Bryan and Chad


Published on Apr 25, 2021


I had seen him around the apartment complex often enough that I knew who he was. Sometimes out in the parking lot, but mostly over by the mailboxes, since his apartment was right across from them. In fact, I'd met him there about a year ago, shortly after I'd moved in. That's how I knew that his name was Chad, and that he was a long-haul truck driver.

So I knew his name, and what he did, and nothing much else except that he was hot as fuck, and almost certainly straight as an arrow.

Chad was taller than me, and I'm no slouch at 6'2". He must have easily been 6'5" or 6'6". Light brown hair, which he kept pretty short, almost always under a baseball cap. Blue eyes and a killer smile. In the last year he'd gone from stubble to a short beard. It was darker brown than his hair, with glimmers of ginger in it, which I had to admit looked pretty damn good on him. He had a lean, muscular build that was solid for someone who drove for a living. His height made him look rangier than he was. All that, with huge hands, a nice-looking butt, and a bulge in his jeans that made my eyes cross the couple of times I'd had a decent glance at it.

I moved into this complex a little more than a year ago, after I broke up with my partner of four years. I know I'm a good-looking guy, and I could be out there dating more. There's no shortage of guys who've expressed interest, but I've just been taking my time and focusing on me, if you know what I mean.

In the last year, I've really gotten into biking as I was trying to get over the ex. I've got a spin bike in my apartment, and a racer that I usually take out on the roads at least once per day, logging some serious miles. I've always been a bit of a jock, so all the extra work has really paid off, If I do say so myself. And if I'm honest, it's taken my ass from "great" to "amazing".

Yesterday I got back from a ride just past sunset. I hadn't checked the mail in a couple of days, so I figured I'd stop and grab it before I hauled the bike up the stairs to my place. I was beat, and once I was in for the evening, I was thinking I wanted to peel out of my bike gear, stand under a long hot shower, fix one of the readymade meals I had, and then fall into bed.

I had just opened my mailbox and pulled out the wad of mail, when my eye caught the return address on one of the letters. It was from my ex, who I hadn't heard from in nearly the whole last year. For some reason seeing his name just gutpunched me, and I slumped for a minute against the boxes, debating if I should open it now, or wait until later. Maybe it was the money he owed me, but I didn't figure I was that lucky.

At that moment, I heard the door for the apartment behind me bang open, and the sound of a woman in high heels stomping out and down the hall at a fast pace. I turned around to see an attractive petite blonde with way too much make up marching away.

"Fuck you, dude!" she yelled back over her shoulder.

A voice came from the door, "Candy! Come on! Candy, wait!"

Chad stepped into the doorway, calling after the rapidly retreating back of the woman. He was shirtless, tattoos showing, and struggling to get a pair of plaid shorts zipped and buttoned.

"Candy! Come on!"

"You're a fucking freak!" she shouted, clacking away into the night.

He sighed, and sagged against the doorframe, absentmindedly massaging the giant tumescence straining against the front of his shorts.

I must have snickered or made some kind of noise, because he glanced up at me with a look of surprise on his face. I think up to that moment he had no idea anyone else was there.

I pulled my eyes up to his, and shook my head, and shrugged.

"Sorry dude. That sucks." I nodded in the direction of the recently departed woman.

He sagged against the doorframe again, and let out a bitter chuckle.

"Yeah. Or doesn't, as the case may be."

"Ha! Totally."

"My fucking one night in town before I gotta go out on another run, and now this."

I grunted some kind of agreement, and pretended to shuffle through my mail again. My ex's name caught my eye again, and was like a splash of icy water on whatever fantasy I was making up in my head for this moment.

"Fuckin' bitches, man." Chad said, mostly to himself.

I laughed, and before I knew what I was saying, replied, "Yeah. That's why I don't date `em, man."

His eyebrows shot up, and he looked at me with a funny expression on his face.

"Lucky you." he growled.

"Meh. Not always." I said. "Anything can get complicated."

I waved the letter from my ex. "I get to go upstairs and open this and see what my ex sent me after a year of not hearing a goddamn word from him."

