Brutal Trucker Sex

By moc.loa@009lohnaD

Published on Dec 14, 2022


Recap of Brutal Trucker Chapter 24:

"The nasty sadist bastard Joe Bruno just laughed. Years of lonely security details at the warehouse had jaded him with the cruelty of the place and de-sensitized him with its long lonely monotony. "Fuckin slut, you're doing just what I want now, kneeling down as you are with that fine juicy pussy pointing straight up invitingly. Shit, me and the boys got the whole fuckin day, our official fuckin holy day of rest; says so in the Bible. I know for a fact that you don't gotta work on weekends, won't nobody gonna be looking for your slimy little ass before Monday's shift and that's plenty of time for me and the boys, aint it boys, plenty of time to nail us some pussy. Shit fucker, you're gonna be drainin all these hairy balls and drainin these suckers dryer than the fuckin Mohave" as he broke into cruel laughter. "Shit", he continued condescendingly "That pretty little mouth of yours might be saying no but that hard dick and dripping quivering asshole says otherwise. Me and the boys are gonna give you what you need. And sure as shit will git a little something we need too" as he coldly opened the kennel door and let the six quickly hardening stud dogs in.

Max, the leader, was first; investigating my body with his tongue. It didn't take him long to remember me and know what to do. I yelped in pain as his quickly thickening knot tore through my battered opening, knocking the air out of me and locking us together in our now familiar butt to butt embrace. I felt Joe Bruno's hard cock slam past my lips and plow deep into my throat tearing painfully past my throat opening. Both Joe and Max groaned in pleasure as they set to their tasks. Both sets of hairy balls slammed me hard again and again and I loved it. Still my dick was rock hard and stayed that way all day Sunday as cock was replaced by cock. But I was home again in my own comfortable surroundings and not in a strange restaurant in New York City with a bunch of strangers or an alley being used as a cum-dump by tramps. I was back where I belonged at Spignotti and Sons and it felt good to be home. I figured next week was the start of my final week of Sarge's Boot Camp and he had menacingly promised a truly memorable graduation ceremony. But today was my day off and I couldn't think of any other place I'd rather be..."

Brutal Trucker Chapter 25.

I woke up on Monday feeling like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. My trip into the city, my complete degradation at the hands of strangers and common street bums reminded me how lucky I was to find Spignotti and Sons, to be taken in and protected by all these strong, macho horny men as I was. I mean, sure I had to perform degrading services for these men; to suck their cocks, swallow their thick slimy loads, let them fuck my ass- but why shouldn't they. After all, these were all hard working blue collar guys who worked long lonely hours on the road away from their own homes, in unpleasant conditions, often bored or frustrated and often having to deal with disrespectful and unreasonable supervisors, dispatchers, irrational trucking company rules and ingrate owners.

But at least here at Spignotti Distribution Center the men could feel welcomed, flattered and even privileged. They could feel like there was at least one trucker slut who liked having them around and if I had to debase myself then why the fuck not? After all, what did I matter really compared to these strong, independent individuals who collectively kept most of food on the country's tables and merchandise on shelves to purchase. Part of me really enjoyed what these brutal truckers subjected me to; after all, my dick was always rock hard (except with Mr. Spignotti who enjoyed his fuck holes soft and in extreme discomfort).

And even the achingly handsome Mr. Spignotti, he sure treated me poorly in public and in private but I didn't really think he felt that way. It was just his way. He was curt, brusque and demanding but he was really just reminding me and everyone else how much power he had over us. And Sarge, well Sarge spent most of his time in the US Army training boys to be soldiers. He had to be tough on them. He had to make real men of them; or completely break them in the process. If he was particularly tough on his White recruits with the total supremacy of his Black troops he was just preparing these malleable, innocent young men for real life in the Army, not the pansy-assed shit one saw on television commercials of the day but real life circumstances where any weakness was quickly detected and immediately taken advantage of by others who were clearly superior.

Sarge might even be saving their lives and I actually felt privileged that Mr. Spignotti hired him to moonlight for my training. In a very special way I was actually getting state of the art training for someone in my position and the truckers also seemed to appreciate it. This to my mind told spoke volumes about how Mr. Spignotti really felt about me, despite his degrading and insulting words and deeds in public.

