Brutal Trucker Sex

By moc.loa@009lohnaD

Published on Mar 24, 2006


I arrived at the rest area the next Thursday at 3:00 and George's rig was not in the lot. After a little while he pulled into the trucker's lot, right next to where I was waiting for him and swung the door open shouting, "Get your faggot ass in here, Scumbag. I've set up a job interview for you and the mean sum-bitch hates to be kept waiting." Just like that, no question about whether I wanted or needed a job. Truth was I'd just graduated from high school and given up my after school job in a grocery store to relax for the summer before heading to Rutgers in the fall. I'd started regretting that decision since money had recently become an issue. I didn't qualify for the expected financial aid since my family made too much money, but not enough to help with my tuition. I was on my own if I wanted to get into school. I didn't know how I'd pay for my first year in school and I was worried. The grocery job didn't pay enough anyway and I was frustrated working long hours yet not able to save enough to get into college.

We drove for about 30 minutes in complete silence but I noticed George's cock was straining against his grungy jeans, with obvious pre-cum stains forming down his right leg. The bastard's cock was bigger then I remembered and the total silence made me nervous and scared. In-spite of my nervousness, knowing that George's cock was hard made my own little cock hard, just wondering what he had planned that was getting him hard. George saw me looking and smirked an evil, knowing grin. The rig pulled off Rt. 78 into a commercial district of Jersey City, there were no signs on any of the businesses and it was obvious that only people with good reasons to be here dared show up. I was getting more scared by the minute. George pulled around the back of the third building off the interstate into a 15 bay medium-sized warehouse. Only then did I see the small sign, not visible from the road reading: Spignotti and Sons. Distribution Center

George parked the rig and strode around to the passenger side of the truck, opened the door and roughly grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the ground, shouting, "Get on your feet, scumbag. They're waiting for you inside." An overly-muscled black guy of about 25 was outside the warehouse smoking a cigarette and he just smirked, grabbed his hefty bulge in the front of his jeans, spat on the ground in front of where I was being led and said, "Fucking faggots. Think you got a replacement for the last fucked out cunt, hey George?" George just nodded and said, "You'll see soon if you hang around long enough Smithson."

George turned to me and whispered just out of ear shod, "Smithson there is the kind of guy you'll be interacting with if you get the job. Sort of your `clientele'" and an evil wry smile broke over his face like he thought this was a great joke. I didn't see the humor but my dick jumped, like it understood better then I did. George led me straight back to an office with the name Anthony J. Spignotti, Proprietor on the door. George knocked and a gruff voice with a strong New York/Brooklyn accent shouted, "Yeah, What the fuck is it?" George sheepishly opened the door and entered leading me by the scruff of the neck. I stood there taking in the office; this was obviously the office of a very important man and that man was sitting behind the desk with a smug grin on his face looking me over for what felt like hours.

He didn't bother to stand up, like George's and my presence didn't warrant the bother. He simply asked George, "So this is the little whore you porked on 278, hey Kincaid? Think that little pussy's up to the job we spoke about?" George simply said, "I believe it is, Sir."

I was really surprised, George was usually totally arrogant and cocky and this guy, I assume Anthony Spignotti, had him cowed. If George was bullied by this guy then I knew I didn't stand a chance. I wasn't introduced to Mr. Spignotti, and he never used my real name, it was always either third person, like I didn't exist, or some insulting nick name like bitch, cunt or faggot. I was told to strip, with which I complied immediately and was humiliated to see that my dick betrayed how excited I was finding this unexpected turn of events. Mr. Spignotti chortled derision at my hard cock and mumbled, "fuckin spirit is willing, we'll see about the fresh". George pushed me closer to Mr. Spignotti for an inspection and without getting up from his fine leather chair he rubbed his calloused hands over my body paying particular attention to the fine blond peach fuzz on my legs, arms, cock and balls. He squeezed by balls hard and seemed pleased to see that in spite of the pain my dick responded by jerking upward and expanding even more. Mr. Spignotti asked George, "You said the fucker likes it rough, didn't you?" and George just nodded and said, "'e claims the rougher the better". George was putting words in my mouth but I was too scared to contradict him. Mr. Spignotti smiled and squeezed harder bringing me to my knees in agony. Surprisingly my dick never softened but got even more rigid with the abuse. Mr. Spignotti just sighed, "Shit..." and sat back in his chair like a man about to enjoy a feast. On my knees in front of this brutal boss wearing a shiny black silk suit I couldn't help but notice the gigantic tenting in the front of his pants showing his obvious enjoyment of my debasement and humiliation. In fact, I felt like the main course of the feast.

Mr. Spignotti said, "The interview starts in 5 minutes George. Think he can handle it?" George just said, "Shit yes, don't really give a shit if he can't", to raucous laughter from them both at my expense. I was led naked into a conference room. There were 12 seats around a table, ten men walked in and when George and Mr. Spignotti took their places there was no chair for me. I stood to Mr. Spignotti's left with my hands folded across my crotch in embarrassment.

