Bubba Tim

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Sep 2, 2002


This is about a man who visits the moutains where he was raised for the first few years of his life. He is drawn into the man on man sex of the rural mountain men and finds out that even though they may not be well educated they are very well versed in sex. The character finds out he enjoys it.

Any comments are accepted at chartoe@aol.com

Bubba Tim 1

My story began sometime ago when I was tired of the city life. I had gotten into a dull routine with my life and job. I needed something to give my life some meaning so I made arrangements to take my two weeks vacation and then another two weeks leave of absence. I always loved to hike by myself and enjoy the wide-open mountainsides.

I made sure all my bills were paid up and got a neighbor to collect my mail. I packed up what clothes and personal items I figured I would need while I was gone. I headed my car up to the mountains where I had grown up until I was eight. My family had lived back up the mountains until they got enough money to move down to town. My parents had managed to get jobs in the factories and I had been made to go to school. I started way behind the other children but was smart enough that within three years I was with the kids of my own age.

My family managed to work out a very good living and I had actually attended some college classes at night. I caught on with the local newspaper and then moved on to a fairly successful magazine. I have been writing for the magazine for over ten years now and realized I had almost no life for myself.

I had my usual girlfriends while going through school but none of them wanted to get married and I really didn't want to marry them. Now that I think back on it my sexual experiences only consisted of a quick piece or two with my girlfriends hoping their fathers didn't catch us. I never was attracted to other boys or at least I was like the rest of them in gym class. We always kept our heads down while dressing and tried not to look at each other in the showers.

Back to the main story that started, I left my car at a local garage that would keep it running while I was gone. The man at the garage drove me up to one of the old dirt roads that had only seen horses and mules as means of transportation. I thanked him for the lift and told him I would see him in four weeks.

As I walked along the road or actually trail that wound up through the trees and up to the mountainside, I was remembering the free spirited life the people on the mountains lived. They hunted for food and not just the sport of it, they grew gardens for the vegetables and there were some who had their on stills for their other pleasure. I knew there weren't a lot women in the mountains so the men had to enjoy themselves somehow, I was sure the stories of fooling around with the animals was probably true.

I had walked the trail for about four hours when I figured I should set up camp for the night. I found a small stream that had some clear water so I gathered some wood to make a fire. I brought along some potted meat and crackers and enjoyed them before I laid out my sleeping bag. I didn't realize how much the hike had taken out of me until I zipped myself up. I was asleep within minutes.

I woke to the sounds of birds in the trees and the need to empty my bladder. I was relieving myself when I saw something move several yards away from me. I wasn't sure what it was since I heard it more than saw it. I grabbed some crackers and a can of soda I had placed in the stream and quickly finished them off as I gathered my gear.

As I headed up the trail I noticed that it was worn more than the part I had used the day before. I started noticing footprints in the soft ground on the trail, some were of shoes and others were of bare feet. I figured I was getting close to some family so I started singing some jingle that came to mind. I knew how the people in the mountains were so I wanted to be sure and let them know I was about and not trying to sneak up on anyone. I kept getting the feeling that someone was watching me but every time I turned to look in the direction of where I thought they were, I only saw some lower limbs moving.

I came to one point on the trail that made a quick left turn around a large bolder. I took one step around it when a man in overalls carrying a shotgun stepped in front of me. He wanted to know where I was headed. I told him that I had grown up in these mountains and had moved away when I was young and was just wanted to visit them again. He looked me up and down as he walked around me. He asked if I had any papers that proved who I was.

When I went to pull out my wallet he pointed the gun at me quickly and I slowed down. I handed him my drivers license which had my photo. He glanced at it and gave it back to me and said he couldn't read and it didn't tell him who I was. I told him my name was John Brown and then gave him my parent's names. I could tell he was searching his memory for any of the names but couldn't find them. He told me to keep going up the trail and turn at the next bolder beside the trail.

