going to stop. When he pulled his cock out I clamped my asshole shut so I could keep his cum from gushing out.

I got up and gingerly moved out side to release the pressure in my asshole. Bubba followed me out next to the old outhouse. That was something else I had to repair also. I squatted on the ground just as the cum started running out of me. I felt a cramp and knew that more than cum was being released from my asshole. Bubba handed me the roll of paper I had brought with me as he grabbed his cock and started peeing against the outhouse.

We moved to the stream and washed our asses and cocks off before we headed back to the cabin.

Next: Chapter 3

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