Bubba Tim

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Nov 29, 2002


Here is the 11th chapter to the saga of sex on the mountain. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as the others. All comments are welcome at chartoe@aol.com

Bubba Tim 11

I had never spent such a long week at work or at least it seemed that way. All week long I caught myself daydreaming about all the sex I was missing by not being on the mountain. I did manage to work extra hard so that I could take off early on Friday. I had gone after work on Thursday and collected all the things I figured I could get up to the cabin. On Friday my car was loaded down and I went about finishing up all my work so nothing would keep me there any longer than necessary.

I took the drive out to the mountain and left my car in a safe place as I started off on my hike up the mountainside. I was carrying a lot of things in my backpack but the plan was to borrow Pops mules and come back down and collect the rest of the goods. I was actually making good time since now I knew where I was headed. After about an hour and a half I was able to get to Pops place.

Pops was glad to see me and said that Bubba and Tom were probably up at the cabin. I told Pops what I had planned and he said there was no problem with borrowing the mules. He said that if I headed to the cabin to get the boys then there would not be enough time to take the mules back down, load them and get back before dark. He then said that he would go with me back down the mountain and that way we could get the supplies back up to the cabin before dark if we were lucky.

We got the mules and things ready and headed down the mountain. Pops told me that there wasn't a mountain side party planned for the weekend but he did know that Moose and the boys were planning on spending the weekend at the cabin. I told him that if we joined them it should be great. Pops said he didn't know if he would be able to join us since he had to stay home with his youngest son Mark. I asked him how old Mark was and he said he was between his 10th and 11th birthday.

I waited a while but had to ask Pops how old the boy had to be before he would be allowed to join in the fun. Pops said that there were a lot of boys on the mountain younger than Mark that was into all the sex play. He said that it had always been a rule with him and his boys that he never introduced them into the sex until they asked for it. He said that he made sure that they were not exposed to it until they wanted to try it.

I told him I understood what he was saying and then asked if Mark had shown any signs of being curious about sex. Pops said he had caught the boy playing with himself a few times and had played around with some of the animals when he thought he was alone. Pops said as an after thought that Mark had started asking him about what the jelly was used for last weekend but changed the subject when Tom came into the room. Pops said that he figured one of he boys at the party had told him about it and he wanted me to confirm what he had heard He said that before he could answer him Tom came into the room and Mark changed the subject. Pops said that the opportunity never came up for Mark to finish asking him.

We reached my car very quickly and started loading the boxes of canned goods and things I had brought. I had also managed to bring along plenty of soap, and other things that I couldn't readily get on the mountain. I also was able to get several tubes of lubricant that was just for the use during sex. We managed to load the mules a lot faster than it had taken me to load the car.

We were making good time back up the mountain and about half the way I had to stop to take a piss. Pops said he might as well take one two as he stepped beside me and pulled his cock out. I had almost forgotten about all the extra foreskin he had on his cock and when he saw me staring at it he asked if I wanted to get acquainted with it again. I reached over and pulled the skin back over the head of his cock as it started to get hard. My cock was all ready hard as I dropped down to my knees and sucked his cock into my mouth. I released the foreskin and kept sucking as it slowly was pulled back over the cock and down my throat. I wanted that cock up my ass but knew we didn't have the time so I stood up and grabbed his cock. I pushed almost all of my cock inside his foreskin as I started jerking both of our cocks at the same time.

Pops must have been horny himself as he started cumming right after I did. I held the end of the foreskin in place as it was filled with cum from both of our cocks. I slowly pulled my cock out making sure I didn't loose any of the captured cum. When my cock was out I dropped down and placed my mouth on the end of the foreskin. I sucked the cum out of the skin until I had swallowed all of it. I pushed the foreskin back slowly as I licked it clean of all the cum. Pops cock had started to get hard again by the time I had finished cleaning it.

Pops grabbed his cock and forced it back into his pants as he said we didn't have time for anything else right now. We gathered up the mules and headed on up the trail. We really made better time than Pops thought we would and was back at his house with a couple hours of daylight left. He called for Mark but got no response from the house. He told me to let the mules get some water while he located Mark. Pops went through his house but came out without Mark. He didn't appear to be worried as he told me to follow him to the shed when the animals were kept. He said that Mark might be feeding the animals and couldn't hear us from there.

