Brutal Trucker Sex

By moc.loa@009lohnaD

Published on May 17, 2006


Just on the last syllable of "Hoorah" I felt the intense pain of a full kick to the groin by Sgt. Carter's steel toed work boot. The power behind the kick would have been strong enough to knock the wind out of me if the massive black column of meat wasn't stuffing my throat opening at this very second. I saw stars from the pain as my entire consciousness focused on the pain in my balls. I instinctively doubled over trying to protect my balls from further assault. This pain became my entire center of attention for only an instant as waves of pain and nausea swelled over my body from my groin outward. I was yanked back to reality by the sounds of the grunt of a man under heavy exertion, like he was trying to lift an extremely heavy package. The grunt came from Sgt. Carter above me and he wasn't lifting but simply trying to shove his hard saliva covered cock head through my throat hole opening. In the instant that the kick diverted my attention Sgt. Carter used this opportunity start his drive home; a tactical maneuver taught at the West Point no doubt. All events conspired against me as I fought to keep that massive black invader from my throat. The shock of the kick opened my throat as I tried to scream, my head was thrown forward at high speed as I doubled over into an instinctive protective position and as Sgt. Carter slammed his hips forward at the same instant he tugged sharply on my blond hair driving my head onto the pole of meat.

It felt like everything was happening in slow motion; like when you can see an automobile accident happening but are powerless to do anything to change these events. Sgt. Carter's massive cock head tore my throat open and slowly started the inevitable plunge to the full depths; before I knew it I was impaled on that black "PUSSY POUNDER". His heavy black balls slammed against my chin and my head and neck were forced into an unnatural ramrod straight position, like I was straining to look up at the stars at night. A sharp tug on my blond hair reminded me to look up at Sgt. Carter as I was met by a wide smile of pleasure on his face. Sgt. Carter was a man who had many, many talents and was obviously very experienced in this sort of thing. I knew instinctively that mine was not the first throat he had raped in this way. Sgt. Carter looked down at me with my lips pressed fully against his abdomen obviously enjoying the feelings. "God damn you honkys sure as shit look good with black cock down your throat. Those pretty red lips stretchin round the base of ole Pounder there. Jus bout the best place for honkies if you ask me" he sneered. His smile widen and a twinkle formed in his eye as he added, "But fuck man what am I saying, you can't ask me now can you, pussy boy? Not with ole Sergeant's sausage lodged in your throat" as he burst out laughing, clearly amused with his little joke. "Shit, that's one fuckin hot throat you got there pussy boy" he continued slowly, not moving his cock an inch since the first plunge. "Damn you fuckin queer honkies sure do know how your ole Sergeant likes his throatin, don't you boy? Shit you motha-fuckas ll do jus `bout anything for a taste a hard black cock, aint that so, fuck face? Fuckin crackers only good for dicking, far as I'm concerned" he sneered under his breath.

Sgt. Carter threw his head back in ecstasy with a strong grip on the back of my head. I knew I wasn't getting off this cock until Sgt. Carter decided I was. The pain of this new battering is impossible to describe accurately. The pain in my groin was overwhelming in itself but the pain in my throat completely consumed me as I struggled to get that hard black cock out of me. Sgt. Carter was loving my struggles, having no trouble keeping me pinned to the desk with his legs. He was enjoying my gagging motions and the involuntary throat spasms along his cock shaft. "That's right baby, massage ole Sergeant's cock, work me up to a fuckin righteous lather with that face pussy. Ahh Fuck. God Dammit. Fuck yeah. Shit honky, you're a fuckin natural, a fuckin natural throat pussy" he moaned with that rigid black monster still buried to the hilt in my torn throat.

