Brutal Trucker Sex

By moc.loa@009lohnaD

Published on Jul 24, 2006


Note to readers, this is the continuation of my "true-life saga" at the hands of the sadistic brutal truckers of Spignotti and Sons Distribution center in Jersey City. The previous chapter was posted to Nifty Cafe/Beastiality because it contained dog/human sex. The next chapter posted here contains only rough Dominants/submissive Males/male sex. You have been warned...

Repost of a portion of the Titus Too #4 story posted on Nifty Cafe/Beastiality. For context.

"...The black faces, conversely, were celebrating as if their favorite football team had just scored a touchdown. They were slapping each other on their backs, laughing, joking, smiling and obviously just feeling great about themselves. They seemed more intent on the slick shiny black arm sliding deeper into me: imaging what Sarge must be feeling with honky pussy stretched tight across his forearm. Sarge slid his free arm under my legs as if I was a ventriloquist's dummy.

In this position Sarge strolled around the room looking deeply and aggressively into the eyes of each and every trucker he came across. To the white truckers he'd strut up, stare them down with his intense hate-tinged glare as he pumped his arm into my spread asshole as a kind of challenge. It was as if he was saying to them, `This could be your asshole next time if you don't treat me with the respect I deserve'. Sarge seemed to spend extra time in front of Vinton Brundt as waves of hate flowed through me from one man to the other. Both men staring at each other with such hatred but Sarge had the upper hand, the one sliding in and out of my stretched truckers' bitch hole.

To the Black truckers Sarge was like a kid showing off a new trick. He'd let his fellow Black truckers reach out and run their fingers over my painfully stretched pussy lips, he'd tell them how hot and tight my fuck tube felt around his arm and he'd pump his arm in and out just so they could watch my legs twist and turn involuntarily in an futile effort to escape. This caused lots of laughter from the Black truckers and stares of astonishment from their white brethren. I must have looked like a puppet on a string as my head rolled back and to the side, drool running down my face and my arms and legs flailing aimlessly about. The whole time I could feel Sarge's black fist inside me and his hard black cock pressing firmly against my back. Sarge was still wearing his pressed and creased supervisor's uniform with that humungous black "Pussy Pounder" jutting from his crotch. I drifted off into a kind of trance as I began to imagine that Sarge's fist was actually the biggest Black cock in the world and it was fucking me senseless. My humiliation was compounded when Madd-dog shouted out "Lookee there fuckers, the bitch's little pink dick is rock hard and fuckin droolin precum..." to raucous laughter from everyone, even the freaked out white truckers.

Again my cock had betrayed my true feelings to this group of brutal and sadistic truckers."

Brutal Trucker Sex Chapter 16

"Shit you god damned slimy cum-filled fuckwadd, I'm gonna cram Max's slimy swimmers so far inside you you'll be shitting cum for fuckin days" Sarge's testosterone drenched baritone growled in my ear loud enough for the desperately horny truckers to hear. With these words Sarge started rapidly cramming his fist inside me faster and deeper with each thrust. The room was spinning and all I could do was concentrate on that humungous black appendage that was tearing my hole. I was barely conscious of the sounds of the click and whirl of Polaroids going off knowing these snapshots would certainly be passed around every truck-stop and greasy spoon frequented by road weary horny truckers. I tried to imagine what the photos would look like. The contrast of Sarge's shiny cum coated black arm stretching my red painted pussy lips apart as my pale white butt cheeks glowed with sweat and dripping cum would certainly be memorable. Even more impressive would be any photo that captured all this along with the expressions on Sarge's and my face. Sarge would surely show a mixture of emotions on his stern, strong black face; pleasure, dominance, joy, anger and perhaps commanding power and awe. My own sweat-drenched face would show my humiliation and degradation to be used so callously to please another stronger man but also my clear apprehension, fear, pleasure and contentment at the unfolding situation. It would be obvious to everyone who saw these pictures that both Sarge and I were enjoying ourselves immensely since we both were showing rigid hard cocks dripping with precum.

As Sarge thrust his arm deeper and deeper inside me my legs and arms flailed around as if I was attached to an electrical current. My head would shoot backwards with each painful thrust in and slide forward with each withdrawal. As Sarge's fist fucking motion increased my head bobbing increased as well. So much so that after a few minutes my head was bobbing up and down like a god damned bobble-head toy on a car's dashboard. That sadistic bastard Blackmore came up with a `great' new game to add to my shame and humiliation. Since it looked like I was nodding my head yes, he strode up to Sarge and me, grabbed my head to look me squarely in the eyes to focus my attention and asked, "Fuck your mother?" and let my hair go. My head nodded yes from Sarge's fisting but the truckers all got the idea and laughed uproariously. Even Sarge liked this new humiliation of his honky bitch hole so he'd stop the stroking while the questions were being asked and fist me vigorously for the head nodding to begin. One by one the horny truckers would walk up to me and ask me disgusting questions to which I would involuntarily nod my head yes. Questions like, "Ever lick your dad's balls?" from the cowboy trucker Montana. "Eat his asshole out?" from DC. "Fucked your sister yet?" from Madd-dog. "Like to eat shit?" from Freightliner. On and on the questions rang out and on and on I humiliated myself by nodding yes. They became more disgusting and humiliating but I was powerless to prevent my head from bobbing.

