Bubba and James

By Bradley Carson

Published on Aug 12, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and no real names or real situations are used. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

*AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a "spin off" from my first story for nifty, "Officer Jack Albertson." Bubba Jones is somewhat physically similar to Officer Jack Albertson, but he is five years older (Bubba is 40). Meanwhile, James Price is somewhat physically similar to Brad Carson, but he is six years younger (James is 27). There are several other differences between the two pairs of men. Bubba and James each have their own unique backstory and sets of experiences. This series will explore those stories, how the two of them are brought together, and what happens from there. I hope you will like it. And don't worry, "Officer Jack Albertson" will still be continuing here on nifty as well. I now plan to update both stories about once every week or two.

It had been a cool, bright day in April, 2011, when James Price had gotten up early to start getting ready for his first day of work at the First Merchants and Farmers Bank branch in downtown Pleasant View, Kentucky. James was nervous about starting the new job, and hoped that it would go well and that he would like his co-workers.

That very same April morning was when Bubba Jones' world basically fell apart. Bubba had left the comfortable home in nearby Smithville, which he shared with his attractive lawyer partner of 5 years, Randy Blankenship, at 5am that morning just as he always did. Bubba drove a Good Humor ice cream truck, delivering their pre-packaged treats to various convenience, grocery, and big box stores throughout the Smithville and Pleasant View areas.

At 27, James Price was not too happy with the direction his life was going. He was finally out to his parents and some other people. But, James was still very uncomfortable with being openly gay, and didn't really have much of a clue about how to go about pursuing anything meaningful with another man. James had finally moved away from home and into his own apartment about a year and a half before. He had always been a "late bloomer" in many ways, and establishing his independence had certainly been one of those. Since getting his own place in Pleasant View, a small but clean and cozy one bedroom apartment, James had certainly gotten to explore a whole lot more where being gay and having sex with men were concerned.

That April morning James had woke up with a raging morning wood hard on. His six and a half inch cut cock was raising the sheet as he lay there on his back. James thought back to hooking up a few times recently with a very hot deputy jailer from a nearby city, named Chris. James threw back the sheet and there in the gray light of the early morning began exploring his own body with his hands, just as Chris had done.

James was what most gay men would refer to as a "bearcub." He stood exactly six feet tall, and weighed 220 pounds. His long legs were thickly covered in lush dark brown hair. So were his round chubby tummy, and his big broad chest. James had a thick, natural bush of the same dark hair above his now throbbing dick. A light dusting of it covered his walnut-sized balls, which were very full and loose this morning. As hairy as he was everywhere else, James was thankful to have a naturally smooth back and ass. He was clean-shaven, but wore long sideburns with his side-parted hair. He still had a boyishly cute and still somewhat baby face at 27, with dark green eyes that he had gotten from his mother's side of the family.

James was stroking his cock furiously now, as he mentally relived his last hookup with Chris, which had taken place a couple of weeks before. After a long, hot session of jacking and sucking each other, Chris had been buck naked and had bent over the arm of the old black leather recliner in James' living room when he had said, "Just pound me hard James, I need it so fuckin' bad man!"

James had dashed into his bedroom for a condom, and already had it on his throbbing cock by the time he got back to the living room. He had grabbed a bottle of KY Warming and was now massaging it into Chris' tight hole. Soon James was standing behind Chris, and just fucking the hell out of that nice tight bubble butt ass as they both moaned. This was the first time they had fucked, although in the three previous times they had hooked up they had progressed all the way from jacking each other off to 69ing hotly the last time.

"Mmm! Fuck!" James grunted. "That ass is so hot and tight buddy!" He quickly found that he loved pounding this beefy, muscular, dark-haired 35-year-old stud's hot bubble butt.

"OH YES!" Chris groaned, "GIVE IT TO ME HARD - UH! - JAMES!"

James did, piston-pumping Chris for all he was worth there in the apartment's small living room. "FUCK! FUCK! UH! AH-UH!" James yelled and grunted.

"FUCKIN' POUND IT AND - UH! - MAKE ME CUM!" Chris had yelled.

James soon had, with Chris blowing an enormous juicy load all over the smooth black leather of the recliner, and James filling the condom full with his own load. That April morning, James shot a huge load all over his furry chest and stomach, as he lay there jacking off and remembering that hot climax that pounding Chris' tight ass had previously brought.

