Bubba and James

By Bradley Carson

Published on Sep 9, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and no real names or real situations are used. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

By the time Bubba had filled the condom inside of Justin, Eric had shot a huge load all over his furry chest and stomach. They all kissed after it was over, and then went and got cleaned up. On his way home, Bubba was thinking how much fun his playtime with Eric and Justin had been once again. He wished though that he had a guy for something more serious, as well as to join in on this play. Maybe he needed to give James a call again after all, he thought.

It was the next weekend before Bubba finally got around to doing so, however. On Saturday, July 30 at about noon, James' cell phone rang. When he answered it, he was delighted to hear Bubba's voice on the other end. James had not hooked up with anyone else since having been with Bubba on the 4th of July weekend. Since James had been fired from the bank on the 18th, he had spent a lot of time looking for a job, and worrying about finding one. The few times he had been horny in the last couple of weeks, he had taken care of that by jacking off. Every time he did so, he had thought about Bubba, and about having full-fledged anal sex with the big hot stud, as so far all they had done was oral.

"I was thinking," Bubba said on the phone, "That is I was wondering, how would you like to go out with me?"

"I'd love to," James said without hesitation, a big grin breaking out on his face.

"Well, what we, um, did on the 4th, that was hot - really hot," Bubba said, "But, I'd like to really go out this time. How about dinner tonight?"

"That sounds great," James said, but then added, "But, I have to be honest, I'm pretty broke right now, until I get my first paycheck from my new job, at least."

James explained about being fired from the bank. He went on to explain that he had gotten a new job working in the office of a local automotive plant, and would be starting there on Monday, August 1.

"Don't worry," Bubba assured him, "I'm asking you out, so it will be my treat. Pick you up at seven?"

A little after 7pm that Saturday night, Bubba and James were riding across town there in Pleasant View in Bubba's blue Chevy Malibu. Bubba had driven over from where he was currently still living in the apartment over his parents' garage near Smithville. The guys soon agreed on Anthony's Restaurant there in Pleasant View for dinner. They laughed and talked all through the meal and really enjoyed each other's company.

Bubba was pleased to learn that James knew Eric Jamison from back in college, and that it was Eric who had helped James get his new job at the office of the factory. James had lost track of Eric but they had recently found each other on facebook and had been pleased to learn that they both now were living there in Pleasant View. "I know Justin from college, so it really is a small world," Bubba commented as they were driving down the street away from the restaurant after dinner. Bubba then decided to go out a little bit on a limb, and told James about the threeways that he had been having with Justin and Eric.

"That's really hot," James exclaimed honestly with a wicked grin. "I thought Eric acted a little funny when I brought up having hooked up with you," he added with a laugh. "I guess he was hesitant to tell me that the three of you were more than just friends."

"Well, I definitely don't mind you knowing about it," Bubba said, "And I'm sure they don't either. But will it bother you if we keep dating?"

James loved the fact that Bubba was clearly thinking about more dates after tonight. "No, not at all. The idea of an open relationship is kinda hot to me."

"It is to me too, as long as everything is kept open and honest," Bubba replied.

Soon they were back at James' apartment, and he invited Bubba inside. They sat on the couch and talked for a little while, and then James was in Bubba's arms, as they kissed hotly. James started to unbutton Bubba's shirt, and reached inside to rub his hot furry chest as they kissed more. James laid back and Bubba leaned down over him, kissing him deeply as their hands began to explore more. Soon their shirts were off and their hot furry chests were pressed together as they made out hotly there on the couch.

"Mmm, James," Bubba said softly, "you are so fuckin' hot, baby."

"So are you," James agreed with a grin. "Let's go to the bedroom."

They went back to James' small bedroom, and James reached down and started undoing Bubba's belt and unbuttoning, then unzipping his jeans. Bubba kicked off his shoes and then his jeans dropped to the floor. He stood there with a huge tent in his boxers, as he quickly got James out of his jeans as well. They each lost their socks, then embraced and started kissing hotly again as they stood at the foot of James' bed in just their boxers, their raging hardons pressing together.