I was trying to figure out what I had gotten myself into as the man followed behind me with the gun. I could see the next boulder just about fifty yards ahead of us. I heard a twig snap off to the right of us and the man behind me said it was only Bubba. The name Bubba really had my imagination running wild now.

When we turned off the trail there was a small path that I could tell was used quiet often. After another hundred yards I could see an old house that had been patched so much that the patches even had patches. On the porch was an old lady in a long dress with a carved wooden bowl in her lap. She was cleaning some kind of vegetables as she watched us come up the path.

The man had me stop just short of the porch as he moved up next to the old lady. He told her he found me coming up the path and he told her the story I had given him. The old lady asked me what my parent's names had been. When I repeated them a smile moved across her face. She said she didn't know them personally but did remember the family that had lived about ten miles away and had moved down to the valley. She said that some of their relatives still lived on the mountain. She then stopped for a second before saying that just about everyone on the mountains were almost kin.

She told me to sit down and tell her what I was doing coming back on the mountain. I filled her in on being tired with my job and life and just wanted to get away for a while. I told her that all I could remember about living on the mountain was how free and peaceful it had been. She listened for a few minutes and then said that there was an old log cabin not too far from where I was raised that was empty and had been empty for a year or two. She said she was sure no one would care if I used it but there probably would be some work to be done on it. She said she knew there would have to be some cleaning.

She called Fred who was the man I had met earlier to show me the path that led to the cabin she was talking about. She told him to spread the word that I was going to be staying there and that she had checked me out. The man motioned for me to follow him. He was now carrying the shotgun in a less threatening manner. He didn't talk much as we walked and I kept hearing someone or something in the brush not far from us. He noticed me looking and again said it was only Bubba.

I had to know so I asked him who Bubba was. He grinned and said that Bubba came to the mountains about 15 years ago. His mother and him had some how managed to make it up in the mountains when she was bitten by a snake. She was almost gone when she was found and didn't last but another day. He said the boy was passed around from family to family on the mountain. He said that all the boy would say when they found him was Bubba and Tim so he has been called Bubba Tim ever since.

He told me that Bubba knew probably everything and everybody within twenty miles of where we were. He said that he use to show up at the different houses that he had been raised in for a quick meal and would then disappear. Fred told me that my first impression when I meet Bubba, and he assured me I would meet him, would be that he was touched in the head. He said most of the people on the mountain think Bubba is a little slow, but Fred said he thinks Bubba knows more than all the people on the mountain.

Fred told me that Bubba had been man handled when he was younger and it had sort of forced him away from most men. He said that the men who were nice to him seemed to remain his friends. Fred said that Bubba was like an angel that showed up all the time. He said that a lot of the times when he went hunting that Bubba would show up and point to where I should go. Fred said it never failed that if he went where Bubba pointed there was always game. He also said that if an animal was wounded and got away from the hunter that by the next morning the animal would be hanging on the hunter's porch cleaned and dressed with some part of it missing. He said they all figured that Bubba would keep a little of the meat for himself or took it to one of the families that really needed it.

Fred asked me what I was going to do for supplies on the mountain. I told him I had brought some money and had hoped to buy what I needed from the people around. He said that it probably could be arranged since most of the people around had plenty of food in their smokehouses and root cellars. He told me he would get the word around that I was needed supplies and willing to pay money for them. He told me to be ready for people to visit all during the day.

Fred stopped and pointed to a small trail that ran off from the main trail. He told me to follow it for about thirty minutes and it would lead me right to the cabin. He told me to be careful and clean out all the corners for snakes. He said that he would be by probably the next day to see how I was doing. He stopped and told me that there was a running stream behind the cabin that I might want to clean out when I first got there. He said it would take the better part of a day for it to clear up after I removed any wood and leaves or anything else that might be in it.

I thanked him and started off toward my new home for the next month. A couple of times I thought I was lost because the trail disappeared. I continued on and was able to pick it up again. The walk took me closer to an hour than thirty minutes, but then I wasn't use to walking on the mountainside. The woman was not wrong when she said it needed some work. The porch was almost on the ground and there were a couple of major holes in the roof that I could see from the outside.