As James started to shave and shower for his first day of work that morning after his hot jack off session, he was pondering things. True, that time fucking Chris had been so intense, as had the three other sessions involving stroking and sucking one another that they had shared. And, unlike many of the guys he had hooked up with in the last year and a half, James had actually also had some decent conversations with Chris. He felt like there was a good chance for them to be friends, maybe even more. But, after that time fucking a couple of weeks ago, Chris would no longer return any of James' calls or emails. Oh well, he just couldn't understand guys like that. It had happened before.

Meanwhile, very early on that cool spring morning, 40-year-old Bubba Jones had woke up when his alarm clock went off. His partner of five years, Randy, could probably practically sleep through an EF-5 tornado, so the alarm clock certainly did not phase him. Bubba stood by the bed in his boxers for a moment, and gazed down at Randy's blonde, handsome, muscular, sleeping 42-year-old form. Where had things gone wrong between them? They were more roommates who shared a bed than anything else these days, and it had been that way for almost a year. Randy now seemed more interested in his successful law practice than he did in Bubba. It had not always been that way, though.

Bubba's given first name was Charles, however everyone had called him Bubba, ever since grade school. That morning he dropped his boxers to the floor, and padded naked across the hardwood floor in the dark bedroom, toward the glow of the night light air freshener inside the spacious adjoining master bath. Bubba closed the door, flipped on the light, and then went and peed. Afterwards, he shaved. He then stood looking at himself in the big floor to ceiling mirror that was on one wall of the opulent bathroom for a moment.

At 40, Bubba was very masculine and handsome, and yet he also still sort of had that same somewhat round, jovial, schoolboy face, and the personality to go with it, that had first earned him his nickname way back in grade school. Sure, the face was a little more weathered, and a little chubbier, these days. But, Bubba still had a smile that would light up a room and pale blue eyes that danced mischievously when he was telling a joke or a big story. He ran a big hand up through his thick black hair, and noted that there was just the slightest little bit of gray creeping into now. He would not color it though, not ever. That was so damn tacky. He was just thankful that he still had a very full head of hair.

Some of the women at the little stores on Bubba's ice cream route liked to flirt with him and tell him that he reminded them a lot of the character Jeff Bingham on the television sitcom "Rules of Engagement." This always both amused and flattered Bubba. Patrick Warburton was the very masculine total stud hunk of an actor who played that part. He also voiced Officer Joe Swanson on "Family Guy." (Even now, Patrick was still best remembered as Puddy on "Seinfeld," though.)

Bubba stood six foot-three and weighed 245 pounds, and had a very jovial and somewhat sarcastic, and yet still just sexy and masculine as hell, personality. He also had dark black hair, pale blue eyes, and a very rich, deep, resonant, and at times sort of droll voice. So, yes, Bubba supposed he could see why the ladies made the very flattering comparison. He ran a big hand across his tummy, which was not as solid as it was in his younger days, and not as solid as Jeff Bingham's, either. (Like a lot of people, Bubba loved how often they managed to get Patrick out of his clothes, or at least his shirt, on TV for that part!)

Patrick was a little older than Bubba. But, he had also started to get just the slightest little bit of a middle age "fit-fat" spread of his own going on now. Bubba knew that Warburton was still in better shape than him, though. Of course, if Patrick drove a fuckin' ice cream truck for a living, he might have a little bit more of a gut now than he does too, Bubba thought with a chuckle.

Bubba thought that his own big hairy broad chest still looked pretty damn good though, and he gave each of his nice nipples a little tweak as he looked at them in the mirror that morning. He also thought, correctly, that his big, powerful, muscular arms were pretty fuckin' nice looking. It was true, selling and perhaps too often eating ice cream (which was available to the company's employees at the wholesale rate from the plant) might give you more than just the beginnings of a beer belly. But, lifting a crapload of it into, and then back out of a delivery truck all day long every day would help counterbalance that with nice arms at least, Bubba thought with another chuckle.

As he gazed on downward in the mirror, following his dark happy trail down to admire what was just below his black bush, Bubba also thought that he was well hung, and again he was so right. He had a big floppy "show-er" dick that was about four and a half inches long even when completely soft, and a nice big low hanging set of egg-sized balls below that. Those who had seen the great film THE CIVILIZATION OF MAXWELL BRIGHT knew that this was something else Bubba had in common with the handsome actor to whom the ladies so frequently compared him. Or at least they would have, had they also been lucky enough to see Bubba naked.

