Brutal Trucker Sex

By moc.loa@009lohnaD

Published on May 23, 2006


Slowly the clapping stopped but still I could not see who else was in the office. I stayed on my knees with my head wedged between Sgt. Carter's body and the mahogany desk. Suddenly he spun around and snapped to attention, almost like a military reflex. It was then I saw that Mr. Spignotti had joined us; apparently signs on doors were not meant for him. I saw no indication that Sgt. Carter resented the intrusion and if he did I could not imagine he saying so. I tried to stand up too but a strong black hand on my head prevented me as Sgt. Carter spat out, "Where the fuck you think you're going honky? I don't remember giving permission to stand." Mr. Spignotti strutted into the room like he owned the place and everyone in it, which of course he did. Entirely business-like, even at this early morning hour, Mr. Spignotti brusquely informed Sgt. Carter that he came in early to see how the new house slut was progressing. That he'd skipped his usual 20 minutes on the bag but figured the warehouse slut might relieve some of the tension of the upcoming day as good as his usual workout. I stayed on my knees in my pink rose panties, my red lips, large red tits and army dick slime oozing from my mouth and nose onto my chin. Simply breathing was producing bubbles from my mouth and nose to the sadistic amusement of the powerful men looming over me. I was a complete mess and the constant camera flashes didn't help. Mr. Spignotti looked down at me still on my knees a smiled the biggest "shit-eating" grin saying simply, "Sergeant, report".

"I'm concentrating on the upper body today, Sir. Twenty sets of 20 push-ups, thirty sets of sit-ups, ten sets of thirty squat-thrusts and a little cardio for that rosy pink glow, Sir. We'll double that tomorrow, Sir" Sgt. Carter reported. "Good job Sergeant, fuckin good job. Nice bitch panties and make-up too, Sergeant; gives the bitch a first-class slutty look. And that last exercise, what do you call that little number, Sergeant?" Mr. Spignotti inquired with a gleam in his eye. "Just throatin, Sir", Sgt. Carter replied humbly, "just your basic army issued throatin. All my honky recruits got to learn that maneuver the very first day. Might just save their lives if'n they was captured by an enemy combatant with a hard cock as big as ole "Pounder" here, Sir" to smiles and chuckles from both of them. "Not likely Sergeant, not fuckin likely" I heard Mr. Spignotti scoff with a bit of admiration in his voice. They were talking about me like I wasn't even there; like I was a dumb farm animal beneath consideration. "What is your bottom line assessment of the little bitch, Sergeant? Is he up to the task we discussed?"

"Well", Sgt. Carter seemed to think about this for a few minutes with a far away look in his eyes like he was running the numbers in his head. Finally he replied, "Well Sir, in my opinion the kid's not completely broken yet. I still get a sense of resistance, like he's fuckin thinking about himself and not the cock he's servicing. I noticed it on my very first plunge down that throat pussy with my black balls settin on that pretty pink chin; a kind of fight still there. There was a very subtle sense that somehow the slut seemed to think that I should give a fuck if he was turning blue. Like I should give a shit about him at all if you can believe that, Sir", he added incredulously.

"How long till his much needed attitude adjustment, Sergeant?" Mr. Spignotti asked. "Some of em never learn, Sir. Some are naturals right out of the gate and some of the best got to learn it. Shit Sir, you know me from the Trove; it sure does get my ball juices boiling just thinking bout breakin a honky bitch of these kinds of bad habits. Them's the ones that are better for having been broke first, and sure as shit gives ole Pounder a work out too, Sir? Shit, fuckin Pounder here loves a little tude justin', Sir. Fuckin designed for honky tude `justin, Sir." Sgt. Carter spoke with authority, like he'd been doing this for many years to many honky sluts.

Mr. Spignotti looked down at my slime covered face saying, "Sure would be a shame to not take advantage of a fucking pussy boy kneeling right here" as he turned his attention to me for the first time since he entered. Mr. Spignotti looked down at me still on my knees, too afraid to move a muscle with my legs still painfully spread and my balls very noticeably vulnerable. Anger filled Mr. Spignotti's eyes as he unexpectedly hauled his right shiny leather dress shoe back and kicked me full force in my already traumatized balls. I crumpled over in agony clutching my groin as Mr. Spignotti grabbed my blond hair lifted me up and painfully threw me down on my chest onto the desk. I was in so much pain all I could do was try to breathe so I didn't vomit as the adrenaline flowed through my system for the second time of my very first shift on the job at Spignotti and Sons distribution Center. I couldn't see this as a long term employment opportunity at this moment in time. The benefits just didn't seem worth the bother.

