Bryan and Chad


Published on Apr 28, 2021


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The next morning I got up and hit the road for my training ride just before eight. It was a two-hour ride, and the time flew by quickly enough, even though I couldn't get the previous day out of my head. At about ten I started heading back to my place, not sure of what to expect from this day.

As I was heading past the old dairy farm not too far away from the apartment complex, someone drove up behind me and rode my ass for a while. I fucking hated when cars did this to bikers. Then the dude started honking at me, and I really began to lose my shit. I waved the dude around, but he kept honking.

Finally, he started to pull up alongside me slowly. I just wanted to ignore this fucker and finish my ride. I knew too well that a battle between a bike and a car never went well for the bike.

As he gets up next to me, he starts yelling and gesturing at me. Fuck. I hate roadrage assholes like this.

I glance over, and it's Chad in his old beater Chevy truck, hooting and hollering. He wolf whistles, and then shouts out the open passenger side window "Woooo! Look at that sweet ass!" and then busts out laughing.

My fury is instantly turned to relief and humor, and I flip him off and shoot back "Fuck you, asshole!"

He holds his hand up to his ear and shakes his head like he can't hear me. I flip him off again and yell "Fuck you, buddy!"

"Maybe later!" he yells back at me, and then he flips me off, guns his old truck and passes me. As he pulls ahead, he lifts up his hand and waves through the back window.

Still laughing, I raise my hand in a wave, and he pulls on away, also headed home.

By the time I get to the complex, his truck is parked out near his rig, and there's no sign of him. I didn't figure there would be. I skip the mailboxes and head straight up to my place. It's already ten thirty, and I've got to take some time to get ready.

Like I said, I don't know what to expect from today, but I want be ready for anything, if you know what I mean. I peel off my sweaty clothes, drink a protein shake, and finish cleaning up the apartment. I jump in the shower and take my time getting ready. I debate shaving for a minute, and then decide why the fuck not? and proceed to shave my balls, my crack, and my hole.

I dried off, debated product and decided against it, and put on a jockstrap, shorts, and a clean tee. I had more than twenty minutes, so I went and stretched out on the sofa and dozed for a couple of minutes.

At twelve oh one, there was a knock on the door. I jumped up, and went to open the door. Chad was standing there with a grocery bag in one hand, and some grocery store flowers in the other. He was wearing the same shorts as yesterday, and I swear to god it looked like he was already half-hard inside of them. He was wearing a simple white tee, and he had had a haircut and a beard trim. I'm not lying when I say that he took my breath away for a minute.

"Hey, Bry!" he said.

"Hey!" I said.

We stood there for a minute, and then he cleared his throat and said, "Uh, can I come in?"

"Oh, shit, yeah, man, of course! Come in!" I waved him in and shut the door behind him.

When I turned around, he was grinning and held out the flowers.

"Uh, these are for me?" I said lamely.

He guffawed, and said, "What's a date without flowers, man?"

I took them, and couldn't stop stealing glances at his body. He looked stunningly good, and his dick was definitely twitching in his shorts. I pointed at the bag.

"What do you have there?" I asked.

"Supplies. More beer, some food for later." He motioned towards the kitchen and I nodded.

I followed him into the kitchen with the flowers, and as he was unpacking the bag into the fridge, I opened cabinets looking for the one vase I thought I remembered having. I found it up on a top shelf, and as I was reaching for it, he came up behind me and said, "Let me help."

He placed his left hand on my hips, and was pressed up against my back, reaching over me with his right, and the only thing I could process was the hardness of his cock pressed against my ass. He rubbed it there for a moment, and then grabbed the vase and turned to the sink, filling it with water.

"Uh, thanks." I said, suddenly nervous as a schoolgirl with a crush.

I put the flowers in the vase, and then he handed me a beer.

"First one we chug, right?" he said, clinking the can against mine. We chugged it, and then he handed me the second one. We stood there awkwardly for a minute.

"Um, I brought more weed." It was a statement, but also a question.

I nodded. Maybe it would help me calm down, I thought.

He grabbed my nipple through my shirt, lightly, and tugged as he walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. I think I squeaked, and he laughed at me in not an unkind way.

