Bsb Hearts Assunder

By John D

Published on Apr 8, 2001



Moments after the three made it to Scott's car...

"Hello, Brian? I need a ride home." Nick cried on the phone.

"Nick, where are you? What happened? Stay right there we'll be right there."

[Flashback ends] ****************************************** ------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimers: The story is a work of fiction and not of truth. It should not be taken any other way. This does not reflect the sexual orientation of the parties involved. Enjoy. -------------------------------------------------------

Hearts Assunder Part 5 Revelations


Back at the BSB Hotel

"What happened?!" Brian stood over Nick confused and furious at what Nick had told him in the car.

"I-I don't know. I just don't know." Nick wept openly into his hands.

"Do you have any idea at how this is going to affect the group?! The guys don't even know about you and I experimenting before, not to mention you being gay!" Despite himself, Brian couldn't help but scold the younger blonde.

"I am so so sorry Brian, please believe me! I didn't mean to do anything like this!" Nick wailed his voice strained with his tears and anguish. He looked up pleadingly at the fuming Brian Littrell.

Brian sighed and wrapped his arms around Nick. "shhh, it's going to be alright. We'll figure this one out."

Brian rubbed Nick's back, trying his damnest to soothe his beloved best friend.

"I'm so sorry Bri, I don't know what came over me." Nick cried into Brian's shoulder.

"It's alright. Let's just tell the guys the truth now. We owe them that much if we are gonna be draggin them through this with us anyways. THey might as well know the truth from us before the tabloids hit the shelves tomorrow." Brian kissed Nick on the top of the head, still trying to soothe the other man. ************************************ On Melody's parents' driveway...

"Dammit, Brandon. This is the last time I take you and your damned weird friends with me and Melody. What the hell really happened any..."

"He kissed me." Brandon interrupted his brother before he could even finish the question.

"o...k." Scott, dumbstruck, fastened his seat belt and pulled out of the driveway.

Moments later, Scott halted the car in the middle of the empty street.

"You mean cheek right? Then you decked him, is that what happened?" Scott, still confused, tried his hardest to put the pieces together.

"No, and no." Brandon continued to be withdrawn.

"Then what the hell happened?!?" Scott was getting fraustrated.

"The light's green." Was all Brandon said for a while.


"The Light's green, go!" Brandon nodded to the stop lights.

"Brandon, tell me what happened!"

"He kissed me on the lips, man. It all happened so fast. First we were in the back exit of the club then wham! He lays a wet one on me then took off." Brandon turned to Scott.

Scott fumbled with words for a while before finally being able to pull words together to form a sentence. "Did you...Is that...You didn't like it did you?"

"No...yes...I mean no...I don't know. I was just worried about him. He seemed bothered when he called earlier." Scott knew that Brandon was lying again. But he knew and trusted his brother enough not to press on. "What should I do, man?"

"Well, no matter what happens don't tell anyone about it. Let me think it over for a while. And whatever you do don't go anywhere near that boy again if you don't want mom to kill you."

Brandon hunched down in his seat, desperately trying to pull his life back together again.

[Flashback ends] ******************************************************

Now at the BSB Hotel suite.

NIck woke up to see Brian asleep on the keyboard of his laptop on the kitchen table. Nick couldn't help but smile adoringly at his best friend and former lover. 'Aww he's so sweet.' Nick said to himself as he walked quietly over to Brian and gently wrapped a blanket over him.

"Yo, Bri, I..." Aj and Howie barged into the room.

"SHHHHH!" Nick quickly threw a finger to his lips to quiet the others.

"Ew, you two aren't doing it again are you? I thought Brian was marrying Leigh Ann?" AJ grinned at Nick jokingly.

"Ha ha, now shut up and let's go to the next room." Nick herded AJ and Howie out to the adjacent room of the suite.

"Now what do you want?" Nick scolded AJ and Howie.

Aj leaned over to look at the door behind Nick then flashed Nick a toothy grin. "Is it my turn now? ow!"

Nick punched AJ on the shoulder. "Not even if you were the last man on earth and I was really horny, Aj.

Not even then." Nick stuck his tongue out at him. "But seriously though, Brian is helping me find Brandon again. And he was up all night last night looking on the net."

"So it's true then?!" AJ laughed and hooted at the idea.

"And what's so funny about that, AJ?" Brian joined in on the conversation.

"Well for starters you wanted to end the relationship more than anyone! Oops." Aj instictly threw his hand to his mouth at the same time as Howie made way to cover up his friend's pie hole with his.

"Brian is that true?" Nick rounded on Brian.

"Nick, I-I..." Brian was speechless and was still fumbling with words when Nick stormed out of the room.

"Nick wait up! Let me explain." Brian called desperately after Nick. "Dip shit." Brian shot at AJ before he slammed the door shut behind him.

