Bubba and James

By Bradley Carson

Published on Aug 19, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and no real names or real situations are used. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

Bubba found himself fantasizing about having that hot, younger bearcub teller he had seen at the bank riding his rod there in the sunshine in the middle of the creek. He didn't even know the younger man's last name - his bank nametag had just said, "James" - much less whether or not he was gay. "Uh! UH! FUCK! FUCK!!!" Bubba grunted and shouted, with only the birds in the trees on the creek bank to hear him. He shot six big volleys of thick, creamy white cum all over his big broad, furry chest and his stomach, and then lay back for a bit just enjoying the afterglow and wondering where life and love might end up taking him next. Starting over in dating at 40 would have to be a challenge, he thought, but somehow Bubba was still looking very forward to it.

It was now nearly the end of April, and over the past couple of weeks James had settled into the routine of working at the bank. He had first thought that Avalene seemed cool with him being gay. But, now, she was making various little inappropriate comments. She and the skinny guy, Monty, who worked in the office at the bank were constantly flirting, even though Monty was married. And there definitely seemed to be a lot more than just flirtation between Avalene and the older, married loan officer, Tom Hartford, who drove over from the main office in Smithville and worked there at the Pleasant View branch of the bank a couple of days a week. James didn't care about any of this one way or another, because he just looked at it like it was none of his business.

However, it was the inappropriate comments that Avalene had started making towards James that bothered him. She had said that while she now knew that he was gay, she wondered if he had ever been with a woman before or not. He had honestly told her, "No." She had then informed him that in her opinion, there was no way he could know for sure that he was gay, or know for sure that he didn't like sex with women, if he had never had it with one.

James had just laughed that off, because of not wanting to rock the boat. He really needed this job, as he had been laid off from his last one due to downsizing, and the economy was pretty bad. The factories, which had boomed and brought many new people into Pleasant View were not hiring. At least they had not yet had to lay anyone off though. And, James doubted he would really be cut out for factory work, anyway. So he just mostly laughed off Avalene's shit and went on and did his job.

Meanwhile, James tried to get laid whenever he could. Each time he did another Internet hookup, he did one of two things, sometimes both. He either hoped that it would lead to something serious, which it never did. Or he felt very guilty after it was over and the guy was gone. Or both. Still, he continued to do it. He thought about going up to one of the gay bars in Rosemont, but to him that was just as bad, if not worse, than the whole online thing. Still, he longed for something more serious than just getting off. But then he would get horny again, and get online, and the whole cycle would start over.

It was the second week of May now, and once again James was naked in his bed with a new man. This guy's name was William, and he was a really hot bearcub. He was tall, about six-two, had a hot stocky build, dark brown hair, and was furry all over, much like James was. William had a goatee and mustache too, whereas James was clean-shaven. William was 25, a couple of years younger than James.

Soon William was on his back, with his legs on James' shoulders. James was pounding him hard, while William jacked his nice fat six and a half inch cock. "Ah! Uh! YES, BUDDY! THAT'S IT, POUND MY FUCKIN' ASS!" William groaned, grinning up at James, as James continued fucking the hell out of him, and William kept frantically stroking his throbbing meat.

"Uh! FUCK!" James groaned, "That ass is so - AH! - hot and tight man!"

"AH-UH! UH! HARDER BUDDY, HARDER!!!" William groaned.

Soon it was over, James had filled the tip of the condom full of his hot cum, and William had shot his own load all over his hairy chest and stomach. William asked to use the shower, and in the space of a half hour he was gone, and again James was sitting there alone, wondering if this would lead to anything, or would be just another hookup.

The next day, the cute ice cream man came back into the bank again. James remembered him at once. "Hello, sir," he said cheerfully, when Bubba walked up to his teller window.

"Hullo," Bubba rumbled in that deep sexy voice of his, smiling back, and thinking how completely fucking sexy this younger cub was. He was almost sure his gaydar was pinging on the guy - but was it only wishful thinking? Still, he seemed to be checking Bubba out, Bubba thought. Truth be told, Bubba had purposely decided to visit the Pleasant View branch of the bank on his lunch break again today, just hoping to see this hottie again after the first time a few weeks before.

James completed the transaction for Bubba, thinking, "Fuck, I'd like to lick YOUR ice cream cone!" As he checked out the tall, dark haired stud in the white uniform, James noted the very nice and very prominent bulge in the front of the uniform pants, and the way that hot ass filled out the back of them so well.

