Bubba & Bill

Published on May 11, 2005



Bubba & Bill

By Bald Hairy Man

e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Being a World Class fuck up takes some doing. I worked at it and turned it into an art form. My parents gave me the name Edwin Leveridge Mills III, but they called me Bubba from the start. Everyone knew I was smart enough and I was pretty good looking, but I had a problem with carry through. Things would go along well for a while, then, just as things were going to turn from being good to great, I would do something stupid.

I was in the Army and was going to be promoted, but I talked back to an officer and was lucky to escape with a honorable discharge. I worked as a real estate salesman, but showed up drunk when I was going to make a big sale. I ended up being a carpenter, working for a big contracting firm in Norfolk, Virginia.

I never moved up. I was never quite dependable enough to make the jump to being a superintendent. This young guy, Bill, made it. He was a big kid, blond, bearded and brawny. Bill was a 30-year-old guy who had fifteen years less experience than me, but moved up the ladder fast. That pissed me off, but when I had to work for him, I kind of got to like him. He was smart and he knew how to get things done. The jobs he ran were easy. You knew exactly what you were to do and how he wanted you to do it.

He wasn't afraid to get dirty and to pitch in when it was needed. I think he got my number early and we didn't have any problems. I had my own problems. I never drank on the job, but after work I usually drank all my disposable income. I lived in a piece of shit furnished apartment and owned my truck. That was all I had in the world.

I was driving home from work one day and an idiot ran a stop sign and broadsided me on the driver's side. The truck was totaled. I had a broken arm, ankle, ribs and one hell of a concussion. Everyone assumed I had been drinking, but I was stone cold sober and Bill came to see me in the hospital. I was in his crew and he took care of his crew. My folks were dead and there wasn't anyone else, so Bill said he'd take me home.

They let me out of the hospital a week later on a Saturday. I still felt like shit, but the insurance wouldn't pay for any more, so Bill came to take me to my apartment. I was still kind of woozy, and it hadn't occurred to me my apartment was on the third floor. There was no way in hell I could get up the stairs.

Bill was pissed when he saw it, but he took me to his house, a small rancher, and put me in the extra bedroom. He got me in bed and I fell asleep. I woke up feeling a little better and Bill came in to bring me lunch. He apologized for being pissed. I told him I'd find another place.

"Do you have a friend who can take you?" he asked.

I was too out of it to lie well. "Sure," I said. He knew there was no one.

"Well, you can stay here for a while; I don't think you should move much until you feel better," Bill said. He knew I had no where to go, but he pretended I had other options. Lunch was a sandwich and something to drink. It wasn't beer, but I made do.

For the rest of the weekend I just ate and slept. Bill didn't seem to go out of his way to help me, but he was always there when I needed him. I never figured out how he knew, but he was there. He went to work on Monday, but left stuff for me to eat. He called me at lunch time and checked on me around three.

It was June and the weather was starting to get warm. When he came home, he noticed I had started to stink. I'm a big guy and sweat a lot. He was going to shower and told me when he was done he'd get me and we'd figure out some way to get me decent.

I was shocked when he came out of the shower naked. He was an all right looking guy, but nothing exceptional. Naked he was about as masculine a man as I had ever seen. He was built like a gorilla, all muscles and covered in golden blond hair. He had a cock and balls a horse would have been proud of. His meat was soft, but it was really impressive.

He helped me out of my clothes. I was bigger than him and just as hairy, but my cock was average and my beer belly hid a good part of it. Bill didn't seem to notice. I'm uncut and my cock seems to retreat into my body when it's on display. Only the foreskin peeked out of my bush.

I got clean, but it was hard. We had a couple of bad moves and I almost passed out from the pain, but we worked it out. His furry arms and body came into contact with my body and I liked that a lot. I had a fucking hard on, but my belly hid it and Bill didn't notice.