Other than Patrick Warburton, there was at least one other celebrity who Bubba had been told he kind of looked a little bit like. An older lady who run one little general store on his route, and had done so for decades, often said that Bubba reminded her of that one guy - oh what was his name - he had played a Good Humor Man in a very funny old movie by that same name, back many years ago. Bubba had made a mental note to try and rent that sometime if he could find it. The same guy had also played the mean agent in that one big movie with Judy Garland and James Mason, the old lady had said. Oh yes - and, that same guy had also played Paul Newman's brother in CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF, she had told Bubba.

Jack Carson - that was it - Bubba finally remembered. Personally, although he could see why he sort of reminded the old lady of Carson a little, Bubba thought that he much more closely resembled Patrick, and he was right about this. Bubba thought that one cop over in Pleasant View, Officer Albertson, looked a lot more like Jack Carson, and again he was very right. But, Bubba was often also told he looked like Albertson, and he supposed that he did, at least somewhat.

Bubba got in the shower, and was thinking again about Randy, and how hot things had been for them until Randy had lost interest in sex. He then remembered the last time they had made love. Soon, Bubba's very impressive and very fat seven and a half by five and a half-inch cut cock was engorged to its full throbbing hardness. He stroked it as he stood under the water of the shower. Bubba fantasized about how he had fucked Randy outside by a mountain stream, when they had gone on vacation in the spring, the year before.

"AH-UH! UH! FUCK!" Bubba soon groaned softly to himself in that sexy deep voice of his, as he rocked back and forth on his heels, "Uh!" He grunted again, pinching one of his wet, hard nipples with one hand, while working his fat cock with the other. If he were honest, Bubba had to admit that he really did fuckin' love to jack himself off, and he always had ever since puberty. He pinched his nipples, played with his big, wet, fur-dusted balls, and stroked that big gorgeous slab of man meat more. "AH-UH!" He grunted, stroking his fat pecker harder, and leaning back against the tiled wall of the shower as the water ran down all over his big furry body. "Uh! YEAH!" He groaned again.

Bubba soon moaned and groaned louder, "Ah-UH! UH! AWW, FUCK!!!" and felt his big balls start to tighten. He kept jacking, and loved the feeling of impending climax. He took himself to the edge a couple of times. "Uh! AH-UH! Oh, FUCK!!" He groaned to himself again, loving the intense self-pleasure this edging session in the shower was giving him. But, the hot water wouldn't last forever, and he had to get to work, so he began fisting his big dick hard and fast. Soon he groaned again, "Ah! FUCK YEAH!" and grunted "Uh! UH! UH! Ah-UH! FUCK!!!" as he then milked several big, hot, heavy, intense squirts of thick cum out of his big cock and then watched them swirl away down the drain there in the shower.

"FUCK!" Bubba quietly said to himself as he stroked his big now-tingling meat a couple of more times, "Mmm, that felt so fuckin' great!" Yes, at 40, he still loved to jack off just as much as he had at 16. But, it sure damn well had gotten old though, having sadly been the only attention that Bubba's big delicious-looking meat had gotten from anyone in nearly a year.

He got out, dried off, and soon was dressed in his white Good Humor uniform, and heading off to the plant. He loaded his truck, got in, and started to drive away. The ice cream plant and Bubba and Randy's house were both in Smithville, but Bubba's route started in Pleasant View, some thirty miles away. Bubba had to pass back by their house every morning as a result. This morning, just before he got to the point on the way to Pleasant view where he would be passing back by his house, Bubba remembered that there were a few bills he had planned to bring with him and mail on his lunch hour. He wished the local utilities would get with it and go to online billing, but most of them still had not.

It was technically against the rules, but Bubba thought, "Oh, what the hell," and decided to stop by the house and grab the bills on his way to Pleasant View. Sure, he could have called later once Randy's ass was out of bed and asked him to do it, but Bubba was afraid he would forget to do this. And, he knew Randy would bitch and whine about being asked to do anything, as he always did lately.

It was still not quite good and light out when Bubba turned the Good Humor truck into the long drive that led up onto a hill just outside of Smithville, on Pleasant View Pike. This was technically Randy's house, but Bubba had shared it with him for five years. It was an imposing 4,000 square foot contemporary place, and more than two people really needed, in Bubba's book. But, it overlooked the 10th hole of a golf course, and a prominent attorney like Randy found it desirable to be right there where he could hit the links with some of his important clients, including several important coal company executives.