James was again thinking how much the guy looked like Jeff Bingham on that show "Rules of Engagement," and about how he even had that same studly, deep, resonant voice. That Bubba was a bit chubbier than the guy on that show did not matter at all to James. In fact, he liked that cute bit of a gut in the front of Bubba's uniform shirt. He would have loved to have licked and kissed all over it, in fact. James realized he was getting hard in his dress pants, glad that the tall counter hid this fact.

"Do you live here in Pleasant View?" Bubba asked James in a conversational tone, silently thanking God that there was no one in line behind him.

"Umm, yeah, I have a little apartment out on Kingston Road," James replied. "To which you can come and pound my ass hard and deep until daylight, anytime, big fella!" He silently added in his mind.

"I may be moving here myself," Bubba said. He decided to go out on a limb and out himself to this cute bank teller. "My partner of five years, Randy, and I broke up a few weeks back, bastard was cheating on me, and it was his house I lived in. I'm staying in the little apartment over my folks' garage for now. That was OK back at 22, just out of college, but it kinda sucks when your 40!"

Bubba laughed a deep warm laugh then, and James silently thought "Ohmifuckingawd, he IS gay, and could he possibly BE any hotter!" Aloud James said, "Oh, I would imagine. The factories aren't hiring right now, but every apartment building in town is full, though, from all the new people who moved in when they were. Good luck on finding something, man." James was still doing a little jump for joy inside about Bubba actually being gay, something James would never have guessed.

"Well, have a great day, and thanks for banking with us," James said.

Bubba said, "Yeah, you too, see you around."

James silently thought, "Yes, walking around my bed bare assed naked, and getting ready to fuck me hard, I hope." Aloud he just said, "OK, bye."

He watched Bubba walk away. Just as Bubba was reaching the front door of the bank, another man, who James thought could practically have been Bubba's younger brother, was coming in. They nodded at one another, and the new guy also approached James' teller window.

James heard the Weather Girls singing the chorus of "It's Raining Men" in his mind just then. "Ohmifuckingawd!" He thought again. "First the ice cream man whose creamy stick I would love to lick, and now look at this gorgeous fuckin' stud - and he's a cop in uniform, too! Dayummmmm!"

The cop walked up and grinned pleasantly. He had the same kind of jet-black hair as did Bubba, but his blue eyes were a much darker shade. And, he was plainly a few years younger than Bubba, too. He was also more baby-faced than Bubba, but there was still a definite resemblance, though.

Before James could even ask the officer how he could help him, Avalene flounced over from her perch in the drive thru again. "Oh, well hi there, you big handsome Officer Jack Albertson, you!" She cooed.

Officer Jack smiled a tight little half smile at her. Avalene said, "Come right on over here and I'll be glad to serve you!" She sounded very much as though she might as well have said, "service," instead of "serve."

This was mid-May of 2011. Ten months had passed since Officer Jack Albertson's wife, Holly, had left him for that sawed-off little redneck charmer, Larry Cooper. Jack had kept the house in the divorce, and so far as everyone in town knew, he was living a sad little life there, pining away for Holly. Nobody could understand why a smart, friendly, handsome guy like Jack hadn't already started to move on with a new lady.

Jack himself had slowly been figuring out that he was gay. He had even figured out the kind of guy he liked. He was thinking that James was sort of his type, in fact. Jack was nowhere near ready to pursue anything with a man, just yet, though. He was content with watching his gay porn online while doing lots of hot jacking off.

In fact, he was actually learning a lot about hot mansex from watching that stuff, in addition to shooting buckets of cum to it. Jack had even tasted his own thick creamy cum for the first time after one of those jack off sessions, and had found that he really liked it. It was actually pretty good; sweet and only a little bit salty. But, yes, for now, Jack was content with only fantasizing about other men and pleasuring himself, he just wasn't ready for the real thing with a guy just yet. And besides, Jack was sure James was straight. James thought the same thing about Jack.

Little did he know it as he stood there in the bank on that hot May day, but Officer Jack Albertson would meet his soulmate by chance, about two months after that, in July of 2011, when he drove out to the Carson farm to see about getting someone to run sound for the Policemen's Benefit Fund event. Well, actually, they had already met. But, at that point, Jack Albertson and Bradley Carson were still only very casually acquainted, just in that way that all small town cops seem to at least casually know everyone around, at least just to speak to them.

