Brutal Trucker Sex

By moc.loa@009lohnaD

Published on Mar 14, 2006


I received lots of positive comments and encouragement for a sequel. Much thanks and I appreciate the chance to get into some of the "special" aspects of my experiences that can't be posted here. Write if you enjoy the to;

Traffic from my part time job to the rest area on 287 was a bear that day. I tried to get there half an hour early but instead arrived 10 minutes late. I saw the sadistic brute of a trucker standing at the front of his rig with a group of about 10 other truckers each as big and burly as himself. I could see at a glance that there was a heated discussion going on and it looked like a fight was about to break out. I knew that the bastard had been rough enough on me last time and was worried he'd tear me up even worse if he got any angrier. Besides I was already 10 minutes late and I began to dread his reaction. It was obvious that one of the truckers, a big burly black guy with muscular legs and a bulge in the front of his jeans that looked like it could choke a horse was giving my viscous tormentor a good natured rough time about something. The others were also joining in the at the brutal truckers expense. This was really pissing the guy off, you could just see it in his body language. As I got closer I could hear the black trucker saying, "Maybe the faggot didn't think that little pink dick of yours was worth the trip, hey George. He needs a real piece of meat like this BLACK monster here", he said grabbing his bulge suggestively and just daring George to make something of it. The rest of the truckers had a great laugh at this and I could tell that my tormentor George was going to be in a rotten mood today.

When George turned and saw me coming over he just glared at me and threw the cigarette he'd been smoking on the ground, crushing it like a disgusting bug and shouted, "Where the fuck have you been, faggot. You've kept me waiting 10 fucking minutes you piece of shit!!!" I didn't know if I should approach him with the other truckers around but it was clear they already knew that I was his cum bucket for this trip. "I'm gonna tear you a new asshole for this you mother fucker". The other truckers seemed to love to hear George abusing me that way in their presence and they laughed heartily in response. One Spanish or Italian looking guy of about 40 joked, "Yeah, then he'll be a real bitch like the one I fucked last night" with an almost immediate reply from a short fat white trucker was, "That was no bitch asshole, that was Jimmy's cunt-whore wife." To raucous laughter all around except a red headed guy (obviously Jimmy) who spat out, "Fuck you, Rodriquez, and fuck you Mad Dog you Black bastard, and fuck you all."

Mad Dog, the big Black trucker grabbed me by the hair, twisted my head back to look directly into his eyes and said to the group but obviously for my benefit, "Shit, you got it all wrong Jimmy. You don't want to fuck us. No you want to fuck this little pussy boy here." He smiled the most evil smile and continued saying, "In fact we'd all like a piece of this pussy ass, wouldn't we, Boys. I sure as hell know that I'd would enjoy watch this punk ass squirming on this black pole here. Betcha I could make it come right out his fucking mouth from the back", said to more laughter all around.

Now I've got to tell you, I was scared shitless and trembling from fear. But surprisingly, my dick was rigid hard and a wet spot of pre- cum had stained my shorts. The truckers could all see this which only made their laughter louder and more humiliating. Well, George was in no mood to give up a tight fuck toy to Mad Dog and he roughly tore me from Mad Dog's grip and threw me at his rig shouting, "Get up in there you faggot-cunt, you've made me wait so there's no time for the gentle foreplay we enjoyed last time." I could not imagine that last time could ever be described as gentle and I was more then a little worried that George would beat the shit out of me in the cab.

Once inside the rig, George instructed me to strip and in an instant had his thick trucker cock out and hard. I was now helpless and completely at the mercy of a really pissed off trucker but my dick was harder then ever. George looked at my boner with disgust and said, "A little faggot like you just likes this shit too much. I'm gonna make your little dick soft now pussy boy." George ripped his 3", metal studded grimy leather belt off and started beating my cock and balls in a frenzy. I was screaming and the bastard seemed to love my pain and his dick got harder for my pleas for mercy. The belt actually caused no real damage but the complete domination and my fear of what this pissed off trucker was capable of combined in my mind for an experience like none I'd ever experienced. I was sobbing and pleading and my reddened dick stayed hard as a rock in-spite of my willing it to shrink. The brutal trucker kept saying the most degrading things to me as he was whipping me with the belt.

