Bryan and Mark

By moc.liamtoh@2173repyV

Published on Jul 6, 1999


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Author's Note-

This is my first attempt at writing a story! Please bear with me. ALL comments are welcome at, good or bad, I love mail! Now, on to the good stuff ;-) Oh, I almost forgot- if you are looking for quick sex stuff, you won't find it here, I really want to build up the story, and have them build them a relationship first! Hope you really like the story...

-------------------------------- Bryan and Mark ... and Band Camp Part 1 --------------------------------

Boy, I never knew how hard marching band could actually be!! My name is Bryan, and I'm 14, and in the high school marching band. We have already had two parades, and they were both torture tests! The marching band takes MANY different trips throughout the year, one, including band camp.

I wasn't really looking forward to it, because one of the major features that everyone looks forward to, is swimming. I was never really happy with my body. I first realized I was gay, or at least bi, when i was 13. Another reason I wasn't looking forward to the swimming section, was because I didn't know if I could handle all the nearly naked guys in the pool! I was afraid I'd make a fool of myself.

But the object of my obsession, is a junior, Mark. He was about 5'9", BABY blue eyes that were to die for, I could look into his eyes for an eternity. I described his eyes, as oceans of blue that happpened to be called eyes. Not to mention, he was hot as hell!!

The trip to band was a mere week away, but- we had another parade to perform in before we headed off to band camp. It was a homecoming for a nearby school that we didn't really WANT to march in. But we needed the publicity. Our uniforms consisted of a white shirt with our emblem on it, white tennis shorts, sash, and white marching shoes.

The parade went without flaw, an excellent show put on for all involved. We herded onto the busses and headed back to the HS. When we arrived back, EVERYONE was hot, and sweaty. I spotted Mark. He looked as wonderful as ever! Whenever I laid eyes on him, I was in heaven. I don't know how I knew, but I could just feel that him and I were meant to be. This was just no fling, I was obcessing on him! He had taken his marching band shirt off and was just wearing a white tank-top. He was walking towards me, as I was walking to the equipment busses for my instrument. We passed eachother, with nothing said, I looked back at him, and he kept on walking, I don't think he even knew I was alive.

Another week passed, of me fantasizing about Mark... Alas, it was time for the trip to band camp. We had to memorize music, and to gain the privilege to swim, you had to have both pieces memorized without help, or flaw. I had made up my mind a few days earlier, that I would purposely not play the music correctly, even though I did have it memorized. I just decided that there was no way I could stand the embarrasment if I started staring at him.

The time for swimming came, and almost everyone headed towards the pool screaming and laughing- except me. I was help back in the shelter house, to work with one of the leaders of the band. I started working, when I felt someone sit down beside me. It was Mark!- he played the saxophone. He paid me no nevermind, but I cherished the fact that he was actually sitting next to me.

We were the ONLY ones that weren't going swimming! I really couldn't believe that because there are usually more people that don't have their music memorized. Our teacher had left for a moment to go and use the restroom. So I turned to Mark to talk to him, hoping I wouldn't make a TOTAL fool of myself!

"So, what happened to you? Didn't you get your music memorized?" I asked him

"No, I was on vacation! I didn't have enough time to get the whole thing done, I tried explaining that to the director, but you know how stubborn he can be."

I laughed, "Yeah," I said. I had heard him talk before, but he was actually talking to me! You couldn't imagine how happy I was. And Mark is one of those people who looks into your eyes when he talks to you, I could never do that, it made me nervous. The person we were working with arrived back, and we began woking.

We decided that Mark and I would do a duet, with the other person "supervising" us. More like relaxing and having a coke. It was a slow tune, and I couldv'e sworn Mark was looking at me. Mark messed up for what must've been the tenth time when finally the section leader spoke up.

"Hey Mark! What's up with you?" he asked, "You usually never mess up! You're one of the best saxophone players in this band!"

"I dunno, I guess I just have other things on my mind."

"Well you better get your mind back on this band, or you won't have any band to focus on!!" he barked.

"God, lay off Adam, what are you gonna do, kick us out?" I intruded.

"I have the authority to!" he shot back, and gave me a glare that could kill a weak soul.

I rolled my eyes at him. We continued playing, with a little more concentration from Mark.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I had also gotten into the same cabin as Mark, (things worked out GREAT!) After a HARD ;-) day of working, we all headed back to the cabins because we had to rise and shine the next morning at 5am. We had to get showers yet. I walked into the cabin, just to find Mark sitting on his bunk, no one else in the cabin quite yet. I was hoping to create a relationship with him, good friends if nothing else.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked me.