One time I did try to stop my head from bobbing after a particularly disgusting question. Blackmore saw what I was doing. He immediately stepped up and grabbed my swinging balls painfully until both the vicious fisting from Sarge and the painful squeezing of my balls from Blackmore forced my head to agree with the latest disgusting comment. The truckers all broke out in gleeful laughter knowing I'd be nodding yes to everything from then on.

The sadistic truckers continued their disgusting taunts while Sarge continued to ram that monstrously thick arm deeper and deeper inside me. I felt more trapped and violated than I'd never felt before, I was being used by all these bastards, every last one of them, for their own pleasure at my expense. I was nothing but a pleasure toy for their sadistic needs. I realized I was truly beneath contempt, that I had sunken to the lowest depths a young innocent 18 year old man can sink. I thought about all the things that had happened to me in the three short weeks since I had allowed myself to be talked into George Kincaid's rig on 287. I don't know what happened but all these thoughts, the torments, the abuse, the pain and humiliation all conspired against me as suddenly my rigid hard cock started to explode cum all over my abdomen, Sarge's arm and the cement warehouse floor. I was shooting cum a foot in the air without any control over myself. Sarge used the opportunity to give himself a little extra lube; coating his arm with extra trucker bitch cum. He thoroughly enjoyed the milking sensations as my ejaculating fuck-tube walked up and down his arm as the on looking truckers gasped then applauded this new turn of events.

I heard Sarge sneer, "Fuck yeah baby, shoot that load. Fuckin spill your load bitch. Yeah that feels good on my god damned arm baby. A fucking milking machine on my arm. You bastards got to feel this. Fucking god damned pussy massage" as laughter erupted from all the men around us. Even when I'd finished cumming Sarge kept up his fisting and the sadistic truckers continued their ruthless game of humiliation. My head continued to bob up and down to Sarge's fist fucking motion. The orgasm had been one of the most pleasurable and satisfying orgasms of my life but instead of being content I found myself wanting more. No needing more! I pleaded for Sarge to keep fucking me and this only drove the other truckers to new heights of depravity.

Finally, when the sadistic truckers tired of their newest cat and mouse game Sarge brusquely removed his supporting arm and I tumbled to the cement floor like a sack of potatoes; his thick black arm painfully ripped free. My knees were sore but more importantly suddenly my butt was completely empty for the first time in hours. Instead of feeling pleased or relieved, I felt empty; almost hungry. My gaping hole was wet so I could feel the cold midnight warehouse air blowing across my sweat glistened butt cheeks and slime covered hole. I desperately needed something stuffed inside me just to feel satisfied again.

It didn't take Sarge long to begin to meet my needs. He kneeled down, over my prone body; still in his perfectly pressed warehouse supervisor's uniform. He spread my cheeks with his calloused hands, rubbing his fingers across my super sensitized red painted pussy lips, enjoying the stark contrasts between his strong black fingers and my puffy red painted opening. I heard a low growl of contentment escape his lips, so quiet no one else could hear. But he and I both knew he was enjoying this. This knowledge drove me on; making me want to please this strong domineering black man who had just given me one of the most intense orgasms of my young life. Sarge started to rub his fingers across and around my butthole with greater and greater urgency; poking first one then two fingers in to tease me. "Mmmmnnn", he purred his pleasure in my ear so quietly only I could hear him but the effect was clear for all to see. I instinctively arched my back up, pushing my hips back to meet his fingers. Quietly I murmured my pleasure humming, "Oh yeah" so quietly I'm sure only Sarge heard. His fingers became more urgent as they slid across and inside me with greater confidence. Sarge hummed, "Oh yeah baby, yeah" in his deep testosterone drenched baritone, sending waves of desire through my body. Sarge poked three fingers roughly into my battered hole and instead of feeling pain or fear I felt pleasure and the need to be fucked. "Oh yeah", I sighed, "Please..." I quietly begged in a whisper. Sarge smiled and asked, "Please what baby? Please what?" as he slid four fingers inside me and started to twist them around. My hips gyrated from side to side trying to squeeze those wonderful black fingers inside me. "MMMnnnn", I heard from behind "Your pussy feels so fuckin hot. Want me, baby? Want your black Army Sergeant, slut?"

All I could do was nod my head as my heart pounded in my chest like a runaway train. I shivered with desire as Sarge pulled his hand all the way out of me and slid in three fingers to the third knuckle. "Oh yeah" he sigh, "Oh fuckin yeah, baby". My hips convulsed reflexively in an animalistic hunger I had never known before. Sarge seemed to sense this and toyed with my quivering pussy, enjoying my reactions. "Please fuck me, please fuck me Sir" I quietly whispered, "Please". Sarge was delighted with my change of attitude but his own demeanor only hardened in response. He became even more insistent and demanding, growling insults under his breath that only he and I could share. "Slut, pig, bitch, whore" were some of his whispered favorites. It became an extremely intimate time for us; like we were the only ones in the warehouse. His utter distain for me was clear despite his need to dominate an 18 year old blond trucker slut he also craved to fist me as much as I craved to be fisted. The whole time that Sarge was fondling my butthole my pussy lips were pulsing in and out; expressing my new-found hunger.

