Brutus and Ian

By sam brown

Published on Nov 28, 2022


Ian had moved in with Brutus some time ago. The relationship was good as Brutus used Ian and Ian loved being used. It was a mutually agreed upon arrangement. Ian still wore his chastity device and Brutus still kept the key on a chain around his neck. Their friendship grew stronger because they had so much In common, even though In some aspects they were different. Brutus was a sports hound. He played with anything that had a ball in it. He especially loved playing with Ian's. Ian was more into reading, old movies and the arts. Brutus was aroused by Ian's attention to him. Ian was aroused by every facet of Brutus. Aside from that, there was an animal magnetism between them that could not be defied.

This day, Brutus softball team won by a landslide. It was brutally hot, and the sweat poured off each player as they batted, pitched, caught and ran bases. End game, the players went their respective ways. Usually meeting at the local pub, but this day Brutus was beat. All he wanted was a cold shower, a beer and lot of personal attention. Enter Ian....he always went to the games as an observer. Who wouldn't want to watch a bunch of hot sweaty baseball players in tight white pants. Jocks and their safety cups were his eye candy. The occasional cope can ring in the back pocket. All these sights kept Ian at half mast even in his locked cage. It was an uncomfortable position, but one that he knew made Brutus all the more hot for him. And frankly Ian was kept hornier in his caged prison as well. Bittersweet.

The door unlocked, both men entered the house where they lived. Brutus made for the sofa, grabbed the remote and clicked on the TV. It was close to the last inning. He fell into the cushions and crossed his feet on the ottoman. Ian was already at the icebox grabbing the ice cold bottled beer he knew Brutus was waiting for. He made his way towards his mate. Smiling as he looked at this hulk of a man. His sneakers unlaced after throwing his cleats in the gymbag along with his other gear. His tight white leg-hugging pants were not as white as before after a few slides into home base. And a couple crashes with an opposing player it left them more dingy than bright white when he left for the game. His Jersey was still open from the park where he unsnapped it. Baseball hat on backwards. The bill, dirty from constant adjusting by sweat covered hands. Ringlets of wet hair poked out from underneath. Ian carried two bottles towards him. Handing one over, Brutus gladly accepted with a smile of approval. Instantly guzzling the brew as if it were the nectar of life. Ian made his way to the back of the sofa and sat his bottle down and began his ministrations. Ian began rubbing the soreness out of Brutus neck and shoulders. His knowledge of pressure points and manipulation of muscle came in handy on these occasions. Kneading the tight muscles Brutus began to relax. Giving in to the gentle pain, he allowed the tightness to be assauged.

Between the massage, Ian at times would bend down and nibble the sweaty earlobes. Moans of pleasure escaped Brutus throat. Still engaged in the game and the beer, this was welcome relief. Beginning with the lobe, he snaked his tongue into the canal. Brutus head naturally tilted over to give Ian more access. After some time Brutus leaned back to make contact with lips. Ian moved his tongue from the ear to the full lips. Brutus opened and Ian began making love to the inside of his mouth. Brutus hand came up and grabbed the back of head. Pressuring him to kiss him more passionately. Ian smiled to himself and moved his hand away. Quickly grabbed Brutus head and tilted it to the other side and began his treatment of the other ear. Brutus caved and allowed Ian to continue his work. Another swig of beer and a comment about the play on screen, all this along with continued moaning. From Ian's vantage point he could see the effect he was having. It was apparent that monster cock was straining in its confined jockstrap for release. Ian had so much planned for the night, Brutus had no idea. He only hoped Brutus would be pleased, as he thought about what would happen next, Brutus reached down to readjust his raging cock to give it some room for growth. Little did he know it would be quite some time before he would see relief.

Ian began putting his plan in action. He left off from behind Brutus and made his way to the ottoman. Lifting one foot he sat down and placed it on his leg. Removing the sneaker was easy. Then with both hands he pushed the elastic banded pant leg up to his knee and deftly pulled the white sock down and off. Brutus size 13 foot was then planted between Ians legs and lodged on his swollen caged cock. There he began kneading his feet and toes. At times running his expert hands up and down the muscled calf. He did the same to the other foot and leg. Brutus still eyed the game but was increasingly more interested in the work that Ian was giving to make him relax. About that time Ian rose off the ottoman and left toward the kitchen. He clattered around with bottles clinking before making his way back. Brutus didn't notice the fine white powder that Ian had sprinkled in his last brew of the night. Before coming back, Ian slipped out of his wife beater, and dropped his gym shorts to the kitchen floor. As he made his way back to the sofa, Brutus air caught in his throat as Ian straddled his waist, naked except for his caged cock. Now he sat nestled in the hair circling Brutus navel. His monster cock was now tapping at Ians back door. His beer delivered, Ian just sat as they both began swigging. Brutus bottle empty, Ian took it away and began making nibbling love to each of Brutus thick pierced tits.