Jack went over and let Avalene wait on him, which to James confirmed that he was straight. To Jack, it was simply a matter of humoring the poor pathetic little trollop. He had soon completed his business and gone on his way out of the bank. As Jack walked into the Ramblin' Rose Diner a few minutes later, he nodded and said, "Hullo" to Bradley Carson, who was walking out with his best friend Bobby Jenkins.

"God he's hot!" Brad had said to Bobby once they were back in Bobby's white Toyota Camry.

"And also straight as a door, I'm sure," Bobby had said with a laugh and a roll of his eyes.

Back at the bank, the rest of James' day went by quickly. At home that night, he fixed himself a nuked dinner, ate it, and started to watch TV. Watching "One Life to Live" on his DVR every night, faithfully, was one of the few really stereotypically gay things that James did. As Viki and Dorian bitched at each other about something that Dorian and David had pulled, James realized he wasn't paying too much attention to them this evening, though.

James was still thinking about that totally lickable-looking ice cream man who had been in the bank, not to mention that stud of a cop. He knew it was just insane horny wishful thinking, but James had almost felt like both of them had been checking him out.

This train of thought soon had James rock hard. True, the cop was hot, but fuck, that ice cream man was just sex walking! James was imagining licking up and down what he was almost certain was a very nice cock, just as he would have licked on one of the guy's tasty Good Humor bars. Meanwhile, James was stroking his own throbbing dick. Soon he had clicked OLTL off on the DVR, and had gone back to his bedroom. James quickly got naked and continued to jack off.

"Uh! YEAH! HARDER!" James groaned, as he lay there naked on the bed stroking his throbbing pecker, and imagining that the ice cream man, whose name as he had seen from his account was Bubba Jones, was just totally fucking the hell out of him. "Uh, GOD! POUND MY ASS, BUBBA!" James groaned, really getting into his fantasy now. He had soon shot a big load all over himself. He ran a finger down and got a big glob of his hot creamy spunk, and ate it. He wished it were Bubba's load that he was savoring.

Neither of them had any way to know it, but at that very moment on that May evening, Bubba was stroking his own big cock to a shattering climax, as he also lay naked in his bed, in his apartment over the garage. "Uh! FUCK! Oh yeah, JAMES!" Bubba groaned loudly, as he started shooting several enormous volleys of cum everywhere, imagining that he was shooting them either up James' ass or down his throat. He still didn't even know for sure whether the younger cub was gay or not, though. But, Bubba was almost sure that James had looked excited when Bubba had pretty much outed himself to him earlier that day at the bank.

Two more weeks went by, and then three. It was now the second week of June, 2011. Bubba was stocking ice cream in the local Kroger in Pleasant View, when he ran into an old friend from college, Justin Earheart. Earheart had been a couple of years behind Bubba at the college in Rosemont that they had both attended, but they had probably not seen each other in about 18 years. They hugged warmly, and exchanged cell numbers. Bubba promised Justin he would give him a call that evening.

Bubba did so, and they talked on the phone for over an hour that evening, getting caught up on the past several years of their lives. Bubba told Justin he had figured out that he was gay after college. He told him about his relationship with Randy, and how it had ended badly nearly two months before. Justin had been surprised to see Bubba stocking ice cream for Good Humor, as Bubba had been an accounting major back in college. Bubba explained that he had started out in the office at the plant, but had hated being a desk jockey, and had switched many years before to driving a delivery route for the company, since it actually paid better than working in the office.

Justin told Bubba that he had graduated with a law enforcement degree, and had then gone to work as an officer with the Rosemont PD for several years. It was while living there in Rosemont that Justin had met his partner, Eric Jamison. They had been together nearly five years now. Justin explained that he and Eric had moved to Pleasant View when Eric's company promoted him to be head of accounting at their new automotive parts plant there. Justin had become a Pleasant View Police Officer at that time.

Bubba asked Justin how it was being an openly gay cop in a relatively small town. "Well, a couple of assholes gave me a hard time about it early on, but Chief Morganfield gave them hell and put a stop to it," Justin explained. "I have a really great best friend on the force, who actually reminds me a little of you, Bubba. He's straight though, his name is Jack Albertson."