He grimaced in sympathy, and shook his head.

"Oh, man. That sucks."

"Yeah, and not in a good way." I lobbed back. He laughed, an easy, friendly sound.

"Touché" he said through his smile.

We just kind of smiled at each other for a second, and then he stepped forward and stuck out one of his huge hands. "You're Bryan, right?" he said as we shook.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. We'd met months ago. I was honestly surprised that he remembered my name. I nodded.

"Yep. And you're Chad, right?" He grinned and nodded, releasing my hand and giving me a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"Good to see you again, bud," he said.

"You, too, dude." I replied.

I didn't think anything was going to happen here. I'd had one too many experiences crushing on an unavailable straight guy to waste any time thinking Chad was gettable. And, in truth, I still had that damn letter in my hand, and it was weighing on me a bit.

I hefted my bike and inclined my head towards him in a friendly goodbye nod.

"Well, hey man, I gotta get upstairs and grab some food and a shower. Hope your night gets better." I said this last with a lopsided grin. I picked my bike up as I started up the stairs.

"Thanks, man. You too. Have a good night!" he said, with a look on his face that I couldn't interpret.

"You, too! Hey, drive safe tomorrow on your run." I lifted my bike onto a shoulder and started up.

"Hey, Bry!" I stopped on the stairs and looked back over my should at him, standing there under the lamplight of the hallway. The light hit him in a way that accentuated his tattoos in a really sexy way. He was once again absentmindedly squeezing his bulge.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You fill out those shorts really damn good, man." I don't know what I was expecting him to say in that moment, but it definitely wasn't that. I kind of glanced over my shoulder down at my butt in my compression shorts, and laughed.

"Hey, Chad. You fill out your shorts really damn good, too, bud." I shot back at him, nodding towards his bulge with my chin. I mean, hot straight dude is gonna flirt with me like that? You can be damn sure I'm at least gonna throw it right back at him.

He let loose a huge guffaw. Whatever he was expecting me to say in return, I don't think it was that.

"G'night, Bry."

"G'night, Chad."

I made my way upstairs, let myself into the apartment, and just stood there for a minute. I half expected a knock at the door, and sort of dreaded the idea, too. After a couple of minutes, I felt a familiar sort of disappointment, and sighed, and started to strip out of my bike gear.

I showered, made some food, and sat mindlessly in front of the TV for a little bit. I finally got up the nerve to open the letter from my ex. It was a check for the money he owed me, folded inside a blank piece of paper. No note, no nothing. Just the check. Fuck, that hurt.

I sighed, turned out the lights, and went to bed. I fell asleep gently squeezing my cock, and thinking about Chad in his shorts.

The next morning on my way to work, I noticed that Chad's rig was already missing from the spot in the far end of the parking lot where he parked it when he was home. I shook my head, wondered about that whole little encounter for a moment, and then forgot about it.

Over the next couple of weeks I saw Chad once, as he was pulling out in his rig and I was passing by on my bike. He must've been home from his run and was headed back out again on a new one. He blared his horn twice, and gave me a big wave while he leaned out his window and wolf whistled at me. I laughed and flipped him off and then rode away, peddling in third position with my ass sticking out. I glanced back over my shoulder and damned if it didn't look like he had stopped his turn for a minute to watch. I grinned.

About a week later, on a Saturday, I was just coming home from a long morning workout. I once again hadn't checked mail in a couple of days, so I swung by the complex mailboxes to grab the bills and junk mail that had piled up.

As I was standing there straddling my bike, I felt a smack across my ass, and looked up with what must have been a stunned expression on my face.

"Bry! Dude, how's it going?"

It was Chad, looking a little grungy in ragged jeans and a flannel, like he'd just pulled in from a long run.

"Jesus Christ, dude! You just about scared the fuck outta me!" I laughed, to let him know I wasn't mad about it.

"Aw, man, are you serious?" He said in a teasing manner. "This thing is solid as a rock. I'm sure it can take a beating."

And god help me, with that he put his hand on my ass, right where he'd smacked me, and rubbed it gently. If my bike hadn't been there to prop me up, I think I would have fallen over in shock.