"Oh nothin', you know, same ole', same ole'" I said.

He kind of chuckled. He showed his pearly whites, I could've died happy at that very moment, I was really attached to this guy.

"Soooo, you gonna get your shower?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, that's what I was just planning on doing."

With that, he stripped off his shirt right in front of me. He had THE BEST upper chest of any man, or woman for that matter.

"I'm headed for the shower buddy, been a long day!" he said, "When are you gonna get yours?"

He called me buddy!! I was in heaven!

"I guess I'll wait 'till you get out."

There were open showers in each cabin and I didn't really feel comfortable in the shower with someone else, especially the guy of my dreams!!

"Nah, you can take yours now, I don't mind." he said, "We've both got the same merchandise, I hope."

We both kind of laughed at his little comment, and again he showed his pearly whites.

'What a hunk!!!' I thought.

With that, I took off my shirt, and went into the showers. I found him in his boxers, ready to strip them off too. He took off his boxers, with his back to me. What a butt!! I shed myself of my pants and boxers too. He turned around, and blatently looked me up. And back down.

Then he walked to the other end of the showers and began to wash that body of a god. I knew something was to happen that night...

I stood there for a few minutes, just watching him, his muscles flexing. If I didn't know better, (which I didn't) I could've sworn he was showing off to me. I began washing myself, and when I turned around to look at Mark again, he was gone.

Wow guys!! Thanks for all the great comments! I know everyone says this, but seeing the comments REALLY makes these stories easier to write. I really enjoyed them! Keep sending them in,, suggestions are also welcome. I apologize for not replying to the mail I received. I was so excited that I guess it just slipped my mind =) But I would like to thank the first 3 people that sent in mail, one including Rob, thanks a lot. I feel so bad about not writing back to all the ones who sent in comments! Throughout the next stories I'll be sure to reply to all the mail I get. Again, my apologies.

~B~ Man ============================== Bryan & Mark ... and Band Camp Part 2 ==============================

I quickly finished my shower almost in a panic to see where Mark ran off to. I wrapped a towel around myself and went out into the main cabin. I saw Mark sitting on his bunk getting dressed.

"Hey man, left kinda quick don't ya think?" I asked him.

He laughed, I swear that's a laugh that could make the MOST depressed person smile. "Yeah, I guess I did."

I removed my towel and began getting dressed. I don't know if he knew it or not, but I was trying to show off to him. He never looked at me once. I began to wonder if what I thought in the beginning was totally false. He was probably just another jock who played girls in and out.

I finished getting dressed, just some flannel pants (love those) and a wife beater, something comfortable to go to sleep in. I looked over at Mark when the rest of the guys who were in the cabin started pouring in.

"Hey, where you guys been?" I asked them.

They all started laughing hysterically, when one of them between gasps of breath said, "There were these two fags out by the shelter house, we were naggin' 'em and throwin' stuff at 'em," another out burst of laughter. Neither Mark or I laughed at his comment. He just gave a slight smile like he was one of them and laid back in his bed to try and go to sleep.

I tried to do the same, even though there were a million things running through my mind. ' Was Mark in on that? Did he know they were going to do that? Does he know about me? Is that why he kept me here so I couldn't stop them?' All these questions were racing through my mind as the rest of the guys either went in for showers, or just went to bed.

I slowly drifted off to sleep, and I had a dream- or was it a nightmare?

I was lying in bed, when Mark, only in his boxers came over to me and hovered over me. He looked deeply in my eyes, and kissed me. It was unlike any kiss I have EVER felt. He put his whole body into it. I didn't resist, this was the guy of my dreams!

He then laid on top of and began feeling my body. I could feel he was hard through his boxers, I only had thin flannel pants on. He slipped my wife beater over my head and began kissing my chest. He licked my nipples and ran his tongue down my stomach, and stopped at the lip of my pants. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me. Our lips never left eachother's bodies in one form or another. He began to pull my flannels down my legs...


I woke up suddenly in a cold sweat, I looked over at the clock, 4:57. 'Oh, Shit!' I thought. The slam I had heard was the door of the bathroom with one of the other guys going in to get a shower that he didn't get the night before.

