Bsb Hearts Assunder

By John D

Published on Apr 5, 2001



"Hi, Nick." He took Scott's hand and noticed the strong manly shake of the older brother. "No problem, it was my fault. I was kinda on something then." He smiled sweetly at the tightly muscled Scott.

"Well let's go. Melody doesn't like to wait."

[Flashback ends] ************************************************** Back to the BSB's private hotel room....

"Hey, I always told you that I will be here for you didn't I?" Brian took a deep breath and uttered the words he never thought he ever would in his life. "I'll help you find him."

"Really?" Nick raised his head slowly.

"Uh-hmmm." Brian couldn't help but smile at his former first play lover.

Nick threw his arms around Brian thanking him with all his heart.

'Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into.' Brian sighed to himself reassuringly patting Nick's back. *****************************************************

End of Part 3

------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimers: This is merely a work of fiction and should not be taken as otherwise. All the events in the story does not reflect the sexual orientation or the lives of those involved. This is a PG-13 type story so enjoy to your hearts content. -------------------------------------------------------

BSB Hearts Assunder Part 4 Acceleration


"So what you wanna watch?" Brandon jarred Nick back to reality.

"huh? Wha..? Oh it doesn't matter. Say we're not going in with Scott and Melody?" Nick took another glance at the blue collar hunk once more.

"Nah, all they do is smooch anyways. Nothing I wanna hear ever again." Brandon laughed. "How 'bout The Mummy? I heard that movie kicks ass."

"Cool" Nick answered half mindedly still trying to steal a glance at the older brother and his girlfriend.

[Flashback ends] *************************************************** Back at the hotel...

"Let's see, how bout if we check out where Scott used to work? Maybe he still works there huh? Ever thought of that?" Brian smiled at Nick as he pulled the larger man on his lap still wrapped in his strong arms.

"Y-you think so?" Nick started to brighten up a bit. Brian could see that there was now hope sparkling back in his pale blue eyes and not just the pool of gushing tears.

"Yeah, in fact, if you just relax I'll even take care of it myself. You're exhausted babe." Brian gently moved some of Nick's sweat and tear soaked bangs away from his forehead and eyes. "Take a nap for a while and I'll go make some phone calls and we'll see what happens tomorrow. Ok?" Brian planted a soft kiss on Nick's cheek, calming the boy down even more.

"ok" Nick sighed between dying sobs. "Wh-why you doing this for me Bri? You never liked Brandon." Nick's forehead broke into curious creases.

"'Cause I love you and I don't like to see you suffering like this." Brian lovingly smiled at Nick but continued to himself. 'And I have done you such a tremendous wrong. I knew you loved him buy I got jealous.' "I promise I'll do what I can to see you two together again if possible."

It wasn't long after that when Brian was tucking Nick into bed. Long ago, before Leigh Ann, Brian would be joining Nick right now. Ah, how he loved Nick. If only he could have both Leigh Ann and Nick. Then it would truly be bliss. **************************************** Minutes later...

"I overheard some of your conversation in there with Nick, Bri." Kevin said softly trying not to wake Nick.

"Yeah. Crazy, isn't it?" Brian walked to the fridge to get something to drink. "You want one?"

"No, not crazy." Kevin smiled approvingly at his cousin.

"Don't you say it Kev." Brian made a mock threatening face at his cousin.

"What? So I think it's cute." Kevin flashed Brian a toothy grin. "But seriously, I think it's really awesome and big of you to do. Even though I still think that you should've done this a year ago instead."

"Yeah...I know." Brian looked into his cousin's eyes knowing that he had done one of the worst things anyone could do to another. "I-I just got jealous of Brandon, Kev. I don't know what came over me. It was like when I saw them two together I freaked! And the more time Nick spent with Brandon the more angry I became." The words that Brian had held on to for so long finally burst out of him in a flow of raging emotion.

"I know, Bri. I know." Kevin reassuringly threw his arm around his cousin's shoulder giving him a brotherly squeeze. "You loved Nick, it was just hard for you to see him with another. Only natural. It just wasn't a good justifiable thing to do. But to err is human. Now let's make it up to our little Nicky alright? I think he deserves someone who really loves him. If we learned something from the whole 'Manduh' ordeal, it's that." ******************************************************


"So what'd you think of the movie, man?" Brandon asked Nick over his tray of food court meal.