"Oh, yeah," Bubba chuckled, "I know who you're talking about. I don't really know him, but I've run into him a few times around town. People actually do tell me I look a little like him sometimes."

Justin was thinking that to him, Bubba was hotter than Jack. Maybe it was because Justin was too close to Jack as a best friend to think of him in "that way," or maybe it was just because (so far as Justin knew at that point in June, 2011) Jack was straight. At any rate, back before either of them had figured out they were gay, or at least before they had come out, Justin had often longed for Bubba's cock back in college. After running into him earlier that day at Wal-Mart, Justin realized that he found the 40-year old Bubba to be even hotter than he had been back in college.

Bubba was thinking the same thing. He could only imagine how hot Justin probably looked in uniform - he had been in his civilian clothes at Wally World that day. Justin Earheart was 38 years old, stood about six feet tall, was very muscular and athletically built, and had a deep cleft in his chin. He had black hair, dark eyes, and a nice furry chest, too. Bubba was a little disappointed that Justin was taken - it would have been nice to have at least maybe played around some with his old college friend now.

"You should come over and have dinner with me and Eric sometime soon," Justin invited. Before they ended their call, Bubba had agreed to do so that next Saturday.

On Saturday, June 11, 2011, Bubba was in his blue Chevy Malibu, and heading around the lake road in Pleasant View late in the afternoon. He soon pulled up to a nice contemporary house that sat on a little bluff, with a sloping yard that looked like it would lead right down to the water in back.

He rang the bell, and a bookish, slightly nerdy guy with wire-rimmed glasses and short brown hair answered it. He stood about five feet, eight inches tall, and had a chubby build. Bubba noted that there was a bit of chest fur visible at the top of the guy's polo shirt. The guy was 32-year old Eric Jamison, Justin's partner.

"Hi, you must be Bubba," Eric said with a smile.

Bubba thought, "Oh, fuck, Justin is still hot, but now this guy is just my type."

"Hey," Bubba said aloud, shaking Eric's hand, "Great to meet you, Eric."

Eric took Bubba back to their kitchen, where Justin was putting the finishing touches on their meal. They all at together at the couple's table, which was next to the large plate glass windows at the back of their house, with a beautiful view of Pleasant View Lake. Justin and Bubba were at once just as comfortable with one another as they had been back in college, and it was even better now that each knew the other was gay. Bubba and Eric clicked as well, and Eric found Bubba really hot.

After dinner, the guys talked for quite awhile in the living room, and then went out onto the back deck. From here Bubba could see he had been right earlier. Their back yard did lead all the way down the slope to the water. At the water's edge was a small stretch of lake beach. It was still really hot out there at 7:30pm, although being out on the deck, which was shaded by the house, was still nice that evening.

"It would be a great time to go for a swim," Bubba commented, looking down the hill at the inviting water of the lake. "I wish I'd brought some trunks."

Justin and Eric looked at one another and grinned.

"Well, old buddy," Justin said to Bubba, "you can't be seen from the road down there, the house blocks it, so we don't usually bother with suits. You up for some skinny dipping?"

"Oh, why the hell not!" Bubba exclaimed with a grin and a laugh.

Soon the three men had laughingly shed all of their clothes, and were running bare assed naked over the hill and splashing into the cool water of the lake. On the way, Bubba had gotten a good eyeful of both his old friend Justin, and his new friend Eric. He had seen Justin shirtless, but never completely naked, back in college. It looked like Justin had a nice dick, even soft, and the same was true of Eric. Bubba loved the contrast between his old friend's muscular, athletic, tall build, and Eric's shorter, chubbier body.

They all splashed around and laughed and swam awhile, having a great time. Soon they all were out of the water, and sitting bare assed in the soft grass at the bottom of the slope. Justin and Eric started kissing, and soon they both were hard. Bubba, who was sitting off to their right a little bit, blushed self consciously, having gone completely rock hard from seeing this.

Justin broke his and Eric's kiss and looked over at Bubba, then chuckled. "Buddy, don't be embarrassed. We're just doing what comes natural - and from the looks of that huge thing of yours right now, you really must like the view."

"Um, uh," Bubba stammered. "Should I go and let you two guys have some, um, privacy?"

"No," Eric said with a grin, glancing from Bubba to Justin and back again, "I think you should get on over here and join us!"