We walked down the well-used trail to the shack that provide some shelter from the elements for the animals. Before we got to it we heard Mark grunting as if he was straining for some reason. When we stepped into the room it was very obvious why he was sounding the way he was. Mark was on the ground on his hand and knees with a dog's cock tied in his asshole. The dog had turned around and he and Mark were ass to ass. When the dog saw us it tried to pull away which brought a quick grunt from Mark.

Mark did not know we were there as he pushed his ass back at the dog to take the pressure off his asshole. Pops grinned at me as he asked Mark if he was having any trouble. Mark looked back at us and I could see the blood rising in his face. He had turned real red and didn't know what to say. Pops squatted down beside him and started rubbing his hand on Mark's ass. He looked at Mark and asked him if it was hurting very much. Mark quietly said only when the dog tried to pull out. I sat down on the other side of Mark and started rubbing his ass cheek on my side.

Pops said we would wait until the dog was finished with Marks ass, then could head on to the cabin. He said it looked like Mark could join us since it was apparent he was needing his desires serviced. While Pops was talking I reached up and gently massaged Mark's balls for him. He moaned again but this time it was from the pleasure and not pain. I looked at Pops and asked if it was all right for me to help Mark out. Pops said it was fine as he moved around to Mark's head.

Pops unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out of his pants. He sat down right in front of Mark with his cock lying in front of his head. I rolled over and slipped my head underneath Mark as I located his little five inch cock. It was not any thicker than one of my fingers and from the lack of pubic hair, I knew he had not started getting the big change in his cock and balls yet. I licked at his cock first and noticed a little different taste than what I was expecting. When I looked up at his balls I knew what the taste was. There was a steady stream of cum running out of his asshole and down his balls. I licked at the stream to confirm what I thought and I was correct the taste was from the dog's cum.

I moved back up and sucked Mark's cock into my mouth as he moaned and tried to thrust his cock deeper into me. This also caused him to pull against the dog's cock, which caused some pain. He continued to try and fuck my mouth, which was causing pain and pleasure to him. I heard Pops groan and looked up to see Mark sucking the head of Pops cock into his mouth. This was all Mark could take as his little cock started jerking in my mouth and I tasted a little cum from him. It was just enough to let me know that he was shooting a little cum but not much.

Mark was really getting into sucking his father's cock but was having trouble because of the pain from the dog's cock. I reached up behind Mark and squeezed the dog's shaft as hard as I could. This at first forced the dog's cock to become larger but when I released it the blood would flow out of the cock and it would become smaller. I did this a couple of times and when Mark moved forward the dog's knot popped out of his asshole.

Mark's asshole looked like a mare's pussy when she is peeing. There was a large steady stream of cum flowing out of him as he moaned and sucked more of his father's cock into his mouth. He started to gag and Pops pulled his cock out of his mouth and pushed it back in his pants. Pops told Mark to sit up and try and take a dump so all the cum could flow out of him. The dog had sat down and was licking his cock and balls clean as they were getting back to normal.

Pops told Mark to clean himself up and put on his overalls. When he noticed him starting to put on his underwear, Pops told him that he wouldn't need those for a couple of days. He told him to carry them back into the house and to bring one of his jugs with him. He told him where we were headed and that he could catch up with us. Mark headed into the house as we grabbed the halters on the mules and started off.

I asked Pops if he was all right with Mark coming along and with what we had caught him doing. Pops said at first he was upset but then remembered how it felt to be young and your dick getting hard all the time. He said he knew that one day Mark would want to try something and since there were very few girls on the mountain it was almost a certainty that it would be animals. He did say he figured he would have fucked the female animals first before letting the males at his ass.

I looked at him and asked him if he knew for sure if Mark had not tried the females. He said he didn't know but when he caught up to us he would ask him. We walked on for another five minutes before we heard Mark coming up the trail after us. When I looked back he had grabbed a few blankets and was carrying one of the whiskey jugs. Pops told him to bring him the jug and come walk beside us.

