Bruised Love

By Daniel M

Published on May 22, 2011



If you are under the legal age of 18 (or 21, depending on local law) please discontinue reading. If homosexual content and themes offend you, please do not read further. I accept no responsibilities if the written text offends as you are reading it of free choice. This work remains solely my property and may not be reproduced without prior request.

Always remember safe sex is the way to go. Don't pick something up when you pick him up.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events and any real situation are purely coincidental, unless otherwise noted.

A Message from the Author:

I would like to thank Nifty for publishing my writing which they have kindly been posting on the site for the last 9 years. To Jeff for his love and support. Deeze for her unwavering support of my writing over the last 7 years... thank you. To Billy... for no other reason than you keep my spirits light with your banter and emails during my working day. Ok, maybe also because I call you a friend and value your friendship greatly.


Story's Yahoo Group:

The Story:

Bruised Love 18 By Daniel M

Cameron awoke to the gentle breeze blowing in through the window. The curtains flapped lazily in the summer breeze. The lazy tranquillity let him slowly come to the realization he was in bed alone. He slid his hand over to the other side of the bed and realized that it was still warm and figured Andrew hadn't been awake long. Looking out the window, he could see the clear sky above him and hoped that he could lift his friend back to his feet. He sighed to himself at the thought of what it was going to take to help Andrew heal. It wasn't a thought he relished but knew that regardless, he would be there.

Trudging out to the balcony, he found Andrew in what had become his favourite chair. He wasn't even looking out over the water blankly like he normally did. He was looking at his arm and carefully tracing his finger around the ornate 'CS' which sat proudly his up his arm. The darkness of the ink in stark contrast to the golden hued skin. So lost in his thoughts, Andrew didn't realize Cameron was there until he felt Cameron sit beside him.

"Do you regret it?" Cameron asked quietly. His own fears of what Andrew might say lacing his voice. Andrew continued to look at his arm and then over at Cameron's which proudly bore his own initials. His silence in the gaze started to unsettle the normally placate calm that Cameron exuded.

"No force of God or man could ever make me take it back." Andrew finally answered softly. A gentle smile whispered across his lips as he finally lifted his eyes. Cameron stared into them, searching for whatever was making these emotions float so close to the surface.

"We didn't move too fast did we? I know you're still recovering and..." Cameron's words were silenced by a finger placed lightly against his lips. Andrew shook his head at the fears that flowed in waves.

"Which time do you think we moved too fast? The time in the shower or when I was just about hanging out the window?" Andrew asked lightly. Cameron, for the first time in recent memory, blushed. Andrew marvelled as the red tint started at the top of Cameron's ears and flowed down through his cheeks, neck and spread lightly across his chest.

"Then what are you thinking about?" Cameron asked when he finally found his voice again.

"You marked yourself for me." Andrew replied quietly, his eyes downcast. Cameron leaned in and captured Andrew's lips with his own.

"I wouldn't mark myself for anyone Andy. You are the only one." Cameron said softly letting his hand travel up to cup Andrew's chin and lift his eyes to meet Cameron's own.

"I think you're a fool for it. I can't help but love you for it either." Andrew said quietly. The ghost of a smile gently pulled at the corners of his mouth. This time it didn't whisper away but stayed there as he looked at Cameron, for the first time in a long time seeing the warmth that they held. Andrew leaned forwards and kissed Cameron.

Finally pulling away from the kiss, Andrew smiled abashed and looked away, unable to remove the smile from his face.

"Was that okay?" He asked. Cameron's mouth fell open.

"Okay? That was phenomenal Andy." Came the quick reassurance. Andrew's face again lit up with pleasure and Cameron recognised the first glimmers of Andrew's healing.

The pair slowly went down to the beach and made their way along the shore, looking out over the water and not talking. As the walk grew, Cameron reached out and slipped his hand into Andrew's. He looked at Cameron in mild surprise but then back out over the water. Leaning in, Cameron whispered softly into Andrew's ear.

"I love you." Andrew looked back at Cameron and smiled at the sentiment. Without saying anything further, the pair ventured off together walking down the beach and watching serenely as the waves lapped at the shore.

Entering the beach house, Cameron led Andrew over to the couch. Lying back on the couch, he pulled Andrew down on top of him. Feeling Andrew have a flash of tension ripple through his body, Cameron loosely wrapped his arms around his friend's shoulders. Andrew smiled softly and relaxed a little feeling safe in the warm embrace. The pair lay there in silence listening to the sounds of the ocean and wind whispering gently outside.

