Bsb Hearts Assunder

By John D

Published on May 24, 2001


Previously... [Flashback]

Lou's house...

Nick's mind was reeling, never did he expect that any of the other guys were...were...were like him at all. They had all sat around checking out women dancers all day long, but Brian...Brian was like a beacon of warmth and comfort, he had never felt this close to anyone at all before this. Being the oldest of his siblings, he had always been the strongest and the one to turn to. Now, now he had someone too.

[End of Flashback]

Nick sat on the edge of his bed and sighed. The last 2 weeks since John had dropped him off had been different, eventless and bleak, but hey, he was free!

"Let's see what's up for today?" Nick leaned over to his itinerary for the day while wrapping his silk robe carefully around his naked body. "Oh yeah, I got that school thing today." Nick turned to his dog with a big smile on his face, "Hey Daddy's never been this happy for school in his life!" Nick winked at his dog and ran over to the shower.

End of Part 4 ------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimers: Thank you very much for sticking with this story this long. This is still PG-13. The events of the story are pure fiction, the events of the story does not necessarily reflect the live of those parties involved. Enjoy. -------------------------------------------------------

BSB Hearts Assunder Book 2: Hearts in Harmony 5 "Fresh Slate"


Skip forward years later to 1999...

Nick sighed content with his life. He made tons and tons of money doing something he loved to do, he had a great family, and best of all Brian was there at his side to love and to hold. Hopefully, til death do they part. Nick couldn't help but smile at the thought of marriage. He always seemed to end up in this scenario every time he thought about his life. Maybe soon it will come true, but...he wondered who will have to put on the wedding gown?

[End of Flashback] *******************************************************

At a community college enrollment desk...

"Carter, Gene?" The yound woman's voice came out mechanically over the P.A. System.

"Right here," Nick smiled and hopped up off his seat.

"Sign right here please, sir." The young lady behind the desk handed him his papers. "This is your ID and your schedule. And there's also a map in there to help you get around campus." Her cheerful smile gave a hint of something extra special.

"And this?" Nick smiled back hinting at the starred number on the map.

"That is my number. Call me sometime." The other smiled broadly back up at Nick.

"Thanks." Nick beamed back at the young woman before making his way back to his seat.

"I think that chick has the hots for you man." The guy next to him leaned in and whispered with a hint of some accent.

"Nah," Nick modestly tried to deny the facts.

"Of course she does, hell, look at her dude, she can't even keep her eyes off of you. Way to go, man!" The other slapped him on the back as he made his way to the desk, it was his turn.

Nick shook his head and walked out the door. He look at the map one more time, smiled and carefully deposited it in the nearby disposal unit.

Nick was on the way to English 101. Boy was his day looking up!

Three jovial hours later, Nick made his way to his car adrenaline pumped wildly in his veins.

'Man, this is the life!' Nick hopped behind the steering wheel and started drumming on the dashboard with one hand while turning the ignition on with the other. Nick took a shuddering breath and pulled out of the parking lot.

Nick switched on his car radio.


" what's up with the Backstreet Bo..."


"It's been almost three weeks since Nick..."


Nick reconsidered and switched the radio off. Maybe some peace and quiet is what he needed right now. Nick turned the curb and headed for the wrought gates of serenity. *******************************************************

Moments later...

"Hey baby." Nick kissed his beloved's cold visage. "I had a great day today." Nick's voice never failed to waver whenever he stood where he was now. Nick sat down with a heavy sigh next to the cold slab. "So this is what life is like without the media, huh?" Nick's eyes gently succumbed to the imaginary comfort of Brandon's strong arms....


"Hey baby," Brandon smiled at Nick.

Nick smiled remembering this very moment so long ago as though it was just yesterday.

"Hey," Nick kissed Brandon lovingly despite the overwhelming gust of morning breath.

"I love you." Brandon whispered as he gazed lovingly and contentedly into Nick's pale blue windows to his soul.

Nick knew then and now that there was never a moment when neither he nor Brandon meant what they said. As he gazed into Brandon's warm soulful brown eyes, Nick felt like wrapping that warmth around him for the rest of their lives...unfortunately he knew in his heart that could not be.

"Brandon, I..." Nick couldn't help himself but try to warn his beloved of what was to become of them.

"I think someone's at the door babe." Brandon winked lovingly down at him and smiled.

"Oh...oh!" Nick shook his ethereal head his intentions completely forgotten.

"I don't think they are gonna go away, babe." Brandon kissed Nick on the lips again.

"Brandon, I..." Nick attempted to get up, but the world around him began to swirl and collapse even as he spoke.

Abruptly everything stopped. Nick found himself trapped in the gaping jaws of pitch black.

"B-Brandon...?" Nick trembled, shaking at the sudden cold temperature.

Just as sudden as everything stopped, the mist once again whirled into shapes. This time Nick couldn't see anything...just darkness. "No peeking now." Brandon's happy voice echoed in the darkness.