"Hey man, are you gonna watch the game?" He pulled his hand back and grinned down at me.

"Uh, yeah, I am, actually. I was just gonna shower up and drink some beer and watch." It was the truth, I was about to go watch the game, and I'd stocked up on beer thinking that I deserved a bit of a fuck-off day now that my big ride was done.

"Awesome! I just got home, man. Phew, all the way from Denver in one fuckin' day, man. I'm dead tired, but you mind if I come up and watch it at your place?"

"No, bud, that's totally cool. I've got a ton of beer in the fridge, as long as you don't mind the cheap stuff."

He slapped me on the back and gripped my shoulder a bit.

"Outstanding! I gotta shower up myself. How about I meet you up there in thirty?"

I was nodding before I could think about it.

"Sure, man, that sounds great."

He leaned in a bit like we were suddenly in danger of being overheard, accomplices in a conspiracy.

"Bry, do you smoke weed, man?"

I laughed.

"Yup. I've been known to take a toke or two in my day."

"Outstanding!" he said again. "Like I said, I was just in Denver." He left that hanging and waggled his eyebrows at me. I laughed again.

He smacked me on the ass again, much more gently this time, and ambled back to his apartment door, whistling.

Once I got upstairs, I cleaned up the place as best I could in a couple minutes, and jumped in the shower to wash off. I spent a couple of minutes cleaning my crack, and debated doing more, but I didn't have the time, and honestly? I still didn't think anything was going to happen with him.

I put on some shorts and a tee, and didn't spend any time thinking about what I was wearing.

I had just turned on the TV and flipped on the game, right at kickoff, when the buzzer rang.

I opened the door, and there was Chad in flipflops, an old tee-shirt, and the same plaid shorts he'd been wearing the night I saw him with the woman who had ditched him. He looked amazing.

I motioned him in. "Perfect timing. The game just started. Have a seat and I'll grab you a beer."

He grabbed a spot on the sofa, and I came back a minute later with four beers to find him stretched out with his feet up on the ottoman, looking sexy as hell without even trying.

I set two of the beers down, cracked two open, and handed him one. "First one we chug, got it?" I said to him, and clinked my can against his. He laughed and nodded. We chugged the cans, and then grinned at each other. I cracked the other two, and handed him one, and we clinked cans together again.

I settled into the sofa next to him. Close, but not too close.

"Oh, hey!" he said, and reached into his shorts pocket, pulling out a fat joint and a lighter.

He raised his eyebrows at me questioningly, and I nodded.

He sparked it up, and took a big hit, and then handed it to me. I took a hit, and then we just sat there for a couple of minutes in companionable silence, sipping our beers and passing the joint back and forth.

He stubbed it out about halfway, and I went to go grab another couple of beers. I was feeling the buzz from the pot and the beer, and it was nice. I could tell he was feeling it, too, sitting there in a ray of sunshine with a goofy grin on his face.

The next couple hours were about as chill and easy as I could have ever imagined. We watched the game, hooting and hollering as our team pulled out a win in the last thirty seconds. We drank a ton of beer. We smoked the rest of the joint. We ordered a pizza and just shot the shit about life and everything.

He told me about what it was like being a trucker, the good and the bad. I told him about my boring tech job. I learned that he grew up in Louisville in a shitty home, and joined the Army young. When he got out, he knew how to drive freight, so he just fell into that, and was making a great living and saving a bunch of money for his dream of owning a big piece of land out in the country.

After a bit of companionable silence, he asked me about my ex.

I told him that we had been together for four years, and why we'd broken up.

"You ever been with chicks?" he asked. I could tell from his tone he was genuinely curious.

I nodded. "Yeah, four. I had girlfriends in high school and the beginning of college."

"And then what?"

I shrugged. "I mean, I don't know. I guess I'd always known I was interested in guys, you know? I played football and was a regular jock, but I was always more interested in the quarterback than the cheerleaders, I guess.

"When I got into college, I finally got up the nerve to try something with a dude, and I kinda never went back." I laughed. He nodded, like I'd said something wise.

