Bsb Stays Nsync

By moc.loa@oDNtsuJWW

Published on Jul 7, 1999


Legal Disclaimer:

This story is fictional and not meant to imply the true sexual nature of any member of the Backstreet Boys or NSYNC (i.e., Joshua Chasez, Justin Timberlake, James "Lansten" Bass, Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson -- any of these characters may be used to portray a homosexual relationship). If you are under the age of 18, offended by homosexual material, or it is illegal to view in your area, you must leave now.

Notice of copyright:

Copyright 1999 Mark Johnson, All rights reserved. This story may not be altered or reproduced in any way, without express written permission from the author, except for personal, non-commercial use. Permission to reproduce and electronically publish this story is granted to Nifty Erotic Stories Archive and its worldwide mirror sites. Permission may be requested from the author by emailing

Notice of trademark usage:

Backstreet Boys and B-Rok are trademarks, registered trademarks or trade names of Jive Records. NSYNC is a trademark, registered trademark or trade name of RCA Records and Transcontinental.

Author's Note:

This is my first attempt at writing a story so please bear with me, email comments (good or bad) to Thanks for giving my story a chance, I know that there are a lot of stories being posted on the Nifty Archive so thank you for giving mine a chance. And now, on to the story


Justin slowly moved his gently up and down his 8-inch shaft. His mind was filled with numerous images, he thought about all the beautiful girls at the show. Justin stroked his 18-year- old shaft faster. He was beginning to loose his erection. "Fuck," Justin thought, "What is wrong with me? I haven't been able to get off for 2 weeks now." Then another image popped into his young mind, fellow band mate Joshua Chasez. He remembered the incident 6 years ago, back on the Mickey Mouse Club when he caught JC jacking off his then 6 inch penis. Justin was only 12 then; JC was almost 15. Justin had been fascinated with what JC had been doing so JC let Justin watch. Justin thought of how JC rubbed his wonderful member so slowly and gently. At only 12 years old, Justin was in awe when JC's member shot a thick, white fluid.

Justin was brought back to reality when his own penis, shot 5 loads on to his stomach, chest and even chin. "God, what is wrong with me? I've never shot that far, or had such a powerful orgasm, and I was thinking about JC the whole time, for Christ's sake, he's a guy!"

Justin then heard a loud knocking on his bunk. He hurriedly pulled up his boxers and jeans, and then threw on his baby blue North Carolina jersey. He sat up and pulled the curtain over, seeing JC standing in front of his bunk.

"Hey J, its time to get going! We've got to meet the Backstreet Boys at the airport in 2 hours." JC then looked down at Justin and got a smirk, then started hysterically laughing."

"What's so funny, JC?" Justin inquired; feeling irritated at JC's laughing at him.

"Oh, nothing." JC finally managed to calm down, though he was still smirking.

"What the fuck is so fucking funny?" Justin asked, even more irritated.

"Justin don't swear. It's not becoming of you. Speaking of be-CUMing, when you jack off, make sure you clean up after yourself, you don't wanna ruin all of your shirts, buddy!" JC laughed out.

Justin looked down and saw that the cum had seeped through his shirt and left about 6 wet spots. He started laughing too and punched JC lightly on the arm.

"EW!" JC screamed loudly.

"What? What happened?" Justin became worried that maybe he had hurt his friend.

"Justin, you just got your goo on me!" Justin looked down, seeing that he still had cum on his hand, and now on JC's bare arm. Justin started laughing hysterically, after awhile, JC started laughing too. Soon, Lance came running to that area of the bus, after hearing JC's loud scream.

"What the hell happened?" Lance asked in a half-worried, half-angered voice.

"Oh nothing," JC said, still laughing. He then moved over and rubbed his bare arm onto Lance. Lance looked at him with a confused face. Justin and JC both started laughing hysterically as they looked at Lance's arm, which JC had just wiped cum on. Lance, seeing that both JC and Justin were looking at his right arm, looked down.

"Sick JC, what the fuck is that?" Lance screamed. Justin and JC started laughing again, louder than before. Justin grasped his side as he was beginning to get a stomach cramp.

"Justin's cum," JC said softly.

"What?" Lance asked.

"Justin's cum." JC screamed, causing Justin and him to laugh again. Lance looked up with horror in his face.