We sat on the sofa in a patch of sunshine, and I couldn't help but notice that he waited for me to sit, and then sat right up next to me. Fuck, why was I so nervous all of a sudden?

"Hey, Bry. Are you ok?" he asked, with genuine concern.

I nodded. "Yeah, man. I'm good." I said. And then I thought -- he's a nice guy, why not be honest?

"I'm actually kinda nervous, bud." I confessed.

He put his arm around me, and chuckled, and pulled me up against his side in a one-armed hug.

"You are?" he asked. I nodded. He chuckled again, "I guess I am a little bit, too. But you don't have to be, Bry. I'm just trying to go with the flow, whatever it is." He said. "You're my bud, and we're gonna have as much fun as we did yesterday, right?" He smiled his killer smile at me.

I nodded and relaxed. He pulled out a vape pen, and we both took a couple of hits as we got comfortable.

"Man, you looked like you were going to kill me out there on the road today," he said.

I laughed as the weed took hold and my nerves fell away.

"Yeah, for a minute I was thinking about how I was gonna murder the asshole behind me."

He laughed, and leaned in close in his confessional way. "I gotta tell you, your ass in those shorts on the bike? Most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

I laughed. "Come on, man!"

"I'm not kidding, Bry! On a guy or a girl! The most beautiful ass I've ever seen!"

I punched his arm as I continued to laugh, but I knew I was blushing and he could see it.

"Look!" he said, as he thrust his hips up off the sofa. His bulge was incredible. It looked like his dick was almost fully hard, straining against the fabric like a python struggling to get out.

"Fuck" I said, as I put my hand on it and squeezed gently.

Chad moaned, and stretched, shoving his fabric covered dick into my hand. Then he stood up, ripped his shirt off, and shucked his shorts in one smooth motion. His giant cock sprang free, hard and glorious, his foreskin already pulled back, and his knob shiny with precum.

He sat back down, and looked up at me, a sex god here on my own living room sofa.

I stood up, and whipped off my tee and threw it aside, and then dropped my shorts but left my jock on.

His eyes got bigger, and he whistled a long, low whistle.

"God. Fucking. Damnit. Bryan!"

I laid down on the couch with my face in his lap, like I'd done yesterday, and immediately put his dick into my mouth. He groaned with delight, and just like before, put one hand gently on my head and the other on my back.

As I was happily sucking him fully hard, and progressively taking him deeper into my throat, he was running his hand down my back. I could feel him toy with the band of the jock, and then he ran his hand along my ass and I shivered with delight.

I stopped, and looked at his dick for a minute. It seemed somehow larger than yesterday, if that was even possible. He was as hard as a steel rod, and I realized that he'd had a haircut everywhere.

"Chad, did you shave your balls, man?"

He giggled -- giggled! -- and nodded his head as I looked up at him.

"Yup! I wanted you to have a clean workspace as you strive for your personal record, Bry." He said, with a voice full of humor.

"It looks good, dude." I said, and started back in on his amazing schlong, gently rubbing his huge now hairless balls. He hummed with delight above me, and sighed a deep, contented sigh.

He continued rubbing my ass, and it didn't take long for his fingers to stray into my deep asscrack. He rubbed along my butt, and then found my hole and rubbed it gently, and I groaned my assent. He brought his hand to his nose, and sniffed deeply, and sighed again while his cock twitched in my mouth.

He did this twice more, working himself into a bit of a frenzy, and then on the fourth time his fingers were in my buttcrack, I felt him pause for a moment.

"Bry?" he asked. "Did you shave your butthole?"

I pulled off his dick and looked up at him, blushing.

"Yeah" I nodded.

He looked at me with an inscrutable look on his face. "Why?"

I blushed even deeper, but figured -- look at the situation here! Why not go for it?

I smiled up at him, and kissed his lower belly, licking along his treasure trail.

"You know why, Chad."

His eyes got wide again, and he grinned at me, a mad, feral grin, full of lust and excitement.

"Yeah?" he said, his voice barely containing his eagerness.

I nodded again, and then kissed his belly again, and then turned back to his huge, throbbing boner and took it back in my mouth.

He lifted his fingers back to his face, and then spat a huge glob of spit into them, and then moved them back to my butt. In just a moment, I felt him begin to rub the warm gob of spit into my hole. I moaned around his cock, and forced it deeper into my throat.

