Bsb Hearts Assunder

By John D

Published on May 15, 2001



[Flashback to Lou's house]

Brian muttered his apologies and ducked out of the bathroom in disbelief of what he had just witnessed.

"Brian! Wait!" Nick's shrill voice called out in panic. "Please wait..."

[Flashback ends]

"Nick...I can't...I..." Kevin couldn't find the words to say at such a sad moment, that he did the next best thing. "Nick, I..." In one quick flowing movement, Kevin gently lifted Nick's face with his delicate fingertips and leaned into the tall blonde and planted a gentle kiss on his lips.

End of Part 2 *******************************************************

------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimers: Thank you all for staying with The story for this long. We're almost to the homestretch now. This is a work of fiction and created to be enjoyed by anyone who wants to read it. It is utterly fictionalized so any resemblances to real people is highly coincidental. The story does not necessarily reflect the lifestyles of those involved. Thank you for reading. Enjoy -------------------------------------------------------

BSB Hearts Assunder Book 2: Hearts in Harmony Part 3


Lou Pearlman's house...

"Brian, wait...please wait." Nick's shrill panic stricken voice called out to Brian.

"Nick, I'm sorry to have bursted in on you like that, man. I thought you were crying. I'm sorry..." Brian couldn't even look Nick in the face: he was too ashamed for not knocking first.

"Brian, don't t-t-tell. Please don't tell anyone." Nick was on the verge of tears. "I-I don't know how my mom is going to take this if she finds out that I'm...I'm gay...please don't tell, Brian" Nick pleaded again and again. He was so desperate that he had failed to notice that for the first time he had confessed the truth of how he felt inside.

"Nick...I.." Brian was confused, but fortunately interrupted when Howie came in looking for them.

"C'mon you guys. Kevin says we need to talk about practice. He wants us all in the living room." Howie fretted where he stood by the door. His feet kicking at something only he could see.

"O-okay, Howie, thanks. Nick and I will be right down." Brian turned back to Nick as soon as Howie shut the door quietly behind him.

"Don't tell..." Nick was about to cry.

"Don't worry about it. We'll talk later." Brian dismissed the topic, despite the fact that it was still troubling him inside.

Nick let out a loud relieved sigh and went back to wash his hands.

Brian stood awhile in his spot thinking about what he had just witnessed. He knew that he should've been more disturbed, if not offended, granted his religious background. But for the life of him, Brian couldn't lay a finger on what he was feeling right about then. He was red and heated alright, but it wasn't because of him being embarrassed. It was something else entirely.

[Flashback ends] ******************************************************* In Nick's Dressing Room in the Ice Palace...

Nick's eyes were wide at first, then he couldn't help but melt into the kiss. Kevin's strong arms wrapped around his waist. One of Kevin's strong hands stroked his back even now.

The kiss felt a lot better than he thought. Kevin hadn't planned this, it was just a spur of the moment thing. The kiss was already lasting longer than he ever expected him to be locked in with another guy. But deep in his heart he knew he was enjoying this new sensation because he had just wanted Nick to stay with them so bad. The kiss almost symbolized everything of how he felt about his younger bandmate. Kevin loved him no matter how hard he was on Nick. Many times Kevin had only been hard on Nick because he wanted the other to be stronger. Did he mention he loved Nick a lot?

Kevin leaned back from his kiss. His eyes searching for anything, any clue as to what Nick felt at that moment. He had remembered what Brian had told him the day they found out about Nick. The day they all had caught Nick straddling Brandon in the private gym of their hotel. "Nick, I..." Kevin tried to talk, but again he was interrupted when Nick placed a delicate finger to his lips.

"Kevin, it's okay. You don' don't have to say anything. I know you love me, but you are only doing this to try and get me to stay." Nick sadly smiled at his friend. "I love all of you guys. Even Brian. I just don't think that my place is here with the Backstreet Boys anymore. Please understand that, Kevin. I..I just need to find where I lost my heart. I just need to find, where I lost my life, my love, my soul."

"You're right...I'm sorry Nick." Kevin sighed, finally acknowledging the fact that Nick was decided to leave.

"Besides, what about your wife? What about her? You can't just leave her for me, I know I'm irrisistable and everything, but I couldn't do that to her. You understand." Nick valiantly smiled at Kevin, trying to cheer the other man up.

For a second there Kevin thought he saw some of Nick's old vitality returning. But just as sudden, it was all gone again. Washed away in the overwhelming tide of agony lapping away at Nick's sweet young visage.

"Just be strong, Kev. I know you can. I know you always will be. For all our sakes, Kev." Nick smiled softly at the stronger man, and peacefully closed the door behind him. *******************************************************


"Nick?" Brian crept into the room of the youngest Backstreet Boy. He had originally thought that the room was empty, but Nick had answered him after his third inquiry.