"OH SHIT! You guys are fucking perverts!" Lance said while running towards the bathroom to wipe off the cum.

"Jeez, it was just my natural juice. Why does everyone treat it like it's a biohazard?" Justin jokingly asked.

"Justin, I don't want your cum on me, I'm not gay." JC responded.

"Well, what's Lance's excuse then." Justin joked, laughing again. JC again broke out in laughter.

"Justin, I'm not gay okay? Why does everyone say I'm gay? Its enough that all the press says I am, now my friends think I am too!" Lance screamed, running to his bunk, tears running down his cheeks.

"Touchy subject, eh?" JC joked. Justin rolled his eyes at JC and quietly, quickly walked over to Lance's bunk. He could hear muffled crying coming from inside. Justin opened the curtain quickly, Lance's eyes were red and his cheeks were covered with tears.

Justin tried to comfort Lance by rubbing his leg. "Will you please go away Justin, I don't wanna talk right now, okay?" Lance whimpered softly. Justin became even more concerned.

"Lance, it was just a joke. I don't think you're gay. I'm sorry, really sorry." Justin said quietly. Lance looked up at him, and then turned his head away and started crying again. "...And if you are, it doesn't matter to me, I'll love you no matter what, you know that, don't you Scoop?" Lance turned his head back to Justin and smiled. Justin hugged him. Lance returned the hug with more force. "So you are?" Justin asked.

"Yes, and I'll understand if you want me to leave the group or if you want me to stay away from you, I'm sick..." Lance was quickly interrupted by Justin.

"Lance, what did I just say? That I'll love you matter what! Why would I want you leave the group? Then who would sing the PooFoo song for me? Who would tell me everything I'm doing wrong? Who would be the father or the group? And God Lance, you're not sick. You're gay, you don't have a disease." Justin said comfortingly.

"Thanks Just." Lance softly said.

"No-prob-bob!" Justin smiled.

"No really, Justin, thank you so much. This means SO much to me, you don't even know. I've been dying inside with this." Lance said, starting to cry again.

"Hey PooFoo, its all better now, right? So, are you gonna tell the rest of the guys?" Justin asked.

"No, and you can't tell them either!" Lance begged with fear in his voice.

"Lance, the other guys will except you just like I did, and if they don't, I'll beat the shit out of them." Justin said seriously.

"Thanks J, I just don't think I'm ready though, you know?" Lance said timidly, then he added, "And don't swear. You're too much of a gentleman."

"Whas dat 'bout, y'all?" Justin said, in his gangsta tone.

"And don't talk like you're from a ghetto..." Lance was interrupted by Justin.

"Not A ghetto, DA ghetto." Justin joked. Lance threw a pillow at him.

"You're not black, you know that?" Lance joked.

"Wha' I isn't a homeboy?" Justin faked being hurt.

"You guys aren't fucking in there are you?" They heard a voice ask from outside the bunk.

"Yea, we are, come back in 15 minutes. Unless you wanna join in JC?" Justin said. Lance's eyes shot open as he jumped out of the bunk.

"Whoa! Hey there buddy!" JC said as Lance ran into him, jumping out of the bunk. "We weren't... we weren't fucking." Lance said timidly.

"Lance I know that, me and Justin were just playing around." JC said seriously. He could tell that Lance was really sensitive about the subject.

"No, JC. What he means is that we weren't 'fucking', we we're making love." Justin said, emerging from the bunk. JC's eyes shot open.

"Uh, uh, uhm... that's uh, great, excuse me." JC stuttered out.

"JC I was kidding." Justin said, laughing. JC started laughing too followed by Lance.

"Hey you losers, its time to get ready to go meet the Backstreet Boys, baby!" Christ said, running through the hallway.

"Shit, what time is it?" Justin asked.

"Justin! Don't swear!" Lance and JC said simultaneously.

"Sorry. JC, do you perhaps have the time?" Justin said, acting like a 'gentleman'.

"Yeh, its 3 o'clock. We have an hour to get ready." JC said while walking to his bunk.

Justin pulled Lance back into Lance's bunk. "What J?" Lance questioned.

"Lance, make sure you dress your best! From what I hear Nick Carter is pretty cute and who knows, maybe he is gay and looking?" Justin joked.

"Stop teasing me J." Lance laughed out.