"What about you, Chad. You ever been with a guy?" I was buzzed. And I figured what the fuck, why not ask?

He laughed a huge laugh, and then got kind of a Mona Lisa smile on his face, and shrugged.

"I've thought about it." He admitted.

"I mean, I've seen how smooth you are with the ladies." I mocked, gently.

He raised his eyebrows at me in a questioning look.

"Come on, man. Candy? From a couple weeks ago? "Fuck you, pervert!" I said the last part in a sarcastic falsetto.

He sighed and punched a throw pillow on the sofa.

"Fucking that bitch! Thanks for reminding me!" he laughed.

"What happened with her, man?" I asked.

He sighed again, and halfheartedly hit the pillow again.

"I don't know man. I don't always have the best of luck with chicks. I mean, I know I look good, but..." he trailed off.

"I had been talking to her for months. I finally got her to come over. I had one night in town between runs. We were making out, and I was just saying some sexy talk shit, and then she got a look at my dick and freaked out." He sighed again, so dramatically it would have been funny if he weren't so serious.

"Because it's so fucking ugly?" I said, totally deadpan.

He laughed a huge laugh, and threw the pillow at me. "Fuck you, Bry! Because it's so fucking big, asshole."

I don't know why, but that sounded like the funniest fucking thing I'd ever heard. Maybe it was the pot, but I laughed so fucking hard I was nearly crying. I was laughing so hard I couldn't talk for a minute or two.

First he looked angry, and then after a minute he started laughing too. Soon we were both howling, and it took a good couple of minutes for us to start to calm down.

"Oh, man!" I said. "That's some good shit." I was talking about the pot, but about the whole story, too.

"Poor me, I'm Chad. I'm super tall and ridiculously good looking, and my dick is so big it scares bitches away!"

We were both laughing but he got serious, quick.

"It is! Dude, I'm telling you!" He was so earnest, trying to convince me.

"Ok, bud. OK! I believe you!" I couldn't help it; I was still laughing.

A look crossed his face, and he seemed to get mad. He stood up off the sofa, and strode towards me, closing the gap between us in two paces.

My face was right at the level of his crotch, and whatever he was packing was definitely filling out the front of his shorts in an obscene kind of way.

He looked down at me. "Bry. I'm serious. It's too fucking big."

With that, he unbuttoned his shorts, and pulled the zipper apart so they just dropped straight to his feet. He had apparently gone commando, so everything -- everything -- was revealed in its glory.

The biggest fucking uncut dick I'd ever seen was just hanging there, pendulous and proud, sitting atop the fullest bull balls you could imagine. The warm, musky man scent of him hit my nostrils.

"Holy shit." I muttered, unable to stop myself from saying it.

"See?" He said. He reached down and scratched his junk, jostling it around. It was slowly inflating, becoming even larger. Chad here was a shower and a grower, it appeared, amazing as that might be.

I just kind of dumbly nodded up at him. I couldn't read the look on his face. His anger was gone, but all of our humor was gone too. There was an electricity between us that had always been there in undertone, but now was turned up to 11. It was almost like he needed sympathy and validation, and I realized I knew just how to give it to him.

I leaned forward, keeping my eyes locked on his, and I gave the fat head of his cock a very gentle, warm kiss.

"Oh, fuck." His dick twitched like it had been jolted by a live wire. He nodded and sighed, and closed his eyes for a moment, and then leaned a little closer.

I licked my lips, and then leaned forward again, and just barely took his bulbous head into my mouth. I let it rest there for a second, a warm, living plum with a heartbeat and the smoothest skin. I ran my tongue just under the edge of his foreskin, helping to gently move it back as his cock pulsed to life.

He sighed again, a long exhalation that caused his whole body to relax. He placed one huge hand very gently on my head and ruffled my hair a bit.

"Your mouth feels sooo good, Bry."

I pulled my head back and looked up into his eyes again. "Your cock tastes amazing, bud," I said.

"Yeah?" he asked, happy and eager to please. I nodded and took him back into my mouth.

