Brutal Trucker Sex

By moc.loa@009lohnaD

Published on Mar 20, 2006


I couldn't believe my eyes. A gigantic figure was casting an ominous shadow over my back blocking the late afternoon summer sun filtered through the heavy trees. My heart froze as my eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness. Slowly I recognized the face of Mad Dog, the big Black trucker from the parking lot. He was the one giving George such a hard time and he seemed pissed that I was squatting to expel George's cum from my guts. Mad Dog was at least 6-4" tall, shaved head and goatee with skin that black/purple of eggplant. He was sweating in the summer heat and glaring down at my crouched figure with intense anger in his eyes. In an instant he grabbed me by the collar and threw me about 15 feet deeper into the woods. I scrambled and crawled trying to get away from the brutal trucker and was just getting to my feet when he came at me again and threw me hard against a three foot wide oak tree. With his sweating black body pressing me firmly against the tree he shouted at the top of his lungs, "You motherfucker, you fucking ingrate! You're showing George disrespect here. I don't take no disrespect for me or any other truckers. You got that, shithead. A pussy boy like you always needs to keep a trucking man's cum deep inside him. Don't you faggot? You're nothing but a fucking bitch for truckers to dump our cum in. Aren't you, scumbag?"

Well, I was so scared that he'd beat the shit out of me there in the woods with no one around to save me that I murmured, "Yes Sir, Mad Dog. I'm nothing but a trucker's cum dump." He just laughed with a wicked twinkle in his eyes and whispered, "Louder faggot, so all the fuckers around us can hear you". I looked over my shoulder and discovered we were surrounded by 15 or so hard horny truckers in various stages of undress. There was Garcia, the Spanish trucker from the lot who was about 5-6" tall, 145 lbs and maybe 35 years old. He had black hair, a thin moustache and a hairless chest. Beside him was Jimmy, whose wife had been so insulted by Garcia earlier. They were apparently the best of friends again with the common bond of having access to their own pussy boy to use to help them through the boredom of over the road hauling.

Next to Jimmy was a trucker I later found out they called Freightliner, a big white trucker about 45 years old with a pot belly from years behind the wheel of a rig and black hair sprouting from around the openings of the grimy, dirty, torn guinea tee shirt. Tattoos covered both arms and his neck and disappeared beneath the tee. Freightliner had a mean and surely look about him, like a man dumped on by the whole world and just waiting for his turn to dump on someone else for revenge. Freightliner had his cock out and was stroking it like crazy staring directly at me. Also in the group was a trucker they called Montana, a real cowboy, complete with boots, jeans, belt with silver buckle and a black cowboy hat. Montana had black hair, a 5-day shadow and looked like he hadn't showered in the same period. He looked like a real red neck, with muscles that looked like he calved and rode rodeo when he wasn't trucking. Montana's hard veiny cock was jutting from the front of his jeans at full mast and dribbling precum like crazy.

Beside Montana stood Washington, a trucker out of DC who grew up in the mean riot torn street and had a real hatred of "whitey" and looked at me like he couldn't wait to humiliate me in front of all the others. Washington was short, maybe 5-5" and heavy set but there was nothing diminutive about his cock which was gigantic and hard with massive bull balls that looked like they held a gallon of cum. He had a scar that started at his left eye and ran down to his chin, just below his jaw line. Obviously from some kind of knife fight. Washington was one of those who degraded others to feel better about himself. Also standing there was a trucker they called Little Joe a 30 year old or so Black guy who was medium height with a skinny body with his shirt and pants off just stoking away. There was Big Joe, white, 6-0" bearded and pot-bellied trucker and also Simmons who had blond hair and was not much older then my 18 years. Simmons looked excited and scared at the same time, probably thinking that if I didn't put out for all these guys then his tight little butt hole could be next.