"Oh, fuck" he sighed, as one of his long fingers found its way into my jock butthole.

I groaned again, and ground my butt gently back into his finger, and slurped on his dick.

"Oh my god, Bry." He said, and delivered another load of spit to my slowly opening hole.

Imagine this scene: a tall, handsome ostensibly straight trucker with a giant cock, stretched out on the sofa in a warm golden beam of early afternoon sunshine, with a stacked jock stud laying across his lap in nothing but a jockstrap. The jock is happily fucking his own throat on the trucker's massive tool, and the trucker can't get enough of sticking his long, thick, spit-covered fingers into the jock's willing butt. The air is ripe with the smell of mansex, and the sounds of two men contentedly exploring the boundaries of play with one another.

I don't know how long it lasted, but as much as I wanted to get to the next part, I also wanted this to go on forever.

Chad was doing things to my ass with just his fingers that no-one had ever done before. Making me feel things I'd never felt before. I knew I was doing things to his cock that he'd never experienced -- with the notable exception of last night (which was probably why he was back here today, with flowers and an open mind about what might happen next).

Gradually, he had worked his way up to three fingers in my hole, and frankly, I probably needed to be that relaxed enough to be able to tackle what was next.

He held his fingers up to his nose and took a deep sniff again, and then opened his mouth and stuck them in.

"Holy fucking shit, Bry. Your ass tastes like pussy, man. It tastes like the best, cleanest pussy I've ever tasted." My dick twitched, throbbing hard in my jock.

He stuck his fingers back into my hole, and then held them up to my nose to sniff. I sniffed, and then, while looking him dead in the eye, I took all three of his fingers into my mouth and used my head to push them as deep into my throat as I could. I swallowed around them, and once again his eyes got big and he burst out laughing. Not mocking, not at all; he was laughing like a man who was realizing his great good fortune. Like he had stumbled into his wildest fantasy, and was rightly excited about what the immediate future held for him.

When he pulled his fingers out of my mouth, I sucked on them, so that they popped as he pulled them free.

With that, I stood up, and looked down at him. My dick was straining in my jock, and there was a noticeable wet spot where my precum had soaked it. He looked up at me with a look of wonder on his face.

"Oh, man." He said. That's it.

I bent over and hocked a big glop of spit onto the head of his dick, which was twitching and thumping it was so hard and rarin' to go.

I stood up onto the sofa, my feet placed on either side of his thighs. I slowly squatted down, and when I got close, I braced myself with my hands on his shoulders. He was still looking at me with wonder; he undoubtedly knew what I was doing, what was coming, but he locked eyes with me with a look like he still couldn't believe his good luck.

My butthole touched the tip of his dick, and both of us grunted and hissed. I stopped, and bounced just a little, so that the fat mushroom head of his dick just popped in and out of my hole by the tiniest amount: once, twice, three times.

Once again, he laughed a huge, booming laugh. His body quivered, and he just said "Oh my god, Bryan. Oh, man. Oh my god."

I sat a little further, and his head popped all the way in, and he let out a ragged moan as the first couple of inches of his dick went into my wet hole. I winced a little; he may have loosened me up with his fingers, but this dude still had a massively thick tool. His dick wasn't just long, it was insanely fat, too. But whatever initial pain was worth it. It felt incredible. Like hot, living steel inside of me.

I bobbed there for a minute, flexing my legs and squeezing my hole. I wanted to show him what I could do -- what he was in for.

His eyes got wide again, and then a look of panicked pleasure crossed his face. His hands flew to my hips, and he gripped hard.

"Oh, fuck. Oh, no Bry! Oh, god! Oh, fuck! Oh, no, man! I'm fucking...I'm gonna..oh Jesus fucking Christ!! I'm CUMMING! OH GOD DAMNIT I'M CUMMING IN YOU!"

I sunk a little lower to get it as deep as I could, but I still only had about half his dick inside of me. But I felt the huge hot jets of cum as they shot into me. It was like getting an enema with cum, there was so much force, so much fluid.

Chad was shuddering and juddering underneath me. He was twitching and speaking in tongues. It was magnificent to watch, and he held on to me for dear life, shooting his babies deep into me. His face was a mask of awe and wonder and pleasure.

