Bryan and Mark

By moc.liamtoh@2173repyV

Published on Jul 14, 1999


As usual, all legal disclaimers apply. If you are not of age, or if this material is not legal in your area, OR of you are the queasy type, don't read this, and leave now.

Author's Note- -------------------

I know some of you have been wanting a little action, this part will satisfy you. This part will also be a little longer. As always, all comments welcome at Enjoy the story!

~B~ Man

================= Bryan & Mark ... and Band Camp =================

We were in the band area working, as we were most of the time. It was unbelievable how much time we worked in there. It was 6:00 and we got about a five minute break before we had to get ready and go to dinner. Most of the kids just stayed there in the room and talked, waiting for the signal for supper.

I usually went back to the cabin. And, I realized when I got back to the cabin, so did Mark. I saw him laying on his bed, legs crossed, eyes closed. I knew he wasn't asleep. He was just in deep thought. I walked over to the bed next to his, and he sat up hearing the bed creak.

"Hey," he said, "I'm glad you came back here before dinner."

Again, he smiled, I can't emphasize enough how amazing his smile was.

"So am I."

"Listen," he said, "I've gotta tell you something. Don't talk until I'm done."

"OK," I said, desperately hoping he was going to say what I thought he was.

"I've...been having these feelings. I haven't totally been able to sort them all out yet. They involve you." I almost interjected and told him that I knew, that I had gone through his journal, but I held back, to see what he was going to tell me.

"I think... I'm... gay." He put his head down, like I was going to hit him. Inside, I was going wild! I contained myself though, and knew what he was going through, and let him continue. "Or at least bi," he came back with quickly.

I put my hand on his knee, "It's OK," I told him, "so am I. How many people know about you?"

"Just you, and a couple other people, who I trust with my life. You have to swear not to tell anybody! It will absolutely destroy me reputation."

"Don't worry, I won't tell a soul," I told him, "your secret's safe with me."

With that, I started running my hand up his leg, until I reached the bottom of his blue shorts. He gave me a look that said 'Do it.' So I did. I continued my journey up this god's leg, when he leaned over and began to kiss me. This was like my dream come true, literally. He slowly moved his tongue into my mouth, and I eagerly accepted it. He put his hand up to my cheek and left it there. There was so much passion in this kiss, it was unbelievable. By now he was on the same bed as me, and I quickly pulled my shirt off. He was lying on top of me, our tongues still wrestling with eachother's. He was running his hands all over my body, and his tongue slowly left my mouth and it worked its way down my neck, and onto my chest. He began kissing my chest, I was in the most incredible state of bliss. I just had my arms wrapped around him tightly, and running my hands over his back, and down to the cutest butt. He got down to the band of the khakis I was wearing, and with his teeth, unsnapped the button, and unzipped them. I had the most incredible bulge in my boxers. He looked up, only for a second, and then moved his mouth back down to the bulge in my boxers. I bucked my hips up so I could slip off my pants. The look in his eyes right now was a mix of pure passion, lust, and love. He stuck his tongue into the slit in my boxers and lightly flicked the end of my dick with his tongue. This was almost too much for me. I had never been so happy in my entire life. He slowly brought his hands down my sides and hooked his thumbs under the band of my boxers. He brought his head up, and brought my boxers down. There I was, lying naked, UNDER the man of my dreams. Then I realized, he was still fully dressed. We'll have to fix that, I thought. I brought my hands up to his chest, and left them there for a minute, just feeling those absolutely amazing pecs. I moved my hands down his stomach and brought his tight shirt over his head. We were smiling ear to ear at eachother. He brought his mouth again down to my dick, and licked it again. I pulled away from him and shook my head. It wasn't time. Don't get me wrong, I wanted desperately for this to happen, but I wouldn't feel right doing it, and I knew if I did, I would deeply regret it. I wanted my first time to be extremely special, and I knew that if it was Mark, it would be. But not now, not this time. He brought his head back, and looked at me with a disappointed and confused look. His look then changed, as if to understand what I was trying to tell him. I wanted so bad to tell him I loved him right then and there, but I was afraid I would scare him off. This had been the night, that all my wildest dreams had come true, and I would never, EVER forget it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We just layed there for a few minutes, looking at eachother, no words were needed, we were talking to eachother with our eyes. ((I wish I had a picture of him, I would post it here and you could see this god's incredible eyes, again, I can't emphasize ENOUGH what a deep blue his eyes are! You could get lost in them so easily, I know I do.)) We knew that we should get dressed, then realized, we had missed dinner. I glanced at the clock, 7:12. Everyone would be coming back from dinner soon, and I knew that they would be wondering where we were.

We got our clothes on, and just as I finished my thought, the rest of the guys tromped in, ready to go to sleep now that they had their stomachs full.

"Where the hell were you at dinner Bry?" Adam asked me.

"Oh, I um, wasn't really hungry, so I just thought I'd hang out here."

"Oh that's cool, but you missed a great dinner, fish, yummy yummy," he laughed, "and what about you Mark? Why weren't you at dinner?"

"You know me and my music, and with me not having it memorized, I thought I'd practice it back here."

"Ha, serenading Bryan huh?"

'I wish!'