I looked over at Mark, he was still sound asleep. A few of the other guys were up and walking around, trying to wake themselves up. I slowly sat up, turned, and sat on the edge of my bed. I rubbed my eyes, and stretched. I stood up and grabbed my toothbrush and my other morning supplies and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and hair, and got myself dressed and ready for the day.

'I will never get used to getting up at 5:30' I thought. Our whole cabin headed out at once to go to get breakfast. Mark seemed to be avoiding me. I decided that as soon as I could talk with alone with him, I would.

It was now 11:30, the only free time we had during the entire day. I was just hangin' out in the shelter house talking with a few of my friends when I eyed Mark sitting at a nearby picnic table by himself. I watched him for a few minutes, and I was surprised to see him sitting by himself, he was a pretty popular guy. I soon saw one of his friends go to start talking to him. They talked for a few minutes, when I decided to go talk with them.

I didn't do what I had originally planned to do. I walked around, then behind the picnic table to listen in on what they were talking about. I heard Mark talking.

"I just can't believe that I had such a dream," he said, "What's wrong with me?"

What was that supposed to mean? His friend was trying to comfort him, but any person with a brain could tell he wasn't doing a very good job. His friend finally left his side, and when he left, I saw that it was Adam, the section leader we were both working with the day before. As soon as he left, I went over next to him and sat down.

"Hey man, how's it goin'?" I asked.

"OK I guess" He looked away from me.

I had no idea what to say next.

"Hey, um, I couldn't help overhearing that you had a dream last night, you wanna talk about it?" I asked him.

"Not really" he said in his most unconvincing tone.

"Listen, I was kinda hoping we could talk later tonight, alone, in the cabin before anybody gets back."

"I don't think that's such a good idea."

With that, I didn't want to push him any further, so I left a slip of paper saying to meet me in the cabin at 8:00. I had no idea if he was going to show up or not, I just had to pray, I really needed to talk to him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

7:52. I was back in the cabin relaxing, by myself. 'I bet he won't show up' I thought, 'Why would he?' I just sat back and thought about the things I would say to him if he actually did show up.

I heard the door open, and in he walked. He looked so depressed. Everything I was going to say to him left my mind, as he walked over and sat on a bunk across from me with his head in his knees. I made my way over to the bed he was sitting on, and put my arm around him trying to comfort him. He didn't move.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, in my most soothing voice.

No answer, I was getting worried. This was one of the most popular guys in school, and someone was bound to confront him if he kept acting like this. He sat up, and looked at me square in the eyes, his deep blue eyes burning a hole through my brown eyes. He had the most pitiful look on his face. I just sat there, gazing at him, when out of absolutely nowhere he wrapped his arms around me. He hugged me. He sat his head on my shoulder, and began crying. At this point, I was really scared, I didn't know what was bothering him. I just sat perfectly still, and let him cry on my shoulder.

He stopped crying momentarily, moved his head in front of mine, and again gazed into my eyes, I felt like he was staring directly into my soul with his eyes.

"I..." he stopped.

"You what?" I asked.

"I...should really be going" he said, but I could tell that that really wasn't what he was planning on saying.

He got up, and started to walk out of the cabin. I grabbed his arm.


He turned around and looked at me.


"What did you really want to say?" I asked, hoping to get a straight answer out of him.

He stood there for a minute, not saying anything.

"We'll talk later, tonight, when everyone's asleep," he said.

Before I even had a chance to answer, he was out the door. 'I guess that's better than nothing' I thought. I casually walked over to his bed and his journal was laying out. We had to keep a journal while we were at band camp, nothing to be turned in or anything, just kind of somehting to write all of our feelings down in, if we had no one to talk to. I knew I shouldn't have read it, but I knew he was hiding something, and I had to find out what that something was. I opened it, and started reading.

August 9

How could I possibly have feelings for him? This is so confusing, I just don't know what to think. I'm so confused. Should I talk to him? Yeah, I think I will. But what do I say? Nothing. I'll let him do all the talking, he usually has a lot to say.


I couldn't believe my eyes. Was it me he was talking about? My heart said yes, but my mind said no. It could be anybody! It could even be Adam. He was, afterall talking to him earlier today. I was just as confused as he was. I just HAD to have a serious talk with him, and that talk was coming later tonight, and I had a feeling that something was going to be revealed.

~To Be Continued~

Well, there's the second installation of the story! Hoped you enjoyed it. Again, all comments or suggestions welcome at More to come!

~B~ Man

Next: Chapter 2

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