I was starting to get scared as I felt myself running out of air. I pleaded with my eyes for Sgt. Carter to please pull out so I could breathe. Tears welled up in my eyes as I felt powerless to confront this man who was clearly only interested in his own pleasure. Sgt. Carter was thinking with his dick now and not his head. I was getting concerned for my life; not sure the bastard wouldn't let me suffocate right there on his cock. All the while those bastards on the other side of the glass wall didn't lend a hand to help me. Instead, all I saw were flash after flash of cameras. All sorts of strange thoughts went through my mind as my oxygen depleted brain started to hallucinate. I imagined how the employees of Spignotti and Sons would dispose of my body; that they were probably very experienced with this and that I would end up in a land fill in the Meadowlands, just up the freeway.

But the bastard wasn't even looking at me now; so enraptured with his new throat pussy and the sensations it was giving his cock. Time dragged as I fought against the brute to no effect. Suddenly when as I was completely out of air and my face was flushed and blue Sgt. Carter started a series of rapid jabbing motions with his cock, pulling back just a few inches and slamming it home again as his balls slapped my chin with each down thrust. "Fuck yeah!", I heard, "Fuckin Fuckin yeah!!". I still couldn't breathe and the jabs were tearing my throat to shreds. I was almost completely unconscious as Sgt. Carter mercilessly whipped his cock from my throat in one painful motion. "Useless fuckwadd slut" he spat as he released my hair from his grip and stepped back from the desk.

I collapsed on the floor clutching my throat trying to get air while trying not to vomit. The first gasp of air hurt as much as Sgt. Carter's cock going in; so sensitive was my throat from the assault. Wave after wave of nausea welled over me as adrenaline flooded my system as the millennia old fight or flight system took over. In this situation however, the nausea only incapacitated me further as I lay on the floor, gasping for breath in the fetal position clutching my aching balls pleading for Sgt. Carter to, "Please stop. No more, please. I can't take it. Please Sir, you'll kill me. I can't take anymore, Please. Please have a little empathy". Well empathy was apparently not in his vocabulary as he spit the word back at me saying, "Fuckin m-path-I', a honky slut like you don't deserve no fuckin m-path-I'", as he stood towering over me with his arms crossed enjoying the sight of his newest honky bitch writhing on the floor clutching my throat and groin. He had that evil gleam in his eye, like I'd seen before with Mr. Spignotti and even my nemesis Pete Blackmore. There he stood like the Lord of the manor looking down on his serfs. I knew I was in trouble still when I say that massive black pole with the shiny black hood and head jutting from the crisp pressed uniform and the massive heavy (and fuckin still full!!!) black bull balls hanging below.

Something told me this ordeal wouldn't be over until those balls had been drained, probably somewhere inside me. I heard laughter, grunting and cheers on the other side of the glass as I remembered the gang of horny truckers impatiently waiting their turns. Without warning Sgt. Carter grabbed my hair and dragged me back into position by his desk saying sharply, "Quite your fuckin belly-aching. That was only one fuck stroke, scumbag. It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than that to drain these fuckin Army balls. Back to work fuck face, back to fuckin work", as laughter erupted on both sides of the glass.

Sgt. Carter grabbed my hair and positioned my face at crotch level and started rubbing his shiny black cock head over my pouty red lips again. I did not need to be told to keep eye contact as our eyes locked once again. This time though, in order to remind me of my precarious position he roughly kicked my knees apart so that my vulnerable balls were exposed for any new attack he desired. Sgt. Cater then started rubbing his steel toed work boot over the pink roses of my panties. My concentration was torn between the dick at my lips and the boot at my balls and dread filled me with the thought of each. I struggled to protect both vulnerable areas without any real defenses of either.

"Fuckin slut", Sgt. Carter sneered, "I pounded the shit out of your balls and that pink dick of yours is still fuckin stiff as a board. You're thinking `bout your ole Sergeant's dick aintcha boy, thinking how good it felt crammed down your honky throat, right faggot?" Truth be told, my cock was actually bursting from the tight pink panties. As the steel toe ran over my cock and tapped my balls I understood how little protection they actually offered from a determined steel-toed work boot. The monstrous black cock started probing my lips again at the very instant I felt the toe lower the panties with a sharp twang as the elastic snapped under my aching balls freeing my cock and balls for whatever assault Sgt. Carter had in mind. With our eyes still locked Sgt. Carter started grinding all the dirt and grim from the bottom of his work boot into my hard and sensitive pink cock enjoying the look of pain in my eyes as much as the look of black leather against my white dick.