Monday started my last week of boot camp with a wide smile on my face and a renewed purpose, to please as many truckers as I could during my shift. My new mood was clearly evident and the men responded in kind; becoming even harsher and more domineering with me. My smile just seemed to piss them off more and their reaction impelled me to smile wider and more broadly in spite of myself. I couldn't understand this compulsion in me, to anger men who held complete power and dominion over me to my own obvious detriment. In spite of their angry reaction I never lost my new attitude of servitude which only pissed them off further in a continual spiral downward of nastier and more debasing circumstances throughout the following week.

This final week of Sarge's trucker slut boot camp continued on Monday with calisthenics and me wearing increasingly heavier and heavier ball weights followed by a rough and tumble free for all with all these angry and horny truckers who desperately needed sexual and/or aggression relief. I saw the Spanish negotiators from Acapella several more times, each time I saw them I notice Vinton Brundt was also there and each time the men left without the briefcases they came with. I imagined it would get pretty expensive to replace these briefcases as often as they did but they just never seemed to learn to take the cases with them when they visited Mr. Spignotti in the middle of the night at the warehouse on a darkened industrial street Jersey City NJ. By Thursday of my last week in boot camp I had developed a pretty good physique with muscular arms and legs, a tight abdomen and rounded firm buttocks. I could take on so many truckers with my mouth and ass, often two or three simultaneously, that I lost count but Sarge, very kindly, allowed me to occasionally empty the trucker's loads into the plastic pail to make room for more trucker slime. Of course the finale of each shift was the ceremonial emptying of the slut pussy into the bucket and me drinking the precious fluid down in disgusting stomach-turning gulps. Since some of the spunk was cold by the end of my shift this was particularly disgusting to me. But the men all seemed to love this so I good-naturedly acquiesced for their amusement and pleasure. I felt great knowing I'd sent these men back out on the road with smiles on their faces, their anger, aggression and huge hairy balls all drained for the day. I felt good knowing my contributions may have saved many lives to truck-related traffic accidents.

By Thursday, as the volume of truck traffic steadily increased and the lot became grid-locked with horny truckers waiting to unload, the volume of spent cum in the bucket became the only method of even estimating the number of truckers I serviced that night. Of course any cum remaining in the pail at the end of my shift had to end up in my gullet as the truckers started a new little drinking game like ones played in college (CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!...) Sarge, Mr. Spignotti and Vinton Brundt all used me a few more times before that Thursday and if I do say so myself they all seemed satisfied with the advances I'd made.

Finally, on that Thursday (my second to last day with Sarge) Mr. Spignotti announced in his solemn ceremonial voice "I'd like to thank Sergeant Carter for taking time away from his very busy schedule and important national security issues in the US Army to whip our newest addition to the Spignotti family into shape; our ware house trucker slut for the use and pleasure of you all. You fuckers better have yourself a fuckin ball tonight because tomorrow I have promised the bitch for a private graduation party for Sergeant Carter alone."

That night the truckers used me longer and with more urgency then I'd ever felt before. After all with Friday now off limits these men, who had gotten used to unrestricted access to trucker slut fuck holes, would have to wait the entire weekend after Thursday. God I didn't look forward to Monday, my first full evening on the job as the "Official Warehouse Cumdump". At the end of the shift George Kincaid came up to me and actually gave me a compliment. He said, "You've really become quite the little expert trucker slut, you know that? A god damned fucking beautiful fuckin slut, boy" as he cruelly rammed his hard cock deeply into my throat... I smiled proudly inside; not able to make the actual smile with his cock stretching my lips into a wide "O".

Private Trucker Slut Boot Camp Graduation Party-Friday evening.

On Friday for the start of my shift there was a note on the door saying, "PRIVATE PARTY. NO ADMITTANCE". Still there were about thirty hard, sweaty truckers milling around, perhaps hoping to at least hear the party or even have a piece of me after Sarge was done. The rumors of Sarge's prowess here, at the base and even the Pleasure Trove were legendary. Stepping into the room I notice the exercise mat and two six foot wooden poles with large stainless steel eyelets at the ends. There was nothing else, no graduation caps or gowns, no champagne. Clearly this was not to be a conventional graduation ceremony. I mean I had been to my high school graduation but this just felt different somehow. Perhaps the broad, wicked smile on Sarge's face should have tipped me off.