At this point, his dick had swelled considerably, in length and girth. I can't even tell you how big this thing was. Honestly, it was the biggest I'd ever seen in person. Imagine the biggest dick you've seen in porn. The beautifully shaped one, that makes you woozy just thinking about. It was bigger than that, and perfect, nestled in a bush of gingery brown hair that he clearly hadn't trimmed in a while.

As he got harder, his dick started to point up so much that I couldn't keep my mouth on the head of it from a sitting position. I licked down the thick, fat vein that ran the full length of the underside, and down to his giant hairy balls. He was quietly grunting this whole time, eyes half closed, like he didn't want to break the spell of what was happening.

I stopped to pull a stray hair out of my mouth, and he took that moment to kick the shorts aside, pull his shirt off, and sink back down onto the sofa next to me, legs spread wide open in an invitation. I scooted into the space between his legs, kneeling in front of him, and reached up to peel off my own tee, and threw it aside.

He whistled, looking at me with a funny half smile on his face.

"Damn, Bry. You're yoked as hell, man."

I think I blushed, and ran my eyes up along the length of him splayed out on my sofa. His monster dick was standing at attention, a treasure trail running up his abs, to a moderately furry chest with strategically placed well-done tatts that accentuated his physique. His friendly smile was shining through his bearded face, and his blue eyes were gleaming with something that looked like a mixture of amusement and lust. The image of sheer manly sex appeal burned itself into my brain; I can't say that I've ever seen anyone look more sensual and innocent and gentle than he did in that moment.

I ran my hands up along his long legs, and felt him shudder with pleasure as goosebumps formed on his skin.

I leaned down and took his cock back into my mouth. He hissed in pleasure, stretched, and put his arms behind his head, watching me go to work on him.

What can I say here? I've sucked a lot of cock. I've got skills. Chad's dick was a challenge like no other, but I was up for it. I took my time doing it right, and I knew from his moans and from his reactions that he appreciated every lick, every move. A constant tumble of words spilled out of him, disjointed and growled, monosyllabic approvals of "fuck", and "Yeah, bud", and my name combined with Jesus.

The thing was, now that his cock was fully hard, it became clear that his was one of those dicks that curves up at the end. From the position I was in, it was a struggle to get the whole thing in my throat with that curve going the other way, especially considering the size of it. He was right: it was really fucking big. But I was determined to take the whole thing.

By the time I managed to work half of it into my throat, he was jittering and thrashing like his body was on fire. I must have looked like I was incorrectly playing some weird flesh oboe or something -- kneeling and bent over, with not quite half his dick in my throat, my right hand gripped around his shaft, my left hand gently cupping his gigantic balls.

His breathing was coming fast and ragged, and just as I managed to pop the fat mushroom head of his dick past my tonsils, I squeezed his balls. He gasped, and then tried to tell me what I already knew.

"Bry! Oh, fuck! Bry, I'm gonna...I'm gonna...oh, Jesus fucking Christ I'm cumming, dude!"

The first two blasts of his cum came so close together it was almost like one long, giant shot, straight down my throat. I pulled back so I could get the next two into my mouth so I could taste him, and then pushed back down so I could get the next three into my throat again. He was roaring with pleasure -- a sound like "YEEEAAARRRGGGhhhhhhhh" that seemed to go on for as long as he was shooting.

I nursed his fat hog of a dick, suckling the after-cum drips out of him, while he sighed and hummed with contentment above me. Like I said, I know what I'm doing here, so I licked him good and clean, soft and gentle, good as new.

I finally let his cock pop from my mouth, and smiled up at him. He opened his eyes, beaming down at me, and just said "wow." We both laughed.

I got up, and stretched, and padded into the kitchen to grab more beers. I came right back, popped the cans, and handed him one, clinked it, and took a big swig while plopping down onto the sofa next to him, letting our legs touch.

He burst into laughter, a loud, deep bellylaugh.

"Holyyyy fucking shit, Bry! Are you kidding me? You just gave me the best fucking blowjob of my life, and then get up and fetch me a cold beer right after? You're amazing!"

I laughed, and knocked my arm against his in a friendly way.

"Well, to be fair, I was getting myself a beer because you damn near choked me to death with that monster, and I figured it was rude not to get you one while I was at it."