At nearly the same time they each hooked their thumbs into the sides of the others boxers, and pulled them down, letting them fall to the floor and then stepping out of them. They embraced again, and Bubba's big, thick seven and a half by five and a half-inch cut cock pressed against James' throbbing six and a half inch cut dick. They were both leaking precum now, causing their cocks to slide against one another as they held each other tight and kissed hotly. Soon they were on the bed, rolling around naked in one another's arms.

Bubba began to lick and suck on James' nipples then, causing him to moan softly. He kissed all over James' furry chest and tummy, and run his tongue in and out of James' belly button a few times, causing him to moan again. He then just suddenly took James' dick in his mouth all the way, tasting James' hot precum on his tongue. "Oh, FUCK!" James moaned in pure pleasure.

Bubba continued bobbing his head on James' meat and driving James totally crazy. Soon he came back up to kiss James deeply once again. "Fuck me," James said hotly as they broke their kiss.

"Mmm," Bubba growled softly in anticipation, "are you sure?"

"Yes!" James gasped, in heat now, "I want that big dick inside me, Bubba!" He handed Bubba a condom and some lube from his bedside table then. Bubba put the condom on his throbbing meat and lubed James' hole good. Soon James had his legs up on Bubba's shoulders, and Bubba's big mushroom head was knocking on his back door.

"Ah! Uhn-YEAH!" James moaned as Bubba began to slowly enter his tight hole. Bubba kept up a slow, steady inward motion until finally his big pecker was buried balls deep inside of James' tight ass.

"UH, FUCK!" Bubba grunted, grinning down at James as he bottomed out inside of him and just held it there for a moment.

"Yeah, give it to me!" James cried out in heat, as he felt Bubba's big cock deep inside him, filling him so damn good.

Bubba started moving his hips then, slowly fucking James.

"Oh, GOD!" James groaned.

"Mmm, FUCK, you're tight!" Bubba growled, still grinning as he started to pick up the pace a little. He put his hands on James ankles tentatively then.

"Yeah, that's it baby, fuckin' grab my ankles and give it to me hard!" James encouraged. Bubba did as asked. He held James' ankles in each hand and started fucking him full-tilt as hard as he could.

"Oh! FUCK! AH-UH! UH! FUCK!!!" James screamed, as Bubba's big throbbing meat filled him so deep and pounded him so hard, over and over.

"Uh! FUCK! Ah-UH! Uh! Oh YEAH!" Bubba was groaning and growling as he plowed James so good. He reached a big warm hand up now and started jacking James' cock hard and fast as he continued to fuck his ass so good.

"Uhn! YEAH!" James groaned.

Soon they were both trembling and moaning, feeling their impending climaxes about to hit. As James began to spray buckets of cum up between them, Bubba started unloading into the condom, and then collapsed down on top of James, breathing hard. They lay there and held each other for a long while, and soon both fell asleep.

When they awoke, it was after midnight, and they took a shower together. Bubba sucked James in the shower, and brought him to another huge climax, as Bubba jacked off and shot another big load of his own as well. They slept naked in each other's arms that night.

The next morning they went to breakfast together at the Ramblin' Rose Diner and then Bubba headed back home to Smithville. They agreed that they definitely wanted to see each other again and see where this could lead. They were both thinking that if it only turned out to be a friends with benefits thing, it was still really hot. But, they each hoped that it would be more, though.

So it went the next few weeks. They spent each weekend together, hanging out, talking, going out, and ending each night with lots of hot sex and sleeping in each other's arms. They were each delighted that the other was totally versatile, and they were basically fucking each other's brains out every chance they got. On the weeknights when they both had to work the next morning, they would talk on the phone. Afterwards one night in late August, James was jacking off and thinking back to the first time he had topped Bubba.

Bubba had been on all fours on James' bed and James had plowed him deep and hard doggie style, with them both moaning and yelling all through it. At the end James had pulled out, tossed the condom aside, and blown an enormous load all over Bubba's back. He blew another big load just then, remembering.

