Bsb Hearts Assunder

By John D

Published on Jun 29, 2001


Previously from parts 9 & 10...

[BSB Hotel, Brian's room.]

Brian stared at the door for a moment. His feelings hurt and confused danced in his heart. Jane Carter had always been there for him when he needed help with Nick, he knew that somehow she will get him back. He would do anything to get him back; even her.

End of part 9

Part 10...

**************************************** "She's an awfully sweet old lady isn't she?" Bryan opened up conversation. "She's been so great all of my life."

"Yeah, she seemed so cool." Gene added. He wasn't entirely oblivious to want went on between Bryan and Mrs. Douglas earlier. He snickered and then added, "So when you planning to ask me out?"

Bryan just about crashed the car into a lightpole.

"I..I.." **************************************** Somewhere in a hotel room in Florida...

"Shut up and listen. You want to talk to me about my brother? No, I said shut up!" Scott's voice rang out of the phone when Dan was about to reply. "Tomorrow noon, go to the restaurant in the lobby, I will meet you there for lunch. We will discuss some things and rules if I am going to talk to you."

"Wait?!?" Dan scrambled to talk, but the phone was already buzzing. Scott McGill had hung up.

end of part 10

------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimers: This is only a work of fiction and should only be taken as such. Any resemblances between the other characters to any real, living or dead, persons is highly coincidental. This does not reflect the lives of any of the Backstreet Boys or their family members. This is mainly a PG 13 story. Enjoy -------------------------------------------------------

BSBHAB2: Harmony Part 11 "Desires"

[Restaurant lobby of Dan Sullivan's hotel]

Dan walked in dressed casually this time. Snug in his tight blue jeans, and loose shirt that still managed to hug closely to his well defined pecs, and his slim waist. He hadn't known what to expect after Scott McGill's call last night. All he cared about is that a story is a story. And exposing the Backstreet Boys would certainly endear him to the more cut throat editors of the larger publications like the Times. He had dressed hurriedly to make it to this meeting that Scott had set up, he had overslept in his anticipation.

"Good morning, to meet my party here? Scott McGill, I believe?" Dan walked up to the hostess.

"Oh right this way sir." There was a tightness to her eyes that told Dan, that Scott wasn't in a good mood. "He is sitting in the back table, sir. If you would excuse me, I have some things to do in the kitchen."

"Thank you, miss." Dan smiled charmingly at her, and found his way to where Scott McGill had been waiting for him.

"You're 2 minutes late." Scott said coldly over his salad plate.

"I'm sorry, I had overslept..."

"Don't give a shit. You wanted to ask me questions, well spit it out. I don't have all day." Scott forked a piece of baby tomato into his mouth. It's blood spilled out of his lips and dribbled down his chin as he bit into it's delicate flesh.

"Well, let's start with the Backstreet Boys." Dan was again interrupted, this time by a wave of hand by Scott as he wiped his chin clean of the tomato's blood.

"No, not yet. I want you to tell me what this is for?

How will this benifit you and eventually me?" Scott eyed Dan over his plate.

"Well, I..." Again Scott interrupted him as the waitress approached their table to take Dan's order.

"I would like to have the collosal burger cooked rare, fries, and a glass of diet coke, please. Thank you." Dan smiled up at the waitress as he handed her back the menu after contemplating his order for a few minutes.

"As I was saying, I can pay you a lot of money for this exclusive. Say two grand for the information?" Dan smiled.

Scott looked at him for a moment then laughed bitterly. Much to Dan's sudden discomfort.

"It's all about money isn't it? It's always about money for all you media types. Well, 2 grand ain't gonna cut it." Scott suddenly sobered up. "Do you think I'm stupid, boy? Do you actually think that I don't have any clue about what you are up to?"

"Well, I-I-I..."

"Shut it. Well, you better wipe that smirk off your face before I do. I know what this can do to your career if I give you this "exclusive"," Scott mockingly immitated Dan's voice. "I know what it will mean for you money wise as well. No, two grand ain't enough. Two grand doesn't even cover the time I just wasted on waiting for you here today. I want a cut of whatever you get, and I want my brother left out of the whole thing." Scott glared at Dan enough to burn a hole through the center of his face, but fortunately that didn't happen. Even hatred isn't that potent. ******************************************************* [On the plane to Atlanta]

"Aaron, get your things put up. I don't want you making too much a mess in the next hour or so." Jane gave her son a motherly glare. "Besides, it is not really for the future member of the Backstreet Boys to be caught playing with his Ninja Turtle action figures, now is it?" Jane whispered down at Aaron, smiling like some large dangerous cat.

"But mom, I'm not going to be with the Backstreet Boys. You heard what Mike said." Aaron was afraid of his mother enough that he didn't want to give her his true reasons that he still believed that Nick will return someday. He might make fun of Nick from time to time, but truthfully he understands what Nick has done for him and loves him dearly.

