Bsb Broken Bonds

By John D

Published on Jul 16, 2001



[The Sleeper's hut]

"No one short of the oldest Vampyre master can tell you what happened during the great calamity of the Genocide." As he said it, Jase wished that he could take it back. But before he could say anything, screams echoed in the night so blood curdling, that it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. ******************************************************* [Back at the main camp a few minutes earlier...]

"As you all know, there is once again trouble amongst our enemies. Vampyre sheds vampyre blood once again. A blood war has ensued, the great Lord Lobos is no more, and we have among us more Sleepers that have survived their ill fates. Tonight, indeed, is a cause for celebration. Tonight, is indeed a momentous occasion..." Rache's thunderous voice echoed to silence when propulsions and large bellowing beasts came crashing down around the camp. "Battle stations!" The chieftain's voice was edged with fear an panic. But there was no hiding now, this was reality. Where was Ithica?! ******************************************************* [Farther back still in the cycles of time. At ZakSpire's lofty appartments.]

"You heard your Lord, go. Do not bother with your armies. I have pin pointed the location of the Sleepers. Go there covertly and capture them before Radu does. But remember not to hurt the old one, he has special meaning for The Lord of ZakSpire." Maltus drew a crude map onto a piece of dried human skin. "The encampment is only a few miles past the great ruins. But your goal is around it: here. There is a small hump of a dwelling there. Crush it. Send your creature to collapse the dwelling, and capture everyone that comes running out. Spare the old one. Now go." Maltus handed the map to Donovan, and watch Britannia launch first with her beast accompanied suddenly by another monstrous flying thing with numerous arms and legs that once upon a time belonged to human beings. ******************************************************* [A few minutes before the screams, but many past the schemes of the Great Vampyre Lords Maltus and Zakaiyus.]

Radu commandered from the back of his creature. His own small contingent hovered behind him. "Attack NOW!" He screamed his fury and it was not a moment sooner when his creatures and lieutenants came crashing down upon the unsuspecting members of the Rache Tribe.

End of Part 5

------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction and should not be taken any other way. It is a horror sci-fi epic that pits the members of the Backstreet Boys along with the remnants of the human race against vampyres in a post apocalyptic world. Any resemblances to persons living or dead -- aside from me -- is highly coincidental. This does not reflect the lives of any of the Backstreet Boys or Aaron Carter. Enjoy -------------------------------------------------------

BSB Broken Bonds Part 6 "Chaos"

[The Sleeper's hut]

"No, it can't be?!?" Paul bolted to his feet.

"It's not possible, not this close to dawn." Ramus ran to the window to peer out. Smoke and fog issued from the main part of the tribe. Creatures of large and monstrous designs crashed down upon dwellings and caravans. "Sleeper, I cannot let them take you." Ramus rounded on Paul and grabbed his crossbow and battle axe.

"Do not be a fool Ramus. I can take care of myself. We cannot allow them to take the others, however. I believe they are who the vampyre are after." Paul too grabbed weapons and made for the door. "Jase, take them to the refuge. They must not be taken." Paul shut the door behind him and ran with Ramus back to camp.

"What's going on?" Kevin ran towards the window.

"A raid." Something shook in Jase's voice. "I can't let them take you. You must follow me away from this place." Jase took up his own crossbow, although not as large as that of either Ramus' or Paul's.

"No. I want to help." Kevin stammered as he took up one of the spare crossbows on the wall and a long wicked scimitar. "We can't just sit around and wait for it to end."

"I'm with you on this one, Kev." Aj took up the remaining scimitar on the wall.

"Jase, you have to take the rest to the refuge." Kevin turned before he and Aj, too, disappeared out the door. *******************************************************

[A few hundred feet up in the air just above Paul's hut]

'There.' Donovan's man pointed in their minds towards the almost camoflauged hut amongst the trees.

'There is no doubt to it,' Donovan turned in his saddle to face the Lady Britannia. 'Lady, send your beast to crash upon that building. It is to our best interests that they are taken by surprise and without delay. It is only a few cycles more before the Red Clouds fade for the sunrise.'

'Of course, my dear Lord. But look, there are already some that are leaving that establishment. Let us let them get far before we take the golden ones that Lord Zakaiyus himself desires.' Britannia pulled her beast to a reign to hover a few yards above the hut watching Kevin and Aj run after Ramus and Paul.

'NOW!' Britannia commanded her beast and sent it tumbling down onto the mud and wooden hut, sending it crashing down into itself. *******************************************************

[A few minutes earlier inside the hut]

"There is a bolt hole underneath the floorboards there, it will lead us to the refuge." Jase pulled out a map to show the remaining Nick, Aaron, Brian and Howie.

"I still say we should be out there with them," It was Howie who spoke up looking back at the door where Aj and Kevin had gone out through.