I moved to the back of the cabin and noticed the stream. I figured I would clean it out first since Fred had suggested I do so. There were a few limbs at the base where the water poured in from the rocks above. I removed them and then managed to scrape all the leaves in the bottom that were covering the stones. It was apparent that someone had taken time to cover the bottom of the stream with stones. I noticed that the stream wasn't flowing very fast so I decided to climb upon the hill to see where the water was coming from.

I managed to reach the mouth of the stream after having to scale a couple of boulders. The stream was coming right out of a stone wall but there were a lot of grass and small trees that had sprouted over the opening. I spent about half an hour pulling up little trees and grass along the path of the stream. I stirred up as much of the soil that had settled on the rocks and watched as it was washed over the side.

When I got back to the stream behind the cabin the water had turned the color of the soil but was running a lot faster. I made a mental note to clean on the stream every day until I could get it completely clear.

I located a couple of nice size branches as I figured it was time to go snake hunting inside the cabin. When I entered I almost had a heart attach when a couple of owls fluttered above my head and flew out the holes in the ceiling. When I caught my breath I moved to the corners of the cabin and pushed around with my sticks. I only found some skin that a very large snake had left there.

The furnishings in the old cabin were not useable. They were all falling apart but I figured I could use them for firewood. I piled a lot of the pieces in the fireplace and started a small fire. Didn't want a large fire until I was able to check out the chimney, didn't want some raccoon nest to catch on fire and burn the cabin down. I piled most of the other furnishings beside the fireplace.

I was happy to notice that there was an old iron frame of a bunk type bed. There was no mattress but there were holes in the side of the frame that I knew I could use to thread some rope in and form a makeshift sling that I could put my sleeping bag on. I pulled the frame out behind the cabin and found some old pieces of wood to scrape the frame with. The wood acted sort of like sandpaper as it scrubbed most of the old rust from the frame. I washed it off and stood it up to dry as I went back inside to get the small rope I had brought along.

I spent the better part of an hour threading and weaving the rope across the bed frame, and when I was through it actually was better than I thought it would be. When I sat down on it there was very little give in it and I knew when I put the sleeping bag on it I would be able to sleep nicely on it.

After placing the frame back inside the cabin I started making notes of what needed to be repaired first, then realized I had no tools to cut or hammer with. I looked around the cabin, but any tools that had been there were long gone. I heard someone yell out as he came up the hill. I looked out and noticed a middle-aged man carrying a wooden box by a sling that was draped over his shoulder.

He waved at me when he saw me come out of the cabin. When he got close enough he said that I could call him Pops like everyone else on the mountain. He sat the box down and said that Fred had told him that someone was going to stay in the cabin and he knew I would be needing some tools to make it livable. He pointed to the box and told me there was probably everything I needed inside it. He said it was almost too late to do any major repairs today but if I wanted his help he would show me which trees I could cut down to use to repair the roof. I thanked him and he told me to follow him around to the back where he started pointing out about four young trees that I could cut down. He said that he would be by early in the morning and show me how to split them.

I asked him why he was so interested in helping me and he said that he had a daughter that had two kids and a lazy husband that lived with him. He said that he figured that if he helped me fix up the cabin that maybe they would move into it when I left. He said that maybe then he and his wife could have sex again. He said he was tired of jerking himself off in the woods because there was no privacy in his own home.

I giggled at him but told him I understood and that he was perfectly welcome to help fix up the cabin. We both heard something moving around in the brush above the spring. The man said it was probably Bubba. We moved back inside the cabin and the man noticed the bed and said I had done a very good job on it. He said that if I did as good a job on the rest of the cabin that he and his wife might move and leave the kids in the old house.