"I know what he said, hon. Do not question your mother. I know what is best for you." Jane scolded Aaron. "Besides, Nick doesn't want to be with the Backstreet Boys, he doesn't like girls remember?" Jane's face was convoluted with disgust and bitterness, that it took a lot of Aaron not to flinch.

"I know mom." Aaron said quietly. "But he's still Nick mom, no matter what."

"Jane?" Brian scratched on the door quietly.

"Oh, hold on hun, I'll be right out." Jane replied cheerfully. "As for you, get your things ready for the flight. And don't take too many of your toys out.

In fact, go clean up in the bathroom before I get back."

"Yes ma'am." Aaron nodded resignedly, knowing he wasn't going to be getting anywhere with his mother.

"Jane." Brian gulped as Jane Carter walked out of her and Aaron's room on the plane. "I made the call. David said Dan has apparently found him already." Brian's eyes were showing a little bit more white than normal.

"Good, sweetheart." Jane rapped her fingernails lightly on Brian's chest. "I knew you could do it."

"Do you really think this will bring him back to us?" Brian asked, his voice almost a whisper.

"Of course, sweetie." Jane smiled sweetly at Brian. "I told you I'd take care of things, didn't I?"

"Yeah, of course." Brian stepped back a step when Jane made to plant a kiss on him. "I-I better get back to-to my planning. T-t-thanks again Jane." Brian scurried away.

Jane put on a mask of smiles and joy, but in her heart she laughed maniacally. 'Oh, I'll take care of things alright. Once I'm done, the Backstreet Boys will never ever be the same again, sweetheart.' Again she laughed loud and hard and made her way back to her new prized son. ******************************************************* [Leighanne and Brian's room on the plane.]

"Where have you been silly?" Leighanne smiled sweetly at her fiance, her dimples deepened at the corners of her smile. "I've just finished getting things set for the flight, c'mere lie down with me on the bed for a minute."

"I-I-I was over in the bathroom." Brian stuttered as he avoided her reach. "I have to look at some things before we get to Atlanta, honey."

"Oh, of course." Leighanne swung her legs over the side of the bed. "I'll just go check on the other guys then, see how they're doing." She stood up and wrapped her arms around Brian. "Well, I'll see you again in a bit then baby." Leighanne planted a kiss on Brian's cheek and walked out of the room.

Brian slumped down on the padded chair, and hid his face behind his hands and groaned. 'At least finally, I'll get him back. I promise I'll make it up to him, oh God let me not fail him again...' Brian muttered over and over to himself while he rocked slowly back and forth on the chair. ******************************************************* [Outside the plane]

"Well that's the last of it." Burchard handed the last piece of luggage to the baggage handler to put into the plane. The bodyguards personally handle the suitcases to prevent lost or stolen luggage.

"Yup." John cracked his back, stretching. "Wonder who the clothes horse is." John winced as he cracked his neck.

"Probably AJ." Burc smoothed out some lines out of his white denim jeans, smearing dust all over it. "Oh damn."

"Haha, that's why I don't wear white as much, man." John laughed at Burc. "Get's dirty too easily. C'mon, let's head inside, you can get cleaned up."

"You know, I'm actually looking forward to this week. There really isn't much going on up until Brian's wedding at the end of it." Burc followed John up the steps. "God knows my ears need a break from those damned kids." Burc motioned to the fans lined up at the terminal and smiled.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Must suck for the guys that work for N Sync though. Backstreet Fans are more varied and mostly more mature now than theirs." John checked himself and continued. "Kinda quiet around here without Nick though, I think."

"Yeah, that's true enough." Burc looked around a little, then whispered. "Don't tell anyone I told you this, but I've heard that Jane is planning something to get him back. Don't ask for details, but I hear she's got something pretty damned good that it just might work." Burc winked at John and grinned like a cayote.

"Mike know about this?" John was dry mouthed. He really didn't trust Jane, he didn't really even like her. Especially these past few days. She's pretty much been out to get him for some reason.

"No. From what I hear, Mike's too busy with his own problems to bother with her right now." Burc straightened up and grabbed a towel to wipe his hands with. "But anyhow, I have my doubts. I think the kid will decide what he wants, when he wants it. He got screwed over bad last time -- more ways than one eh, eh?" Burc nudged John in the ribs and laughed. "All joking aside, I trust he will make the right choice eventually. Hey, he was mainly your kid, what do you think about this whole thing?"

"Personally, I think Jane is full of it. She causes more harm than good. I'm pretty sure she had something to do with the headline the other day." John took a deep breath. "And I think you're right about Nick. I know he will make the right choice eventually, hopefully this time he'll find the happiness that he seemed to have lost when we found out about poor Brandon."

Burc suddenly clenched his jaw muscles as they rounded the corner.

"Well, hello John..." Jane's sharp cheerful voice rang behind John.

End of Part 11

------------------------------------------------------- Tell me what you think when you finish reading. Thank you for your time.


Next: Chapter 23: Bsb Hearts Assunder 2 12

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