Simmons was saying things like, "Lets fuck the bastard, give him what he wants. Look at him, even now his cock is hard as a rock, the fucker wants it bad. Don't you scum bag?" to laugher and agreement from the others. My trucker gang bang culminated with a final two truckers, Long Haul and Teamster (50 year old union rep out of Missouri). Mad Dog twisted my head away from looking at the guys around me and looked directly into my eyes saying, "We've got to teach this faggot some respect don't we boys? He's got to learn that when I trucker dumps a load inside his tight little pussy hole it stays there until he's told otherwise. Aint that so boys? This cunt won't forget these rules when we're done with him, will he boys?" And there was general consensus, even from myself, that I wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon.

I hope Georgie boy filled your pussy up boy, it'll make this a hell of a lot easier if he did. I aint gonna waste no lube, this hole should be able to take my black monster dry. Don't you think boys?" I felt Mad Dog's cock rubbing against my thigh and I couldn't believe it. That black bastard must be a good 6" taller then me so his cock must truly be a specimen to hang down to my thigh. There were gasps of horror as the truckers all looked on in disbelief. Freightliner even had the nerve to stride up to Mad Dog and say, "I've got 50 bucks that says you'll never get that monster in there dry, Mad Dog. No fucking cunt can take that kind of punishment"

I was pissed at Freightliner for taunting Mad Dog like that and I knew Mad Dog was not the kind to back away from a challenge. "I'll take that bet, shithead." And I knew that Mad Dog didn't give a shit if my asshole was torn to shreds. He was determined he was gonna get that 50 and the best fuck of his life.

I looked down and could not believe what I saw. Mad Dog's cock must have been 11" long and as thick around as a beer bottle. The purple head was dripping precum and the jet black shiny shaft was steel hard and covered with rope-like veins. I could not imagine that black monster crammed up into my asshole, especially dry! Mad Dog tore me from the tree and threw me over a fallen tree trunk. He inspected my pussy and proudly proclaimed, "What you see here, you fucking horny bastards, is a boy with true talent. Just 20 minutes ago that brutal fucker George Kincaid was mercilessly pounding this pussy into hamburger. We all know George and what a nasty fucker he is. We also know that George never leaves a job half done and lookie here, the punk's hole is as tight as a fucking virgin's cunt, just begging for my cock". The others looked on in amazement and genuine admiration for my very talented boy hole. "What we got here is a super pussy. That's what I'm gonna call this faggot, from now on you're my Supper Pussy and every trucker here is gonna get a taste of you, punk." But first he looked Freightliner in the eyes and spat, "I'll take your bet, Freightliner, if there's one thing I know its boy pussy and while it may look impossible now, in 5 minutes my pubes and my black balls will be slapping against his butt like Montana riding a bronc. This punk here is a natural, he'll be begging for more and we'll turn this faggot into our own personal fuck tube, won't we men", Mad Dog shouted to cheers from about half the horny truckers.

Half the men had money that Mad Dog would never get inside my hole and the other half bet he would. The ones who bet against Mad Dog never imagined that it was a no-brainer after all Mad Dog didn't give a shit about me or my hole, it was only about the pleasure of his cock and the cocks of the others. Mad Dog was going in no matter what. Thankfully, his precum and George's load helped to ease the way but it was true torture taking that monster to the hilt. It didn't help that all the way in Mad Dog and the others kept up constant verbal insults, calling me "faggot", "bitch", "scum bag" and other things, laughing among themselves and just having a great old time. Those who bet against Mad Dog were trying to discourage me but that only drove Mad Dog on, he seemed to enjoy the look of pain in my eyes as his monster cock torn into my brutalized hole.

I was sobbing and begging for him to stop and the men were laughing and enjoying themselves at my expense, obviously imagining how their cocks would feel inside me. Washington leaned down and whispered into Mad Dog's ear just loud enough for me to hear, "Hey Bro, save some pussy for the rest of us, man. You gonna make that thing so wide I could drive my rig straight through." Mad Dog just laughed and reassured the bastard with, "Don't worry fucker, there'll be plenty to go around, this cunt can stretch wide enough for his cock and still give little tiny Simmons's pink dingle a good fuck." The men loved that comment, except Simmons of course. Finally, Mad Dog was all the way in and I thought I was going to die from the pain. The men were congratulating him, even the ones who'd lost money. They were ignoring me, however. Like I was just a piece of meat to fuck for their own enjoyment.