"Nick?" Brian whispered in the dark, feeling around for the light switch. He thought that Nick really needed someone to talk to after what he had witnessed earlier. If Nick was indeed gay, then he is in a whole new world of trouble if he didn't have anyone to confide in. Brian new the pressures of having such mixed and confused feelings for just about every mammal that walked on two legs; he too had gone through this stage when he was Nick's age. Hell, Kevin was the one that got him through his first year to begin with.

"B-Brian? That you?" Nick's voice came out muffled and afraid somewhere in the dark recesses of his room.

"Yeah, it's me." Brian found the switch and turned the lights on.

"No!" Nick's young voice erupted from all corners of the darkened room. "Leave them off, please. I...I don't want you to look at me." Brian could now tell why Nick's voice was muffled.

"Nick, about earlier..."

"Please d-d-don't tell, Brian. Please d-d-don't tell." Nick's beautiful voice was strained and stuttering. Brian couldn't help himself but shed a tear for the frightened little boy.

"Oh, Nick..." Brian whispered as he slumped onto the bed beside Nick who was curled up in a tight foetal position.

"D-d-d-don't tell, please Brian." Nick whimpered in the dark, hugging his knees tightly to his chest.

"Nick, it's alright." Brian gently laid his hand on what he envisioned to be Nick's tremblind back. It's hard to find the right body parts in the dark. "I won't tell, I promise." Brian rubbed Nick's back, smoothing away his trembling fears.

"P-p-promise?" Nick swallowed his tears long enough to look at the outline of Brian's face in the dark.

"Promise." Brian whispered as he leaned in to kiss Nick on his lips.

[End of Flashback] *******************************************************

Back at the Ice Palace Hours into the Concert.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!!" The five boyz took to the stage to the thunderous ovation of their home town sell out crowd.

"We're going to be doing something different tonight ya'll." Howie spoke up first, adjusting his mic.

"Tonight we will be celebrating our long time success..." Aj followed, turning to Kevin to finish the sentence.

"And saying good bye to someone that has become such a big part of us all." Kevin smiled at Nick resignedly.

The crowd became uncomfortable after that last statement. Many fans, young and old, cried fearing what was going to happen next. Many more screamed out their opposition to the idea. But all in all, they all in their thousands felt it in their hearts.

"Unfortunately, fans, tonight will be Nick's last night with The Backstreet Boyz for an indefinite amount of time." Brian's voice croaked over the audio sound system.

"No." The crowd took a collective gasp and groaned in their sorrow and despair. "WE LOVE YOU NICK!" Many screamed in their trembling places. "Why Nick?" Many more in the front questioned his intentions.

All the commotion and the despair pierced Nick in his still raw heart. He could not help from crying then and there.

"I love y'all too. You fans have been the greatest!" Nick wiped his tears with the back of his hands, while one by one the other Backstreet Boys came over to hug him. One by one, except for Brian who was still feeling guilty for what had happened.

Hand in hand, the boyz took to the front of the stage and thanked them together as the complete group that had exploded onto the pop charts so many years ago for the last time. Together their voices rang out over the ceiling of the arena, together, complete, united for one last time before they say goodbye to one of them.

~~ We've been through days of thunder Some people said we don't belong They try to pull us under But here we stand together and we're millions strong

Let's get on with the show (Let's get started) Turn the lights down low (Turn the lights down low) You were there from the start (You were there) We know who you are And this one goes out to

Everyone (yeah) Everyone Everyone Said this one goes out to Everyone We're standing strong `Cause of what you've done And this one goes out to you

We've been inside the circus We took the pleasure with the pain I guess there's something about us Whatever comes around we'll always stay the same Oh yeah Let's get on with the show (Oh let's get started) Turn the lights down low (Turn the lights down low) You were there from the start (You were there) We know who you are We know Who you are

Everyone (everyone) Everyone Everyone This one goes out to Everyone (baby) We're standing strong `Cause of what you've done And this one goes out to you

Now we're minutes away 'Til it's time to play Our heart beats are rising They're letting you in Time for the show to begin

We, we're standing strong `Cause of what you've done This one goes out to you, you, you You make us feel like we've just begun And this one goes out to you

Everyone (yeah) Everyone (ye-heah) Everyone Said this one goes out to Everyone (oh ho) We're standing strong `Cause of what you've done And this one goes out to you

Everyone Everyone (yeah-eeyeah-ah) Everyone (yeah) Said this one goes out to Everyone We're standing strong `Cause of what you've done And this one goes out to you (you, you...) ~~

After the song, they all bowed, one by one starting with kevin down the line to Nick. The crowd cheered their hearts and love to the group, their voice singing together in a collective note of love and loss for the five boyz they have all grown to love for these past 6 years.

End of part 3

------------------------------------------------------- There's part three. I hope none of you are disappointed with the way I dealt with the Kevin Kiss thing. I didn't believe that turning Kevin would be good for the story. But anyways email me what y'all think.

thanks for reading


Next: Chapter 15: Bsb Hearts Assunder 2 4

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