Never one to stand on formalities and certainly not one for speeches Sarge got right to the point. "Strip bitch! Get your sorry honky ass on that mat", the wicked smile and huge tented front of his uniform told me his cruel intentions. Once naked, Sarge wasted no time in encasing my hands in boxing glove-like contraptions and securing these to the ends of one of the wooden poles. My arms were stretched painfully and were immediately useless to me. Then Sarge secured my ankles with leather straps to the ends of the remaining pole so that I was once again spread eagle, my arms useless and my ass and balls frankly vulnerable to abuse. My dick jumped knowing I was now completely defenseless and at the mercy of this strong, angry Black man. Sarge seemed to enjoy his new power over me as his clearly tented uniform trousers declared.

Sarge had me stand, which was not easy with the poles but I managed and unsteady half crouch. Even his terse command to "ATTTENNNNCHUUUUNNNN" couldn't make me stand straight and I certainly wasn't in the Army regulation attention stance. This really pissed Sarge off royally. He was not a man used to having his commands flouted, especially right to his face and with the interloper so clearly defenseless against his anger. The anger seemed to boil over in his eyes as I struggled in vain to comply with Sarge's order. Sarge ruthlessly hauled off and kicked my vulnerable low hanging balls so hard and quickly that I reflexively bowed and fell forward hitting my head on the floor. However the strong dominant Black man took no mercy on m; merely stood towering over my in hysterics. My pathetic attempt to stand was met with derisive laughter followed by more vicious kicks from Sarge's size 14EEE, 10 eyelet black leather STEEL brand work boots; the very same boots Sarge had so viciously boot-fucked me with a week ago.

Damn, I noticed the crusted pussy fuck juices were still caked on the boots showing a "high water mark" well above the ankle. I couldn't believe those fuckers had been so deep inside me but right then all I wanted to do was get away from Sarge's fierce painful kicks. Sarge laughed uncontrollably watching me writhe uselessly on the floor as his kicks landed on my chest, belly, ass, balls, hard cock and even my face. If I tried to protect one part of my body he simply shifted his attack to another. I was completely vulnerable and yet my cock was still rock hard and dripping precum juice. Sarge noticed this fact silently, confident in his understanding of the psyche of the newest trucker slut at Spignotti and Sons. A real cat and mouse game developed. Sarge's cock seemed to grow larger by the minute as the game progressed. It was clear who the winner was.

Triumphantly Sarge towered over my prone, hapless body as I begged him to please stop the kicking. He only smiled and sneered, "Well fuckwadd, had enough? Can't take a little fuckin boot action, shit for brains?" Suddenly Sarge became pensive as he appeared to be formulating a plan. "Well I'll make a little deal with ya", he sneered, "you agree to do whatever I want tonight and I'll stop my little game of pansy football. Whatta ya say, scumbag, we got a deal, fuck wad?"

I couldn't believe it, Sarge wanted me to agree to anything he wanted and me with my hands and legs spread wide and uselessly. I felt too vulnerable, too exposed to consent to this and yet my situation was such that I really didn't have much choice. Apparently I took too long to decide as Sarge started his relentless boot attack even more fiercely than before, landing blow after blow on my most intimate and sensitive areas. There was nothing I could do; I couldn't fight so I reluctantly agreed. An evil smile spread across Sarge's coal black face, his pearly whites glaring in contrast and his intense hate-filled gaze cutting directly into me like a knife causing even more intense pain than the boots had.

