Brutal Trucker Sex

By moc.loa@009lohnaD

Published on Nov 11, 2023


Recap oof Chapter 21:

"Shit that's fuckin beautiful, god damned fuckin 'BEEE-u-ti-FUUUULLL," Brundt snarled. "Fuckin black face and pink lips stretched fucking tight as a drum across the base of my strong Aryan cock, fuckin BEEE-u-ti-FFUUULLLL" I heard the son of a bitch spit out. "Take that you fucking low life slut", Brundt snarled as his hairy, heavy pink balls started slamming against my "black" chin and his dick started tearing my throat from the thick cigar ashes coating my mouth and throat. Tears welled as I struggled to breath and I heard the anonymous drunken taunt, "Fuck yeah, fuck the niggas' throat man, fuck 'im good but save some of that shit for me, man" as dozens of slurled drunken truckers agreed.

God help me I just couldn't get Mr. Spignotti's face and tented trousers out of my mind as Brundt's cock forced my throat open. I imagined a broad smile on Mr. Spignotti's face, his gaze staring deep into my eyes as I made sure my little "black" cock was still soft and limp as a sign of respect for my sadistic, handsome all powerful Sicilian employer"

Chapter #22

Finally, after the sadistic Aryan truckers tired of brutalizing my throat Vinton Brundt, still cocky and arrogant from his victory in the Dodge Ball contest and Bocce Ball tie-breaker ripped his hard and cum-coated cock from my mouth and twisted me over onto my back with my legs thrown over his shoulders. His drunken and glazed stare told me the man was no longer thinking but had become an animal only interested in satisfying his lust for ultimate power and the pleasure a domineering man can derive from it.

I felt his hard cock pressing at the still burnt and sore opening of my fuck hole and tear painfully into me balls deep in one violent brutal thrust. As I opened my mouth to scream I felt the sadistic fucker spit a huge wad of hot slimy cigar stained trucker spit directly into my mouth as the thought sent waves of nausea over me. I was shocked, traumatized, brutalized and demoralized as Vinton started one of the most hate-filled fucks I'd ever experienced. In his drunken state I don't know how much was directed at me, a suburban, white teenaged neophyte trucker slut and how much of this hatred was directed at the African race in general. As I lay there on my back, my black skin the object of so much hatred and pain subjected by powerful white men who considered it their obligation to abuse me I got a very small bit of the sense of what real Black men are subjected to daily.

When Brundt finally stiffened and shot his load of Aryan seed into me an idea seemed to flash across his drunken face. His Honduran victory cigar was now down to a stub as he chewed pensively on the stub before snarling, "Know what fuckers? This fuckin black bitch aint worth fuckin shit. `Bout the only thing its good for is as a fuckin cum dump and a fuckin ash tray for my cigar. Aint that right fuckface" he demanded just inches from my face, "you're nothing but a fucking cum dump ash tray for Aryans to use as we want? Say it fucker, admit it to all these fine white truckers who sure as shit are gonna have a fuckin ball with you tonight. Tell us what you're fuckin good for bitch!"

Tears ran down my face as I was forced to admit that the only thing I was good for was for a nice warm receptacle for hot Aryan cum and an ashtray for their victory cigars. The drunken white truckers loved my admission as hoots hollers and cat calls went up around the warehouse. Then the nasty son of a bitch Brundt took the stub of his cigar and started rubbing the hot ash over the newly traumatized fuck hole just as Mr. Spignotti had done previously. This time the bastard, however he wasn't simply satisfied with torturing me and burning my hole, he actually shoved the still smoldering cigar inside me. I could feel the heat immediately as I struggled against the strong white hands that held me on my back with my legs spread wide and my ass open for abuse. I pleaded with them to please get it out of me but the heavily tattooed trucker named Harley only laughed, informing me that, "bout the only way you gonna put that cigar out was with more fine Aryan spunk. Aint that right fuckers," more hoots and hollers, "The bitch is fuckin begging to be filled with our seed men, fuckin begging to get bred by fine Aryan cock. Aint that so bitch? You fuckin begging for cum?"

Knowing that this was the only way to stop the burning sensation inside me I nodded my head, understanding that the cigar burns from Brundt and Mr. Spignotti were going to make this one of the most painful fuckings of my life. The drunken truckers knew this too and it only seemed to make them more horny, more desperate for my hole. Harley quickly rose to the challenge, had his hard pink dick balls deep inside me pounding away as my screams echoed around the warehouse. The contented evil sneer on his face, his own cigar stub clenched tightly in a smile with his dirty thin lips on his grimy unshaven face told me he loved pounding my blackened body into submission. Rather than impeding him my screeches only made him pound me harder. Essentially that sick evil bastard Harley was punch fucking me with his hard cock grinding the cigar ashes deeper and deeper inside me.

