Brutal Trucker Sex

By moc.loa@009lohnaD

Published on Oct 30, 2023


Brutal Trucker Sex Chapter 21

Recap of Chapter 20;

"...I could see the anger in Sarge's eyes as the muscled Black man only held his temper because of the even stronger glare from Mr. Spignotti. The bulge in Mr. Spignotti's suit trousers told me that he was enjoying all these events, the dodge ball game, the bocce ball tie breaker, my abuse by the white victors and even the racial tension that filled the warehouse. The scent of anger, sweat, danger, pain, cigar smoke, anxiety and testosterone all merged and filled the entire ware house. For some reason, that I didn't understand at the time my dick stayed hard throughout my ordeal so far. It was harder than I could ever remember it being. This fact was not lost to my Aryan conquerors, despite their increasing drunkenness. The shit-eating smile of Brundt's face told the whole story as he brought the red hot tip if his huge Honduran cigar slowly to my left nipple and asked snidely, "Sure is a lot of little blond peach fuzz here. What do you say boys, should we give the bitch a special Aryan cigar shave?" I was terrified as the cigar slowly singed the blond peach fuzz around my sensitive left nipple and I started to scream for him to stop..."

Brutal Trucker Sex Chapter 21

... and still the fuckin animal just kept the cigar on my tit as wave after wave of agony spread outward from the site. The calloused, drunken arrogant men holding me down just laughed and mocked my screams, making me feel like my own pain meant nothing to them; or more accurately making me feel like it was my pain and screams they were after. My thrashing and attempts to get away from Brundt's hot cigar only made the cruel cigar sting me more, burning my flesh as my screams filled the warehouse. These even got the attention of Mr. Spignotti but if my initial thoughts that the nasty Sicilian sadist might be my savor these fleeting hopes were soon dashed.

It was clear as the swarthy, achingly handsome, confident and arrogant Sicilian strode over to my writhing body held down on the cold cement floor that his intentions were not to put a stop to my tormentors. In stead he was there to lend encouragement shouting loudly from across the bay, "Hell yes fuckers, now that's the fuckin way to treat a fuckin trucker slut, men. Make the bitch into your own personal fuckin ashtray. God damned slut is only good enough to fuck, fill with cum and save you the trouble of emptying the fucking ash tray. Here ya go slut", as he painfully forced my mouth open with his strong fingers prying my jaw open, "taste some real fuckin man's cigar ash. Taste this shit, gonna make it a new fuckin job description, slut." Mr. Spignotti took Harley's Cigar, puffed on it several times to get a good ash built up and flicked the still hot embers into my painfully forced open mouth.

The taste was terrible, very acidic and burnt tasting. I actually choked as the ash instantly pulverized and filled my mouth and nostril with its taste and smell. I was choking on the strong Honduran cigar ash as I felt the sharp pain of Mr. Spignotti's fine hand crafter Italian dress shoe slam against my throbbing swollen balls. I immediately opened my mouth to scream from the pain as I felt the hot tip of Harley's cigar forced into my mouth preventing me from closing it. Tears welled in my eyes as Mr. Spignotti's intense glare caught my gaze and instinctively held it firm.

"Now that's fuckin beautiful. God damned fuckin BEEE-UUUU-ti-ful" as laughter roared from the drunken, grimy unshaven white truckers around me. Every man there knew that this was, in some way, a direct insult to Sarge. The white supremacists took this comment as a green light to do with me as they pleased. "The fuckin floor is all yours you god damned mothafuckin bastards. You won the contest, no fuckin doubt about it so the prize is fuckin all yours" as a new cheer and guttural grunt of agreement rose up from all around me.

By this time Sarge was no where to be found. He, his entire team, all of the other Black truckers along with poor little Billy boy and the orange traffic cone were all no where to be found. I was surprised that almost thirty men could silently leave a room while dragging an unwilling victim; so strong was the attention focused on me or so drunk had these horny truckers become. I had no time to dwell on this issue as that evil sadistic bastard Brundt increased the intensity and the needle like pain of his cigar jerked my attention from the cigar forcing my mouth open to the one burning my left tit with unbearable agony. The smell on burning hair filled my nostrils as my blond peach fuzz slowly and methodically fell victim to the hot Honduran cigar, just as the virgin Honduran rain forest fell to bulldozers.

Almost immediately I felt the intense heat of several more cigars scrapping painfully across my body. The drunken truckers were very unsteady and I was burned excruciatingly many times as they cleared my body hair from my chest, stomach, arm pits and legs. The whole time Mr. Spignotti kept the hot cigar in my mouth to prevent my screams; only removing it so some nasty son of a bitch trucker could flick his ash down my throat, or even spit a huge wad of trucker spit in my mouth; forming a thick black acrid paste in my mouth. My body was actually beginning to be covered by burned hair and cigar ashes and was beginning to develop the grey black coloring Brundt said he was after.

While held firmly down with my mouth open and prevented from screaming or pleading with my assailants, all I could do was lie there and endure the complete agony, fear and feeling of helplessness. My mind was forced back to my early childhood when I was about 5 years old. I hadn't thought of this in many years and even now I'm not sure how much was actual memory and how much was simply family stories told to a vulnerable young child but I remembered that I had been burned by boiling water as a young child by my own father.