Without any rest or explanation Sarge simple flipped me onto my back, folded the pole for my arms down behind my head and lifted the leg pole over his shoulders. I assumed he was going to fuck me and even though I knew it could hurt I was used to it (and quite honestly worse) during the past week. My look of confidence was matched by a wry smile as Sarge asked me conspiratorially, "So fuck breath, you pretty sure you can take everything I'm about to dish out? You think you're man enough after my trucker slut boot camp training? Whatta ya say we make a little wager, huh? If you can make it through the entire evening without giving in", he seemed to think about this some more, "I'll sneak you out of this hell hole and let you get back to your comfy honky suburban home and family." I thought I heard gasps of disbelief from behind the door and glass partition. He paused at this point for this to sink in then added, "But if I win and you break down and give in to me, well then you and me are gonna take a little field trip to visit my Black troops of Platoon One." An evil smile and far away look crossed his face like he was imagining exactly how he'd introduce me to his Black troops. "What do you say scumbag, freedom or more service to ole Sarge and his boys at fuckin Fort Honky hole at Fort Dix?"

I was flabbergasted; no one had even given me this kind of choice before. Suddenly I had control of my destiny, if not my limbs, and I was determined to take control of my life back. I grit my teeth, jutted my little white peach-fuzzed teenage jaw forward to show my determination and declared, "I'll take that bet you arrogant, mother fucking son of a bitch. I'll take it and I'll earn my fuckin freedom no matter what you do to me tonight. I can take anything you can dish out, mothafucka." I thought I heard quiet cheers outside as the wicked smile returned to Sarge's face.

"OK you proud fuckin macho stud (said with irony and sarcasm), your consent phrase is 'I am your property Sir'. Got it, you say "'I am your property' and I'll stop what I'm doing immediately but you'll be spending some quality time with my boys and they got a full weekend of R&R due after they graduate from my boot camp tomorrow and I aint gonna be issuing no passes to town. You understand me boy?" he snarled eyeball to eyeball just inches from my face, "thirty two young virile horny Black troops fresh from boot camp and looking to celebrate. You understand what I'm saying here don't you? My boys will make your time at this fuckin warehouse seem like god damned fuckin Club Med. We got an agreement then?" All I could do was nod agreement with my heart in my throat, not sure any longer if I was really up to this but it was too late to back out.

Not one to waste time on preliminaries Sarge set straight to work with a plan he seemed to feel confident would break me and make me his personal property. He immediately started fumbling with my balls and squeezed and stretched them something fierce. I grit my teeth and endured the pain since the last two weeks of near constant attention to my balls by Sarge had made them tough manly low hangers, bruised of course by his vicious kicks, bartered to be sure and full of cum. The truth be told I had not been allowed to empty my balls since Little Timmy swallowed my cock and my load after the Dodge Ball and Bocce Ball games. That was a week ago and my balls felt like they were ready to burst, they were tingling and super sensitive as Sarge mercilessly squeezed them but I refused to admit he was hurting me, not wanting to give the bastard the credit. Sarge knew though, he looked into my eyes and he knew he was hurting me and his rock hard cock jerked and twisted in his uniform with the knowledge.

All the weight training for my balls made them hang loose in their sack, hanging a good six inches lower than normal. Sarge's eyes twinkled and a jaded smirk told me he was about to make a move. With my arms spread wide and held down by my head and my legs spread wide over Sarge's shoulders all I could do was twist my hips slightly in reaction to an unusual feeling between my legs. I couldn't believe it as I felt Sarge squeeze one tender nut through my tight butthole followed immediately by the other. Suddenly I had both of my sensitive bruised balls lodged deep inside my tight, dry, hot fuck tube and it felt simply "wrong".

It wasn't painful like when someone twists your arm or punches you, this felt weird. It felt foreign like when you dislocate a finger and you see it sticking at a weird angle; you understand it should hurt but it doesn't but you want desperately to put it back where it belongs. That's how my body reacted to this new weird sensation, it tried desperately to push my testicles back outside where it knew they belonged as my bowels spasmed and convulsed wildly to expel them. Sarge smiled broadly; confident that he could keep those poor traumatized balls inside with his one little finger. He played with my body, letting one testicle almost sneak out before painfully and dishearteningly thwarting my body's frantic attempts and shoving it back inside.

