Bsb Hearts Assunder

By John D

Published on Apr 4, 2001




"Nick, I told you that this day would eventually come. You and I had a lot of fun together, but both of us knew that we would eventually move on from our childish sex games." Brian cooed to him then when she first showed up. "Buck up now, man, it's not like you to cry like this." Then even the worst of news couldn't stand its ground against one of Brian's sweet heart-melting smiles.

[flashback ends]

But this time it was different. This time Nick could barely breathe when Brian had moved on to celebrate with the other Backstreet Boys after first telling Nick the "good" news.

"Hey Nick, we're headed up to the bar to celebrate, you coming or what?" Kevin's voice permeated the crumbling walls of Nick Carter's all of a sudden fragile world.


'Brandon!' His eyes shot up immediately.

Brandon was his first ever best friend after Brian


brought in Leigh Ann...


Then he noticed the crumpled piece of paper on the seat. He carefully opened the little crumpled piece of notebook paper.

'Hey, call me if ya ever get famous.'

The message read with a big smiley face next to it attached along with a phone number... ........ ------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimers: This is only a work of fiction and should only be treated as that. The storyline does not in anyway reflect the sexual orientation of the parties involved. Enjoy. -------------------------------------------------------

Hearts Assunder Part 2 Desperation

Nick franically rummaged through his things searching for that black book that he had long since been forced to resign. The very same black book that had held record to the number that had so many times led him to happiness, until the urgency for the band's longevity had taken precedence over his own happiness.

Tears poured out of Nick's pale blue eyes blurring his vision even more and clouding his senses like a raging hurricaine that so often ravage his homestate. ********************


It had been days since Leigh Ann was brought into the mix. Day after day, Nick began to feel the widening gap between Brian and he widening. Despite the reassuring smiles and tender kisses on his forehead that Brian lovingly snuck in from time to time, Nick was always reduced to tears before he went to bed knowing that he will soon lose his best friend forever.

Then after one practice, Nick sulkily trudged back to his dressing room feeling again the pain of having to watch Brian in the arms of another.

Sighing deep in his sorrow, Nick wearily dragged himself into the shower.

"Yo, Nick," Howie popped his head through the open door. "Management says to leave all your dirty laundry here so they can just take it to the washers instead of having the hotel deal with that stuff and fans taking our stuff."

"huh? Oh..ok." Nick looked up from his dresser and proceeded to toss all his soiled clothing into a pile on the corner.

However, after sending a pair of his slacks sailing across the room, Nick could only wince at the sound of something breaking from inside one of the pockets.

'Oh dammit!' Nick cursed under his breath while at the same time wrapped a towel around his now exposed lower body before checking on the damaged.

"Aw man," Nick whined as he painfully pulled out bits and pieces of his cell phone from the pocket. "So this is where you went. Dammit, this sucks." Nick pouted his bright red lips as he was wont to do after being trained to do so for the media and photoshoots.

'Hey what's this?' Nick picked up a crumpled piece of notebook paper. 'Brandon. Hmmm maybe I should give him a call...what the hell I'm not going to be doing anything tonight anyways might as well suffer with company.' Carefully, Nick folded the paper and carried it over to the dresser and placed it into his wallet for later on. Now was time for shower. ************************************************* [More Flashback] Somewhere in the many trailer parks in Florida

"BRANDON! Get your ass out here now!" Brandon's foster mom hollered from the living room. "How many times have I told you not to bring any of your no good friends in my house, huh? Why don't you be more like your older brother and make yourself more useful around here. You know what, get a job. I don't care what good grades you are getting at school when you can't even put it to good use around this place. And what's with this nonsense about you joining a scholastic team at school? It's not as if you don't waste your time enough at home already. Get a job!"

"Yes ma'am." Brandon nodded to everything his foster mother had to say. Ever since he was 5 he's been used to this kind of abuse anyways so he has grown naturally accustomed to her constant degredation and belittling of him.

"Hey, Brandon. I hear you made it to your scholastic team. Congratulations, man." Brandon's older brother Scott interrupted their mother after hearing just about enough of her insults. "I always wanted to be in one of those things, but I guess that's why you got th brains in the family right?" Scott playfully punched his foster brother on the shoulder.

Brandon smiled at his brother's courageous attempt at saving him from hearing anymore of their mother's dislike for anything he does with his life.

" at least you've done something with your life Scott. Unlike this bum, all he does is hang out with his loser friends and bury his face in his books." Despite Scott's attempt at changing the mood, their mother continued to dripped venom that she's had for her foster child.

"Yeah mom, I'll see what I can do at work maybe I can get him something." Scott offered his mom but continued on avoiding interruptions. "Brandon, come with me I got something to show ya. Come on!" Scott nearly ripped his younger step-brother's arm out of its socket as they hurriedly took off out the door. **********************************

"Don't pay any attention to her, man. Her insults I mean. Mom's just doesn't really believe much in education anymore, not since she and whoever my dad was dropped out of high school when they were both 17.

Hey, I'm proud of ya bro." Scott smiled at his younger bro praising him over the loud hum of his car's engine.

"Thanks, Scott. For everything I mean." Brandon has always amired his older brother ever since he was moved to their house from the group home. Even then, Scott has always been the one that provided him with moral support. Brandon has learned to live with his mom's constant abuse, at least now she has turned away from the physical abuse that she used to lay on him for the smallest things he did.

"So what we going to do tonight?" Scott asked his brother as he turned into the parking lot of the restaurant where he works at.

"I thought maybe we should check out that new Tom Hanks movie. Sounds kinda interesting." Brandon taking the hint that there was nothing to show him out here and that Scott only lied to their mother to get Brandon out of the house.

"Sure, why not. Sounds like a cool movie. I'll just give Melody a call so she can meet us there. You wanna come in?" Scott turned the ignition off.

"Nah, I think I'll just chill out here for a while. Maybe i'll meet another famous tv star again eh?" Brandon grinned at Scott who also laughed. Brandon had told Scott about his meeting with Nick earlier on during the week.

[Flashback ends] **************************************


"Hello good evening. Is Brandon home?" Nick shakily breathed softly into the phone.

"Brandon? Oh sorry, you must have the wrong number. He doesn't live here anymore." The man on the other line answered.

"S-Scott?" Nick desperately but hesistantly asked.

"No, I'm sorry. The people that used to live here moved some time back." click

End of Part 2 -------------------------------------------------------

There's Part 2, I hope y'all like what you've been reading so far. Please email me what you think. I enjoy critism good or bad. Leaves room for improvement, the way I see it.

Next: Chapter 3

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