Looking back, I guess you could say I was an anti-gay cock sucker. I hated fags, but loved cocks. It sounds stupid and I was stupid, but I couldn't admit to myself how much I liked men and sex with men. The pain pills must have done something to me, but I couldn't stop thinking about Bill and his cock.

After this rocky start, we got along well. He was one hell of a nice guy and I tried to avoid being an asshole. We became friendly. He wasn't much of a beer man and I let that go. Strangely I didn't miss the beer much. We played cards and watched the boob tube. I didn't like being stuck not working, but there wasn't much I could do about it. The foot and the ribs hurt a lot, but I got dizzy easily and that was a real problem.

I was feeling a lot better a week later and he took me to a clinic for rehab. They told me there was minor brain damage and I would need some work before I would function normally. I spent the morning there and the clinic would drop me off at Bill's house at noon. Every evening Bill would come home dirty and sweaty, take a shower and then give me a bath. I got a hard on every time; he noticed, but didn't seem to mind. After several weeks, we had everything down to a good routine. I was kind of surprised; Bill seemed to like me.

My apartment rent was due. Bill figured I'd be out of commission for a few months, so he got my stuff from the apartment and I officially moved in with him. I didn't have much stuff. It all fit into three boxes, pretty sad for a 45 year old man.

The night after the move, Bill took his shower and got me into the tub as usual. It's really hard to shower with an arm and a leg in a cast, but Bill was strong and I was getting a lot stronger myself and could help some. I got hard as usual. When I looked at Bill, I saw he was getting hard. Not fully erect, but his monster was stiffening up some. That made me rock hard and I started to ooze precum. Bill was looking at it.

"Sorry, it's kind of hard to control it," I said. I was afraid he'd think I was a fag or something.

"No problem," he said. "It happens to me some times." He paused. "You had some interesting magazines at your apartment."

"Oh shit!" I said. I had completely forgotten about some gay porn I had stuck in the stand beside my bed. I couldn't think of what to say.

"Relax, Bubba. I never had enough nerve to buy that sort of stuff myself. I wanted too, but was too scared," Bill said. "It turned me on," he whispered. I looked at Bill; he was really hard now.

"Have you done some of that stuff they showed in those magazines?" Bill asked.

"Have you?" I asked in return.

"No, but I've wanted to," he said. That was all I needed. His cock was at eye height. His uncut cock head was bloated and half out of the skin. A bead of precum appeared at the slightly parted slit ready to drip; I sucked it. It was huge, but I deep throated it on the first try. Bill moaned in appreciation.

I had sucked cock before, but I had been uneasy about it. Cock sucking excited me, but I was usually embarrassed to be sucking on another guy's meat. This time there was no trace of embarrassment. Somehow I felt as if sucking his cock was the most natural thing in the world. I couldn't get enough of it. Bill couldn't hold off long.

"I'm shooting!" he cried. For the first time in my life I felt and tasted a man's cum splatter on the inside of my mouth. He shot a huge load and not a drop was wasted. He tried to pull away, but I held him tight, so I could milk every drop of man seed from his balls. I had never taken a guy's load before. If anyone had asked me a minute before Bill climaxed, if I would suck a cock while it shot, I'd have said they were an idiot. Now, I couldn't get enough of it.

"I'm sorry, Bubba, I couldn't hold back," Bill whispered. We were quiet for a minute.

"How was it?" I finally asked.

"Great," Bill said. "I mean really great. Sorry for shooting in your mouth."

"I loved it, don't worry," I said. "It was different, but I liked it."

"Sucking cock, or sucking cum?"

"I've sucked cock before, never cum. The cock sucking was better than ever before, the cum was much better than I had guessed," I said.

"Do you want to be sucked?" he asked.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want," I replied. "You just shot off. I kind of loose interest after I drop a load."

"Shit, I feel like a rabbit in heat!" Bill exclaimed. "I've never done it but I sure have thought about it. Are you game?"

"I sure am, let me get out of the tub and onto a bed so we can relax," I answered. We relocated to my bedroom. Bill was at my crotch staring my cock.