Upon pulling up near the garage, Bubba was surprised to see another car parked there in front of it at this very early hour. "Hmm, maybe his ass is already up and getting ready to head somewhere with a client," Bubba reasoned. The car was a brand new candy apple red Caddy, the type of car that rednecks-made-good often had. Bubba figured this one belonged to one of the big coal operators, and that perhaps they were picking Randy up this early in order to get up to the Federal Courthouse in Annandale for a court proceeding that later that morning.

The bills were lying on a table in the hall outside of Randy and Bubba's room. Upon nearing it, Bubba was shocked at what he heard.

"Uh-AH! HARDER! FUCK ME - UH! - HARDER, JEREMIAH!" Came Randy's heated cries of passion from within the bedroom.

"UH! FUCK YEAH! THAT ASS IS SO HOT!" Came another deep voice.

Bubba was even more shocked when he threw open the door to the bedroom. There was his partner Randy naked on his back in their bed, legs in the air, getting a royal ass fucking from an equally bare-assed Jeremiah Gilbert, the fifty-something owner of one of the region's largest coal companies.

Things had then gotten very ugly. The three men had cussed and screamed at one another, as the two who had been fucking tried to get dressed. Randy had the audacity to then act like Bubba had somehow done something wrong. "What the fuck were you doing coming back home now, anyway? Just get the fuck out of here! Just go on and peddle your fuckin' ice cream, fatass!" Randy had shouted cruelly in Bubba's face. "All of your shit will be loaded in a storage container trailer in the driveway by the time you get home tonight!"

Bubba had finally just angrily rumbled, "Fine, ASSHOLE! We've been over for months now, anyway!" He had then stormed back out to his ice cream truck. He managed to put on a big fake smile and do his route until lunchtime, filling freezer after freezer at various area stores both large and small with all kinds of tasty frozen treats.

At lunch, Bubba mailed the bills, even though he was no longer going to be living with Randy. The sorry fucker couldn't try to say that Bubba hadn't paid his share of the expenses right up to the bitter end, that way! Bubba then realized that he needed to drop by the bank. Fortunately, First Merchants and Farmers Bank, where Bubba banked in Smithville, also had a branch there in downtown Pleasant View. He parked the truck in the supermarket lot next door, the next stop on his route after lunch, and then strode into the bank.

Meanwhile, the morning had flown by for James Price. He had met the small staff of the bank, and was slowly trying to get the hang of being a teller. Doing it for real was not at all the same as just going through the two weeks of training in the company's stupid "mock bank." Still, James was quite confident of his skills. He had, after all, worked in retail for more prior years than he cared to remember; so handling cash was certainly nothing new to him.

James looked up, smiled, and recited the stupid canned greeting which the bank required tellers to use. Did they not realize that customers saw right through that bullshit, and would have much preferred a genuine and simple "Good morning"? Oh well. James loved the sight he saw coming through the doors now, though.

The guy was clearly several years older than James. But, he was really handsome, and James hornily thought that he looked like a slightly younger and slightly chubbier version of Patrick Warburton, dressed in an old-fashioned looking white ice cream man's uniform. James' cock twitched in his dress pants, and he reached up and nervously adjusted his necktie. The hunky ice cream man was headed straight for his teller window, smiling. "I know he's probably straight, but FUCK he's hot!" James thought.

"Mmm," Bubba was thinking, "a sexy young guy like that could damn well get my mind off my troubles," as he looked at the tall, chubby, green eyed, baby faced guy behind the bank's counter. "He's probably straight as a fuckin' door, though," Bubba thought.

Bubba was about five steps away from James' teller window. Suddenly, a thirty-something woman, who had been staring at him from back near the drive-thru window from the very first moment he had walked through the front door, came flouncing over to the next teller window. "I can get you right here, darlin'," she cooed at Bubba.

The woman had on way too much makeup, had a chubby ass packed way too firmly into her tight skirt, and she also had very pronounced bucked teeth. But, in spite of all that, she also looked as if she would have had a fairly pretty face beneath all the paint somewhere, and she had nice, straight, dark hair and very big tits. She kind of reminded Bubba of a weird combination of Janet from "Three's Company," and Liza Minelli, as made up for her part as Sally Bowles in CABARET.

If she had visited an orthodontist and dressed and made herself up in a less thoroughly slutty-looking fashion, Bubba supposed she would have actually been attractive. She probably was attractive to most straight men anyway, he realized, or at least the ones who were just looking for a quick and easy piece of ass. (Which was most of them.) Bubba thought wryly that this creature would probably have practically climbed up on top of the teller counter and spread her legs wide then and there, right in front of God and everybody, if Bubba had only acted the least bit interested.