Through heavy moaning and growling, Ian pinned his arms to his sides in mock captivity. Continued licking and gentle biting until after some time Brutus head lay back on the sofa, and Ian knew he had to begin the process now. He reached to the side table and texted his friend Kenny. "It's time". Kenny said he'd be right over!

Moments later Kenny came through the door, bag in hand. He dropped it on the kitchen floor and returned to bring in the final object Ian requested. Kenny owned the local leather shop and had been Ian's good friend for years. Thus, his supply of what Ian needed for tonight helped out. And as an added bonus, Kenny would get much needed sex as well. I mean who didn't envy Ian having this hulking hairy sexy man in his life? Door closed and locked, both boys made their way to the sleeping giant on the sofa. They began working the devised plan together. Ian had laid it all out for Kenny weeks ago so it was as a well oiled machine that they began the process. It didn't take them long, just much effort hefting the sleeping man. Even together it took them longer than expected. But after much effort, the deed was done. Now to proceed with the pleasure. Let's hear it from Brutus point of view to start.

His head was groggy as he opened his eyes. His lashes fluttered, but it was still black as night. Then he realized that something was covering his eyes. That's when he smelled the headiness of leather. It was covering his nose. And his hands were encased in something that made him ball them into fists. And he was strapped spreadeagled, hands in mitts held firmly at 45° angles away from his shoulders. He immediately tested the strength. For all his musculature, they wouldn't budge. He again focused on his face and felt the leather not only covered his eyes, there were straps up and over his head and also down straddling his nose to the massive leather muzzle over his mouth and chin. Completely immobilizing his mouth. All this connected to the heavy leather collar encircling his 20" neck. Tenaciously his tongue felt around a small flexible tube sticking through a hole in the muzzle cover. As he examined that, he was now aware that while his head and back were comfortably horizontal on a soft surface that's where it ended. Below his waist, his ass sat on what felt like a toilet seat. He was obviously naked as the seat was slightly cool to the touch. Finally his feet were tightly laced in his high top work boots. He knew the feeling well. What was strange was that he could not move his feet. Could not raise himself off the seat. It was as if he were strapped down into this position. It took a while to wrap his head around the circumstance but not to long before he began yelling into the tightly covered leather.

That was the cue Ian was waiting for and he quickly grabbed the ear buds and positioned them in Brutus ear. Country music would drown out any other noises.

Brutus felt the wetness in his mouth and tasted the flavor of cherries. It must have been squirted into the tube. He rolled it around his tongue not unhappy with the taste. At that precise moment his tits began to tingle. No not tingle, they were being sucked on and tongued expertly. Both of them at the same time. Two mouths, two tongues. One gloriously, sensuous feeling. Licking around the nubs both Ian and Kenny went to work making love to Brutus tits. The metal piering only heightened his and their pleasure. Brutus moaned into his muzzle. And tried without success to move his hands, but he was captivated and a captive to whatever Ian had in store for him.

The love making to his erotic tits went on and on as each boy expertly used his own method to stimulate Brutus nibs. Time stood still, however all good things come to an end and the mouths were removed and a slight breeze from the ceiling fan, chilled the spittle left over. The hairs, as they dried began to stand and gently wave. That's when he tasted another flavor. Peaches. He was sure of it. As his mind confirmed the taste the most exquisite feeling began stirring in his ball sack. Now he realized that a mouth with its tongue was carefully sliding around his testicles and sucking them one at a time into their oral cavity. His balls were way to large to fit both in, so the mouth had to make do with one at a time. In and out, first one then the other.....driving Brutus mad with desire. He began doing his utmost to hump the air. Natural instinct took over. He dick wanted something to rub against to help his climax along. The fact that he was strapped down and the boys were not having it, in any fashion. This was the game intended. Erotic stimulation to the maximum. Drive Brutus into a fevered pitch until he could hold it no longer. But that was way down the pike for these two. The mouth continued to move all around his scrotum being careful not to get near his ever expanding shaft. It had risen to its gigantic proportions and was turning red with desire. The head flared as Ian could see from his excellent vantage point. He could see a pearlescent of precum oozing out of the top and making its way down the corona. The mammoth shaft actually pulsed as it became more and more excited. A volcano ready to explode. As Brutus writhed in his bound positions another flavor entered his mouth.....banana. My God what would this flavor bring he asked himself?

As the idea of what would happen faded, he felt his shaft being mouthed on both sides from two hot mouths. One side up the other side down. As the mouths made their way up and down the shaft, their tongues snaked on and around the organ. Brutus was now mad with desire. His head, although covered in its leather mask, began shaking back and forth. His body trying to find any other way to seek release from his ever growing desire The hands struggled to break free of their mitts. His chest and his 8 pack abs heaved, as air sucked in and out of his nose. His chest inflated and deflated at a rapid pace. He began seeing stars as his brain sought more and more oxygen His ass clenched, as he tried anything to shoot his load. The boys watched all these outward signs as they paced their torturous actions. And so they stopped, knowing that if they continued it would allow Brutus the relief he desired. Now for the final act.