He started pointing out the logs in the roof that would have to be replaced along with a few on the side. He said we would have to build some furniture for the cabin but that was nothing to worry about right now. He moved around the room and pointed out places that needed to be cleaned out so we could replace the clay that had crumbled away. He told me that just below the cabin where the stream ran was a nice deposit of clay.

I asked if there was some kind of general store where I could get some nails and things. He said there was one on the other side of the mountain that was only an hour walk. He said it didn't carry a lot of things but did carry the most needed things. He said that if I wanted to buy something there that it would better for him to get it. He said that the man that owned the store would try and make me pay more for the items than I should. He said that once he found out I had money the prices would go through the roof. Pops said if I would make a list he would get them for me because the old man knew better than changing the prices on him.

I told him that sounded good to me and I would have a list for him in the morning and he could get them while I worked on the trees he had told me to cut down. He said that sounded like a good deal with him, but it was time for him to get back to his house before his daughter and son-in-law started acting like rabbits. I grinned at him as I shook his hand.

I moved back to the bed and spread my sleeping bag on my new bed. I stood the door over the opening and then crawled into my bag to sleep. During the night I woke up and thought I saw the outline of someone standing in the door but when I blinked it was gone. I rolled over and went back to sleep.

The next morning I was surprised to see the door was no longer standing where I had put it, and hanging in front of the fireplace was a slab of smoked jerky. I looked around but didn't see anyone. I giggled to myself and said it had to be Bubba. I enjoyed some of the jerky as I moved around to get the chill out of my body. I started a small fire and then went outside to take a pee.

While I was outside I took the ax from the box of tools and started chopping down the trees that Pops had pointed out the day before. The trees seem to cooperate with my cutting or the ax was very sharp. I had managed to chop down all the trees and actually trimmed the lower branches from them. I headed to the stream for a good drink of water and was pleased to see the water was crystal clear and there were only a little more leaves that needed to be cleared away. I removed my sweaty shirt as I splashed some of the ice cold water on my head and upper body. I headed back to the trees and noticed Pops moving up the hillside toward me. I started to put my shirt back on when Pops told me I would be cooler leaving it off. He then made a comment about how nice my body looked. I thought the comment was a little out of place but ignored it.

Pops showed me how to split the trees to obtain the size of lumber I needed to fix the roof. It was a slow tedious method but did produce the timber we needed. While we were working I told Pops about the jerky that was waiting for me when I got up. He said he was sure it was from Bubba and it looked like he had taken a liking to me. We worked right on up till lunchtime when Pops told me it was time to eat.

We rolled one on the logs close to the stream and I went back into the cabin and retrieved the rest of the jerky. When I returned Pops had spread a cloth on the log and had placed out some bread and meat. We fixed ourselves some sandwiches and I offered him one of my few remaining sodas that were cooling in the stream. He took the cola and took a drink. He said he had never had one before and actually enjoyed it.

While we were eating I asked Pops what he thought I needed from the store to finish my repairs on the roof. He named off nails, and then suggested I get myself some tools that I could keep around the cabin. I told him I would give him some extra money and if he saw anything he figured I could use to get it.

We finished our meal and Pops started getting ready to leave for the store when he said we needed to make a ladder I could use to get on the roof. It only took a few minutes to cut the sides of he ladder and notch it for the rungs. We tied them in place and though it was only temporary it was very sturdy. Pops took the money and headed over the mountain.

I busied myself with first replacing the main timber in the roof. I then used the ladder to climb up on top of the roof. I marked the planks we had made and sawed them off to fit. I was all ready for the nails so I moved back inside the cabin and started scraping the dried clay from the walls. I managed to scrape all of it from the cracks and decided to see if I could find the clay that Pops had mentioned.

The clay was easy to find and I piled some on one of the shorter planks that I had brought with me. I took the clay back to the cabin and worked it up just as a potter would before using it. I spread some in one of the cracks between the logs in the wall. It spread easily in the crack and I found a piece of wood that allowed me to push the clay firmly in the crack. I continued to apply the clay to the wall and had made probably ten trips back to the clay pit before Pops returned.