After a while he calmed down, eyes still fixed on mine. I clenched, and stood up, and stepped back off the sofa. His dick looked incredible, covered in cum. Without thinking I dropped to my knees and started licking it clean.

"Bry, don't man. You don't have to do that." He reached forward like he was going to pull me up.

I help up my hand and pushed him back onto the sofa, and smiled at him and shook my head.

"Oh no you don't. This is my reward. You need to sit there and let me finish." I smiled, to show I wasn't mad, but also that I was serious.

He shook his head in disbelief, and just sat back with his arms behind his head, and watched me lick every inch of his cock clean.

"Wow." He said.

"Jesus, dude. You are still hard as a rock!"

He smiled a sheepish smile, and said, "I took a boner pill this morning."

I laughed. "You did? Why?"

He laughed, and shrugged, and said, "I don't know. I just wanted to be able to go as many times as you wanted to go, I guess." He smiled at me, a shy smile. "And I was kind of hoping that we'd do, you know. What we just did. But that I'd be able to last longer."

I laughed, but he could tell I wasn't laughing at him. I squeezed his dick, which appeared to have fully recovered in a remarkably short time. "We could go again," I said.

"Yeah? When?" he asked, with an enthusiasm that was tinged by the tiniest bit of desperation.

I stood up and shrugged. "How about in one minute? I just want to grab two things." He was smiling beatifically up at me, and just nodded, an eager puppy waiting to please.

I stepped into the bedroom and grabbed my container of lube, and then into the kitchen to grab us more beers.

I came back and handed him his beer, and we cracked them and clinked cans. He raised an eyebrow at the container in my hand, and I just told him it was lube, and he nodded.

"Bry, can you turn around? I wanna look at that magnificent ass." I laughed and turned around, still drinking my beer.

He scooted forward on the sofa, and I could feel his big hands begin to explore the skin and muscles of my butt. It was gentle, but also firm and prodding. It was like getting a massage and a medical exam, and for some reason it was turning me on again.

His fingers started to explore my crack, and when one of them began to prod my hole, I shot a warning over my shoulder. "Careful, that's now cream-filled."

He chuckled, but put his hand on my back to bend me forward. "I wanna see." He said simply. I shrugged, and leaned forward, setting my beer down and bracing myself on the coffee table.

His big hands spread my bubble butt cheeks apart, and he was grunting and mumbling to himself. "Oh, man. Look at that. Oh, wow."

Before I knew it, I felt the warmth of his breath, and then the tickle of his beard, followed by the liquid heat of his tongue along the length of the crack of my ass. His mumbling was muffled but took on a new intensity.

I tried to clench, but his tongue fought its way into my hole, licking and stroking and probing, strong and insistent. The first gush of his own cum that flowed from my hole he ate like a starving man at a buffet, wet and loud and sloppy, but leaving nothing behind.

From that moment, it was like an animal took over, rooting into my ass for every morsel of sustenance. All I could do was brace myself, flex my knees, and try not to be overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure flowing through me as Chad ate my ass like a champion.

I opened my eyes and looked down between my legs, and realized that with Chad sitting on the edge of the sofa, his gigantic cock was sticking out between my legs, bobbing and flexing, fat head an angry red and dripping a stream of cocksnot.

I opened the tub of lube, grabbed a handful, and reached under my legs to grab his dick and begin coating it with a generous glaze along its whole length. He grunted and yelled into my ass, and then redoubled his efforts while I stoked his magnificent cock. His face was so deep into my crack it was like he was an oxygen patient who needed my hole to be able to breathe. It felt incredible.

After another couple of minutes, he gripped my waist with his hands, and began pulling my ass down onto his lap. I flexed my legs and braced my arms on the table, preparing for what was next.

The bulbous head of his dick easily popped into my well-eaten hole, and we both moaned with the contact. His strong hands on my hips guided my ass like it was a spaceship lining up for an airlock. I let him control every motion. I was as ready to go as I had ever been, and he firmly and steadily slid his well-lubed cock deep into my guts.

It felt like -- what? It felt like a giant sex snake god sliding into me. It felt like a friendly baseball bat massaging the deepest parts of me. It felt like a molten steel tube scorching my innards but with no pain.