Bubba looked at Justin, and his old friend gave him a grin and a nod. "We 'play well with others,' and we've been looking for a cool new playmate, Bubba, and it looks like you are quite literally up for it!" Justin exclaimed, admiring his old friend's now throbbing hard, fat seven and a half-incher.

Since he was horny as hell that was all Bubba needed to hear. He stood, and went over and sat down right next to Justin, their hips touching. Justin was between Bubba and Eric, and all three of their rock hard cocks were sticking straight up as they all looked around and compared. Bubba would have been the winner, if this had been a contest. But, Justin was comparable, nearly as thick as Bubba, and at seven full rock hard inches, he was only about a half inch shorter than his old friend. Eric's cock was also very fat, and was about six and a half inches long. Justin leaned over and started kissing Bubba deeply. Bubba kissed him back, having never imagined back in college that they would one day being doing this with each other!

"Mmm, damn Just', you're a fuckin' great kisser," Bubba growled, and they then kissed more.

Eric reached over and started stroking Justin's meat then, so turned on by the sight of Justin and Bubba, who were now kissing passionately.

"Fuck, Bubba, you're so fuckin' sexy, buddy," Justin gasped between kisses. As Eric continued to jack both Justin's dick and his own, Justin kissed his way down Bubba's body. He licked and kissed Bubba's nipples, causing him to moan. He tongued Bubba's navel, and then went right on down on Bubba, swallowing his tasty slab of manmeat whole.

"Oh, GOD!" Bubba groaned loudly, as Justin's hot mouth enveloped his big dick. This was the first attention his cock had gotten from another man in such a long time. "Oh, FUCK! Uh! YEAH! Suck my fuckin' dick, Just'!" Bubba moaned, putting his hands on the back of Justin's head gently.

Justin started bobbing his head up and down faster on Bubba's big tasty meat, savoring the precum that was coating his mouth now. Meanwhile, Eric leaned over and started kissing Bubba deeply as Justin continued to suck Bubba's big cock. This went on for a few minutes, and soon they traded places, so that Bubba was sitting in between the couple. They moved around some more, and Bubba leaned down then and tasted Eric's thick meat for the first time, and then started sucking it good, while Justin resumed sucking on Bubba. Meanwhile, Eric was reaching across in between their hot bodies, and stroking Justin's big throbbing pole.

"Uh! OH Yes! Ah-UH!" Eric groaned loadly, as Bubba continued to suck his dick. The scene was so incredibly hot as Eric looked around. Bubba's head was in his lap, giving him awesome head, while his hot man Justin was doing the same to Bubba's big cock. And Eric had his arm stuck through the hot space in between the bodies of the other two hot studs, loving the feeling as he stroked Justin's throbbing seven-incher.

Bubba felt Justin moaning on his dick, which felt incredible, as Justin's load began to splatter out and fire all over Eric's hand and up onto Bubba's tummy. This caused Bubba to lose control, and fire his own big hot tasty load down Justin's throat. Almost at the same time, Eric started to cum as well.

"Fuck! OH GOD! I'm gonna - AH-UH! UH! - fuckin' cum, Bubba!!!" Eric moaned loudly. Bubba took every tasty drop of Eric's big load, even as he was squirming with the intense pleasure that Justin's hot mouth was giving his own big cock, as Justin drained it dry.

They all flopped back in the grass, panting hard when it was over. Eric leaned down and licked his man's cum off of Bubba's tummy, and then they all took turns kissing and touching and exploring each other some more.

"Damn, that was incredible!" Bubba exclaimed.

"Yes, it sure as hell was, buddy!" Justin agreed with a grin.

"I hope you'll come back for more, and often!" Eric said.

"Count on it!" Bubba agreed.

At home that night, Bubba jacked off twice and blew two more big hot loads, thinking about the hot three way make out, jack, and suck session that he had been a part of earlier that evening. He wanted a relationship again, eventually. But, for now, being Justin and Eric's third was fucking hot. He hoped, in fact, that it would soon be literally FUCKING hot. And next time he wanted to suck his old friend Justin's cock, too, to repay him for the awesome blowjob Justin had given Bubba. Bubba then wondered if Justin and Eric also liked to play with other couples, in addition to the three ways.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to bradleyjcarson@gmail.com and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Bubba Jones as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 3

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