He inspected my work and wanted to know how I was able to make the clay so smooth. I showed him how to work the clay just as if it were a loaf of bread. This was what made it so smooth and also allowed it to be shaped so easy. Pops said that my work was far better than any he had seen in the other cabins.

He spread the things he had bought on the floor and handed me the rest of my money. He had purchased the nails, another hammer, a smaller ax, a shovel, and some wedges that are used to split the timber into planks. He also brought a crosscut handsaw that would really be used to make things for inside the cabin.

I took the nails and hammer and told him I was ready to nail the planks in the roof. He moved outside with me and made suggestions as I started applying the wooden plank shingles. The work was hard but fast. I had nailed all the boards in place and was pleased that I had been able to measure them close enough for them to work. When I got down from the roof Pops suggested I wash myself off in the stream. I was covered from head to toe with sweat and the idea sounded great.

I walked around to the stream and was a little surprised and felt a little self conscious as Pops followed me. He threw some water on his head and then wiped his face with a rag he carried in his back pocket. I removed my shirt, shoes and pants as Pops just set there watching. When I started pushing my underwear down I was sure I heard Pops take a deep breath. I stepped into the stream and quickly sat down. The water was only about eight inches deep and didn't completely cover my thighs, not to mention my cock.

Pops said he noticed I had not been cut when I was born which proved that I probably was born in the mountains. He said he had heard of boy's foreskin being cut off when they were babies. I told him that I had seen many such boys when I was in school. Pops said he knew of only one boy in the mountains that had been cut and that was Bubba.

Once he mentioned Bubba he opened up and really started talking about how he and Bubba would often get together to please each other. He looked at me and as an afterthought told me that men having fun with each other was not uncommon on the mountain. He said that there were very few women or girls on the mountain that would put out. He then told me that Bubba had been introduced to it at a very young age. Since he had been passed around from home to home some of the men had taken advantage of the situation. Pops said that Bubba had almost come to expect it but some of the other men finally told him that if he didn't want to do it that he didn't have to.

I was listening and hadn't noticed that my cock had gotten hard while listening to Pops. He glanced down and said it appeared I was excited by the suggestions as well. He asked me if I had ever been with a man before and I couldn't keep myself from telling him I hadn't. He grinned and asked if I wanted to try a little. I hesitated answering him so he told me that if we started anything I didn't want to do then we would stop.

He started removing his clothes as he moved to the stream. He pulled his shirt off and unbuttoned his overalls. When he let his overalls fall to the ground I was amazed at the appearance of his uncut cock. His cock was about six inches long to the head but had another two inches of skin below it. His balls were large and hung well below his cock. I felt like I was hypnotized as I reached out to touch his cock and balls.

I pulled the skin back over the head of his cock and was amazed at how much there was. I had never seen so much extra skin on a cock before. His cock started getting hard and it was still covered by foreskin. My cock was hard but the head of my cock was uncovered by now.

Pops told me to stand in front of him as he sat back down on the log. When I did he pulled my cock toward him and sucked it into his mouth. He started sliding up and down on my cock as he rolled his tongue around my shaft inside his mouth. He made one hard push forward as he sank my cock down his throat. He swallowed a couple of times, which cause a rippling effect to travel from the middle of my cock down to the head. It was more than I could take as my cock erupted in his throat. I tried to pull out figuring he didn't want my cum in his mouth, he grabbed my ass and forced me back in. My body jerked a couple more times as my balls emptied into him. He continued to suck on my cock even after it had gone soft. When he pulled his mouth off of my cock it felt as if all my energy left my body. I had to catch myself before I fell to the ground.

Pops stood up and turned me around so I could sit down. He moved so that his cock was right in front of my face. He looked at me and asked if I was through. I really was spent but felt I owed him for sucking my cock. I had never sucked another cock before but figured if I was doing it wrong he would tell me. I grabbed his cock and pulled it toward my mouth.