Pops took a swig out of the jug and then handed it to me. I really didn't want any but figured it was best to take some. Pops then told Mark to go ahead and take a drink. When Mark was through Pops looked down at him and asked him if he had tried fucking any of the female animals. Mark blushed again before he nodded his head that he had. Pops waited a second and then told him to tell us about them.

Mark kept his head down but started telling us about the dogs, pigs, and a sheep he had did it with. Pops asked him which one he preferred. Mark thought for a second and said that the dog was the best. Pops laughed and said he bet it was because it was probably in heat and wanted to be fucked. Mark looked up at him and when he noticed that his father wasn't mad he seemed to relax.

I glanced over at Mark and realized that he had a nice round ass on him that would probably feel great as a person's cock forced its way inside him. Pops noticed me looking at Mark's ass and said I would have the pleasure of breaking it in to a man's cock. I grinned back at Pops and told him I would be very gently with him. Mark could hear us as he turned around and looked up at me. From then on he walked even closer to me and seemed happy to be around me.

We made it to the cabin before dark and were surprised at first when no one was there. After we unloaded the supplies and Pops staked the mules out so they could feed we headed around back on the cabin toward the stream and heard the boys. They were splashing around in the water and yelled out when they saw us. Bubba and Tom came running to meet us and neither of them was bothered by the fact that they were naked. Mark just stared at both of them as he looked from one cock to the other. Neither of them said anything about Mark being there so I figured they probably knew he was going to join in the fun.

We started back toward the cabin when we heard someone from above the ridge yell down at us. We all waved at Moose as he started down the trail. My ass felt like it had become wet all at once and I knew it was anticipating Moose's cock being buried deep inside it. Moose walked up and asked who the new gentleman was that was joining us. Pops introduced Mark to Moose and said that this was going to be Mark's first time and that I had the privilege of showing him the pleasures of man sex.

Moose looked at me and said I had better do a good job on him because he sure would like to have a piece of him before he left, provided he wanted it. Moose reached down and patted Mark on the head as he pulled him into his huge stomach. We all went inside the cabin and started unpacking all the items I had brought. I told Tom to take a case of the sodas and place them in the stream so they would be cold when we needed them.

Pops and Moose started preparing the meal as I continued putting things away. I had brought along a lot of snacks and candy that I was sure most of the men had never seen or tasted before. I handed one to Mark and told him to try it. He took a little bite and then finished off the candy bar. He said it was great. Bubba looked at me and asked if it was as good as the jelly. Everyone except Mark and me started laughing as they remembered all the action the jelly had caused the week before.

We sat down and enjoyed the meal the two men had prepared and started chatting about other things when we were finished. I noticed that Moose and Pops were scratching themselves a lot and Bubba and Tom were beginning to move around a lot. Pops looked at me and said it seemed like a good time for me to take Mark up on the ridge and show him the view. I knew what he was referring to so I grabbed a couple of blankets and a tube of lube and told Mark to follow me.

Mark followed me all the way to the top of the cliff without asking any questions. When we got to the right spot I started spreading the blanket on the ground as Mark helped. I told him we needed to remove our clothes which all he had to do was release the straps of his overalls. When they fell to the ground I noticed that his cock was all ready hard. He grinned at me and waited for me to get all my clothes off.

I stepped out of my pants and Mark grabbed my cock. He started moving his hand up and down the shaft and watching as it started to grow. I asked him if he wanted to suck on it for a while. He nodded as he dropped to his knees and sucked my cock into his mouth. It was apparent he had never done this before by the way he was doing it. I told him to stop and I would show him a better way.

We lay down side by side with each other's head next to the other's cock. I told him to do just as I did on his cock. I took his cock and using my tongue gave it a complete bath from head to base. I also had to give his smooth hairless balls a bath with my tongue. I stopped and told him it was his turn. He was a very quick learner and I only had to tell him to slow down a little. When he finally got to the head of my cock he was treated to a drop or two of pre-cum.

I watched him when he licked the pre-cum off to see what his reaction was. He hesitated just a second after his first taste but very quickly lick the rest of it off. I felt his hand as he ran it up and down the shaft a couple of times as he tried to milk some more out of me. I told him to lick around the head and just underneath the crown. He did as I told him and he was treated to a little more pre-cum. He started to do it again but I told him it was time for his next lesson plus I didn't want him to make me cum yet.