He laughed even harder at that, and clinked our cans together again.

We sat there for a minute in the glow, and he sighed again.

"Bry, that really was amazing." He said in a low voice. "I honestly wasn't..." he stopped, looking momentarily troubled. "I really didn't didn't have to..."

I grabbed his shoulder and squeezed.

"Chad. Stop. Dude, I wanted to." I squeezed his shoulder, feeling how solid he really was for a guy with his height. "Your dick is amazing. I'll suck that cock any time you want." The last part just kind of slipped out, but it wasn't a lie.

He raised his eyebrows at me, and laughed. "Oh, yeah? Anytime? What are you doing in about three minutes?" he laughed again.

I set my beer down, and scooted closer to him, and his arm naturally dropped over my shoulder. I reached out and began running my fingers very lightly across the length of his mostly flaccid cock, which was draped across his thigh like a garden hose.

"I mean, I still need to figure out how to get that whole thing down my throat." I said.

He laughed again, while shuddering with pleasure. "Yeah? Then you should definitely continue your research." His huge dick was pulsing back to life, which was pretty remarkable to watch.

I leaned over to take it back into my mouth, and once again Chad hissed with pleasure as soon as the warmth of my mouth enveloped the fat head of his dick.

I stretched out on the sofa, with my face in his lap, and realized that this angle might work to my advantage with the way his cock curved up. This time his curve and my throat were both going the same direction. I worked his cock over, getting it as hard and as slick with spit as I could while he moaned above me.

After a couple of minutes of that, he was once again rock hard. I grabbed onto his hips, and started forcing my face down his giant dick.

The fat mushroom head popped past my tonsils and continued to slide down my throat. I worked to keep my throat muscles relaxed and breathe through my nose, as I slowly, methodically, worked my way farther and farther down his giant donkey dick.

Chad was once again stretched out, enjoying the worship I was lavishing on his cock with my mouth and hands, sighing and whispering encouragement, interspersed with the occasional moan. His left hand was resting on my back, and he would occasionally run it along my back and shoulders, spreading warmth everywhere he touched. A couple of times his hand came to rest on my butt, and he squeezed the big muscles of my ass through my shorts.

I was lost in a haze of sucking this magnificent cock. My whole world had narrowed down to my mouth and this incredible piece of meat, and how far I could get it down my throat. Every additional inch was a triumph. I can't tell you how much time passed, but I can tell you that we were both happily adrift in a sea of relaxed pleasure.

Too soon, I could tell he was getting close. I had managed to get eighty percent of his dick down my throat, and I was sure that I could get the whole thing, if I had enough time. I tried forcing my way down in one more herculean push, but it was too much -- it sent him over the edge, into insensate orgasmic caterwauling. He thrashed and yelled above me, one hand on my head, holding me in place as he shot scorching ropes of hot cum down my gullet, while his other hand was rubbing roughly on my ass.

I once again nursed his dick as it deflated, and licked it clean until it softened enough to pop out of my mouth. Chad's breathing was evening out and becoming deep and rhythmic. He was fully slumped on the couch, and as I sat up, pulled me into a reclining position cuddled tightly up against his side, with my head resting on his chest.

"Bry," he mumbled, "that was amazing. You're amazing, man." He then put his mouth on the top of my head, and I could have sworn he kissed my hair as he pulled me tighter against him. This wasn't what I expected, and my dick was still straining against my shorts, but it felt really damn good, so I didn't want to break the spell. I settled back and shut my eyes for a minute in the warmth of the crook of his arm.

I don't know how long we slept -- it couldn't have been more than half an hour or so -- but it was long enough that it was now completely dark outside when I opened my eyes. As I woke up to the sound of Chad not-quite-snoring I remembered everything that had just happened. The apartment was dim, with some light coming in from the kitchen, but I could see Chad splayed out next to me, glorious in his nudity.

I shifted a little to look down at the length of him, and he grunted mildly and moved in his sleep. He was really out; it seemed like his long drive had finally caught up to him.

I looked down at his dick, and even in this state it looked magnificent.