As he finally mercifully started shooting his slimy slick goo deep inside me I felt the heat of Brundt's cigar squelched. I was a sobbing, cowering mess as he painfully ripped his cigar ash and cum-covered dick free, strode over to my head and twisted my face painfully up towards his own and demanded, "Tell me thank you, bitch!" I was dumbfounded as he snarled once again louder this time, "I said, tell me THANK YOU," he shouted at the top of his lungs, "you god damned fuckin whore, fuckin god damned slut!" as he backhanded me before I could reply.

I murmured "Thank you, Sir" which didn't seem to appease his so I repeated his declaration, "Thank you for fucking me Sir. Thank you for fucking me with your fine Aryan cock and filling me with your seed Sir. I am worth nothing other than being your cum dump and ash tray Sir. Thank you" I sobbed hysterically.

"Not good enough!" he shouted. "Not fuckin good enough you fucking black slut, fuckin low life black slut. You're also good enough to clean this fine Aryan cock too. Go ahead, sweetheart, clean my cock free of your fuckin pussy juices. Suck my cock clean, bitch" he shouted as he rammed his still hard cock deep into my throat. As I dealt with the hard pink cock in my face I felt sharp hot searing pain at my fuck hole as the saditic bastard Harley crammed his own cigar butt deeply inside me as well and the same internal heat returned.

My attention was divided between trying to clean the cock cramming into my throat and the burning heat inside. Almost immediately I felt another Aryan trucker position himself behind me as I was stuffed from both ends by hard Aryan cock. A cheer went up around me as both men hit their fuck stride slamming into me in perfect synchrony such that no matter how hard they pounded me I remained motionless as my poor beaten, bruised, traumatized, blacken body absorbed their abuse.

This cycle continued until every white trucker in the warehouse, no only the winning team but every fuckin white trucker had emptied his bulging, heavy overflowing balls inside me and deposited his spent cigar stub as well. I was packed fuller than I'd felt for a long time with cigars, ashes and trucker cum. Still the brutal truckers continued their abuse with some of the more sadistic ones coming back for seconds as everyone of them enjoyed the show being presented for their enjoyment. There were easily twenty brutal white truckers in the warehouse that night.

Suddenly there was a loud commotion coming from the back of the warehouse. This was apparently where Timmy and the Black truckers had made off to. From my position on my back I saw the most incredible sight. Poor, poor little Timmy, his face and body covered with bruises and coated with cum was being led to Sarge's military sing-song cadence of an Army matching song into the main section where I was currently being pounded by Haystack. One of the Black truckers had tied his belt around Timmy's neck and was leading him like a dog on all fours. The proud Black truckers all strutted with a confident smile on their faces as they showed off their accomplishments to their sworn enemies; the Aryans and their white supporters. Clearly poor little Timmy seemed worse for the wear as it was very apparent that he had been fucked or worse by every one of these arrogant Black truckers. There must have been twelve of them and I felt sorry for Timmy because I knew a little about what he must have gone through. He had been forced by drunken, angry Black truckers to serve them as their reluctant fuck whore and cum dump. Poor Timmy had been straight, with a new wife and a baby on the way. God knows what he must have endured.

Most amazing of all was that the bastards had taken the orange traffic cone and crammed the fucker halfway up poor Timmy's battered and bruised hole. In his kneeling position the cone rose up at a 45 degree angle and wiggled back and forth with each stride Timmy made on his knees. Timmy's shame was apparent as his reddened and tear stained face betrayed his shame; that the secret of this abuse at the hands of these savage, sadistic Black men was open and visible for everyone to see. The sight only made Haystack pound my fuck hole harder out of anger.

Without so much as a glance over at the Aryans, Sarge continued his song as poor Timmy obediently followed orders; marching like a dog on all fours. Sarge sang out, "ATTENNNTTTTIOONNN" as poor Timmy stopped marching and stayed on his hands and knees with his head up and back straight. He had apparently been well trained by Sarge and his men during his hour of absolute pain, horror and degradation. All white eyes stared as Sarge sang out, "On your slimy back, Bitch!!!" as Timmy obediently rolled over onto his back mindlessly; like he'd been doing this and much more for these strong Black men for a long time already.

Sarge's song brought out Mr. Spignotti as the two Spanish men in suits slinked out silently minus their briefcases. Mr. Spignotti immediately positioned himself between the two warring camps trying to prevent the race riot that seemed certain to explode at any moment. The concern on his face said that even he had not anticipated the drafting of pink little blond faced Timmy as a substitute fuck whore by Sarge and his men.

Unmoved by Mr. Spignotti's attention Sarge strode up to the upturned traffic cone crammed halfway up Timmy's butt and grabbing hold of his semi-hard shiny black cock and started to piss a heavy long stream directly into the funnel of the cone. He was joined in mid stream by the other Black truckers as one by one these proud Black men exerted their superiority over little broken Timmy, all the while staring like a direct challenge at Brundt and his sweaty drunken white truckers. The sound of Black trucker piss filling Timmy's funnel was clear and distinct as occasionally a Black trucker would direct his spray at Timmy's face shouting, "Open up fucker" as hot Black trucker piss filled both ends of the poor guy.