"Damn, you're hairy!" he exclaimed.


"No, I like it," Bill said. "I never thought about sucking an uncut cock. I don't know where to start." I was a bit more than half hard, so my cock head was peaking out of the skin. He nuzzled his face in my crotch. I felt his tongue touching my mushroom. He pushed the skin back with his tongue. He pulled back.

"You've got a big head," he observed. "Is it tender? Is that cum oozing from the slit?"

"It sure is tender. The glob is precum."

Bill stuck his tongue out and licked up the bead of precum. He must have liked what he tasted since the rest of my cock head was in his mouth seconds later, soon to be followed by the rest of the shaft. He lost any shyness as he sucked and it was clear he liked it. He came up for air.

"I had no idea!" he exclaimed. "It's fucking hot."

"It's real good for me too," I said. "You're good at it. Are you sure you haven' done this before?"

"Believe me, I'd have remembered!" he said as he returned to his cock sucking. For the next half hour Bill explored all the possibilities of cock sucking and he didn't seem to find any way he didn't like it. We tried 69ing, but my sore ribs made that difficult. He finally calmed down and rested.

"I take it you like man sex?" I said. He laughed.

"I'm beginning to feel that may be the case," Bill said. "I've had sex with women, but it isn't even close to this. I don't think I knew what sex could be, until you. I never would have guessed I could have great sex with a 230 pound fur ball. I can't believe it."

"You're okay?"

"Sure. Maybe you're supposed to feel guilt, or dirty or something," he said. "I sure don't feel that."

"What do you feel?"

"Actually, I want to make up for lost time," Bill replied. I feel as if I've wasted 35 years of my life. That's a lot of sex I've missed." I hoped he was planning to make up that deficiency with me, but I was afraid to ask outright. Somehow, Bill could read my mind.

"Do you think you could help me out?" he asked. I launched myself at his cock again in answer. I'm not sure I had ever encountered a person who both turned me on so much and was as sexually compatible as Bill. The rest of the night was good and so was the next week.

The concussion had messed my brain up more badly than I had thought. The rehab exercises were miserable, exhausting and painful. When he got home, I told all my woes to Bill and he helped me try the exercises again and get them right. Somehow knowing there was a night of sex waiting after the exercises was really helpful for me. Bill was like a stern, but loving father. He knew it hurt, but he also knew I had to do it get back to normal.

My nature was to be a fuck up, but when I didn't do what needed to be done, Bill looked so sad and disappointed, I couldn't stand it. I wanted to please him. I wanted him to be proud of me. From the start, Bill had been able to tell the difference between belly-aching and real pain. He was uneasy about pain killers and made sure I really needed them before I took them.

I didn't like that much, but when things began to get better, I got to appreciate Bill's judgment better. He had sense. It was hard to believe it, but I was feeling better and all of Bill's pushing and encouraging paid off.

Bill reminded me of my Dad. Dad wanted me to do well and gave good advice, but I wasn't willing to take it when I was a teenager. Now I was fully grown and Dad was dead. Bill was a lot younger than me, but he was more mature in many ways. I looked up to him, but he didn't look down on me. He just accepted me as I was, or more correctly, as I could be.

He also liked my taste in porn. When I finally could get out under my own power, I rented some videos. One was a mostly sucking and jack off video, the other was L.A. Tool and Die. It had some good looking guys in it and some heavy duty fucking. The story was about working men who knew they had cocks and knew how much fun you could have. I could tell Bill liked the video a lot. I was sucking him when one of the fuck scenes came up and I could taste the excitement in his cock.

I was out of the cast by then, so fucking was a possibility. It was two nights later when I sat on his cock and took the whole thing. As I lowered myself on his thick pole, the feelings were indescribably intense and beautiful. Our bodies were intimately connected. After a good fifteen minutes of twitching and undulating on his cock, he shot off deep in my ass. I said, " Thank you, Daddy."

He replied, "You're welcome, Son."

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