Once inside me Mad Dog suddenly grabbed me by the hair and stood up with his black muscular arm holding me to his chest and his hard black cock still buried deep in my butt. He started strutting around the clearing in the woods shaking hands and accepting the congratulations of his men. Every step sent his cock bouncing deeper and more painfully into my totally invaded hole. Freightliner looked down at my cock and started to laugh, pointing he said, "Woo wee, look at that, this faggot has that black pussy pounder buried to the hilt and his cock is hard as a rock." I looked down and was ashamed to see that my cock had betrayed my true feelings and was rock hard. I was red faced embarrassed as Mad Dog paraded me, his newest trophy, for the men to admire, cajole and insult.

That bastard Freightliner strode up and stood directly in front of Mad Dog and me asked, "Hey fucker, you want a real thrill. Try this." And he grabbed my left tit and twisted as hard as he could. There was more obvious hatred in his eyes as if this was making up for all the shit the world had thrown at him. It felt like I was hit with 1000 volts of electricity. I was convulsing and involuntarily twisted and squirmed with my head thrown back and my arms flailing uselessly under the pain of his abuse. Suddenly Mad Dog started bucking and heaving and shouted, "FUCK YEAH, SHIT Hmmnph, Hmmph, Awww FUCK YES, SHIT this punk's pussy is massaging my cock from top to bottom like a fucking milking machine. Keep it up and I'm gonna dump my load right here and now". Freightliner just laughed and kept it up and I couldn't control my convulsions as I twisted and turned on Mad Dog's massive rock hard cock. A few minute later Mad Dog shot his load with more force and power then I'd ever felt before, filling my hole with hot thick liquid. When he finally caught his breath he whispered, "Now Ess Pee, you gonna treat my boys right?" I was not sure if he meant the other truckers or the massive load of Black trucker swimmers he'd just deposited inside me. It didn't matter; the answer was yes to both.

Just when I thought it was over, Mad Dog brutally ripped his cock from my ass and spun me around and slammed his still hard, cum and pussy juice covered cock down my throat saying, "Next lesson faggot, you clean up any messes you make, ain't that right boys?" to laughter all around as I choked and gagged on his gigantic black cock as his balls slapped against my chin. He kept it up until his cock was completely clean and pulled out with a heartfelt, "Good cock sucker, good fucking cock suckin Espy" as much to me as for the others.

The rest of the evening is a blur, I remember cocks in my mouth, my ass, I was forced to swallow cum, piss, to eat out trucker ass and to degrade myself to a constant barrage of verbal insults and forced degrading responses. With time a funny thing happened, I started to believe their insults and taunts. I was becoming their willing fuck tube and the whole time my hard cock told them that I was loving every minute, despite my pleadings and begging for them to stop.

Finally, when every trucker was completely satiated the truckers gathered around me and the question was raised about how to keep all that fresh trucker cum inside my brutalized hole. They weren't about to let me disrespect them like I'd tried with Kincaid. Montana (the red-neck cowboy trucker) came up with a creative idea of what he called a "Trucker's Pig Tampon". He explained to the satiated truckers that he'd used what they call a "Range Tampon" on cattle drives to keep bulls out of any cow in heat if they didn't want her bred. He reasoned it would keep things in as well as out. The others agreed with evil looks on their faces. They took my underwear and tied two big knots right next to each other. Then Montana bent me over and inserted one knot inside me leaving the other on the outside. The spacing was such that the underwear wasn't going anywhere without a lot of muscle to pull it free. It was explained to me that this would keep me filled and that I was to keep it in all night and only remove it in the morning. As I waddled up the hill out of the woods to my car I heard Mad Dog call out, "Don't forget Espy, next Thursday at 3:00", to manly guttural laughter all around?

Comments welcome, especially from truckers or other cum sluts like myself.

Next: Chapter 4

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