"No, there is no hope. We only have my crossbow and my silver plated hooks." Jase noticed the worry on Nick's face and continued more comforting solely for him alone. "It will be alright soon, as you say back in your time, daybreak is only an hour away." Jase made a small smile for Nick's benefit. "Now, here's the map Howie, you lead. I will fall behind to make sure we are not followed.

Howie looked at the map carefully before making for the door. Brian was there first, and ushered Aaron through it before everything suddenly crashed down around them. ******************************************************* [Encampment Chaos!]

"To arms! To arms!" Dominicus Rache bellowed at the top of his lungs as he thrusted his own double handed sword right through a vampyre goon that had jumped in his way.

'Kill the waifs and the ancients, spare what you can of the working men and women. Our great spires and eeyrie's need provisioning and working body!' Radu the Handsome growled in the minds of his retainers and savage beasts. "Vera, Vilja, where are the sleepers?!

Find them! We must have them before the day is upon us." He turned and growled at his two haggish companions who nodded in response and dove into the brewing melee adding more to the confusion. As the acting general, Radu thought it wise for his own purposes to stay abreast of the fighting. His concerns were for the capture of the sleepers even before that old fool Zakaiyus can marshall his own troops.

Radu leered and barked commands down at his men as he created a thick mist that lapped at the very earth itself. His eyes no longer grey as iron, but, indeed, they were now dripping red with his blood lust. ******************************************************* [A few hundred yards away back at the Sleeper's collapsed cabin]

'Do you see anything?' Donovan's slimey mental signature slithered through the psychic aether to his significant other, Norin, and his long time ally, Britannia. 'Ah there!' He answered his own queries as he spots a motionless body half exposed underneath the rubble below them.

"Quickly, we must collect these before the sun is upon us. I can already feel its heavy glaze on me like a heavy hand." Brittania, sighed, slumping like some beautiful doll whose stuffing had been ripped right out of her.

"Norin, you get that boy. and Hurry!" Donovan ordered his man and lover as he reined his beast as close as he could get to his ally as the beast's wingspan would allow.

Norin glided his own dreagon down onto the ruined earth. Radu's mist and fog had barely permeated this part of the forest yet. Norin pulled his mount in graceful circles until finally landing it with a great thud of six heavy stumplike tentacular feet on the underbelly of his creature that was once upon a time 4 living young men.

Norin vaulted off his saddle and landed on his feet like a great big predatory cat. He hoisted great pieces of the ruined hut like so much wood. Despite his effeminate features and behavior, there was still no kidding to the fact that Norin was strong as 10 regular men. "Ah," Norin smirked his success. Merely a few yards from him now was the body his master had spotted earlier. It was a slender, young man. Too slender to be a warrior. His hair was in short gold locks plastered now to his head from sweat and dirt, and some blood. His fair skin shone under the golden curtain of his hair with a faint luminescence. Norin finally caught sight of the golden boy's face, and indeed he knew that there were truly other wonders this new sleeper could provide for him and his master. The Lord Zakaiyus had wanted them, but the days here were long. Oh he shall have these eventually, but not after he and his master has properly tasted this new pretty golden thing.

'Master, I have found him. And oh, is he beautiful!' Norin lustfully grated to his master's mind as he stumbled towards the fallen Aaron Carter. Norin had allowed his own lust to overtake his senses that he failed to realize that there was now signs of movement only a mere few feet behind him.

"I will have you first, my beautiful sleeper!" Norin growled as he hoisted a broken part of the ceiling off of Aaron's lower body, while his other went quickly to work on his heavy boiled leather armour. His lust forced his breathing into laborous pants, his heart palpitated with the many things he had indeed planned to do to this sleeper. Things clamored behind him in his lust for the boy. Behind -- eh? Norin turned just in time for Jase's rapier to pierce him underneath the ribs in an angle that was clearly meant to take out his heart. "You! Urk--"

"My lady -- " Donovan finally reached Brittania, only to feel the agony of Norin reverberate in his mind. "NORIN!" Donovan hurled himself down from his saddle.

His great vampyre body quickly going into survival mode, as his large hands tapered and formed webbings inbetween the fingers, underneath his arms, and inbetween his legs. He landed with a grunt next to his gasping companion, his body quickly returning to normal -- or as far as vampyrism would let him.

"NO!" Donovan growled and backhanded Jase away from finishing what he had started. "Norin!"

Norin's arms were still entangled with the ruins he was hurling this way and that. Underneath them, Aaron stirred from unconciousness.

"They shall pay for this!" Donovan jerked the rapier out of Norin's heaving chest, leaving a great big hole that was left by the barbed silver tipped iron blade.

"Ho, great effeminate Lord!" Paul The Sleeper called from just outside the stretches of the woods and Radu's mist before letting fly his own deadly shaft from his crossbow.