We were both grunting and groaning. My legs were straining, and his hands began roaming all over my body. They found my pecs, and in an instant his thick fingers were stroking and squeezing my nipples. A wave of incredible pleasure rolled over me and I shouted incoherently, and shoved myself farther back onto his cock.

His fat head popped through something deep within me, some secret second sphincter, and I could feel my ass press against his trimmed pubes, bottoming out on the full length of him

"Bryan! Oh, Jesus! Oh my god! You fucking did it, man! You got my whole dick inside you! Oh fuck!"

He continued playing with my tits, and I flexed on his dick, and bobbed up and down on it a couple of times.

And then, suddenly, as he thrust deep into me, deeper than anyone had ever been, a wave of uncontrollable pleasure that bordered on pain swept over me. My ass clenched around his dick, and I groaned wordlessly and loudly. My legs gave out from under me, and a gush of liquid squirted into my jock, hot and steaming. I braced on the table until I caught my breath, and his strong hands gripped me and held me still.

"Bry! Are you OK? What the fuck just happened?"

I slowly pulled myself off his giant cock, and it exited me with a pop. I turned around to face him, and he was looking up at me with concern and confusion.

"Did I hurt you?" he reached up to me.

I took his hands, and smiled, and shook my head.

"No, man. You didn't hurt me. You fucking made me squirt."

"You came?"

I shook my head again. "I'm not exactly sure what it is. When I'm really relaxed, especially if a dude is hung, I can have these...ass orgasms, I guess is the best way to describe it. I sort of clench up, and pass out for half a second, and stuff comes out of my dick. It's not cum. It's precum, or piss, or something."

"So you're OK?" he said, with genuine concern. I nodded. "Do we need to stop?" I shook my head emphatically.

"No! No way, man!" I laughed. "That's what's crazy. I can have like ten ass orgasms in a row, and squirt each time. As long as you keep fucking me, I'll keep having them."

He looked up at me like I just told him that he was getting a pony. "Really?"

I nodded.

I felt the squirt juice start to run down my leg, so I reached for my tee to wipe it up. He stopped me, pulled me towards him, and leaned in and licked the stream of fluid off my leg, up to my jock. I shuddered at the feeling of it.

He tasted it like he was tasting wine, and then he looked up at me with a serious look on his face.

"Bry. That's pussy juice." I laughed at him.

"But it came out of my dick!"

"I know, man. But I'm telling you. That is pussy juice. I've made enough chicks squirt that I know what I'm talking about. That is one hundred percent grade A pussy juice."

I frowned a minute. "Does that gross you out?"

He gripped my hips and shook me gently. "Are you kidding me?! I fucking love pussy juice! I love making chicks squirt but most of them hate it! And they think I'm a freak when I want to lick it."

I looked at him a minute, and wondered about the crazy circumstances that had brought us to this moment. I bent over and took off my jock strap, and pulled his head towards me. Rather than resisting even a little, he bent forward eagerly. He licked up my leg, and then into my bush, and then my balls. And as god as my witness, he took my dick into his mouth and gently sucked the fluid out of it, moaning the whole time like he was eating manna straight from heaven.

When he was done, he looked up to me and said, "Can you do it again?"

I nodded and started to turn around, but he stopped me. "Ride me this way. I want to see it."

I straddled his legs with my knees, and scooted up so that his huge dick was wedged in my crack. I sat up a little, and reached back with one hand to guide him in. I rubbed the head of his cock against my hole, and then sat down on it and let the length of it slide in. Our eyes were locked onto each other, and we both sighed and hummed with delight as he slid deeper into me.

I started bouncing, and within a couple of strokes I was taking nearly the whole thing again. But it felt like there was more -- like he could be deeper. That second deeper hole needed to be opened.

I pulled his hands up to my chest. "Play with my tits."

"Oh, god, yes." His fingers started gently tweaking and rubbing my nipples. I moaned and nodded, and he smiled like a wild man. He leaned forward and took my left nipple into his mouth and started sucking it, nibbling on it.

A wave of passion flowed through me, and relaxed that magic place deep inside me, and his cock popped through that second gate once again. I was moaning and thrashing, driving myself down the whole length of his amazing cock.