Mr. Spignotti addressed the assembly saying, "Gentlemen, I've arranged for sort of a", he seemed to search for the word, "multimedia presentation for this meeting describing my plans to expand our functions of operations". George just nodded and said, "Under the table faggot where you belong". I started to crawl underneath and George stopped me with a hard slap across the face sprawling me back against the wall. As I gathered my wits on the floor and crawled under the table I was surprised to see that even though these executives were all wearing very expensive suits, every one of them had their pants and underwear down around their angles with big hard cocks pointing up and begging for attention. My head was led to the crotch of the young, blond guy just to the right of the head chair. The guy looked like a preppy lawyer type and one thing was immediately different then all the trucker cocks I'd encountered. This cock was washed and smelled of soap and talc powder. I had more time with these men and was able to play with their cocks and balls more, enjoying getting them to the edge and keeping them there, not letting them cum too soon.

The guy with the first cock did surprise me though when I finally brought him over the edge I was deep throating his 6" pinkie and suddenly found my head slamming hard against the underside of the mahogany table, "BAM, BAM, BAM". With his cock fully down my throat he was just pounding away, pumping load after load down my throat. Mr. Spignotti had obviously told these men to save their loads for tonight's festivities.

I realized then and there that even though these college educated executives were refined and their dicks were well scrubbed, when it came to the most primal instincts of depositing their seed, instinct takes over to drive and pump as hard and as deep into the available pussy hole or mouth as possible. After swallowing the load of the blond executive I was unceremoniously passed to the next and the next, swallowing every load. Sometimes twice for the younger hornier executives. Mr. Spignotti however, sat slightly back from the table and kept his pants up as if to say that he was above such base instinctive needs. His words and deeds focused on encouraging these men to enjoy themselves which they seemed to by my reckoning. The men made no attempt to hide their pleasure as I sucked and swallowed them, even joking among themselves about what a talented throat I had. I could not verbalize my appreciation of their compliments except for a muffled grunt since usually a cock was buried to the hilt in my mouth.

While under the table I couldn't hear much except for a few snippets and phrases that caught my attention. I caught the voices of George Kincaid, Madd Dog and even Freightliner, all giving embarrassing details of my brutal experiences at the hands of these truckers. They let these executives know how much they had enjoyed using me. This strangely made me feel good. Every executive that I had already visited under the table understood. When the truckers finished describing my assault I heard Mr. Spignotti reciting pieces of a complex plan involving me to bring in more business for a new third shift. His plan involved some sort of movement of some "product" but I couldn't tell what. I did hear phrases like, "...without detection by the authorities...", "...this fucking faggot will bring in every horny trucker on the east coast ...", " cover...", "...the authorities will never suspect...". As I gobbled executive cock and swallowed executive cum I tried to follow everything but it was beyond my young years. The men either dumped their loads directly down my throat or some enjoyed pumping onto my face and hair. By the end of the meeting my face was drenched in cum but I was enjoying myself with all the hard cocks under the table. I heard Mr. Spignotti say, "Well gentlemen, then we are all in agreement." And the newly relaxed and refreshed executives pulled up their fancy trousers and left the room joking among themselves with a new feeling of purpose and camaraderie.

I crawled out from the table, cum dripping from my hair, face and down my chin and Mr. Spignotti smiled a really evil smile and grabbing me by my blond hair he looked me squarely in the eyes and said to George, Madd Dog and Freightliner, "We oughta mark this scum bag for the next part of the interview, don't you think boys?" They also smiled and Mr. Spignotti, still holding my head by the hair took a thick black Magic Marker and wrote on my forehead a word I can still feel going on to this day. He wrote, "C" "U" "N" "T" in bold block letters. Looking at his handy work he seemed pleased. Then, he forced me to stand and roughly threw me down bending over the conference table and wrote just above my blond peach fuzzed butt cheeks, "T" R" "U" "C" K" "E' "R" "S" "P" "U" "S" "S" "Y". Standing back he said to the men behind me, "There, that should be clear enough for those bastards in the trucker's lounge out back."

With me still sprawled over the table Mr. Spignotti twisted my head around and I could smell fine Cuban cigars and good scotch whiskey. He was clearly a man who got and enjoyed whatever he wanted. He then said to me, "Well sweetheart, are you ready for some real men now?" to laughter from the truckers who joined in with, "don't really matter if he is, does it Sir, as long as the men are ready for this pussy" and an assurance from Madd Dog that everything was set.

Mr. Spignotti said with lust in his voice "Gentlemen, please bring the prospective employee to the next committee who he will interview with in the lounge." It was obvious from the bulges on all three men that the interview was about to enter a very intense stage. My own cock was hard and aching for relief just from the thought of what awaited me in the back lounge?

I'm working on installment #5 next. Let me know if you've enjoyed hearing me tell my true experiences as a young man back in NJ.

Next: Chapter 5

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