Slowly the black "Pussy Pounder" parted my lips again gaining access to my mouth and started tapping on the opening of my throat again, all the time the boot was probing and inspecting my sensitive groin area. A cruel game developed where Sgt. Carter would pretend to haul his foot back preparing to kick again just to watch me cower and try to protect myself. Then he'd grab my head with both hands like he was going to thrust all the way in to the balls again to enjoy the look of fear in my eyes. Through this whole ordeal I learned never to unlock my gaze with Sgt. Carter. If I did a sharp tug on my blond hair reset my gaze onto the towering black man with complete dominion over me; a hard cock, full set of balls and an evil wicked attitude in control of the whole package. Slowly over time I learned to forget about the menace of the boot and just concentrate on the cock in my mouth as the same trance-like state came over me.

I was only half surprised as I felt the same kick to my balls, this time with less power and the same slamming of the black balls against my chin. Again the inevitable slow motion stab of the black cock started to fill my throat canal to overflowing. All this without loosing eye contact as I could see the pleasure my throat was giving Sgt. Carter in his eyes. For this plunge Sgt. Carter didn't waste time savoring the heat and tightness of my throat. Rather as soon as his cock hit bottom he pulled it almost all the way out and shoved it back in to the hilt. He did this twenty, thirty times, an uncounted number of times, each thrust faster and more powerful than the one before. With our eyes locked I was forced to jerk my head upwards with each downward plunge as the hard tube of black meat straightened the natural curve of the human throat into a ramrod straight freeway for his cock. My throat became a fuck tube for that humongous black cock and my natural mucus and saliva lubricated it enough that Sgt. Carter got a very fast and powerful rhythm going. "Shit", I heard, "You really do look good with my cock down your throat, honky" he snickered as my attention returned to the cock. I heard muffled chants of some kind from behind the glass but my entire concentration was on providing the black cock in my throat as much pleasure as I could.

With a little training and encouragement from Sgt. Carter I learned to loosen and tighten my throat muscles upon command. My breathing fell into the rhythm of the fucker above me. Sometimes I would make myself start to gag as the involuntary convulsions sent shivers of pleasure through the angry black Sergeant towering over me. Sgt. Carter had set up full-force fuck-strokes by this time; like those the truckers had used on my butt hole last Thursday. The difference was that this time the fuck hole was my throat and the cock was the biggest blackest cock I'd ever seen. With my arms still pinned to the desk by Sgt. Carter's legs there was nothing for me to do other then to gaze at those powerful angry brown eyes over me and work my throat so as to end this painful assault as quickly as possible. One time I thought I had him on the verge of cuming when the bastard firmly slapped me on the head, holding his twitching cock just inside my mouth. Desperate for this to end, I even tried tonguing and nursing the head but Sgt. Carter wasn't done with his pleasure fuck yet and told me so with a resolute backhand for my efforts. This sent me sprawling across the room.

By the time I'd regained my senses Sgt. Carter was collected and ready to facefuck again. Still, through all this his uniform looked perfectly clean and pressed while I was a sweating, dripping mess with my open mouth aching to be fucked by black cock. This time no surprise tactics were needed as my throat was unceremoniously filled to overcapacity for the umpteenth time that night. About twenty minutes later, our gazes still locked, I could feel the unmistakable power thrusts that portend the inevitable release of pent up ball juice.

But Sgt. Carter wasn't satisfied to just dump his seed down my throat into my gullet. I expected the throat fuck to build to the inevitable crescendo finishing with that now familiar frantic lunge as deep into my hole as possible; that almost universal need to deposit seed as deeply as possible. But Sgt. Carter surprised me, as the high point approached he brutally yanked that black monster from my throat shouting, "Open wide, fuck face. I wanna see my seed on that pretty pink tongue of yours. You're gonna be tasting Army cum for the rest of the night, got that shithead?" he added, our gazes still locked.