I had no idea what today meant, if anything. I figured chances were very good that this was a one-off experience. Chad seemed like a genuinely decent guy, hard up for a chance to get off, who wouldn't treat me badly after what we'd shared today. But I still didn't think I'd get another proverbial whack at his junk, if you get my drift.

I slid gently down his side until I was right up next to his dick again. I maneuvered my shorts off, and began slowly stroking my once again rock-hard cock. As I leaned over his lap, I took his soft dick in my mouth and slowly worked the whole thing in so that my lips were at the base of his dick pressed against his hairy balls. Even mostly flaccid, he was a mouthful. But hey, at least I had his whole dick in my mouth!

Above me he hummed and moaned gently in his sleep as his dick began to reinflate. Without meaning to, I moaned around his dick, vibrating it and accelerating the process. He shifted again, still asleep I think, but who knew for how much longer.

The idea crossed my mind that if I could keep my lips locked around the base of his dick, I might be able to take the whole thing as he continued to get hard. It wasn't rational, but my mission in this moment was to take this last chance to deep throat his whole gigantic cock.

I moved my hand from my own dick as I shifted into more of a crouch. I was basically on my hands and knees on the couch, bent over him, with my lips sealed around the base of his swelling monster. I was swallowing like a madman, trying to keep his dick fully in my throat as it continued to get bigger and bigger. I was breathing through my nose, but thick saliva was dripping out of my mouth.

As he began to wake, Chad began gently thrusting his hips, wedging his cock even deeper in my throat. I felt one of his big hands go to the back of my head, and the other one started exploring the muscles of my back, running up and down my spine.

He let out a deep moan that let me know a couple of things -- he was awake now, and he wasn't unhappy with the current state of affairs. I moaned back, around his thick cock, and was rewarded with another moan and set of gentle hip thrusts.

His hand ran farther down my back, and I could tell there was a moment when he discovered that I wasn't wearing shorts anymore. His hand began exploring my ass, just rubbing all over, squeezing my butt. He paused for just a moment, and then deliberately ran his fingers through the crack of my ass, grazing my hole.

I saw stars from the electric heat from that moment of contact and groaned with pleasure on his dick. As soft chuckle escaped from him. He knew what he did. He knew what it did to me.

I kept fighting to keep his whole dick in my throat as he got to full hardness, and he slid his hand along my back again. He rubbed my ass, and then paused, and then once again ran all his fingers up through my crack, slowly dragging them across my hole.

I whimpered when he did it this time, and he chuckled again.

"Yeah?" he said, in a deep, soft whisper.

I nodded against his cock, and hummed my answer.

His hand came back, rubbing along the length of my crack. Exploring, probing, gently teasing, all the while his other hand kept pressure on my head, keeping his monster cock buried to the hilt in my straining throat.

He pulled his hand away, and I couldn't tell what he was doing for a moment, but then I heard a deep inhale, and felt a huge pulse as his cock got even harder. He was huffing the smell of my ass on his fingers, and apparently loving it. He ran his hand through my crack again, reloading the scent, and then huffed again, as his dick twitched and spat precum down my throat.

"Oh my fucking god, Bryan." He hissed through his teeth. His hips were bucking up against me, smashing his balls into my cheek and chin. His right hand shifted to the back of my neck, keeping me impaled on his throbbing monster cock.

His left hand snaked under me, rubbing my pecs and my abs, and then, to my deep shock and gratitude, found my rock hard dick and latched onto it with a death grip. I yelled onto his dick, incoherent words of lust.

He fisted my dick, and then within a moment had synched his hips and his fist so that they were totally aligned -- his cock was fucking my throat while my dick fucked his fist like they were part of one perfect universal fuck.

I don't know how long that lasted. Probably just a couple of seconds that seemed like an eternity, and then all of a sudden, his dick swelled even larger in my throat, and he hollered at the top of his lungs, as I screamed into his flesh. My load flew out of my dick while he kept jacking it, and his boiling sperm flooded into me once again. I stopped breathing and just swallowed as fast as I could to keep up.