"Oh, fuck, Chad. It's gonna...It's about to happen.." He pulled off my nipple and replaced his mouth with his hand. He turned his face down so that he was looking at my hard cock banging against his belly.

Within just a couple of strokes of his giant dick, I felt the wave of pleasure/pain roll through me, and my ass spasmed around his cock, while mine shot five strong pulses of juice. I passed out for just a moment, and kind of collapsed up against Chad. He gripped me tight, and ran his hands all up and down my back.

"Oh, Bryan." He groaned. "Oh, my god."

He looked up at me with a wild look on his face, a crazed light shining in is eyes. His beard was dripping with fluid, and our chests and bellies were soaked.

"I got some in my mouth!" he said excitedly. "It tastes amazing, Bry!"

I was still a bit woozy. "You've got a lot of it in your beard, bud." I said. Without thinking I leaned forward to lick some off his beard. I sucked some out of the hair right next to his mouth, and then next thing I knew, his mouth was on mine, hard and insistent.

Suddenly we were kissing. Or, not just kissing, but making out. Trying to get our mouths as deeply connected as his huge throbbing meat was to the deep inside of my guts.

As he was kissing me he began to thrust gently, insistently deep inside me. Within a minute, another wave of pleasure washed over me and I squirted onto his chest again. He hugged me even tighter, squishing the fluid between us, and kissed me deeper still.

He began laughing, a deep chuckle into our kiss, and then a different sound. A sob.

I pulled back and looked at him. Another sob came out of him, and then he looked up at me, his eyes shining bright with tears.

"Chad. Buddy. What is it?"

He opened his mouth, but no words came out. He shook his head, and tears fell from his eyes.

I leaned forward and kissed his tears, and then I held his head in both of my hands, and leaned in and kissed him firmly on the mouth. He relaxed and sighed into my mouth, into our kiss.

Then I pulled back, and looked at him.

"I don't know, man. I'm not..." he stopped. "Do you remember that night we started talking again? With Candy?"

I nodded. It had only been two or three weeks. Of course I remembered.

He cleared his throat. "I was so horned up that night, and then she stomped off. And I was pissed! And then you were there, and we were talking...and...I saw the way you looked at me. I could tell you were trying to not do it, but I could see you react body. To my junk. And I thought, god damn, it's nice to have someone admire me like that!" Words were spilling out of him like water.

"It kinda pissed me off, you know? Like, why can't I get the one I want to look at me like that? And I thought about coming up here...and...I don't know. Asking you to suck my dick? Maybe making you suck my dick? And I chickened out.

"But when I went to bed that night, I couldn't get the image of you sucking my dick out of my head, so I just...went with it...I jacked off thinking about you, and, man, I came the biggest load of my life."

He stopped, and flexed his hips, driving his still hard dick deeper into me. We both grunted.

"Is this ok?" he asked. I nodded, "Oh, yeah. I like it. Keep going."

"And then, I don't know. I couldn't seem to find you. We weren't here at the same time. I came up here and knocked one weekend when I was in town, but you were gone."

"You did?" This was news to me.

"Yeah." He nodded. "And then I saw you just as I was leaving town on another run. You were on your bike, remember?" I nodded.

"And it was like you were showing me your ass. Like you were showing off, teasing me."

I laughed. "I was!"

He cuffed me in the arm, but with no force, no heat behind it. "Goddamnit! I knew it!"

"And that was when I realized how fucking good looking you are. Like all of a sudden, it dawned on me how unbelievably good looking you are." He looked away like he was suddenly shy.

"And then I couldn't stop thinking about you, Bry. Like all day, every day, as I was driving, I couldn't get you out of my head.

"And then I had the dream."

"You had a dream about me?"

He nodded again. It seemed to take him a couple moments to gather his thoughts or his courage.

"I was in St. Louis. Just outside. I'd pulled a double, and was racked up in my rig just to get four hours. And I had this dream about you. A sex dream. It was so real, like you were there with me, and then I came. I woke up cumming all over myself, like a fucking teenager."

I wanted to laugh, but I didn't. Chad's face was still so serious.

"What happened in the dream?"