Sgt. Carter held me firmly to the deck with a single strong hand around the back of my neck as Mr. Spignotti started to unbearably grope me from behind. He grabbed my brutalized sensitive balls and squeezed them with his left hand as he whipped out a foot-long shiny switchblade knife in front of my face saying, "What the fuck did I tell you `bout pussy boys and hard cock around me faggot. Do I have to make good on my promises at your fuckin interview to keep that little dick soft around me?" He brought the knife down quickly behind me and started fumbling around back there as I recalled his threat to cram my own balls and cock down my throat if he ever saw my hard dick again. Survival instincts took over; my dick swiveled instantaneously as I felt his hand grip my suddenly limp cock through the pink rose panties. Still he held the knife back there staring angrily into my eyes as I started to scream and plead that he please let me keep my cock and balls. Mr. Spignotti and Sgt. Carter both seemed to relish my newest anguish as this moment of psychological torture seemed to last forever. My heart stopped and my screams raised about 2 octaves as I heard the sound of silk tearing and felt a tugging on the rose panties, the cold knife sliding gently across my skin, my balls still jam-packed into Mr. Spignotti's manicured hands. I was desperate and frantic but after the shredding sound ended he removed his hands from my excruciated balls. Finally I started breathing again. All he had done was to tear a four inch slit in the panties so he could fuck my hole without removing the panties he coldly informed me. I was a sweating, drooling babbling mess from the psychological games these two sadistic men were playing with me.

"Now that I got this slut just how I like em for dickin, my cock's hungry for a little bitchhole breakfast' fuck. Gonna use some of that fuckin Grade A army spooge as lube, Sergeant". I heard the now familiar sound of a fine silk suit trouser zipper descending and saw the tan, semi-rigid cock of Mr. Spignotti spring out. God Mr. Spignotti terrified me to my very core. I could sense extreme authority emanating from him which attracted me to him and at the same time a true peril (his sadistic side) that my mind told me was an uncontrollable menace; something to recoil from. My mind wanted to run away and my cunt wanted to learn what would happen next. I was conflicted, just like my cock that longed to spring to attention at the thought of this handsome, polished and sadistically omnipotent man shrank out of self preservation. Cross currents of desires and motives swirled in my mind as I froze, not knowing what to do or how to handle the situation. I was a deer in headlights, wide-eyed and terrified, but my hole was still itching from the "bitch gel" Sarge applied earlier.

Mr. Spignotti slid another Trojan condom on his quickly hardening cock. Apparently I would always be unsuitable to receive any precious Spignotti seed inside my butthole. He twisted my head around and began rubbing the latex-coated pole of meat all around my face; covering every inch of its surface with a slick coating of black Sergeant sperm as lubricant for his early morning fuck. Then Mr. Spignotti snarled, "I feel like dickin this bitch like the whore he is. Flip that pussy onto his back right here on the edge of your desk, Sgt. Carter" as I heard quiet murmurs and chants from behind the glass wall. Sgt. Carter deftly twisted my arms in a single rapid motion such that my body had no recourse but to follow. My legs fell loosely over the edge, my butt was positioned exactly where Mr. Spignotti wanted it; at crotch level ready for early morning plowing. Sgt. Carter firmly held both of my arms to the table; the effort brought his face intimately close to his own. My legs were forced up and around Mr. Spignotti's silk suit covered hips in the classic mission-style position. I felt Sgt. Carter's hot breath on my face and saw the look of glee in the eyes of Mr. Spignotti as he drove his slimy latex covered cock through the slit in the panties and rammed it balls deep in one powerful thrust. "Fuck yeah", I heard, "Fuckin Fuck yeah". It was like the sound of a man pushing out a gigantic turd as Mr. Spignotti seemed to entirely engulf my slim body. The first thrust was so powerful that it momentarily knocked the air out of me as a new dread filled my mind. If this was only the first plunge, what else was in store for me next?

Without a moment's pause for my cunt to adjust to this new intrusion Mr. Spignotti started right into full fuck stride. He starting jabbing and poking viscously at my hole, slamming his hard cock balls deep with each thrust. The pain was incredible as I felt like I was being ripped apart by this powerful and domineering man thrusting wildly above my sprawling pink body. Even as the plunges continued there was a kind of control in his attack on me; like Mr. Spignotti was methodically probing every side and corner of my butt hole. The thrusts and the pain started building in intensity as Mr. Spignotti threw his head back in order to increase the power behind each thrust. Sgt. Carter's strong hands held me firmly in place as the pounding from above would have been strong enough to drive me from the table to the floor otherwise.