My body was jerking and twitching, and he finally stopped jacking my dick. He didn't let go right away, though. He just kind of held my cock while it deflated and then held my cock and balls like they were a prize he didn't want to misplace.

After I'd licked him clean for the third time, I just sort of rolled over onto my back, so that my head was in his lap. He let go of my junk, but quickly put his arm back around me and rubbed my sixpack and my chest. He chuckled again, as he kept rubbing.

"What?" I asked.

"You're like a model in one of those men's fitness magazines, man. You are ripped as hell."

I laughed and held onto his arm as he was rubbing me.

"Yeah? Well, you're like a model in one of those porn magazines, man."

He laughed his big deep laugh at that, and just sighed contentedly.

"You seemed to like it." He said.

I nodded vigorously. I mean, why be coy at this point? "Oh, yeah. Yeah, I liked it a lot."

He laughed again, and then slipped into a gigantic yawn.

"Oh, fuck, man. I am so fucking tired!" I nodded again.

"It's like you've had the life sucked out of you." I joked, as I stood up and slipped my shorts on.

"Three times!" He shouted back, as he was sitting up. We both laughed, and I shook my hands over my head like a prizefighter who had gotten the knockout.

"A personal record." I said as I stuck out a hand to help him stand up.

He grabbed my hand, and grunted as I helped haul him to his feet.

"Oh, man, you are strong as hell." He said, "and congratulations on your achievement."

I made a mocking little bow and said, "well, I couldn't have done it without your help."

We laughed again, and he put on his shorts and his shirt.

"Holy shit, I suddenly have to piss like a racehorse, Bry!" He patted my arm and strode over to the bathroom. Without closing the door, he proceeded to unleash what sounded like ten gallons of piss.

By the time he was done, I had flipped on a light, and was tidying up the place a bit.

He came up behind me and gave me a tight, quick hug, and then let go as I turned around.

"Dude." He said, grinning at me, before he burst into another huge yawn that he tried to stifle with his hand.

"I gotta go home and get some sleep." He seemed almost apologetic.

"Yeah, bud. Of course." We stood there for a moment and it felt like it was about to get awkward.

"Uh. Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?"

His question surprised me. Honestly, I had been bracing for the we can't talk about this to anyone' speech, or the I'm not gay and I guess I was drunk' speech. I was trying to act cool, and really, I was cool. What had happened was amazing, and would inspire jackoff material for months. I just didn't expect anything more than what it had just been.

The moments it took me to process the question left him hanging a bit, and well, since I've been told I deflect with humor, I shouldn't be surprised that the words that slipped out were, "yeah, I've got plans for tomorrow already."

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, and a look crossed his face that I swear to god was disappointment. But he covered it quick, and then just nodded.

"Oh, OK, cool. Well..."

"Yeah. I'm trying to beat a personal record." I raised an eyebrow at him, but the poor guy was so tired he didn't get it. He just stood there looking at me.

"I'm gonna see if I can get at least four loads out of the biggest fucking cock I've ever seen." I said, grinning at him, even though he was still just looking at me.

"My plans are with you, Chad." I said, as I reached forward and cupped the bulge in his shorts. Considering where that bulge had recently been, it didn't feel as daring as it would have been even just a day ago.

It finally clicked for him, and he just threw his head back and burst into another round of laughter. We stood there laughing for a minute, and any concern I'd had about awkwardness just sort of dropped away. Sure, I'd just sucked this stud's huge dick three times, but the vibe and the camaraderie from earlier this afternoon felt undiminished.

"Okay," he said, "What time to you want me to come on up, then?"

"I've got a training ride I want to do tomorrow morning, and you need to sleep in and replenish your life force, so I dunno. Noon, I guess?"

"Cool." He nodded. He stood there for a minute smiling at me, and then he stepped forward, and gently squeezed my cock through the fabric of my shorts, and he half-whispered in my ear "It's a date." And then, I swear to god, he kissed the side of my face, smiled at me like a cherub, and turned for the door.

"It's a date?" I said, a bit foolishly.

He turned and smiled at me through the open door. "Yup. It's a date. Noon tomorrow."

I smiled back at him. "Can't wait."

Next: Chapter 2

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