He laughed. "We had sex! We had sex, exactly like this. You, sitting on my lap, riding my dick. And you loved it, man. You were taking my whole cock, and you loved it. You were telling me how good it felt, and how much you loved my big dick deep inside you, and it was the best feeling in the world, being appreciated like that.

"When you kinda made fun of me the other day? You know, for feeling bad about having a big dick? I really was kinda mad for a minute, because it isn't easy man. I've had more chicks run away like Candy than I can count. Or who couldn't take it. Or said I was hurting them. Who made me feel like a freak, who didn't deserve to have pleasure."

"I'm sorry, Chad." I leaned forward and kissed him lightly. He nodded. "Thanks."

I bounced gently, and squeezed my ass around his dick again. He hissed and grunted.

"Are you still mad at me?" He smiled and shook his head no.

"So what happened just now?" I asked.

He seemed to struggle for words for a moment. He shook his head gently, and shrugged.

"I don't know...I just...." He stopped. "After the dream, I still couldn't get you out of my head. Even moreso. And I realized that the sex we had in the dream was the best sex I'd had in my whole life. And that idea made me really fucking sad. And also, I was determined to come back here and find you and see if we friends."

He smiled at me, aware of the understatement, and I smiled back.

"And fucking worked, you know? I mean, I got to hang with you. And I realized that you're not just this super stacked hot guy with an incredible ass, but you're a really good person who could.... who could be my friend."

I kissed his face, gently, and nodded encouragement.

"And just now, I was fucking you, and you were taking my whole dick, and it was just like my dream, Bry. It was better than my dream. I was really fucking you, and you were loving it, and I realized right then that I was having the best sex of my entire life."

He looked up at me, and there were tears shining in his eyes again.



"We're only just getting started, bud."

I wiggled my ass on his lap to make my point, and he moaned in appreciation again. "Promise?" he asked.

I nodded, and he pulled me in for a deep kiss as he began to thrust his cock into me.

When we broke the kiss, I leaned forward, and put my mouth right next to his ear, and whispered.

"Have I ever told you that you have the most beautiful cock I have ever seen in my whole life?"

He sighed and shuddered, and I could feel his dick twitch deep in me. He shook his head.

"Chad. You have the most beautiful. Big. Fat. Amazing. Dick. I have. Ever. Seen." I thrust and ground into him with every word.

He was humming with delight, and tears of joy were streaming down his face. He might have been in that moment the most beautiful thing I have ever seen on the planet.

"Do you like it?" he asked in a shy whisper in my ear.

I shook my head, and his eyes went wide. "No, buddy. I don't like it. I don't just like your big dick. I love it. I love your big fat cock inside me, Chad. I love feeling you deeper in me than anyone ever before. I fucking love your big dick, man! I love it!"

His eyes were wide and wild with delight. "Yeah?! You love my big cock in you?"

I was bouncing on his lap like a piston now, driving his dick deeper and deeper into me. I could feel a wave building deep inside me.


He ducked his head down to catch the juice that squirted out of me, and held me tight as I passed out for a minute, but he kept pounding my hole now with a solid, animal rhythm. I struggled back to awareness and looked at him with a smile, and he dove onto my tit and started sucking my nipple while I began grinding down onto him again. It seemed only seconds, and another wave of pleasure rolled over me, and I had another ass orgasm, squirting all over both of us.

"Fucking fuck, Bry! Take my whole cock! Fuckin' better than any pussy I've ever fucked! You know that? You've got the best pussy I've ever fucked Bryan! Your beautiful pussy was made for my big dick, Bry!"

I don't know why, but hearing him call my ass a pussy in that moment was the sexiest thing I'd ever heard. I suddenly felt like I did have a pussy -- like his huge cock had somehow transformed my ass into a pussy, built just for taking his giant cock.

I groaned and thrashed, and he continued spewing his stream of consciousness sex talk, while thrusting hard up into me. Another orgasm rolled over me, bigger than the ones before, and I clenched down hard on his dick. He was yelling, his orgasm triggered by mine, shooting a massive load deeper into me than anything I'd ever felt before. The heat of his sperm inside me triggered yet another wave of ass orgasms, and I fell forward into his arms, and lost consciousness.

The last thing I remembered was him kissing and nuzzling me, licking me, and holding me as his hot tears fell onto my shoulder.

Next: Chapter 3

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