Bsb Me

By Stupid Nerd

Published on Nov 28, 1998

Gay sorry it's taken me so long to rite this. but anyways, hope u guys enjoy. and don't forget to comment.

"kenny? kenny? time to get up."

that was the first thing i heard as i woke up, shaking my head drowsily.

"UGH, i don't wanna get up yet. just give me a couple more minutes."

"we don't got a couple more minutes. we gotta get off the bus now. the other guys already went ahead and we had already decided to let u sleep a while longer."

"fine fine, i'm up."

i yawned while stretching and rotated my neck.

"i was having such a wonderful dream. i dreamt...hmmm...what did i dream? all i remember is that it involved u and me. but then again, i guess that's all that really matters."

" well, if u remember what it was about, don't forget to tell me okay? but we really really can't worry about that now. we've gotta be inside now, this instant."

"okay okay."

i looked out my window next to the bed and saw that the sun was still shining. i got up and walked to the bathroom.

"where r u going? we don't have time," brian asked me, walking and pulling me towards him.

"well, we better make time cus i don't wanna piss in my pants or anything," i replied.

i pulled my hands out of his grip and walked into the bathroom. i finished pissing, washed my hands and came out. he gave me a kiss and we that was sparked the eternally-burning fire of desire we each had. our hands started to groping each other, touching every inch of flesh.

"hypocrite," i mumbled. "i thought we had to be there at this moment."

"they can wait. i can't."

we started stripping each other quickly and i moved down sucking his cock fast so that we wouldn't be too too late. soon he had come and he started giving me a handjob. i closed my eyes and moaned. when he felt me get tense, he moved his mouth down and drank my cum. we gave each other another deep, long kiss and quickly got dressed.

we got off the bus together, while holding hands, and jogged to the building. we let go when we reached got inside and had walked into what appeared to be a lobby. the other guys were sitting on some threadbare, practically-made-of-air couches.

"well, looks like sleeping beauty and his prince have decided to join us?" nick remarked.

"ha ha ha, we're all laughing now," i said sarcastically, adding, "i would've slept longer, but "ass" here had to wake me up."

"well, i couldn't have let u stay on the bus and i'm sure it's not as if u didn't enjoy that little moment. besides, dinner's going to be in here and i wouldn't want u to starve," brian said.

"awww, how thoughtful of u," i said. "well anyways, r u guys going to rehearse yet? what r u guys rehearsing for anyway?"

"yeah we'll start soon. we're just waiting for jon to get here. he's getting us checked in and stuff. it's for our concert tomorrow. hasn't anyone mentioned that?" aj said

"hmmm...if someone did, guess i wasn't listening. so do i get to see this concert or do i have to wait on the bus?"

aj smiled and said, "no, u get a backstage pass of course. u can stand off to the side of the stage and watch."

"cool, never seen a concert from backstage before."

then jon suddenly materialized at the sofas, stopping the conversation.

"cmon, the room's ready."

all of us got up and we walked down a hallway i hadn't seen when i came in. this place looks pretty cheap i thought. but then i was hit with another thought.

the door jon had opened led into a huge room with a raised dance floor in the middle. i scanned the room and saw more sofas, but not threadbare sofas. they looked leather.

"hey, i'm bryan, and i'm the rehearsal manager assigned to help u with ur practice. by the way, if u guys need anything, just ask and i'll use what little authority i have in this place to get it for u."

bryan's another one of my infatuations so i used his name.

we laughed and everyone introduced themselves. bryan had a nice body and a cute face, but i was just checking him out out of habit. jon told me to follow him and we went into a room through a door next to a glass window that had been on my left.

"whoa, look at all this hi tech stuff. must've cost a lot."

"always worrying about the money eh kenny?" jon asked.

i grinned sheepishly and said, "oh, it's just that i've never seen anything like this before. we have a home entertainment thing at home, but this is just...big."

"well, get used to it. while the guys r practicing, this is where u and i will be. we can watch through this window."

i looked around and suddenly realized there were other people in the room. intros were made again.

"can i watch u guys while u work?" i asked.

a technician named andy said, "sure, just make sure not to touch anything cus this stuff is highly sensitive."


another tech, Sara, asked through a mike if the guys were ready and when they replied yes, she started the music. it was "if want it good girl (get urself a bad boy)." guess it's better to start with something fast i thought. after a while, watching the technicians work got boring and my eyes drifted around the room. they stopped at the glass window and i looked thru to my object of desire. his movements seemed so fluid, as did the movements of the others. of course, i only focused on him though.

the song ended and another one started. my favorite one ever since i met brian. "i'll never break ur heart." i kept my eyes on him the whole time he sang it. he looked as if he was putting a lot of emotion into it and i could almost touch all the love radiating off the words. especially, when he pulled the mariah carey and hit the high note. of course, i could've been imagining it all, but i was pretty sure i wasn't. he didn't dance much, but made hand movements, symbolizing his words. i thought again of the past few days and just how much i loved him. i would die for him i thought.