"Where...where am I?" Nick gulped still reeling from the shock.

"It's a surprise. Now, no cheating." Brandon giggled and kissed Nick on the lips.

He could smell the soft and tender aroma of the rose petals around him, the savoury sweet scented candles filled his very being. Nick cried underneath the blindfold, finally he knew where he was.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now...." Brandon's voice suddenly became distant, almost hollow...

"Brandon...?" Nick slowly raised his eye lids afraid of what he was going to see next...


Nick gasped in a huge gulp of air. He opened his eyes and sat up, he was back on the grass lying next to Brandon's grave: he had dozed off. It had gotten dark.

Everything around him whispered with the chill cool breeze of the Florida twilight.

Fresh tears streamed down his face. He looked around still feeling the pains from the dream, not knowing what to do. Nick turned and kissed the cold, and getting colder, gravestone and then stood up and ran for his car.

"UMPH!" Nick's eyes were blurred with tears and freshened wounds, he did not see the other man who too was making his way to his car.

"I'm s..sorry," Nick hurriedly apologized before running out of the cemetary.

" problem?" The other man looked astonished, but he held no grudge. It was his fault anyways, he had bent down to tie his shoelaces.

Nick cried all the way to his blazer and got behind the wheel. There his emotions got the best of him and there was nothing left to do but let his tears flow free once again. ******************************************************* In a hotel private room somewhere in the nation...

"So, let's go over the notes real quick..." Mike flipped through his yellow pad. "It's been a hard few weeks adjusting to Nick's departure, but you guys have made some great progress." He scanned the room to check on the other guys.

Aj was his usual, leaning back cozily in his padded lazy-boy with his silver glasses hiding his eyes -- the fact that they were closed. Brian was slumped where he sat, his face a rag tag canvas of splotches of paint splattered this way and that to convey his tortured and agonized existence. Leighanne was there by his side, kneading his back, trying to comfort him.

Howie fidgetted with a throw pillow, his attention darting back and forth from Mike, to the suffering Brian, and back again. Kevin sat stolid and straight in his seat by the bar, drinking cooly from a small glass of cold soda. The other people in the room were the two bodyguards, John and Burk, and two members of the Carter family: Aaron who was now a permanent opener for the band, and Jane who had her own agenda for the meeting today. Anticipation shone on her face like fire.

'This is going to be something' Mike thought to himself after he noticed Jane's burning attention rivetted upon him. "Jane you have anything to add?"

"Well, I was just thinking how the band looked awesome out there tonight, as you guys always do." She added the last with a nod and smile at Kevin. "But I thought that there was a certain component that was missing out there."

'Yeah, Nick's gone.' Kevin grunted to himself.

'It's all my fault.' Brian's conscience wailed within him.

"Um...yeah, I see what you mean, Jane. But for now the object of the group is to rebuild our strengths while Nick -- your son -- is still out contemplating his own career. I am sure that you, of all the people present, wouldn't want us and management, to start looking for a replacement." Mike's shoulders were almost folded down the middle around his face. He had already been through this discussion with her once more, and was really not too keen on having it again.

The thought of a new replacement for Nick brought the guys, and John, erect in their places.

"Wait, wait, hold on a second now. We have agreed that we would never replace Nick in the Backstreet Boys." Kevin spoke up. Aside from being Nick's mom, Kevin had never thought much about her before.

"I'm not saying permanent, Kev, just a temporary one. Besides it wouldn't be finding a new person, the one I have in mind, you all know quite well already." Jane smiled, her face parted in a small -- almost sinister looking -- smile.

"Yeah, but we owe it enough to Nick to at least give him some time to heal. Jane, he's had the worst experience in his life, how can you possibly even think that for your son?" Kevin was getting heated. Aj was now fully awake. Howie almost resembled a small frightened animal being cornered by a predator while he watched the debacle unfold between Kevin, the band's older brother and father over the years, and Jane Carter, Nick's outspoken and spotlight hungry mother.

"I know exactly what I want from my sons, Kevin. Don't you dare question me on how to raise my children. I know what's good for them, and I know that it is good now to allow Aaron to step up where Nick had been." Jane remained composed throughout, almost like a serenity came over her face -- as it would with a volcano before it erupts.

"Mom, I'm not sure..." Aaron was cut short.

"Furthermore, what better way to keep the Backstreet Boys back on its feet and in the race with N Sync than another member of the Carter line to hop in? Aaron would make the perfect temporary replacement for Nick.

Nick started with the Backstreet Boys around the same age as Aaron is right now, that's one thing you have to consider also." Jane felt a small victory grow inside of her chest. She knows that Kevin wouldn't say or do anything that would hurt any of his 'little brothers' not even Aaron.