His raunchy comments were so loud that truckers 5 rigs away could hear my screams and his taunts. His evil laugh and condescending comment like, "The fucking whores dick is still hard, even with my belt. The cunt really wants my cock, don't you faggot." This was shouted so loud that it was clear it was for the benefit of the horny truckers milling around outside the rig. The sadistic trucker hauled off and slapped me across the mouth and shouted, "I asked you a question cunt, Do you want my dick, Bitch?" I murmured yes Sir, I want your dick, Sir. He slapped me again and shouted, "Louder Bitch, so we all can hear" and I complied.

My mouth was exactly crotch level and it was clear he had plans for it. He saw my concern and said, "Yup you got it punk, I'm gonna throat fuck the shit out of you" as he rammed it in to the hilt. The throat rape was violent, brutal and seemed to continue for hours. His cock was tearing my throat up and I was gagging and choking on every down thrust which only turned the fucking bastard on more. I was fighting for air and hoping against hope that he'd dump his load and let me go.

When he tired of these throat games the brutal trucker flipped me over, hands still tied to the wall and laid into my pale blond upturned butt cheeks with his belt. The whipping was even worse then His belt because he showed absolutely no mercy, turning my cheeks crimson red with quickly developing bruises. All through the ordeal he kept saying things like, "You love it, don't you cock-sucker?? and ?I'm just warming your ass for the main event, you fucking scumbag". This was also for the outside enjoyment too, I'm sure. I was sobbing and couldn't take any more when he mercifully asked if I wanted to be fucked by trucker cock. I knew this would at least end the whipping so I agreed, loud enough for the men outside to hear my humiliation of asking, no begging, to be please be fucked by trucker cock.

George's cock had dried by now and the first penetration tore my pussy to shreds. The fucker finally got it in to the hilt and he grabbed me by the hair and twisting my head around to look at him declared, "You're nothing but a bitch and bitches take it doggie style, you got that punk? You're my bitch now" and he started the most viscous and painful assault that I have ever endured.

The only thing that made it bearable was my rock hard cock that let me concentrate on what pleasure I could during the ordeal. By the time George finally stiffened and shot his slimy trucker seed deep inside me I was sobbing and begging him to please fill me up. I knew this would at least placate his lust if not fulfill his sadistic urges. He forced my mouth to clean his cum and ass-slime covered cock and sent me out the rig unceremoniously. "One final instruction, pussy-boy. You keep my little swimmers nice and warm in that hot little cunt of yours, You hear me, bitch. Don't even think about emptying out all night long, You hear me shithead?" I said "Yes Sir" loud enough for any eavesdroppers to hear. I'd been used by a brutal trucker a second time in a week and for the life of me I couldn't understand why I had returned, it seemed to feed some inner urge in me.

George was in a hurry, my tardiness had made him late again, this was surely going to cause him trouble at the warehouse in Jersey City he was heading for. As I painfully climbed down from the rig I was surprised that none of the previous truckers were still around. The lot was empty, but it looked like even more trucks had arrived then when I went in. I felt used and taken advantage of as I saw him drive off without even bothering to acknowledge me or look in my direction. I knew I could never keep his hot slimy load inside my brutalized pussy, it simply had to be let out. I limped over to the rest room building and went into the mens side and was greeted with a sign that read, CLOSED FOR REPAIRS Next rest area 30 mi. I knew I'd never make it and I saw a well-worn trail leading from the building into the woods. I went into the woods for some privacy where I could relieve my aching cunt of all George's slimy swimmers. Finding a secluded spot I carefully removed my shorts and squatted down to relieve the pressure of the fuck and cum.

My heart jumped when I heard the deep husky male voice demand, "What the fuck do you think you're doing, Boy?!!?" Twisting my head around I couldn't believe my eyes....

Guys, I'm interested in hearing what you might think happened then. Let me know.

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Next: Chapter 3

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