the rehearsal went on for a while and then it was finally time for dinner. everyone in the cell (as the techs called it cus it was so small) left. i joined up with brian, making sure not to do anything. we walked out into the hallway and into a door across the hall. there were 2 tables set up with probably more than enough food for everyone. everyone got the neccesary utensils and stuff and hovered around the tables, trying to get some food. a few couches (this place must love couches i thought) were set up and i followed brian to a loveseat. as i sat down, he moved so that i would sit on his lap, but i moved over and sat next to him. he gave me a hurt look and i gave him a look that said not now. he bowed his head down, faking being sad and then just looked up and started eating. while we ate, we kept struggling not to just jump on top of each other and start going at it right there. thankfully, we were able to keep the urges at bay, but we sat very close and might as well have been on top of each other.

the room was filled with the sound of multiple conversations going on and i just sat there, trying to listen to all at once. finally i gave up and decided to start my own.

"so, when r u guys done?" i asked brian.

"hmmm...i dunno. we've done about a little more than half of the concert, but it depends on how bryan feels. it could take about 1 - 2 hours."

"ugh, i don't think i can wait that long. maybe i'll just go and wait on the bus. i really really wanna just kiss u right now and i don't know if i'll be able to stop myself much longer."

"that's nothing compared to what i wanna do. but unfortunately for us, there's too many people here that could expose me."

"then let's go somewhere with a little more privacy," i said as i grinned evilly.

"where'd u have in mind?" he asked as his smile reflected my own.

"hmmm...i was thinking about the bus, but that could take a while to get to and come back. we could try the bathroom but there's a big chance of getting caught. plus, i don't think it's really sanitary and as much as i want u, i don't wanna get no diseases or anything either."

"that doesn't leave a lotta choices does it?" he asked. he looked into space as he thought and then he said, "i've got it. how's about that room u guys were in before? the one with all the equipment."

"hmmm...i guess it's our best choice. cmon, let's go and get finished before u guys have to start dancing again."

we got off the couch and threw out our plates. jon, obviously knowing what we were going to do, gave us a look that could be translated as don't get caught. we nodded and left the room. when we got back into the little room, i turned to lock the door. however, i couldn't find a lock.

"hey, there's no lock on this door."

"so? it'll make it more interesting. besides, there's a window. people could look in if they couldn't get in."

"yeah i guess ur right. this is kinda making me hornier."

"yup, having sex on the edge."

i chuckled and moved towards him, pulling his shirt out. i got it off and started rubbing his chest.

"we can't use up too much time. they could be voming back any minute. we can go slower and make up for this later on the bus."

"got it."

so i just pulled his pants down and felt a deja vu go through me. i left his boxers on and just pulled his cock out through the fly opening. i pumped it with my hand and licked at the head. he tilted his back and released a deep moan. i drank down his cock and soon i was drinking down his cum as well. i zipped him back up and we traded places.

he rubbed my cock through my jeans and i just pushed my hips forward, into his hand. then he got on his knees and after pulling my jeans and briefs down, took my cock in his mouth. while sucking me, one of his hands moved to hold my balls while the other cupped my ass. i shot my load and i pulled my pants and briefs on.

i pulled him up to my face and frenched him, making sure to get my tongue deep into him. he responded by going equally deep and we separated, knowing that if we went on, we would definitely be caught. we left the cell and had no later opened the door leading to the hallway, when the others started coming out of the dining room.

"hey, where'd u 2 go?" bryan asked.

"oh, ummm...we went to...ummm..."

"...practice. i was teaching him some of the moves," brian finished for me.

"oh, that's cool. hoping to be the 6th backstreet boy?" bryan said.

"heh heh heh, yeah right. i can just not see that happening," i said, adding, "i don't think i'd be able to dance if my life depended on it.

everyone walked into the room and took the same places they had been positioned at before. i stood in the cell and watched as the practice went on. there was a short water break, but i didn't go out since bri and i wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway. after about an hour and a half, they were finally done. the guys just collapsed on the sofas and i left the cell for the third time that day. i got a seat between brian and howie.

"tired?" i asked.

"u bet. i hate doing this. the only good thing is that it keeps us in shape," howie said.

"yeah, it's so stupid though cus we do the same thing over and over. so repetitive."

"well, at least u guys r used to it right? besides, it gets u prepped too for the concert doesn't it?"

"yeah, i guess, but it's so boring," howie said.

bryan then stood up and made an announcement.

"okay, we're going to do this again tomorrow at one. eat a full lunch everyone and make sure to get plenty of rest. ur concert's at..."

jon filled in for him saying, "8. we'll be leaving here at 6:00 and going to get a feel for the place. u know, the usual stuff."

all the boys nodded and everyone left the room. we walked down the hallway, and the 7 of us that lived on the bus got on. however, everyone then got off again to get their bags. the other boys then went to the bathroom with their toothbrushes and whatever while me and brian went into the next room.

i locked the door behind us and we started kissing and hugging and practically attacking each other.

