Bsb Hearts Assunder

By John D

Published on Apr 4, 2001



***"Nah, I think I'll just chill out here for a while.

Maybe i'll meet another famous tv star again eh?" Brandon grinned at Scott who also laughed. Brandon had told Scott about his meeting with Nick earlier on during the week. **************************************

"Hello good evening. Is Brandon home?" Nick shakily breathed softly into the phone.

"Brandon? Oh sorry, you must have the wrong number. He doesn't live here anymore." The man on the other line answered.

"S-Scott?" Nick desperately but hesistantly asked.

"No, I'm sorry. The people that used to live here moved some time back." click** ------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction and nothing else but that. This does not necessarily reflect the sexual orientation of the parties involved. Enjoy. -------------------------------------------------------

Hearts Assunder Part 3 Progress

Nick couldn't breathe. He was in utter desperation and loss staring panicing at the reciever.

"Oh God please no, not now, not like this." Nick sobbed audibly hurling his cell phone across the room before curling up into foetal position. Nick wept open and loud, failing to notice that he was no longer alone in the room. ********************************* Few minutes earlier...

"Congrats cuz! Two down eh?" Kevin full heartedly slapped his cousin's back. "Two boys no longer huh?"

"Yeah, thanks man. Where's Nick?" Brian smiled despite his intensifying worry for how Nick was taking the news. At first he had thought that he had underestimated Nick because he apparently took it better than he thought.

"Oh, he said he'd catch up. He said he had something to do in his room. C'mon cuz enough worrying let's celebrate!" Kevin emptied another mug of beer.

"I don't know Kev, you know what happened last time. I just can't help it alright? I'm gonna go check on him you guys celebrate without me. Hopefully I'll be back with our Nick in a few minutes." *******************************************

Back to the present...

"Oh Nick..." Brian went to his best friend's side wrapping his arms lovingly around him. "C'mon it's going to be alright." Brian kissed the top of his head noticing the broken pieces of the cell phone by the opposite wall and the presence of the black book.

"I-I-..." Nick tried to talk but could hardly even catch his breath between his heart wrenching sobs.

"shhhh, it's alright. I promise I'll always be here for you, babe. You know that. Now come on, let's get a good look at ya." Brian tried to soothe Nick carefully taking the black book and placing it on the bedside table.

Brian helped Nick move to the bed slowly supporting him through the painful weeping of his younger bandmate.

"I-I-I'm really...really happy for you Brian. I love you and you know that." Nick gazed at Brian through his tear soaked eyes. "It's just...I-I.." Nick tried to talk but failed and once again succumbed to sobs that violently shook his body.

"Shhh, it's alright. I know you love me, and you know I love you too. But I love Leigh Ann also. Nothing will change either of those, you know that." Brian held Nick up smiling softly and lovingly at Nick.

"I-I called Brandon..."

'Brandon!' A red flag rose in the back of Brian's mind. 'So this explains the sobbing.' "It's alright Nick, it's been almost a year and a half since you broke up with him, it would only be natural if he is with someone else..." Brian grudgingly tried to reassure Nick only to be interrupted abruptly by the torn blond.

"No, no, no. He's not with someone else, he's not even home anymore!" Nick screamed his anguish straining his voice even moreso than it already was. "He-he's gone, Brian! He moved somewhere else and I don't know where he is!" Nick cried into Brian's shoulder even harder.

'Ah, I see.' Brian had been one of the most vocal one against Nick and Brandon's relationship. He had sincerely thought that it was damaging to the band that Nick was spending so much time with Brandon. Honestly, Brian was only thinking about the welfare of the group...and Nick. He was...really... ************************************** [Flashback]

Three days after Nick and Brandon met at the bar...

"Hey Brandon, phone call for ya." Scott called out to the bathroom where Brandon was just getting ready to go out again. "Who is it?"

" I meant Gene." The voice on the other line suddenly faltered as though he was hesistant about the phone call.

"Well who is it? Nick or Gene?" Scott was growing anoyed with the guy. He liked Brandon's friends but sometimes they were too immature, even for him.

"G...Nick. It's the guy he met at the bar the other night." The voice became desperate.

"Who is it?" Brandon hopped on the couch next to his brother.

"Says it's that Nick guy you met the other day. Sounds kinda weird man. Mom wouldn't like him at all.

I like him already." Scott grinned at Brandon handing him the phone.


"Brandon?" Nick sounded hesitant and lost.

"Yup. What's up dude?"

"Um...I was wondering if you would like to go catch a movie with me or something?"


" I'm not intruding on anything am I?" The last was barely audible through the ear piece. Sounded almost like a scared little kid talking.

"No, no. My brother and I were just headed out anyways. What say we pick you up? You sound like you need to get out." Brandon smiled at his brother who was shaking his head and waving his arms no.

"You sure he won't mind?"

"No, not at all. Scott loves all my friends. And Melody is coming. He likes to impress her by being humanitarian." Brandon snickered grinning like a bobcat at his brother.

"Oh...ok. You can pick me up at..." Nick gave Brandon the adress of the hotel where he was staying. Brandon scribbled away while Scott was trying to get him into a headlock.

"Right. I'll see you in a bit, bye." Brandon hung up and immediately went on the offensive with his brother. ************************************************ "Alright, here we are. Wow this is some snazzy hotel your friend is staying at, Brandon." Scott pulled up to the sidewalk where the doorman was ready to accept them.

"Um, we're here to pick up Nick something or rather?" Scott rolled his window down to converse with the elder gentleman.

"Right around the back, sir." The man in the red suit. Motioned them through a barricade that was flanked by girls of all shapes, sizes, and ages.

"Thanks, Jeeves." Scott slowly pulled 'round back.

"Damn this place must've some sort of celebrity or whatnot." Brandon observed looking at the crazed looks in the girls' eyes. "I'd hate to work that place for the night."

"You hate anywork." Scott laughinly shot in at Brandon.

"Hey anything where I sweat is work to me." Brandon grinned back at his brother.

"That him?" Scott nodded to a guy in a long coat by a blazer.


"He seems creepy. Just like you to find the creepiest people in the world to hang out with, B. Keep him off Melody. I don't want him creeping her out, like all your other friends."

"Hey not my fault Melody is squimish. Besides the spinach from last time was an accident." Brandon smirked broadly to himself before rolling down the window.

"You wanna go for a ride kiddo?" Brandon grinned mischievously at Nick.

"H-hey." Nick walked up to the car and got into the back seat. "Crazy out there huh?"

"Ain't that the understatement for the night. Hey I'm Scott btw." Scott stuck his hand to the back to shake Nick's hand. "Sorry 'bout earlier I thought you were one of Brandon's weird friends for a second." Scott winked charmingly at Nick.

"Hi, Nick." He took Scott's hand and noticed the strong manly shake of the older brother. "No problem, it was my fault. I was kinda on something then." He smiled sweetly at the tightly muscled Scott.

"Well let's go. Melody doesn't like to wait."

[Flashback ends] ************************************************** Back to the BSB's private hotel room....

"Hey, I always told you that I will be here for you didn't I?" Brian took a deep breath and uttered the words he never thought he ever would in his life. "I'll help you find him."

"Really?" Nick raised his head slowly.

"Uh-hmmm." Brian couldn't help but smile at his former first play lover.

Nick threw his arms around Brian thanking him with all his heart.

'Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into.' Brian sighed to himself reassuringly patting Nick's back.

End of Part 3

Next: Chapter 4

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