Sarge roared with laughter as once again I heard what seemed to be the mantra of this warehouse. Sarge looked me directly in the eyes and snarled, "Go ahead fucker, struggle all you want; struggle to your fuckin heart's content. Shit babycakes, you know me, you fuckin know all of us, you know that your struggling just gets my ball fuckin juices boiling, gets this ole pussy pounder ready for your pretty little hole. That right sugar, try to get those tender little honky balls outta there, you and me both know they shouldn't be in there. Go on baby, push those soft honky baby balls out, push those fuckers out..." as once again he dissolved into uproarious laughter. My face reddened as my attempts were thwarted by a single well placed strong Black index finger as he poked and prodded the encased testicles; just so I knew that he could. I heard snickers and laughter outside and I knew those sadistic fuckers were placing bets on the outcome of tonight's contest; I couldn't imagine many truckers were placing bets on me unless of course the odds made that irresistible.

Suddenly my bowels seemed to shudder and convulse with powerful wave after wave of peristalsis. Each wave sent crushing pressure pain through my balls as my own body was squeezing my balls and causing me pain. Each time my stomach was flooded with nausea and a renewed wave of peristalsis began without any control by me. The cycle seemed never ending and all Sarge was doing was keeping my balls inside with one little index finger. A snide smirk on his face told me he knew exactly what he was doing, that he knew exactly what I was feeling, that he loved the power and control he had over me and that this sadistic man was just beginning to enjoy himself. He seemed proud as shit that his one little black index finger was causing me more pain than I'd ever felt before in my life. I struggled uncontrollably as my hips bucked involuntarily and the searing pain produced an instinctive protective recoiling action. This only shoved my hips up higher and deeper onto Sarge's finger. Just as suddenly my hips would instinctively shoot downward; followed by round after round of thrusts and dives of competing instincts. I was effectively fucking myself on Sarge's finger like a writhing, bitch in heat. But this was my tortured body responding, trying to prevent pain it was unintentionally inflicting greater and greater pain upon me.

Suddenly Sarge's face light up as he declared with glee, "Shit baby, I got to get me some pictures of this. Fuckin gonna spread these fuckers around every fuckin truck stop across the country. Fill this fuckin warehouse with sadistic bastards just like me who just fuckin loves this shit." As he reached over, opened the desk drawer, removed the Polaroid camera and set to work. The sounds of click and whirl filled the warehouse as quiet cheers rose up outside the door and partition. "Fuck baby cakes, you'd love that wouldn't you. A fuckin herd of nasty sombitches just like me crawling all over your sorry ass honky hole. Fuckin get your little pinky hard wouldn't it. Shit fucker, you're rock hard even now. Fuckin rock hard and writhing in agony; fuckin sick bastard loves this shit. Don't you?" as he stared deep into my eyes and I redfaced realized that my dick was indeed hard in spite of myself. But I was powerless to prevent it as my body fought against my will. Sarge just stared cold heartedly at my face enjoying the pain and confusion he saw; his dick twisted and jumped noticeable against my hips.

Suddenly Sarge grabbed a fistful of my blond hair and twisted my head painfully upward so we were eyeball to eyeball, his hate-filled gaze filling my entire field of vision as I could actually feel the heat of his hatred flowing over me like a punch to my gut. Sarge then dropped my hair and hauled off and bitch slapped me so hard my head felt like to was going to be ripped off. While I was still recovering from the shock he spit a huge wad of slimy spit directly in to my mouth and used his rough calloused fingers to work the ooze directly down my throat. I felt my dick stiffen and twist even further. "Fuck I do love to abuse you pathetic honky boys", Sarge jeered, "just 'bout the best thing in this man's fuckin world." A wicked smile returned to his face as he became deathly serious and continued in low testosterone-drenched guttural tones, "Yup, just 'bout the fuckin best; but my hard dick can sure as shit think of a few other'ns it likes gobs and gobs more" as contemptuous scornful laughter again rained down upon me again.

"How 'bout it baby cakes, you ready to give in? You ready to admit that you're nothing but a fuckin bitch hole for proud Black cock? You ready to see how the honky-half lives in this man's fuckin Army? You ready to join fuckin Fort Honky Hole, baby cakes? You ready to serve?" as yet again he broke down in ridiculing laughter, so snide, sure and cocky was he.