By the end of August it was obvious that they were dating as more than just friends with benefits. The Friday of Labor Day weekend arrived, and Justin was teasing Bubba that evening on the phone about how he had disappeared since he had started seeing James.

"So, are you two officially boyfriends now or what?" Justin teased. "And are you going to be all monogamous like my best friend Jack and his man Brad are?"

"Well," Bubba said with a chuckle, "We have talked about that, and there's nothing wrong with it for those couples that like it. And we've decided that yes, we are boyfriends, and we are dating. But, no, we don't want to be totally monogamous though."

"Oooh," said Justin with an evil chuckle, "that sounds very promising!"

"Well," Bubba said, chuckling too, "We've decided that we don't want to play with anyone else alone - but we would enjoy playing together, though - with a third, or a couple, that is."

"Well, I know a couple that would be very UP for that," Justin said.

"Oh yeah?" Bubba asked.

"Come on over tomorrow and find out," Justin invited. He explained that he and Eric would love to have Bubba and James over for a cookout, and then see what else happened.

"You sound totally horny, bro," Bubba said with a laugh.

"Damn, I am, Bubba," Justin admitted. "Sitting here hard as a fuckin' rock right now to be honest. I just got home from work, but Eric had to go do something before he comes home. I think I'll meet him naked at the front door!"

"Sounds like a plan!" Bubba said, still laughing.

Just after Bubba got off the phone with Justin, he arrived at James' apartment. As they drove to dinner, he told James about Justin's invitation. "Yeah," James said with a grin, "Eric was talking to me on lunch at work today. He said they had missed playtime with you since me and you started going out, and he asked if we both might want to come over for a cookout - and whatever else - this weekend."

"What did you say, and how do you feel about that?" Bubba asked.

"I told him I was all for it, and I am, Bubba. I think it would be so hot to play with another couple!"

"I do too, and it gives me an idea," Bubba said, with an evil grin. They went and ate dinner, and upon leaving the restaurant James noticed that Bubba turned in the opposite direction from the way that led back to James' apartment. Bubba quickly filled James in on the conversation he had earlier on the phone with Justin.

"I figure Eric is probably just now heading home," Bubba said grinning evilly, then explained his idea, and concluded with, "Are you up for it?"

"Hell yeah," James said grinning back, "I think it's a really hot fuckin' idea."

"Great, call Eric then," Bubba replied.

Soon Bubba and James pulled into the parking lot James' building, where they saw Eric parked and waiting for them. They got into Eric's car, with James riding in front with him, and Bubba in the back.

"You guys are totally crazy, but I love this idea, and I know Just' will too," Eric said with an evil grin and a chuckle. They headed off on towards Eric and Justin's house by Pleasant View Lake then.

"I'm glad you guys are up for fun with others," Eric said to Bubba. "And I can't wait to see this one naked," he added, and rubbed James' knee with one hand while driving with the other, causing him to go rock hard in his shorts.

"Well," Bubba said grinning back, "You know how much fun me, you, and Just' have had. And now that me and James are dating, we've agreed that we want to play with others. And I can't think of any others any hotter to do it with than you and Just'!"

"Thanks," Eric said, glancing at Bubba in the rearview mirror and grinning again, "We feel the same way about you guys. Can I touch?"

"Go for it," Bubba said.

With that, Eric moved his hand from James' knee up to rub the bulge in his shorts, as he continued to drive with the other hand.

"Mmm, yeah," James said softly, wondering why he and Eric had never played back in college. He put his hand on Eric's own throbbing bulge and started rubbing it as well. Bubba leaned up between the seats and watched this, rubbing his own crotch as well.

"He likes to surprise me sometimes after work when he is horny by opening the front door totally naked when he hears my key in the lock," Eric said. "It isn't the first time he's done it, he knows it makes me really horny. But, tonight, we're going to be the ones to surprise him!"

Meanwhile, Justin had indeed gotten naked, and was sitting on the living room sofa slowly playing with his big seven incher. He walked over to the living room window, and looked up the lake road toward town, watching for Eric's car as he knew he should be home any minute.