Donovan spat, and cursed, and finally shrieked to the high heavens, as the silver-tipped barbed clothyard shaft dipped in garlic oils took him in his pulsating neck. In his pain, Donovan had released his supporting hand from underneath Norin's elbow. His hands had automatically made a grab for the barbed and poisoned weapon that now protruted out from his thick neck muscles. ******************************************************* [A few moments earleir, stumbling their way through the mist and fog]

"What was that?!" Paul The Sleeper had stopped in mid motion after he heard a loud crash hailing from the direction of his own hut. He had forced Ramus, Aj, and Kevin to halt otherwise run into his broad back.

"That sounded like it came from the hut, Paul?" Ramus leaned back to listen past the shrieks and screams of the tribesmen and the vampyres' creatures.

"Quickly, we must return!" Paul sweated in fear for the other sleepers. He should have known who the vampyres were after. "Kevin, Aj, stay here. You will be hidden in this ditch." He shoved both boys back into a pit-like formation in the jungle floor. "Ramus, quickly!"

They had ran blindly through the mist and emerged just in time as Jase was sent crashing through the underbrush on the other side of the clearing by the furious Lord Donovan. ******************************************************* [Back at the Camp site with the ongoing battle for survival]

"Quickly, to your battlements!" Dominicus swung a great big crossbow from behind a caravan and aimed it straight for the nearest vampyre creature that was making a beeline for the camp. Many more ment took up their spots around the camp site and let flew similar projectiles from giant crossbows, and blazing catapults.

In minutes, the shrieks of the dead and the dying tribesmen were taken over by the ululation of their war song and the agonized bellowing of Radu's vampyre army.

'RADU, I AM HIT!' Vera shrieked in the psychic aether. 'My creature is injured, and so am I. We must be away!' She shrieked again and again as she and her mount were being peppered from bellow by silver tipped crossbow bolts and quarels.

'The sleepers, my lady? WHere are they?!' Radu fumed as he crouched behind his great mount's saddle to dodge an in coming projectile, poisoned against him no doubt.

'Radu, Vera cannot take any more of this. I cannot find any sign of the sleepers. The day is almost upon us, retreat we must!' Vilya had gone to the aide of her sister-in-arms and was already in the process of making a bolt back to higher thermals and head back to Fjortress and Hagsden in the Red Gorge.

Radu risked another surveylance around the campsite. He saw fires lit around from under him. His beasts were forced back into the air, some were now mewling in pain but could still manage the flight back home. The sun was quickly beating back the receding red clouds of the west. He knew that the battle was indeed lost. But there was something else...he sensed...yes, he could not be mistaken, the queer Lord Donovan was here even now. On an errand from their masters no doubt. Well, no matter. If he, The Handsome, had not been successful, then there was no debating the fact that Donovan too was not far behind in his failures. He chuckled one last time over the cries of his creatures, and finally ordered a retreat. ******************************************************* [That same moment by the Sleeper's Hut]

"Master..." Norin gasped and spat out blood and thicker things as he tried to stand by his lord.

"We...must...depart! Lady lend us aid!" Donovan cried above to his ally, when suddenly Norin had grabbed him and steered him the other way to meet the huge blade of Ramus' battle axe.

"Master, I am sorry. But there must always be sacrifices in war." Norin mustered enough strength in him to hurl Donovan back towards Ramus and Paul who were now barrelling towards them blandishing their weapons above their heads, their intentions clear and true. "Farewell, beloved." Norin kissed Donovan on his blood stained lips before he shoved him into the killing blades of Paul and Ramus.

'How the mighty have fallen.' Brittania made a swoop with her creature to cover Norin's escape. She was getting tired of Donovan anyways. "Norin quickly! The sun will soon be upon us!" She made a quick ascent and did not bother to wait for her accomplices.

Norin stumbled over scree and rumble as he made a desperate lope for his mount. Donovan was clearly a casualty of war now, he must get away -- he crashed onto the ground hard when something stirred in his path. 'Eh?!' He growled as he look up to see a relatively middling in height strapping youth with a dark tan and long luscious locks.

The day must not be a total loss indeed, he had lost a master and now gained his freedom and a new lover. Success! He lunged at the stirring man, and hoisted him upon his shoulders and carried him onto the saddle of his mount and sped away behind the Lady Brittania while the sun's own wrath cleared a path through the mists and fog and vampyre flesh.

"N-urk!" Donovan made a fleeting and pathetic stand with his one good arm. His left had been crushed by the blow that Ramus sent crashing through his body with his cruel battle blade. Paul the Sleeper made quick work of the weakening Lord and ran him through with his own scimitar before decapitating Donovan and letting the true death come upon him as the Sun's rays left Donovan as so much puddle of boiling and bubbling flesh on the ground.

Donovan collapsed as Paul brought his scimitar's wicked blade penetrating past his thick neck muscles. He had collapsed to his knees as Ramus drew back his battle axe and sent it crashing to his neck to finish the job.

Then it was only soon when Donovan's body exploded into a mass of tentacles of savage and mindless vampyre flesh. For truly, he was now dead. Along with the ill plans of his alliance to Brittania, and Norin, and the futile plans of the angry Lord Radu.

End of Part 6


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