"AAAAHHHH fuck that felt good" Sarge sighed as he finished pissing, shaking the last drops into poor Timmy's upturned ass. "Had to fuckin piss like a god damned fuckin race horse. Pounding honky pussy'll do that, won't it men?" Sarge queried his supporters. Every black face agreed they needed to piss real bad and they universally seemed grateful to Timmy for this new service he was providing them. "Shit you honkies are good for more than just fuckin." Sarge continued, "You make mighty fine fuckin toilets for Black piss too. Aint that right sweetie? You a good toilet for ole Sarge and his men, aintcha fuck face?" he demanded and poor Timmy had apparently learned not to contradict Sarge or his men during his time at the back of the warehouse. The anger on the faces of the white truckers was nothing compared to the reaction of Sarge and his men when they saw me in my "blackface" body paint. Mr. Spignotti stood like a wall keeping two violent armies apart and it was a very long and tense struggle for him to keep things under control.

Finally, Mr. Spignotti agreed that both sides had been wronged by the other and both sides were entitled to some form of symbolic justice to restore the pride and status of both. Mr. Spignotti's idea was to start with both Timmy and I arranged in the classic 69 position on the cold cement floor, each cock held firmly inside the throat of the other by leather trucker belts tight around the neck and waist of each. The feel of a warm moist mouth soon had both of our cocks hard and wedging deeper into the throat of the other. Not satisfied that this was enough restitution Mr. Spignotti demanded that Brundt go slide down and start fucking the bruised and battered hole of poor Timmy while Sarge was told to get behind my ass and start pounding it. Mr. Spignotti's reasoning was that since Sarge had taken the cherry of Timmy's manhood, a slur against Whites, then Vinton was somehow entitled to get pleasure from Sarge's actions. Also since Vinton had mocked Sarge with the "blackface" body paint as a slur against Blacks Sarge should be able to pound my hole like Vinton and his goons had already done. No one asked Timmy or me what we wanted and we couldn't have said with our mouths full of each other's cocks.

Both truckers immediately got into this new type of justice placing their anger at the other upon the poor victim at the ends of their cocks. Sarge was the first to grab Timmy's head in his hands as he pounded my butt hole forcing my cock deep into Timmy's mouth. Vinton Brundt immediately saw what was happening as he grabbed my head forcing Timmy's hard cock deep down my throat. I realized that both truckers were also fucking the hole used by his enemy, that each man was indirectly getting pleasure from the spent cum deposited by his enemy. Mr. Spignotti's plan seemed to have some logic.

Both truckers had powerful hatred in his eyes as he stared intently at the other. As the men fucked the asses given them by Mr. Spignotti they were also forcing the hard cocks of their victims deep down the throats of the other trucker slut. Mr. Spignotti's logic was lost on most at first as it appeared that he was punishing Timmy and me further for the abuse of the top dogs in the ware house.

The sound of flesh slapping flesh, the groans of pain and the moans of pleasure escaping from Timmy and I were mixed with the shouts and cheers of the surrounding drunken truckers; just like the sounds during the Dodge Ball and Bocce Ball contest. But soon Mr. Spignotti's logic became apparent in an almost Solomon-like fashion. It became obvious that the hatred of these two men were being redirected by Mr. Spignotti for something more beneficial, for the harmony of the racial climate in the Ware house. As the pleasure built up in their cocks and balls the hatred in both trucker's eyes mellowed somewhat and glazed over. One could almost imagine a kind of fondness growing between the men as their anger subsided and their passions rose. While still locked eye to eye both truckers started dumping their loads into Timmy and me at the same time as we unloaded into each others mouths. The collective orgasm was so complete and fulfilling that the racial anger at Spignotti and Sons was released, at least temporarily. The climaxes came just as the first shift warehouse workers started arriving for their shift.

Timmy and I were both put to work servicing these new employee's needs. I was not able to get back to my room in the shed until a little after 9AM but every man on the first shift started his day with a smile on his face and a spring in his walk. After that day I never saw little Timmy again. But the rumors were flying; some said he was "adopted" by one of the Black truckers on the west coast as his co-driver and that he ended up being put to work by him at truck stops, local bars in all Black neighborhoods and even at every delivery he made if any brothers expressed an interest. These rumors were mostly spread by the Black truckers while the White truckers all said he left trucking and became a clerk in a factory in Cleveland. I guess we'll never know for sure.

Mr. Spignotti announced with pride in his voice. "Get some sleep sweetheart. Tomorrow's Saturday and you've got your first date. That's right sweetie pie, I'm taking you out for a date tonight. And you're gonna really enjoy yourself too," as he broke into degrading laughter. I heard Sarge ask him snidely, "Gonna take the bitch to the Pleasure Trove are you Boss?" as nasty snickers around me sent shivers down my spine even thought I had no idea what the Pleasure Trove was...

Next: Chapter 23

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