"HEY! HEY! Quiet down out here. Some of us are still trying to sleep!" Kevin grogily stepped out of his room just in time to catch Brian storm out. "What the hell is going on around here?!?"

"Genius over here just told Nick how Brian hated Brandon's guts." Howie nodded to AJ as he made his way to the fridge.

"Hey it slipped out, I didn't mean it really." AJ pleaded.

"Well it's nice that you're so apologetic about it." Kevin glared at AJ before scurrying after the spatting best friends. "Guys wait up."

"AJ you are a moron sometimes you know that?" Howie called out from inside the fridge. ************************************************* [Flashback] In Brandon's room.

Brandon laid on his bed awake and unable to think of anything other than the kiss. He knew he had promised Scott never to address the kiss again until they figured out what to do, but he just couldn't get Nick out of his head. He just had to see him again. He just had to. He was sure he wasn't gay, he never even looked at another guy before...before Nick came along.

He really needed to see Nick again if only for one last time. **************************************************

[Still in Flashback: Hotel Lobby.]

"Hurry guys, the fans are getting violent outside." One of the band managers rushed the boys to the elevator hoping to avoid the mad rush of female fury. "Hold that elevator!" The manager called as the custodian stepped out of the closest elevator.

"Damn, you really are famous." A familiar voice ringed through the empty halls.

"Who let this boy in here!" The BM almost had a heart attach when he realised that there was a possible hostile individual within twenty feet of his meal ticket. "Get him out of here now!" The BM barked at the two security guards who hadn't needed any instructions and had already beat him to the punch.

"Whoa, there Bruno." Brandon hopped over one of the lounge sofas avoiding the grasp of the burly tattooed behemoth.

Nick smiled as he watched the very first guy he ever kissed outside the circle of the Backstreet Boys. "It's alright Mike. I know him." Nick chuckled as Brandon dove out of reach again from the big burly white man only to land in the stiff arms of the skinnier long haired handsome devil of a bodyguard.

"Eh?" Brian cocked his head over to Nick, raising his eyebrow in curiousity.

"You say somethin' coz?" Kevin asked amidst the hubbub of confusion and adrenaline.

"No, no. Just curious is all." Brian shrugged and proceeded to get on the elevator followed by the rest of the group save for Nick and the tall dark and guesome bodyguard.

"John, I can take care of myself, alright?" Nick whined to the bodyguard.

As though not trusting the golden haired boy, John the Bodyguard turned to the GM for further instructions.

"Let them be, but not for too long."

"Yeah, those teenyboppers outside must be getting bloodthirsty." Brandon stared at the GM and flashed him his most charming toothy smile.

"Yeah...right. John, I changed my mind. Stay with Nick." The GM spat through the elevator doors as they swooshed closed.

"John, I'll be fine honest." Nick tried his last to convince the bodyguard to give him some space.

"Cool" John shrugged and dropped to the couch with a humph.

"Why don't you just come up, Brandon. At least then we won't have to rush." Nick sighed.

"Yeah, somehow I think that we'd have a better chance to talk alone with those rabid chicks outside than we do with him." Brandon nodded over to the general direction of the elevators.

"Orders are orders." John smiled and winked at Nick. Then leaned back as if watching something entertaining before flipping a magazine open.

"Come on." Nick and Brandon rushed into the next elevator that opened and shut it quickly while John was left scrambling over his belongings and over the couch.

"John, where's Nick?" the other elevator opened to expose both Brian and the burly bodyguard. *************************************************

Nick and Brandon laughed at John's expense for the duration of a couple of floors before silence dropped like an ackward veil upon the cabin of the elevator.

"Um...nice shirt." Brandon uttered without even bothering to look up from his feet.

"er..thanks. It's for a charity thing the guys and I are going to be doing in a couple of weeks. I'll get you one. What's your size?" Nick couldn't help himself from blushing after he heard himself ejaculate those words.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Brandon finally lifted his face brightening up the room with a mischievous grin.

"So you really are famous huh?" Brandon tried his best at eluding the true reason of him being here.

"Nah, just a bit known that's all." Nick quietly smiled at Brandon.

"So you wanna..."

Both boys simultaneously started speaking. "What ya doing..."

"Oh haha, you first." Nick shoved his hands into his back pockets still smiling ackwardly at Brandon.

"You were gonna say something..." Once again the two boys interrupted the other. And it continued for a while be Brandon finally decided to drop the bomb.

"It's about the other night."

"Oh. That. Brandon listen, I didn't mean to..."

Brandon couldn't help himself but placed a finger over Nick's lips to shush him. "It's okay, I didn't mind it at all." Brandon leaned in and made to kiss Nick back when the elevator bell chimed and the doors swished on open.


[Flashback and Part 5 Ends]

------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to tell me what you think. I welcome all good and bad. Thanks

Next: Chapter 6

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