"It was awesome!" Nick laughed unable to contain his enthusiasm at getting to see a movie as a regular person for the first time in ages.

Brandon noticed Nick's extreme enjoyment for the show, not really sure what to make of it, Brandon set the thought aside and finally decided that either Nick was really famous or he just didn't get out much. He was thinking that it was the latter. "You wanna go to a club or something? There's a dance club not too far from here and I can get us in. I know the bouncer."

"Hell yeah! I mean, sure why not." Nick blushed noticing that he was practically drooling with excitement. ********************* Moments later...

"Hey, Buzz. Wassup?" Brandon slapped the big bouncer on the shoulder, slipping a 50 into the big bulky man's mitts at the same time.

"Not much. But be careful this time. One of the guys almost caught you last time. He with you?" The big man nodded at Nick who was nervously fidgetting behind Brandon.

"Yeah, don't worry about him. He's a cool kid." Leaning into the big man, "And between you and me, I think he needs to get into a place like this. Kid doesn't seem to get out much."

"ah, one of those huh?" And to Nick, "Well, I'm Buzz right this way."

"See told ya I'd get us in. Come on, this place kicks ass!" Brandon hurried Nick onto the floor and it didn't take long before they were part of the collective of the gyrating, grinding, and swaying body of sweating bodies.

"Aw man this is awesome!" Nick panted soaked in sweat after dancing an hour of nonstop variety of partners male and female. "Thanks for taking me with you, I really needed this."

"No problem man. I told ya you'd have fun with us." Checking the time. "Speaking of us, we need to meet up with Scott and Melody. They should be done by now."

"Aw already?" Nick whined involuntarily like a kid having a new fun toy taken away. "Alright. Sure was fun though."

"Hey aren't you...?" A woman stranger came up to Nick when she was interrupted by Brandon who grabbed Nick b the arm.

"Yeah, he's with me. Hands off." Brandon snapped at the woman before pulling Nick off towards the back exit.

Until that sudden moment, Nick hadn't noticed how close Brandon really was to him. They had clicked like clockwork from what seemed to be from the beginning. True, Nick thought, he had checked out Scott earlier, but now having Brandon's arm around his shoulders, Nick realized that this was the better brother after all.

"Sorry 'bout that." Brandon released Nick as they entered the back alley. "Some of the people in there are really weird, didn't want to take the risk of losing you in there. You alright man?" Brandon finally realized that Nick was staring at him rather ackwardly. "Yo, earth to Nick! Earth to...umph!" Nick planted a kiss on Brandon.

"WHAT'D YOU GO DO THAT FOR?!" Brandon wiped his lips frantically as though the kiss was somewhat acidic and was burning a hole in his face.

"I...I'm sorry." Nick gasped and ran off across the street as fast as he could. Barely escaping the skreeching halts of the buzzing cars. Nick made it across the street and hid in disgrace cursing himself for doing what he just did.

'Dammit!' Brandon thought as he went after Nick. [End of Flashback] ******************************************************* A hours after their conversation in the kitchen...

"So how you wanna do this?" Kevin asked Brian who had been on the computer searching for any listing on Brandon McGill. "I'm tired and I need some sleep. Why don't we call tomorrow, Bri? It's already well past 2 in the morning!"

"Kev, I must do this. I can't stop now. I promised Nick I would get them back together." Brian rubbed his eyes wearily.

"That's cool. Tell me how it turns out tomorrow." Kevin picked up his stuff and decided to move into a separate room. ****************************************************** [Flashback]

Outside the club...

"Any sign of him at all?" Brandon asked between gasps of air. "I've circled the whole place and he ain't no where in sight."

"What'd you do to make him run like that?" Melody asked Brandon feeling a bit annoyed already.

"Nothing, I swear. We were just leaving the bar when he said something about talking to me later and ran off into the night." Brandon lied hard as he could. But Scott easily took notice in the change of his tone.

"Well that settles it then. The boy went home without us. Let's drive around here a couple of times and if we don't find him, we'll leave he obviously doesn't want to be found." ***************************************** Moments after the three made it to Scott's car...

"Hello, Brian? I need a ride home." Nick cried on the phone.

"Nick, where are you? What happened?" Brian paused long enough for Nick to utter some tear filled words. "Stay right there, I'll be right over."

[Flashback ends] -------------------------------------------------------

Part 4 Ends

Next: Chapter 5

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