I took his cock in my mouth and after telling him how to keep his teeth away from the cock started pumping my mouth up and down on him. After a couple of moans from him I pulled back off of him and told him it was his turn. He only grazed my cock a couple times with his teeth before he got the hang of it. He was pleased to find some more pre-cum and wanted to continue when I told him to stop. I explained to him that the last lesson he would have to listen to me as I talked him through it. I told him I was going to tell him how he could swallow my cock down his throat without gagging or choking.

He looked as if I didn't know what I was talking about but I convinced him it could be done and that I actually was able to suck his father's cock down my throat. I told him to place the head of my cock against the back of his throat and when he was ready to swallow, he was to push the cock down his throat. I told him that he might need to swallow a couple of times at first to keep from gagging.

He pushed the head of my cock into his mouth and bobbed up and down a couple of times before placing the head against the back of his mouth. I watched as he took a deep breath and swallowed. He pushed his head down on my cock and I felt it start to slide down his throat. He stopped and I thought he was going to gag but he quickly swallowed again and pushed my cock further down his throat. He pulled his head back off and had a big grin on his face as he said he did it. Without warning he was taking all of my cock down his throat. I decided to let him make me cum to see if he could handle the cum shooting in his mouth and throat.

I didn't last very long as I watched his cute face bobbing up and down on my cock. I didn't give him any warning as my cock started erupting inside his throat. I figured he would choke and lose most of the cum, but he surprised me as he forced my cock down his throat and continued to swallow as my cum coated his throat. When my cock went soft he pulled it out of his mouth and asked how he did. I told him he sucked me off like he had been doing it all his life. He grinned at me and then asked what we were going to do next.

I told him that I was going to suck him and get his asshole ready for when my cock got hard again. He leaned back on the blanket and opened his legs for me. I moved between his legs and started sucking his cock as my hand made its way to his little balls. He was moaning a little and moving his hips around as he tried to pump his cock into my face.

I grabbed the tube of lube and squirted some on his asshole. As I continued to suck his cock I worked my finger down to his tight asshole. I rubbed my finger around the little hole as I increased the licking and sucking on his cock and balls. I raised his leg and placed it over my shoulder as I slowly pushed my finger inside him. At first I was surprised because he showed no signs of real pain but then again he had been tied to the dog so his asshole was a little looser than normal.

The second and third fingers entered his asshole with very little resistance. I pulled myself up and told him he was ready for my cock. I lifted his other leg and placed both of them on my shoulders. I moved in to position and was waiting for some reaction from Mark. I forced the head of my cock into his tight asshole and expected him to have me stop but he didn't. He kept telling me to push more in and I did everything he wanted.

When my cock was buried inside him he wrapped his legs around my lower back and started trying to pump his ass up at me. I had seen enough as I lay down on top of him and started pumping into him as fast as I could. He moaned and kept telling me not to stop. He started breathing faster and faster and then yelled out as his cock pulsed its way through an orgasm. He relaxed a little but soon was bucking again as I started working him into another orgasm. Mark came about four times before I finally couldn't hold back anymore. I filled his asshole full of my hot slippery cum and could feel it sliding around my cock and out his asshole.

I started to pull my cock out of him when he told me not to. He said he just wanted to lie there for a while. I did as he wanted and he started asking me questions about getting fucked by different men. He wanted to know if it was always the same. I told him that it wasn't, for example I would cum several times with Moose up my ass, but maybe only once with his Pops' cock inside me. I told him that I loved Pops' uncut cock and could cum while just sucking on it.

I could feel Mark trying to pump his ass on my cock and he was getting the job done. My cock was hard again but I wanted to get back to the cabin and get a cock, mainly Moose's, up my own ass. I also figured Moose would be another good cock for Mark to try. Moose's had a nice long cock that wasn't that thick. He managed to hit all the right spots in me and I figured he would do the same with Mark.

We rolled the blankets up and carried our clothes with us as we headed back to the cabin. When we walked in the others had paired off and Tom was fucking Moose while Pops was getting his ass fucked by Bubba. I told Mark he could join in anywhere he wanted as I tossed the blankets to the floor and moved over to Tom.

Next: Chapter 12

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