But I was still not broken. I still had fight left in me. This was becoming more than an opportunity to escape. This was a matter of honor now. I was not about to admit defeat, no matter how much I had to endure that evening. Sarge seemed to read my mind; no words were spoken but the glare that passed between us said, "Bring it the fuck on, bastard. Do your worst. I can take anything you got." Sarge smiled a knowing smile that chilled my heart, like I had fallen into a well laid trap and he was about to spring it. "Good" he declared firmly. "That's just what I wanted to hear. You know I like a little fight in my bitches, like a little give to my taking. I like to feel the bitch twist in agony, hear her squeal and scream and know the fuckin bitch is having the time of her life. You know that about me, don't you boy? We've been together long enough, been through enough shit together that you know what I like. Aint that so bitch? You know how to please a man after two weeks of Sarge's Special Boot Camp, right?" Sarge's eyes narrowed as if to say he expected me to say something, his finger still easily keeping my swollen tender balls locked inside my tight trucker pussy, despite my futile attempts to expel them. Time seemed to drag on for an eternity; Sarge had all the time in the world to wait for me to reply as my hips continued to hump his index finger painfully squeezing my balls with each thrust and beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

I refused to give the Black bastard the benefit of my acquiescing. I simply, grudgingly and quietly said, "Yes Sir, I know" with as much spirit and bravado I could muster for such a degrading admission. "Fuck yeah, baby. I know you know, you been a good student, fucker. A good trucker slut student but now its time for the Master to get his own" his eyes narrowed again, "we understand each other? Now its time for the Master to get his own".

After about thirty minutes of Sarge playing cat and mouse with my poor traumatized balls I was finally able to tolerate the weird feeling of having my balls crammed inside my fuck hole and Sarge's finger was no longer sending wave after wave of pain and nausea through my body. I had learned to adjust and my smug attitude told Sarge he's have to find something else to break me. Stupidly I even looked him squarely in the eyes and said, "Your not so strong fucker. I can take this without even breaking a fucking sweat. You'll never break me. I've been trained too well by you and the brutal fucking truckers for that. I've progressed too far even for you. Nothing you can do will ever break me, nothing!"

Well Sarge seemed to appreciate my courage and backbone, like he would have been disappointed if I'd given in so soon. Clearly he had plans for the evening that were dependent on me going the next step. Smoothly and confidently Sarge complimented me, feeding my young malleable ego with false confidence. Like a spider and web I was being drawn tighter and tighter into the trap. The confidence and bravado in Sarge's face was both terrifying and arousing as I lay helpless on my back, my legs spread and my pussy vulnerable. Sarge finally broke the spell with his declaration, "Well baby cakes, what you say? You ready to please your teacher `cause I'm sure as shit ready to be pleased" as I heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper descending and felt him reposition himself at my hips.

I became hysterical as I realized exactly what the sadistic bastard had in mind as my heated thrusts and screams were met with derisive laughter from Sarge and howls of glee from outside the office. Sarge quickly removed his finger as I felt the hard blunt tip of his huge rigid cock head press firmly against my fuck hole, effectively holding my balls hostage. A smile spread across his as all he said was, "Make a fuckin wish baby, we're celebrating Thanksgiving early this year" as he crammed his hard black cock head through my pussy opening squeezing my tender balls tightly against the violently convulsing canal walls. My screech of agony echoed in my ears like a disembodied voice as I balanced on the edge between consciousness and divine blissful sleep. My body reacted violently as once again I bucked and heaved deeper and more fervently onto Sarge's humungous shiny black cock. I wanted to die but Sarge wouldn't let me slip into unconsciousness as several smart slaps to my cheeks brought me back to my cruel reality. "Fuck that feels great, scum bag. Ride my fuckin cock. Ride my cock and squeeze your fuckin nuts around my cock, baby..."

End of Chapter 25.

Please let me know what you think but let me know which chapter you're responding to. My stories are being posted to several other sites on the web by people other than myself. I don't really mind this because once you put something out there you don't have the same control and besides my box is now filled with great emails from new readers. Feel pleased that this site is the furthest along in the plot.

If you like the story consider printing out your favorite chapters and discreetly leaving them in the crappers of your local Trucker's Lounge or Truck Stop where only men will see them. I'm getting emails from truckers who've read the story and are interested in finding similar bitches for their own use on their runs.

Next: Chapter 26

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