Eric took the back way around the lake, and so was able to turn off just down the road from his and Justin's house without Justin even knowing it. He parked in a fishing turnoff, and he, Bubba, and James, all walked down to the shore of the lake, and then walked along it until they were on the stretch of beach over the hill behind Eric and James' house.

Bubba started kissing James hotly, and taking his clothes off, as Eric shed his own. Soon they were all three naked and hard as hell there on the beach of the lake. They knew that nobody could see them from the road, which was a great thing about Eric and Justin's house. They didn't want Justin to see them before they were ready to surprise him, though, so they all grabbed their clothes, and took off carrying them, as they ran up the sloping yard to the back patio doors of Eric and Justin's house.

Eric leaned over and kissed Bubba, then James. They all three were totally naked and hard as hell. Eric rang the doorbell, then resumed kissing James. James grabbed Eric's cock and started stroking it, as Bubba started stroking James' dick with one hand and his own with the other.

Justin heard the doorbell for the patio doors, and thought that it meant that Eric was horny too, and was wanting some backyard playtime, as this was something else they sometimes did impulsively after work when they were both horny. He went naked through the house and to the doors, and was very pleasantly shocked with the site in front of him. He threw open the doors.

"Get in here before a boat comes by and sees you," Justin said, laughing, as it was the first thing that came to mind. He was hard as hell though.

"You never worry about that when we go out to play," Eric teased.

"True, but down by the shore there are bushes so we can't be seen from the water, and the house blocks us from the road!" Justin retorted with a grin.

The three naked, horny guys all came through the doors and into Eric and Justin's family room. "I was going to surprise you, but the surprise is sure on me!" Justin said, still pleasantly shocked by what was happening.

Eric replied by kissing him deeply, as James and Bubba started kissing each other again. They all found their way to the big leather sectional there in the family room and sat down together, still kissing hotly.

James was so turned on, as this was his first time seeing either Eric or Justin naked. He was sitting in the corner of the sectional, with Bubba on his left and Justin on his right. Eric was on the other side of Justin. James boldly reached over and took Justin's big seven-inch cock in his right hand and started stroking it gently. Justin was already stroking Eric's meat. With his other hand, James grabbed Bubba's big dick.

Bubba got up then and got between James legs and went down on his throbbing dick. "Oh, FUCK!" James moaned.

Eric and Justin looked on as Bubba continued giving James head. Eric laid back and Justin got between his legs and started sucking him as well. This went on for a few minutes, then Eric and Justin both sat up and watched Bubba continue giving James head, as they jacked each other off slowly.

"I want to see you fuck him," Justin then said simply.

"Yes, so do I," Eric agreed. "Let's go to the bedroom."

Bubba and James gladly followed the couple to their room, where a big king-sized bed awaited them. Justin and Eric climbed in and then sat facing one another toward the foot of the bed, kissing and jacking their cocks together against each other.

"Fuck, that's hot!" James exclaimed, watching this.

"We're going to keep it up while we watch you fuck," Justin grinned back evilly.

Soon James was laying across the bed on his stomach on a towel and Bubba was behind him, kissing his neck and grazing his ass cheeks with his throbbing dick. Bubba asked Justin for a condom and then got one from the bedside table. Bubba then ate James' hole, causing him to moan loudly and getting it all wet, and he then put on the condom and entered James. Bubba fucked James hard and deep as he lay there on his stomach. Justin and Eric were stroking each other furiously as they watched this.

Eric then stood up by the bed, and Justin knew what he wanted. Soon, Eric was fucking Justin doggie style, standing by the bed as Justin was on all fours at the edge of it. They fucked as Bubba and James fucked, and soon moans and cries filled the bedroom as all four men reached their climaxes at nearly the same time.

They all four got into Eric and Justin's big shower and kissed, licked, and sucked some more while getting clean. It was am amazingly hot evening of fourway group mansex fun, and one that they were sure they would repeat many times.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to bradleyjcarson@gmail.com and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Bubba Jones as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 5

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