I clenched my eyes and tried my best to ignore the incredible pain of Mr. Spignotti's assault but I simply couldn't. Without a hard cock to take the edge off, I could feel nothing but pain; not a hint of pleasure would ever come from any of Mr. Spignotti's fucks. Slowly I began to feel like a punching bag as I realized that Mr. Spignotti was using my hole like he would use a punching bag in a gym. Suddenly his comment about 20 minutes on the bag hit home as I started to worry I couldn't take twenty minutes of this. Mr. Spignotti was using his cock like a fist and was punch-fucking me for all he was worth. Sgt. Carter was like the trainer standing behind the bag as I was pummeled from the inside by a latex covered cock. Each thrust shoved me back a few inches on the desk as Sgt. Carter would reposition me on the up-thrust for the next downward plunge. They became the perfect fuck team as a natural rhythm set in determined entirely by Mr. Spignotti.

Mr. Spignotti was the true Boss here and he determined the pace and the angle of each latex-covered cock punch. Sgt. Carter followed his lead with precision and all I could do was to try my best to please the powerful and sadistic owner so the pain would end as quickly as possible. The "punching" never ended but simply continued indefinitely. I knew I couldn't stand anymore but I was powerless to do anything about it. Tears welled in my eyes as I tried to struggle and sit up but was I held firmly in place by the strong black hands of a soldier who was clearly enjoying the show.

Throughout the entire ordeal so far Sgt. Carter would whisper in my ear, too quietly for Mr. Spignotti to hear, things like, "Fuck yeah, now that's how to use a honky hole" or "Get used to this bitch" or even "My-o-my, sure does this ole Sergeant's heart good watchin little honky bitch getting used, scum. Fucking does my heart a heap o' good". Sarge would occasionally send shivers down my spine with a painful bite on my ear during the particularly cruel and painful fuck sequences. Without a hard dick to divert my attention and help alleviate the pain I was forced to think of nothing else but the sadistic cock stabbing me relentlessly. The dual purpose of pain for me and recreation for Mr. Spignotti was obvious; to me, to Sgt. Carter and even to the horny truckers behind the glass. Simply put my hole was being used as a punching bag for the physical recreation of Mr. Spignotti and my own pain and humiliation was of no consequence to either man in the room.

I began to panic and became almost claustrophobic as these two men enveloped and inserted themselves into my inner most part of me; Mr. Spignotti into my body and Sgt. Carter into my psyche. The pounding got worse and worse and my struggles to get away were met by amusement and derision by the two men who held dominion over me. I cried out, I screamed, I tried to twist and turn to alleviate some of the pain to no benefit. A look at the clock on the wall told me that Mr. Spignotti had already gone over the twenty minutes and showed no sign of ending anytime soon. I was beside myself and the flashes, cheers and chants of the waiting truckers behind the class didn't make me feel any better. I felt like a trapped animal as instinct took over as I instinctively tried anything to make the attack end. My arms were held firmly in place by Sgt. Carter who met my struggles with a quiet "That's right honky, fight all you want. Won't make no difference and might just prolong the inevitable. SSSSHIIIITTTT honky, I seen Mr. Spignotti here plow pussies at the Trove for fucking hours on end; fuckin hours and hours. I seen that bastard turn virgin honky hole like yours into fuckin hamburger, just for the god damned fun of it".

Well this was too much for my mind to take and I snapped. I don't know what make me do it, instinct I guess, but I simply had to make the pounding stop, even if only for a minute. Shit even if only for a few seconds, I simply had to make the pounding stop. Without my arms to fight Mr. Spignotti off all I could do was to wrap my legs around his waist and squeeze him as tight as possible. I screamed out, "Please no more, no more. I can't take any more, please." I was desperate to do anything to make the pain stop. All I heard from above me was a sharp, "What the fuck?", as a right fist slammed my face with three short powerful jabs followed immediately by two strong Italian hands pounding my head onto the desk until I reluctantly released my pitiful attempt to restrain Mr. Spignotti. After that all hell broke loose as gasps then cheers went up behind the glass.