"I'm Avalene Amburgey," she had added breathily, in a ridiculous little voice that Bubba thought sounded like a bad, redneck impersonation of Marilyn Monroe. "I don't believe I've seen you in our little branch before, sugar!" She added.

"Umm, no Ma'am," Bubba's deep voice rumbled as he forced a little smile at her. "I live in Smithville, and so I usually do my bankin' over there."

"Well, I can take care of you right here," Avalene cooed, emphasizing the "take care of you" most suggestively.

"That's OK, I believe this young man can probably take care of me just fine," Bubba said, and grinned that devastating grin at the sexy young cub behind the counter.

"Oh, FUCK!" James thought, his cock going rock hard in his dress pants now. "I'd love to show you just how well I could take care of you, stud!"

"Oh, you don't want him to wait on you, he's new," Avalene said, spitting out the word "new" as though it tasted very bad to her.

"Well, actually," Bubba explained diplomatically, "I'm not sure either of you can help me. I need to have someone's name taken off of an account of which I am the owner."

Avalene looked disappointed, but then directed Bubba into an office with a skinny little twink who still looked wet behind the ears. The guy managed to handle taking Randy's name as a signer and authorized person, off of Bubba's account without any problem. Bubba's account had not been bothered that morning, which didn't surprise him. No good cheating motherfucker, yes, but always honest when it came to business or money; that was Randy, all right.

Bubba was quite sure Randy had removed Bubba's name from his own accounts by now too, but he totally just didn't give a shit. Their relationship had never been about money and things to Bubba, but those were the things that mattered most in life to Randy, or so it seemed. Well, and apparently now so did getting plowed like a cheap slut by the allegedly straight Jeremiah Gilbert. Bubba decided he didn't give a shit about that either. He had realized over the few hours that had passed since he had caught Randy and Jeremiah fucking that the end of his relationship with Randy was actually more of a relief now than anything.

Bubba glanced back over at the young cub behind the teller line as he walked out of the bank and said, "You have a good day, now," with a big grin.

"Oh, you too darlin'!" Avalene had cooed back, as if he had been talking to her.

James was sure wishing that the guy who had just left was gay. Speaking of being gay, he had come out about an hour earlier to his new co-workers. James was out to his family and friends anyway. His few friends were fine with it, but his family barely tolerated it, basically. He hadn't really wished to publicize it in the bank, at least not right off. Not until he could figure out where everyone stood and whether or not they were total homophobes, at least. But, Avalene had not shut the fuck up until he had finally ended up telling them.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?" She had asked first. An hour later it had been "Well, do you want a girlfriend?" That had then eventually led to "Well, do you have a boyfriend then?"

James had finally just looked the stupid bitch right in the eye and said honestly, "No, but if I had either, it would be a boyfriend."

Avalene had then went on about how she had absolutely no problem with gay people, in that totally fake, over-compensatory way that homophobic people who clearly do have a problem with it sometimes will in the workplace. James' other new co-workers fortunately seemed as though they honestly didn't care, though. One, Retha, actually seemed like she might be prime faghag material, in fact.

The rest of James' day went by fairly uneventfully, and he headed home to his little one bedroom apartment across town there in Pleasant View that evening. He ate dinner and was soon naked and hard, sitting in front of his computer. He logged into a couple of gay hookup sites. Soon, he saw a fairly cute guy who was from there in town. He sent the guy a message, and the guy then messaged him back. James gave him his Yahoo! ID so they could chat more easily.

Soon, James was jacking off slowly, as he chatted with the guy on Yahoo! Messenger. The guy wasn't James' ideal type, but he was hot in his own way. It was only a recent development that James had decided on a type. For most of the time since he had gotten his own place, he had happily screwed around with a variety of men. He had gone out and done some of this while still living at home too, but it was so much simpler when you had your own place and could invite them over.

Upon seeing that the guy he was chatting with, whose name was Michael, had a pretty nice cock, James was even hornier. He sent Michael a pic of his own meat, and Michael typed back, "Mmm, nice!"