Watermelon. He tasted watermelon and something placed on the head of his cock. A rubber? What was happening? And then his swollen shaft was being engulfed by a tight, hot, heavily lubed tunnel. An ass....his brain exploded as it incredibly, slowly slid down and down before resting on his pubes, and then just sat there. His shaft pulsating as the blood pumped through each vein. There was nothing he could do to get the relief he wanted and so desperately needed. His breathing slowed as his shaft adjusted to the tightness of the hole it was buried in. And as if on cue, it began raising off of him excruciatingly slow. As if to drag his orgasm out as long as possible. He could only thrust by clenching his ass again. He could make no other move. He couldn't raise off the seat to bury himself into the ass he so desperately wanted too. All he wanted was to break free and turn the hot boy over on the bed and show him just how deep he could ram is dick into him. He'd feel it in his throat....way past his prostate, which by the way, the boy was rubbing himself on now. Ever so slightly did the ass begin to move up and down. That went on for so long as Brutus thought he'd lose his mind. And then it increased

Into a fevered pitch, and then as he rose for the last time he stopped and then Brutus the felt something warm and wet hit his chest, and the ass tunnel clench tight, Brutus finally pitched over the edge and from his toes, he felt he hot cum race through is engorged cock and into the love tunnel enshrouding him. The hot lava molten cum was trapped in its rubber sheath, ballooning as it continued to pump more and more cum. The boy finally raised completely off his cock and then carefully he could feel the rubber being rolled off. He continued to attempt to hump the air as more cum oozed out. And that's when he felt the ass rest slightly at the tip. As if on cue, it slid down and accepted his flaring, cum covered head. He slid until he came to the first sphincter ring and continued on down the shaft as his second ring was passed. And then there was a rest. As if there needed to be time to adjust to the mass of horse-cock in the tight love tunnel. But it didn't take long before Ian began to pull his body up and down making Brutus scream into his leather mask. His cock was so tender after shooting just minutes ago. Ian rested as he neared the top and allowed just the flared head to remain in his ass. He twisted slightly to he left and then to the right. Corkscrewing Brutus into sheer madness. Again he went down and rested which allowed Brutus to catch his breath and then went up for another twist of madness. How long did this go on? How many times did Ian make these passes? His arms ached from holding and pulling himself up and down the rope that they had installed to allow this action. But in the end, when he thought he could pull no more ,he could feel Brutus flared head in his ass as it again shot a hot white load of baby batter into him this time. No barrier between him and his mate. Brutus deep throated his scream of passion as he attempted again without success to shove deeper and deeper into the hot dark cavern, he'd just seeded and he began to pant as he tried to regain his breathing.

As he regained himself, still in darkness and overwhelmingly tired, his breathing returned to normal and his huge cock shrank back to its sleeping state. Fully sated from its two eruptions. Brutus testicles tingled as they began their job of repleshing the seed they'd just deposited. His head rolled from side to side and arms again tried to break away from their bonds. That's when the sweet taste of peaches began swirling around his taste buds. He was so thirsty after this ordeal and he sicker the juice down greedily. He swallowed and savored until all the liquid was gone. As if on cue he felt incredibly groggy. He couldn't keep from falling asleep just after the peaches. He'd been drugged. And sleep came just as he realized what had happened.

After some time Brutus again struggled to wake from his drug induced sleep. His eyes opened and the light was very low in the bedroom. He was free. No leather mask. No mitts on his hands. Nothing binding him to the bed. His arms were comfortably crossed on his chest. He lifted his head slightly and could see all the bedroom lit and himself back in his leather jockstrap. It took him a few minutes to realize that he wasn't alone in the bed. Laying next to him on the other side was the boy.... Ian. But as he focused his eyes on him his breathing slowly began to get harder. His heart began to race. He blinked and blinked again. The monster was also waking in its leather confinement. Blood began diverting from all over his body and began racing toward his shaft. It throbbed and pulsed and made Brutus aware of its evey growing presence. Brutus rolled on his side to get a better view of the sight. Prone on his back Ian was flat on his back, leather straight jacket encircling his lean athletic frame. The Leather hood completely obscured his features. Only the tiny holes beneath his nostrils allowed air in and out. The posture collar was constrictive around his next and kept him from moving even an inch. The straps at the base of the jacket tugged tightly as they wound down and around his caged junk only to be cinched tightly in the back. The presence of the straps only made the obvious cage protrude even more. Nor did it help that Ians member was swollen from desire and excitedness. It also pulsed and throbbed as Brutus's. Feet laced up tight in work boots and roped together, Ian was going nowhere without assistance to be unloosened.

Brutus just stared. And then he noticed the slip of paper tucked in one of the leather straps of the jacket.

"Happy Anniversary". "And to many more with you".

Brutus smiled to himself and reached over with the key to unlock the cage. All he heard was the gasp coming from his boi's throat........

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