Mr. Spignotti went into a rage like I had never seen before. I thought I was deadmeat as he kept his cock buried balls deep in my battered hole shouting, "What the fuck was that you little fuckwadd bastard?!! You got the nerve to try to stop me from fucking that bitch hole?!! God dammit I aughtta fucking slit your throat right now! Fucking bitch should be thanking me for the dicking your disgusting hole not fuckin complaining!" Then, looking over at Sgt. Carter he declared, "Your instincts are right Sergeant, this bitch needs to learn his place if he's gonna stay here. We got to teach this bitch a fuckin lesion". Mr. Spignotti roughly reached under my legs and painfully twisted my legs up then downward to the table with his hands on the underside of each knee. My knees were pressed painfully onto the table. His entire weight was on his hands forcing my legs into a very unnatural position the purpose of which was to entirely prevent my use of my own legs with the additional advantage of raising my newly vulnerable butthole up and forward for perfect frontal assault by Mr. Spignotti's cock. From that moment on Mr. Spignotti started power-fucking my hole with all the strength he had. He would slam his dick in full force then rip it out all the way just to slam it home again. The sharp slapping sounds of cock against pussy echoed throughout the office. The sounds exploded in my ears as each smack sound was matched by an internal punch from the terrible monstrous cock. The pounding was excruciating and didn't stop. I was quickly and methodically reduced to a worthless piece of shit whose only purpose and reason for being at the warehouse was to provide a fuck hole for Mr. Spignotti's relentless and insatiable cock.

There was nothing for me to do now but endure the "beating"; made all the worse by the cheers behind the glass and the stern "Take it Bitch, take it all honky" louder now from Sgt. Carter at my head. It was as if he was encouraging Mr. Spignotti to give me what I deserved. I didn't have the use of my arms or legs and my butthole was in the perfect whore fuck position. I made the mistake of looking up into the face of Mr. Spignotti as he was hammering full force into me. He met my pleading gaze with complete rage and fury spewing insults like acid rain upon my already traumatized psyche. Mr. Spignotti spewed a steady stream of insults; each punctuated with cock punches saying, "Fuckin faggot think you're too good to be dicked huh? Too fuckin good to take my fuckin dick. You're nothin but a fuckin cum slut, a god damned fuckin cum slut as far as I'm concerned. Shit, fuck yeah, take it bitch; take my fuckin dick inside that fuckin bitch hole. Take it deep like the fuckin whore you are. Fuckin trucker bitch whore. Little trucker bitch whore just itching for my dick antcha slut?..." Mr. Spignotti viscously pounded my hole with each significant syllable of his tirade. He was quite literally driving his points home to me. There was an irregular cadence to the hate-fuck he was inflicting upon me that prevented me from anticipating the next teeth jarring thrust. I was left to endure the verbal onslaught at the same time as the excruciating cunt pounding.

Slowly my mind began to fold in upon itself as my body was beaten and pulverized. I was unable to do anything to make the torture end, my arms and legs were pinned painfully to the desk top. Gradually natural resistance faded as I learned to accept my new role; a fuck hole for Mr. Spignotti to pound. My new purpose was to provide recreation, entertainment and recreation to that latex covered dick slamming relentlessly inside me. My whole consciousness centered on two things; my butthole and Mr. Spignotti's dick. Nothing else mattered now, just the pleasure my cunt could give to his cock.

Mr. Spignotti checked several times to make sure my dick had stayed soft and I knew I would have been finished if it hadn't. All this really meant was that the torture could continue and I actually did think that one way to make this all end would be to make my dick hard. I marveled new at the incredibly strong survival instincts central to all human beings. Gradually I started babbling, pleading for Mr. Spignotti to stop. I promised him anything if he would, that I'd do what ever he wanted if he'd stop. This just seemed to amuse the bastard as he flashed me an evil grin saying, "Don't you worry none, bitch. You'll do exactly what I want in any case. I sure as shit can assure you of that" to laughter between Mr. Spignotti and Sgt. Carter. I couldn't stop myself. I kept up my pleading until Mr. Spignotti had had enough. He callously instructed Sgt. Carter, "Sergeant, I'm tired of this belly aching. Cram whatever the fuck you want down his throat so I can plow the bitch in peace". Sgt. Carter was not the kind that needed to think long and hard about a command like this as I heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper descending for the third time that night.

Sgt. Carter was already poised with his crotch at my head so a simple press on my forehead downward had me in the perfect position for a second throat rape of the night by Sgt. Carter's humungous shiny black cock. Already a generous coating of precum dribbled from the dick head. This time all I heard was, "Fuck Yeahhhh!!" as my throat expanded suddenly and my adam's apple was forced up and out of the way of the quickly descending cock head. I was forced to image what the scene looked like as camera flashes reminded me this was all being preserved on film; my face blushed a rosy glow as Sgt. Carter began picking up the speed of his second honky throatin of my very first shift at Spignotti and Sons.

This seems like a good place to end this chapter. I'm always interested in comments and suggestions. Write me at

Next: Chapter 13

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