We all laughed, another early morning tomorrow, but it was still too early to go to bed, we were 16, there was no way in hell that we could get our bodies into bed before 10 or 11 o'clock. We just thought of stuff to pass the time, when the subject of 'Truth or Dare' came up.

"Hey!" Adam piped up, "we could play truth or dare!"

"Haha, yeah right, there aren't any girls here!" one of the other guys said.

"So? We need somethin' to do, and we are, afterall in highschool, let's do it."

All the guys eventually agreed, some more relunctantly then others. Adam was the first to go.

"OK, Mark, read us what you wrote in your journal last night, and the truth!"

With that, my heart sank, I knew what was written in that journal. I didn't know what Mark would do. Would he admit it and let everyone know his secret? Or would he lie, and say something totally different than what he had actually written?

He picked up his journal, and froze for a second. He opened it up, and started reading:


I grabbed the journal out of his hands before he could even get started. I couldn't let him go through with it. I started reading. Mark objected briefly, but I gave him a look that said, shut up, and he knew what I was doing.

"Me and Kelli had an OUTSTANDING night last night, I don't know what could have made it any better. I can't wait until I see her again."

There were catcalls from all the guys, and Mark blushed, he turned as red as a tulip as he grabbed his journal back from me. He smiled at me, a smile that said, 'thank you ever so much, I don't know how I can ever repay you.' I don't know how it was, but Mark and I could actually communicate with our eyes. It was amazing.

The game went on, many embarrassing secrets being revealed, and everybody had a good time, and a good laugh. It was midnight by the time we got to bed, and we had to be up in the morning at 6. I don't know why it was, but I just couldn't get to sleep, something was bugging me. Something about Mark.

I heard voices coming from the bathroom. I creeped out of my bed, tiptoed over to the bathroom door, and put my ear to it.

"Ohhh, god Adam! Damn..."

I couldn't believe my ears. I mean, I DIDN'T believe my ears. I cracked open the door ever so slightly, and peered in. There I saw Mark on the floor, with Adam on top of him. I didn't believe this, no, I just didn't BELIEVE this!! After what Adam and I talked about, and after what we did... I didn't believe it.

I had to think about this, I ran out of the cabin, I went to the bridge that ran over the river that ran through the middle of the camp. I sat down, and stared at the water. The questions, the thoughts that were going through my head were unbelieveable. 'How in the HELL could he do this? What did Adam have to do in all of this? Has he been in on this all along? Was he the person he was talking about in his journal? At that point, my heart was absolutely broken, I didn't think I could even look at Adam, or Mark ever again. I heard a voice...


I looked up, Mark standing there, I tried to look away from him, but I couldn't bring myself to look away from his blue eyes.

"What in the hell do you want with me? You bastard, obviously you didn't want anything to do with me when you were in there with Adam," I said in my MOST agitated and furious voice.

"Look, I wasn't thinking w..."

I cut him off.

"Damn right you weren't thinking!!" I screamed, "After all we talked about! After all we DID!" I started crying.

Neither one of us knew it, but one of the girls had come out of her cabin to have a smoke, she was listening to every word that was being said...

Mark came over and sat down next to me, and put his arm around my shoulders, I shoved it off.

"All you wanted was sex! You damn bastard, I don't want anything to do with you!"

I stood up and stained a look of pure anger on Mark's face, I took a look around, and noticed the girl hiding behind the tree listening to us. She took off in a flash, DAMN IT!! I couldn't believe it! First I find out that all Mark was after was sex. Then I find out, that someone had found out our secret, and most likely tell everyone she knew...

I coudn't tell Mark, I couldn't talk to him, period! I ran back to the cabin, I didn't take a look back, not even once. What was I going to do? Was I just going to wait, until this girl embarrasses the hell out of myself and Mark? And Adam? I didn't give a damn right now about either of them, but I just couldn't let them go through that.

I casually made my way into the cabin as if I owned it. I shook Adam's body softly, just enough to wake him up.

"Wha...? What time is it?"

"I need to talk to you, outside," I said in my un-emotional state of voice.

"But why? I'm not gettin' up out of this bed of mine until I have to."

I didn't need any argument right now out of anybody. I grabbed his limp arm and literally dragged him out to the front of the cabin.

"What the hell is your problem Bryan?!"

I couldn't contain my anger any longer, I burst out at him.


There was a look of pure, absolute shock lying on the face of this jerk. I guess I couldn't blame him though... afterall, he didn't know. I just knew that Mark hadn't told him anything. And as I thought, I was right.

"No, Bryan! I didn't know anything! I swear!"

It sounded like he was pleading for his life in front of the judge in the surpreme court. I knew I shouldn't blame him, but I had to take my anger out at somebody. And then I realized why I had wanted to talk to Adam in the first place.

"Adam... Mark came to talk to me at the bridge. I blew up in his face, I screamed at him. And someone heard me... she knows."

That was all I needed to say, he knew what I was talking about. He looked at the ground, then at me.

"What are we gonna do?" was all I heard him say, before someone came up behind him, and clubbed him...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well that's it! Part 3! Hope you liked it, all comments and suggestions welcome at More to come!

~B~ Man

Next: Chapter 3

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