I was expecting some grotesque taste from the wrinkled skin, but was happy when all I tasted at first was the faint taste of salt. I sucked the head and the entire foreskin in my mouth. I started forcing my tongue inside the foreskin and rolling it around the head of his cock. The salty taste was still present but then I felt something wet and a little gooey on the tip of my tongue. When I tasted it I knew it was probably some pre-cum and it had a little sweet twang to it. The thing about it was the second I tasted it I wanted more. I forced the skin off of the head of the cock by pulling it back with my hand. This forced more pre-cum into my mouth.

I was now sucking and bobbing my head as my hand was jerking on the shaft. Pops said it felt like I knew what made a man feel good. He was moaning as he grabbed my head and started fucking my face. Several times his cock hit the back of my throat but could go no further as I kept my hand on the shaft. Pops slowed down and asked me if I wanted to learn to swallow his cock. I thought for a second and then nodded up and down.

Pops told me to do just as he said and I would be swallowing his cock in no time. He told me to let go of his cock as he took hold of it. He pulled the foreskin all the way back and pushed his cock to the back of my mouth. He told me that when I felt his cock at the entrance to my throat to swallow and push forward. He slowly pushed his cock forward just as I swallowed. Surprisingly his cock slid all the way inside. I almost gagged but when I swallowed the desire went away. I continued to swallow as I noticed Pops release the foreskin. I could feel the skin as it rolled down his cock and actually covered his head inside my throat.

Pops kept saying how nice I was doing as he picked up the pace. He was fucking my face as I felt his cock grow and then explode down my throat. I could feel the cum slide into my stomach but couldn't taste it. His cock had softened and Pops started pulling his cock out of my mouth. As his cock slipped past my lips I tasted the sweat cum that was leaking out of the foreskin. When the cock was completely out of my mouth I grabbed it and pulled the foreskin back. Just as I figured the head and top part of the cock were wet with cum. I pushed the cock back in my mouth as I cleaned all the cum I could find with my tongue.

Pops finally pulled his cock away from me and said it was tired and needed its rest. He patted me on the head and said for a beginner I was a natural. I stood up and told Pops that I had been with many girls but being with him was a lot more pleasing. He grinned at me and told me that my pleasures had yet begun. He said he would come over most days and we could experiment with a lot of other things. We dressed as Pops said he had to get back home but would be back early in the morning.

I could hardly sleep because of my hard cock. I jerked myself off at least three times before I was able to stay asleep. Sometime during the night while I was jerking off I thought I noticed the same figure standing in my doorway.

I woke up feeling very refreshed as I walked to the stream to wash myself off. I hadn't even put any clothes on. I washed myself and started back toward the cabin when I turned around to see a boy in his late teens or early twenties standing about ten feet away staring at me. He was a blonde haired boy with a large build. He wasn't muscle bound but you could tell he had a lot of strength in his body. He looked me up and down and was about to say something when we heard the familiar yell from Pops.

Pops was still down the hill a ways so he couldn't see us. When I looked back the boy was gone. I hurried to the cabin and pulled on some jeans. I was glad I had since I noticed that Pops had brought along a young boy with him. When he got to the cabin he introduced Tom to me as one of his boys. He said that the boy could haul the clay for us if I would show him how to work it up. Pops said it was about time to redo their house and the boy could be in charge of preparing the clay.

The boy had dark hair just as Pops and he wore a pair of overalls, but without the shirt underneath. I was sure he probably didn't wear any underwear either. The boy wasn't thin like you would think the mountain people would be from a poor diet. He actually looked very healthy and it was obvious he was getting plenty to eat. He smiled at me as I gave him the once over. Pops noticed me looking at him and said it was work time, and playtime came later.

Pops told Tom to go to the stream below the house and he would see where I had been getting the clay. He told him to take his pale and fill it and bring it back up to the cabin and he would find a plank just inside where I had been preparing the clay. Pops and I moved inside to decide on what we would work on next.

Next: Chapter 2

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