I remembered that he had been watching me while my mother worked nights as a waitress to make ends meet; but he was drunk as usual. I saw my father as I remembered him as a five year old, very big, very muscular and strong, very dark, mean and angry. I saw his dark swarthy looks and cold, cold grey eyes. I remember he took the water and deliberately poured it over me as the pain came roaring back as intensely as it was happening today. I don't know if it was the memory of the pain from my father or the pain I was feeling from the drunken trucker's cigars but my body was wracked by the most intense pain I had felt in my life; a combination of intense physical pain and agonizing mental pain exploded upon me. Mr. Spignotti seemed to sense this as I could see his hard dick twist and turn under the silken grey sharkskin material of his silken trousers. Our eyes met and I knew that the evil man could read my mind and could sense, maybe he could even smell (like a wolf or vicious dog), my pain and my humiliation. His dick loved all this but I had never felt so scared, defenseless and alone in my life.

"Shit fuckers, now this is a god damned well prepared fuckin trucker slut, shit `es fuckin twisting and turning under a few expertly placed Truckers' cigars. I've really got to commend you sons-a-bitches. Bet this bitch's cunt is just goin to town, fucking twistin and turning like a god damned fuck tunnel should. Aintcha bitch", he sneered as he removed the cigar and twisted my face up just inches from his own, "aintcha just dieing for some hot fuckin trucker dick, boy? Fuckin itchin for some dickin boy? Fuck I bet that bitch gel is doin a number on your cunt right now, aint it fuck wad? Fuckin drivin you nuts".

Suddenly a broad smile spread across his face as if he had discovered a god damned gold mind. "Fuckin lookee here men, finally got the little bitch to go soft for me. A god damned fuckin present from you fuck wads to express your fuckin gratitude for hiring this tight fuck hole for ya. You scumbags know I only enjoy a bitch with a soft dick. I simply got no interest knowing any bitch is enjoying it", as knowing snickers and murmured 'fuck yeahs!' echoed around me, "but this fuckers; this is god damned fuckin beautiful. Now that's fuckin god damned slutmanship for you, god damned fucking expert slutmanship" as Mr. Spignotti took his shoe and rubbed it across my dick; I knew instantly that my dick was soft and Mr. Spignotti appreciated the fact that it was, as if my terror and pain was a present to him from his men. I however was not enjoying this, it was no longer fun. I knew that if I could I would escape this hellhole as soon as I could. The evil fun and games had ceased to be fun any more, only the games remained for the drunken truckers.

After about an hour of constant attention from the six white victorious truckers and their victory cigars I was completely hair-free from my neck down. I didn't have any of the blond peach fuzz that had covered my arms, legs, chest and abdomen. Even my pubic hair had been singed off. I was covered in a grey dusting of cigar ash

"Tell you what Ranger and Jones", Mr. Spignotti demanded, "spread the bitch's legs high and wide over his head for me. I want to work my cigar over that tight little hole we all love so much" as laughter and cheers went up from all the white truckers around us. Mr. Spignotti took a few puffs on his cigar to get the tip red hot and started to trace the tip around my fuck hole opening. I screamed and twisted as much as I could but the two strong sets of trucker hands held me firmly in place. Mr. Spignotti increased both the pressure he applied and the length of time he applied at as he methodically jabbed his hot cigar over my hole and a circle about an inch outside the entrance forming a red, ultra-sensitive throbbing batch. I was screaming hysterically and pleading with the bastard to please stop but he just laughed and even taunted me by pretending to ask the drunken men around me if he should stop. There was not one voice in the crowd raised to my defense; I felt completely abandoned and vulnerable as the drunken, sadistic truckers cheered and encouraged Mr. Spignotti above my screams and pleadings.

I looked over at Mr. Spignotti's crotch which was only a few feet from my face and could see distinctly that his huge hard Italian cock was twitching and turning under his fine tailored suit trousers. There was even a wet spot halfway to where his belly button would be letting me know without a doubt that he enjoyed my agony immensely. Finally he took the hot cigar, which by now was about half smoked, away from my butt hole and cruelly flicked his manicured index finger against his handiwork sending waves of agony through me as the pain racked my body and sweat beads formed on my forehead. I was devastated that a simple index finger could produce so much agony for me as sweat covered my body and my babbling turned to desperate pleading and begging.