"I'm not teasing you, this would be teasing you." Justin leaned forward and gently kissed Lance's lips. He then got up and ran out of the bunk. Leaving Lance confused (and slightly aroused) alone in his bunk.

Part II: Back with the Boys

The guys of NSYNC patiently waited in the airport for the Backstreet Boy's plane to land. JC sat reading. Joey was flirting with a girl also waiting. Chris was running around the airport pretending he could fly. Justin sat next to a window, looking out at the airstrip, excited that the Backstreet Boys would be here shortly. Lance sat by himself, away from the others, pondering Justin's kiss.

"Is Justin gay or was he just playing with me? He is so cute, if he is gay would he go out with me? No, he's so sexy and I'm so, so... Lance. God he is cute." Lance thought to himself. His mind was in chaos thinking about Justin.

"Attention. Flight 103 from Orlando has arrived and will be unboarding at Gate 26 shortly." Came over the loud speaker.

"This is folks!" Justin said excitedly. Passengers began unboarding; Justin soon saw 5 familiar faces. "Hey guys!" Justin yelled. "Over here!" The five guys walked over to Justin and the rest of NSYNC in a secluded area of the gate. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Justin Timberlake." Justin put out his hand. "And this is JC, Chris, Joey, and that depressed guy over there, he's Lance. Welcome to New York." Justin shook hands with all five guys.

Brian stepped forward and said "Hi, my name is Brian Littrell, this is Nick, AJ, Kevin and Howie." Brian pointed toward each of the guys. "Its nice to finally meet you guys."

"Yeh, same here." Justin said.

All the guys spread out and began conversations with member of the opposite band. "Why is Lance depressed, is he not happy to be touring with us?" Brian quietly whispered to Justin.

"Nah, he's excited! He's just been having some problems, you know PMS." Justin joked. Brian quietly laughed. "So, how about we ditch this place and get you guys to the hotel."

"Just lead the way." Brian said, walking slower so he could fall back to where Nick was. "So, Nick? What do you think about NSYNC?"

"They're cool I guess, I hope Justin isn't always this energetic." Nick yawned, still tired from the flight.

"I like energetic men." Brian whispered to Nick.

"Brian, its great that you finally found a possible 'love interest' but be careful, I doubt he's gay." Nick calmly advised.

"Yeh, I know... buts its always fun to daydream right?" Brian said again. Brian then turned around and walked back to Lance, who was behind everyone. Lance was walking like a zombie and didn't even notice Brian. Brian put his arm around Lance's shoulder. Lance looked at him with fear. "Hey cutie! What's up?" Brian said loudly, scaring Lance even more.

"Uh, not much." Lance responded lowly.

"Hey that's cool. Jeez, I am glad we are finally here, I've been waiting for this tour for like months. It's going to be so much fun don't you think." Brian blurted out.

"Uh, I guess." Lance said softly.

"Jeez, you don't say much huh? That's okay... by the end of the tour I'll have changed that." Brian said.

"Uh, okay." Lance's one and two word responses were starting to annoy Brian, but he just laughed it off.

"Jeez, I didn't believe him at first, but maybe Justin is right about you." Brian broke the silence.

Lance jolted, moving away from Brian. "Wha... What did he say about me?" Lance said, his lips trembling.

"Lance, its okay he didn't say anything bad, are you always this jumpy?" Brian grinned.

"So, you're okay with it?" Lance said, calming down.

"Uh, why wouldn't I be?" Brian asked confused.

"Because, most people think it's sick, we live in a pretty homophobic world." Lance said softly so no one else could here.

"You're gay? WHOA! Justin didn't say you were gay, he just said you had PMS." Brian said in shock.

At that moment, Lance jolted and ran, and he ran fast. Brian stood in shock. "He is pretty cute, maybe, just maybe." Brian thought.


Hey that's it for the first section. I realize that there wasn't really any sex this part, but there is plenty to come! Email me if you have any comments good or bad about the story at If I don't get any emails, I'm not gonna continue writing this. Also, tell me who you want to be together. Brian and Lance? Brian and Justin? Justin and Lance? I'm not really sure where I want to go with the plot so tell me! Brian and Lance are already definitely gay, who else should come out? Thanks. And if ya haven't already read "Brian and Justin" by JM! It's the best!

Next: Chapter 2

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