I could feel him jerking his shaft using my throat juices for lube as that gigantic head swelled even further and seemed to cover my entire tongue. He still gripped my blond hair with a death grip so I knew there was no way I could escape the inevitable. I felt his body stiffen and the jerking became more frantic as I heard, "Yeah, fuck. Shit. Yeah, ummnph, Fuck Yeah! Fuckin take my load honky. Take this Army load of cum into that trucker slut mouth. Fuck yeah, umnngh Fuck". Sgt. Carter spit out these words with utter contempt as his angry stare bore down on me with increased intensity. I felt six or seven large gushes of hot liquid spraying into my mouth and was able to catch all of it onto my tongue. To hold all the slimy liquid I was forced to form a kind of bowl with my tongue, curling the edges upward to hold the hot fluid back. Sgt. Carter spat out the final, "Shit, god dammit, shit, fuckin honky bitch" as he shook the last drops of cum from his hard black cock into the lake on my tongue.

Looking down at his accomplishment he smiled with a look of triumph, studying the white goo inside my mouth, saying, "Fuck Yeah, that's one BEE-U-Tee-full sight, fuckface. A fucking work of art." Slowly he worked his black cock head around my tongue enjoying the sensations and my look of disgust as I tasted for the first time his gigantic load of spooge. The taste was bitter, musky and sweet all at the same time. He saw my look of disgust and smiled, apparently proud that he had reduced a blond honky 18 year old suburban kid to a black sperm-eating slut. He warned me, "Enjoy the taste fucker but don't swallow yet. I want to savor the look on that pretty pink face as my baby makers slowly slide down that tongue. You're really a cum-hound now, Bitch; a fuckin honky cum-hound. Bet you never thought you'd be chowing on black Army dick and swallowing so much slime but ole Sergeant here will keep you in ball juice, keep you in all the fuckin black ball juice you can take."

A feeling of nausea came over me as the picture of all this cum in my mouth hit me for the very first time. During my interview at Spignotti and Sons there simply hadn't been time to dwell on this before for as soon as one load was deposited the next cock was pumping away looking for relief. Still twirling his cock head around my slimy tongue Sgt. Carter sneered, "Fuck that's pretty, fuckin BEE-U-tee-full" he said again just to make sure I understood. My face reddened with shame as I was being made a cumdump by this powerful and domineering black man.

A twinkle came into Sgt. Carter's eyes as he seemed to be actually coating his cock head with his cum, getting as much on it as he could before he slowly slid it over the back of my tongue where the taste changed to one of bitterness as the sweetness disappeared. "Savor that goo, Spunky. Get a good ole taste of Sergeant cum, boy" he said as he drove his still hard cock back down my throat.

The volume was too much for me and took me by surprise as I choked and gagged. A large wad of slimy goo spurted out my nose and onto my chin as Sgt. Carter burst out in laughter and drove his cock with increasing ferocity as more cum leaked from my mouth and my nose. Each thrust in sent more cum out my nose and more laughter from the Sergeant. I heard Sgt. Carter sneer, "Fuckin BEE-U-tee-full" to more laughter and genuine amusement at my predicament. I was a slimy mess and Sgt. Carter was enjoying these new sensations of black cock sliding through slick red honky lips. More camera flashes from behind the glass door humiliated me further. I must have been a sight to behold because Sgt. Carter seemed enraptured with the whole scene.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the sound of a man clapping behind me; slowly at first, but then increasing as if this were the conclusion of some kind of Opera. I couldn't turn my head to see who it was but I was looking up into Sgt. Carter's eyes as a broad smile filled his face and he blurted out, "Holy Fuck. Well I'll be damned"

End of Chapter 11. Write me if you're enjoying the series or if you have any suggestions or comments. Write me directly at

Next: Chapter 12

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