A bit more chat and just an hour later, and Michael and James were both naked and panting hard in James' bed. Michael was a little skinnier than James really liked, and was also kinda short. But, he was cute in his own way, and sorta reminded James a little bit of Kenny Chesney. (Who James was totally convinced would also have loved being in the exact position that Michael was in at the moment!) At that moment, Michael was doing a great job of sucking James' throbbing six and a half inch cut cock. "Mmm, fuck yeah!" James groaned, as he put his hands on the back of Michael's bobbing head. "UH! Ah-UH! SUCK IT!!!"

By the time a few more minutes had passed, Michael was easing his tight ass down onto James' nice condom-sheathed cock. James groaned as he felt his hot, throbbing knob pass through Michael's tight ring, and the 28-year old then settled on down onto James' cock. Michael started to ride James. He weirdly and awkwardly came up all the way off of James' cock, letting it plop out of his ass completely, hesitated, and then took it again. That could be hot if done a couple of times in the middle of a hot fuck, but not as the primary method of riding a cock, James thought. As it was, it was more distracting than anything, with all the stopping and starting sensations it was causing. It was as if Michael thought he was on a fucking pogo stick, or a trampoline, or something!

James decided to see if maybe Michael was any better at topping, since they were both versatile. He was soon on his back, with Michael between his raised legs. That didn't go too well either, as Michael seemed to have way too much trouble lining up on the target, so to speak, and then staying in it.

Finally, James got on Michael and rode him hard and fast. "Uh-UH! Uh!" James grunted. He had definitely had way better fucks than this guy, but at this point he just needed to cum. He started jacking his cock hard and fast, and soon shot a big load all over Michael, who had finally gotten off inside the condom up James' ass. Michael was soon dressed and gone.

James knew he would probably never see the guy again, and didn't care. It wasn't just that the sex hadn't been all that great, either. It was more that James always felt really empty after these Internet hookups now, even those times when the fucking was way better than it had been with the awkward Michael. James had soon showered and gone to bed.

Meanwhile, Bubba had gotten done with his long delivery shift, and had gone to Randy's house with his brother Ricky. As promised, Randy had put all of Bubba's things into a tow-along storage unit. They hooked the unit to Ricky's big pickup truck and drove away. Bubba didn't even look back at his old life.

Ricky took Bubba and the trailer with all of his possessions to their parents' home on the outskirts of Smithville. A quick examination of the inside of the trailer with flashlights made Bubba confident that Randy had not kept anything he didn't have a right to. Bubba just got out a few clothes, and went inside with Ricky. Thankfully, Bubba's parents were very progressive liberals, and fine with him being gay. He had been out for many years, although the five years with Randy had been his first serious long-term relationship, and the first time he had lived with another man. This was the first time since just after college, though, that he'd had to live back with his folks temporarily.

By the time two weeks had gone by, Bubba was settled in well in the apartment over his parents' garage. Julie and Tom had married young and Bubba had come along only a little over a year later, so they were just 58 and 59 years old and both still worked. The Joneses owned a little over five acres, and the back of their property had a creek running through it with thick woods on the other side of that. When you were down over the hill at the creek, you could be seen from the house but not from the road. This was an unusually warm Saturday in late April. Bubba's mother was working and his father was gone to play golf, so he decided to do something he had not done in years.

Soon, Bubba was bare assed naked, skinny-dipping in the creek. The water was still quite cold, but he found it invigorating though, especially on this 80-degree day. Bubba climbed out of the water and lay back in the sun on top of a big, smooth rock that had been there in the center of the stream for as long as he could remember.

Bubba was soon stroking his big fat dick there in the sunshine. He had started out by again recalling the day almost exactly a year before that he and Randy had last made love. That had been on vacation in East Tennessee, but the setting had not been unlike this one. However, as Bubba laid there on the rock stroking his nice, throbbing seven and a half incher, which was as hard as the stone he was lying on, his thoughts soon strayed away from his ex-partner Randy.

Bubba found himself fantasizing about having that hot, younger bearcub teller he had seen at the bank riding his rod there in the sunshine in the middle of the creek. He didn't even know the younger man's last name - his bank nametag had just said, "James" - much less whether or not he was gay. "Uh! UH! FUCK! FUCK!!!" Bubba grunted and shouted, with only the birds in the trees on the creek bank to hear him. He shot six big volleys of thick, creamy white cum all over his big broad, furry chest and his stomach, and then lay back for a bit just enjoying the afterglow and wondering where life and love might end up taking him next. Starting over in dating at 40 would have to be a challenge, he thought, but somehow Bubba was still looking very forward to it.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to bradleyjcarson@gmail.com and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Bubba Jones as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 2

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