A look of great pride and pleasure spread over Mr. Spignotti's handsomely dark features as once again our eyes locked. He bent over so that his face was inches from my own, I could smell the cigar on his breath as he grunted, "Fuck you, bitch. Now you're gonna think of me all fuckin night long as these fine, loyal, upstanding Aryan white men over here screw your slut hole mercilessly for the rest of the night, aint that right, slut?" Mr. Spignotti grabbed my blond hair and twisted my face even closer with his left hand as his right hand traced circles around my burned and throbbing hole; again reminding me just how painful the rest of the shift was going to be for me. He whispered so low, his testosterone drenched voice so quiet only he and I could hear what he said, "In fact, fuck wad, you're gonna think of my hot cigar as these fuckers tear into that burned hole of yours. These fuckers are so god damned drunk there's no telling what they're gonna do to you, babycakes, but me and my cigar sure as shit made sure you're gonna remember me, aint that right? You're gonna think of me, fuck you're gonna see my handsome face, as every hard dick in the place stretches and pounds your hole". Suddenly his attention shifted, "I've got an appointment with the bastards who provided these victory cigars now, but while I'm gone you'll know deep down inside that every spasm of pain just makes my fuckin dick harder and harder for you. And, "he added with deep dread in his voice, "your little pink dick is gonna stay soft as these fuckers pound away at you, aint that so fuckwadd? You're gonna stay soft because you know this pleases me and you know for a certainty that if I see a hard dick on any bitch that I've personally helped prepare, well," he added with a slight nod to his head that told me this was a true fact, "you know sure as shit that I'd cut the fucker off. We understand each other don't we? We recognize complimentary qualities in each other, aint that the case, bitch? We fuckin feed off each other." Mr. Spignotti simply hauled off and back handed me as my head swung sideways and I could taste blood in my mouth. Before I could respond or even get me breath back Mr. Spignotti had my hair in his hand and his face just inches from his own as he stared deep into each other's eyes; a kind of understanding passed between us and I knew for a certainty the bastards was deadly serious.

I was terrified, drenched in sweat, tears streaming down my face and was a babbling mess by the time he finally released my head, stood over me with his arms folded in a commanding and dominant position, looking down at me with such disgust and hatred in his eyes. Mr. Spignotti looked over towards the door to the warehouse for an instant and I swear I could see the shadows of the same two mysterious figures as he gave me a quick swift kick to my balls and informed the drunken white truckers around that I was "all theirs" and strutted off to greet his visitors.

As Mr. Spignotti swiftly left the warehouse the power seamlessly shifted back to Brundt as he stood towering over my scorched, singed quivering body admiring my predicament. An idea seemed to hit him as he stated with noticeably slurred speech, "Hey fuckers, this punk just aint black enough, you know. Ranger, bring me that tub of black powder Sarge's team used for their tennis balls. I've got an idea" as a wicked smile spread across his face. Brundt took the bucket of black powder set it on the cement floor. Soon I could hear a strong stream of trucker piss filing the bucket as the powder became a thick black paste. When the right consistency was reached, and this took both Brundt's and Haystack's piss, the paste was spread over my entire body.

I was covered from head to toe; my blond hair was slicked back and matted close to my scalp giving the impression of a shaved hard. Even my soft cock and swollen balls were roughly coated with the thick goo by multiple calloused trucker hands. Brundt seemed particularly pleased with this, a tiny "black" cock hanging limp between the legs of his newest "black" trucker slut. With a sneer on his face Brundt demeaned every black man as he snarled, "The god damned fuckin myth of the powerful and potent black man is gonna be proved fuckin wrong tonight men. We're gonna prove this falsehood wrong once and for all tonight" as drunken cheers went up all around me. The only parts of my not painted black were my eyelids, my pink lips and the swollen red burnt ring of muscle and flesh around my butt hole. Everything else was as black as coal. This seemed to please the sadistic white truckers greatly as I was paraded around the warehouse to hoots and hollers from the drunken truckers.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the glass partition of Sarge's office and I looked like a naked Vaudeville Minstrel actor in black face; like a stereotypic cartoon of black men from the 1920s and I knew this was meant as much to humiliate me as Sarge and the rest of the Black truckers. Finally, when the slick goo had dried and absorbed deep into my skin Brunt strode up to me, placed his hand on my slicked down head and pushed me roughly to the floor, cruelly forced his hard cock deep into my throat in one painful thrust as cheers went up from the white truckers around us.

"Shit that's fuckin beautiful, god damned fuckin 'BEEE-u-ti-FUUUULLL," Brundt snarled. "Fuckin black face and pink lips stretched fucking tight as a drum across the base of my strong Aryan cock, fuckin BEEE-u-ti-FFUUULLLL" I heard the son of a bitch spit out. "Take that you fucking low life slut", Brundt snarled as his hairy, heavy pink balls started slamming against my "black" chin and his dick started tearing my throat as much from its girth and powerful thrusts as from the thick cigar ashes coating my mouth and throat. Tears welled as I struggled to breath and I heard the anonymous drunken taunt, "Fuck yeah, fuck the niggas' throat man, fuck 'im good but save some of that shit for me, man" as dozens of slurred drunken truckers agreed.

God help me I just couldn't get Mr. Spignotti's face and tented trousers out of my mind as Brundt's cock forced my throat open. I imagined a broad smile on Mr. Spignotti's face, his cold grey eyes staring deep into my own as I made sure my little "black" cock was still soft and limp as a sign of respect for my sadistic, handsome all powerful Sicilian employer"

End of Chapter 21. Please write if you've got any comments or suggestions. It's the comments from readers that keep me writing the story as long as I have. Shit, fuckin twenty-one chapters. Who fuckin knew when I started?

Next: Chapter 22

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