"okay, slow down. remember u said we can take it slow."

"okay. u first or me?"

"let me. i wanna fuck u."

"no problemo. come and get it bud."

i started to finish what i had begun before in the cell. i pulled his shirt over him and traced his chest, circling his nipples, stopping at the navel. i moved my mouth towards it and licked at it. then i started tickling his abs with my tongue. he started laughing and fell down and i put my plan into action. i tugged off his pants and pulled him up. i got behind him and he got into the doggy position. i fucked him hard and fast, until i felt myself almost coming. i pulled out and i felt my unfinished orgasm die down slowly. he turned around and gave me a questioning look.

i said, "i didn't wanna use it yet. i'll save it for later. ur turn."

"okay, it's ur loss."

he turned around and crawled towards me slowly like a panther about to strike. i gave my best take me look and he leaped at me. he gently landed on top of me, straddling my chest. his hands rubbed over my chest and he moved them up to feel my face, following every pore, every feature. he then moved his mouth down as if to kiss me, but instead, just stuck out his tongue and licked my lips. we shifted a little and his cock was in my mouth in a flash. i sucked it slowly as if i were sucking on a pacifier. i moved my hands up to explore his face. i felt the nose, the eyes, the ears, and finally stopped at the lips. the lips i had kissed with so much love and had kissed back with just as much feeling. i took a nipple in each hand and pinched both of them, getting them very hard. this combination of pinching and sucking must've gotten to him because he soon flooded my mouth with his cum. all of it went down my throat and he moved back, pulling his cock with him.

i smiled and said, "okay, now i wanna shoot."

he nodded and moved back further. i invaded him again and he started moving his ass up and down while i jerked him off. i shot into his ass, hard. he then shot into my face, but missed it by a little distance, with the farthest drop at my neck. guess he's out of love juice i thought.

he looked down at me and gave me another heart-melting smile. we got up and helped each other dress. we walked out of the room.

"hey, any of u showering? if so, there's no more hot water or any kind of water for that matter."

"oh, well, in that case, i'll shower some other time," i said.

"i'm gonna take a quick rinse. so sweaty from dancing," bri said.

"yeah, and then some," aj said.

all of us laughed and i stripped down to my briefs and got into bed. i lay there, staring out the window at the light in the parking lot. in about 5 minutes, i heard the bathroom door open and his soft footsteps. i felt him slip under the covers and i heard the curtains being closed. i turned around, moving close to nestle next to him. we embraced and kissed for the who-knows-what-time.

"hey, guess what. i remember what i dreamed about."

"oh, tell me what it was," he said.

"well, i remember it vaguely. i remember...we were living in an apartment in new york city and we were living off the money we had made throughout ur singing career and throughout my accoutant job. we had both retired and gotten married in...i think hawaii. i think that's the only place where gay marriages r legal in the us. anyways, the ceremony had been beautiful of course with all my friends and family there. funny, i don't think any of ur family was there. i'd really like to meet them sometime. anyway, we lived happily ever after. that just about sums it up. oh yeah, when u woke me up, we were in the middle of another all-nighter sex session on our third honeymoon."

"heh heh heh, third honeymoon? that sounds like it was a pretty nice dream. but i think there's something u should know that could shatter the dream."

"well then don't tell me it. i like my dream."

"ur going to have to know eventually so i'll just tell u now."

"is it that ur parents are too closed-minded and ignorant to accept gays or something like that?"

"yeah, getting a little emotional there eh? how'd u know?"

"well, it just annoys me so much that people can be like that. i guessed they didn't like gays cus that was the only thing i could think of that could ruin the picture. but i guess it's okay. it's copeable." i paused before asking, "do they know ur gay?"

he paused too, then said, "no. i haven't said anything to anybody except the other boys and jon. oh yeah, and u of course."

" oh well. i guess we'll just have to deal with this when it happens. but for now, let's live in a pretend world in which my dream is true. it's better that way."

"sure. just keep that fact somewhere in the back of ur mind though. i don't want u to be mad at me for not telling u or anything."

"it's okay. we just won't tell ur family til we're absolutely positive that we can. but we can't wait too long cus they might get old and die. by the way, when did u plan on telling them?"

"i don't know. i guess i always figured i could just make some excuse and put it off even longer. no matter how lame or how embarassing or how stupid an excuse, admitting i'm gay would've been harder with my family."

"just forget it then. cmon, go to sleep, u need ur rest. got a big and busy day tomorrow."

i placed my hand on his chest and as i felt it go up and down, i thought about what he had said and just wondered if there were any ways to help his parents accept the fact that being gay was just another way of life. it made my head hurt, thinking so hard. still, nothing came to mind and i just decided to forget about it and get to sleep.

my lover was already asleep and i moved closer to him, feeling the body heat drifting off of him and transferring to me. of course, my heat was given to him too but it helped us remain at a comfortable temperature. my eyes closed as i drifted away, into another dream filled with him, me, and wonderful sex.

Next: Chapter 6

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