While our words went unheard by the other truckers my physical reaction did not go unnoticed. It was clear that I was enjoying the pleasure that Sarge's rough hands were giving. Each plunge in with his hand was met with a gasp of pleasure from me and backwards thrusts of my hips. Sarge was toying with my pleasure nerves like he was playing a fine violin; stroking intimate places inside me in order to elicit just the response he was after. Sarge began to pull his hand all the way out of my tattered hole and shove it half way in with a `SPLUNK' sound. He increased the speed and momentum with each plunge so that the sounds became louder and more thunderous with each thrust. I became like a rutting bull shoving my hips back to meet Sarge's hand with each thrust; my rock hard cock banging against my well muscled six-pack abdomen with wet slapping sounds. Sweat pooled on my forehead and ran onto the floor as my passion for Sarge and all the brutal truckers exploded. "Fist me Sir", I screamed, "Fuck the shit out of my pussy with that fuckin strong Black fist, Sir. Please shove your fist inside me Sarge. I need it really bad, please Sir, please" I pleaded. The warehouse erupted in hysterical laughter.

This outburst made Sarge smile a wide shit-eating grin and made all the sweaty grimy sadistic truckers gather round to see what would happen next. Even Mr. Spignotti came out of the supervisor's office door and stood to Sarge's left side in his fine charcoal grey silk suit visibly tented out in front, watching my frenzied reaction. I had become a bitch in heat, exactly according to Mr. Spignotti and Sarge's plan. Just as with all the honky troops Sarge `blacks' in boot camp. Like them I caved into his superior will; surrendering myself to serve his sadistic needs and those of every trucker at Spignotti and Sons. Sarge shot Mr. Spignotti a knowing smile and asked nonchalantly, "Sir, mind holding the bitch down while I pound the fuck out of this pussy with my fist?"

"Fuck no Sergeant", Mr. Spignotti snarled hoarsely, "I'm as fucking patriotic as the next son of a bitch. You know I'll help out any fuckin soldier in need in this man's Army in any way I can. I consider it my fuckin patriotic duty". Mr. Spignotti walked around to my head, raised his left foot and brought his fine Gucci leather loafer down very hard on the back of my neck. My face hit the floor with a loud thud, eliciting laughter and cheers from those around us.

I was forced into the same exaggerated bitch position from earlier; on my knees with my legs spread very wide and my chest pressing heavy on the cement floor, my neck firmly held down by Mr. Spignotti and my arms sprawled uselessly to the sides. There was considerable pain but I didn't care. Sarge had said he'd be pounding my pussy with his fist. That was all I heard and that was all I cared about. "Oh please, Sir. Please fuck me, Sir. Cram that thick black arm inside me, Sir. Please fill me up, please Sir" I pleaded. This was met by more laughter and derision from the surrounding truckers. I heard someone say, "Fuckin slut. God damned useless fuckin slut is only good for dickin. Fuck I'd sure like to seed that cunt right now, fucking fill it like ole Max done' as murmurs of agreement spread through the crowd of horny truckers.

With my ass high like that my hole was easily accessible for Sarge to fist and my hard cock and low hanging balls were also in clear view of the surrounding truckers. I could feel Sarge's hand clenching into a fist as my heart beat faster still begging for him to fist me. With my head pressed firmly on the floor I could only see half the truckers but those I did see were all naked or had their pants around their ankles and were jerking their hard cocks like they were polishing the fuckin family silver. The truckers were all sweaty and grimy but their body types ranged from ragged scrawny truckers with missing teeth and bald heads to well muscled, handsome examples of virile men; some had pot-bellies from years behind the wheel of 18-wheelers and some were perfectly fit. They all had hard cocks however and they all were staring at Sarge and me intently. The only people in the warehouse fully dressed were Sergeant Carter and Mr. Spignotti. Most of the stroking truckers' eyes were glazed over with lust as they watched Sarge prepare to stuff my hole again with his fist. All I could do to encourage Sarge was to continue pleading for his fist, begging to be fisted by him, and opening and closing my hole as a non-verbal invitation.

Finally, I felt Sarge tense and just as he did I pushed my hips backwards at the same instant his fist broke through my opening lodging itself firmly to the wrist inside me. An involuntary scream escaped my lips from the unexpected pain. A cheer went up from the truckers as I heard Mr. Spignotti say with pride in his voice, "God Damn!!" My dick twitched again, bobbing obviously for all to see. I was in heaven; I saw stars and I think I saw Gabriel that day.

This is a good place to end this chapter. I'll be posting the next chapter soon and in the meanwhile I like to hear from readers and get your comments or suggestions. Your comments encourage me to keep writing. Please write me directly at;

Next: Chapter 17

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