"Wait, hold on a second Jane. You and I have had this conversation before and Management really doesn't want to deal with this right now. They are still trying to regain their footing from Nick's decision, putting Aaron in Nick's place, nothing against Aaron as he is a very talented young man, will be jeopardizing our contracts and deals with Nick and therefore hinder any possibility of future returns. So the short answer for this is 'No, Aaron can't replace Nick until everything is ironed out.'" Mike couldn't bare it any longer, Jane had always been too scheming even for him. "Now anybody else?" Mike turned to the other guys. "Alright then, meeting adjourned. Don't you guys forget about your spots tomorrow morning. The publicity guys will brief you later on that one tonight."

Mike's final resolution brought a collective sigh amongst the boys, including Aaron, and John -- the latter came a surprise to the others while not going unnoticed by the angry matriarch of the Carter family.

Jane showed composure, but she was livid. "Aaron, hun, you wanna go get your stuff real quick before you and I go grab some dinner?" Her smile was a thin bloodless scratch on her face. She was not going to let this issue die off. One way or another, she will have one of her sons with the Backstreet Boys, even if it meant sacrificing the other's career in the process. ******************************************************* Later that night...

John whistled along to the muffled hum of music that emanated from Aj's room while he packed his bags. There was always a neverending flow of interesting music from Aj's domains. Tonight had been interesting, indeed. He hadn't really been with the boys for too long. Definitely not as long as his cohort Burc, who had been with them practically from the time they could afford a professional bodyguard. No. John was one of the newer ones that came with the sudden influx of rabid fans for the boys. His predecessor had been injured on the job by a group of rabid girls that had trampled over the man when he slipped while attempting to stall the fans for the boys. He had been one of the fortunate upstarts of his time, the Boys had always seem to take good care of him since he first joined some few odd years ago.

He always enjoyed being with the boys, how could he not? The only hazzardous aspect of his job was the rabid teenyboppers that often times would do anything to get to any of the boys. Especially Nick, back then. A smile parted on his face. He remembered the first time he was assigned with the group. It was also the first time he actually had to do anything physical to get the group out of harm's way. The selfsame actions that had practically made him Nick's personal bodyguard then on.

It had been a bright summer day and the boys were just arriving to the airport. The perimeter seemed clear when suddenly the loud thunder of the stampeding fans erupted around them in the terminal. Some of the fans had broken through security! The guys had scrambled to get out of the terminal and get into the VIP exit, but that had been where the fans had seemed to have come from. They had been forced to run for their lives. Despite Kevin's endless efforts at keeping his group together, Burc had hoisted him on his shoulder, picked up his carry on and ran for the safety of the exit to the runway. While Kevin had fallen behind purposefully for his bandmates to catch up, Howie and the rest had already taken the helm out the terminal. Nick and John were the only ones left. Nick wasn't a very fast runner at all. Added to that was the fact that his pants were very baggy, it hindered him even more. John had already taken the load of Nick's carry ons, but he was still forced to keep his long strides to match Nick's as to not leave the boy alone.


"Shit!" Nick panted hiking up his baggy pant legs and running for his dear life. "Shit!" He cursed again under his labouring breath.

"HURRY!" Mike had yelled from a few yards away holding the door open and ready for the remaining part of their party.

"We're comin'!" John replied calmly before turning to Nick. "You up for the last rush kiddo?"

"yeah..." Nick gasped, pain shot across his side. "Dammit!" Nick cringed in the pain. " far are we?" Nick had completely stopped. He was doubled over grasping his sides.

"Not too far come on. I'll help ya." John had been quick to put a stop to his gallop when Nick had stopped.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" The frenzied fans had blood in their eyes, their lips dripped with drool and opportunity of finally cathing their prey.

'Aw, shit!' John slung on the bands of Nick's carry on over one shoulder and picked Nick up into his arms like a groom would his bride on their wedding night. "Sorry kid, but we are running out of options." John turned, his eyes widened. "And fast!" He ran.

[End of flashback]

John snickered when he found out later that Nick had requested him to be his personal guard. Since then, he and Nick had practically been inseparable...well not counting the countless times Nick and Brandon had outwit him and evaded him.

He couldn't possible grasp the idea of being anyone else's bodyguard. True that was quite unprofessional of him, but hey, he had practically seen Nick grow from an awkward youth to an even more awkward youth in love in the 3 - 4 years of his service. Nick's mom, he thought, had been too pushy, he couldn't even believe what she was trying to do these last few days...

"John." Jane's rigid voice sliced through the quite throb of Aj's music.

"Mrs. Carter!" John shot to his feet. "I-I...can I help you with anything madame?" John risked a glance at his watch. He was right, it was past the witching hour.

"Oh I'm fine, hun. Sit down, I just want to chat a bit." Jane had her cold smile plastered on her face.

This wasn't going to be good....

End of Part 5

Next: Chapter 17: Bsb Hearts Assunder 2 6

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