"Where does our future take us Andy?" Cameron asked his friend gently.

"Forwards Cam. I don't want to live in the past or dwell anymore."

Andrew lay on his back, half awake with his eyes closed. He could hear the slap of flesh hitting flesh ringing in his ears. Bruise upon bruise layering upon the sensitive layers of flesh. He remembered the sobs that had fallen up deaf ears. The sneer that seemed to linger in the dark as it faded from sight. As he slowly opened his eyes, he near swore he saw the same sneer floating in front of his eyes. Instead he reached up to knuckle his eyes. Instead he found his cheeks wet with tears he didn't realise had even fallen. Andrew lay there wondering why Cameron had forgiven him when he couldn't even forgive himself. Letting himself be fooled. Leaving behind those who loved him. Betraying Cameron and abandoning Mitch. Everywhere he looked he could see the mistakes he'd made. He realised the longer he thought about it, the more freely the tears started to fall.

Cameron watched from the door way as the tears slipped down over his friend's face. He hoped that finally crying would help before moving to the bed and lying beside his broken lover. Andrew jumped at feeling the bed dip but was reassured as Cameron slipped his arms around Andrew and pulled him back against him. The demons of the night seemed to now leak into the daylight and Cameron was going to protect Andrew as best he could. He felt Andrew turn in his arms and bury his face into Cameron's neck. The tears slowly subsided and Cameron felt Andrew's breathing even out. Cameron let go of a breath he wasn't even aware he had be holding.

Cameron woke some time later and found Andrew still curled up and lying on top of him. He smiled at the simple beauty of the act and warmth that flooded through him. Trying to move as gently as possible, Cameron craned his neck down to kiss Andrew. He was surprised when he turned his head back to see vibrant hazel eyes looking at him.

"Evening." Cameron said gently. Andrew said nothing but continued to look at him. Cameron reached up to brush Andrew's hair out of his eyes.

"You okay?" He asked eventually. After a moment of silence, Andrew leaned in and kissed Cameron's lips gently. The first light brush of lips was greeted with surprise but then as they didn't retreat, Cameron settled more into it, feeling his own lips move against Andrew's. The feeling of familiarity awash within Cameron's skin. The burning of desire that sparked within his chest at threatened to consume him as it did every time he kissed Andrew.

Andrew, as apprehensive as he was, was remembering the reasons why he need not be afraid and just let himself go with Cameron. Sliding into warm memories and become awash with desire for the man who lay beneath him. Andrew groaned as he positioned himself so he was lying atop Cameron and groaned into the kiss as he felt Cameron's obvious arousal grind into his own.

Cameron's lips left Andrew's and worked the way down along the jaw line and down his neck. Andrew's head fell back as pleasure lit his veins and moved him and pulled him closer to Cameron. Reaching down he pulled Cameron's lips up to his own and let his hands wander down over Cameron's body. He took pleasure in the way that it felt under his fingers. He reached down further and grabbed the bottom of Cameron's shirt tugging it up. Eventually the pair worked the shirt off and Andrew let his mouth trail down over Cameron's body. His hands tangling lightly at the hair that grew on chest while his tongue flicked out and over Cameron's nipples. The slow teasing way he sucked on them and manipulated them. He squawked in surprise as Cameron flipped them over and began to kiss Andrew's neck gently.

Andrew arched his back in delight and ran his hands through Cameron's hair. Cameron kissed his way down over Andrew chest and then body. He got to the bottom of Andrew's shirt and looked up grinning. His lover was looking thoroughly kissed and dishevelled. Pushing the shirt up a bit he saw Andrew look down at him. Smiling, he lifted the shirt and kissed his way across Andrew's body and moved further up until the material grew too taut for him to proceed further. Reaching up, Cameron pulled Andrew's shirt up only to have it catch on the back of his head and get stuck. He felt Andrew chuckle softly as he pulled the shirt down slightly before pulling his head out and then lifting the shirt the rest of the way off. Holding himself up off the bed, he looked down over Andrew's body and smiled. He looked at his lover's face and saw a mixture of arousal, discomfort and tenderness all mixed in together. Leaning down, he captured his lover lips gently. His gentle coaxes pulling his lover close. Andrew smiled and kissed back, his body reacting automatically and his legs parting to reach up and wrap around Cameron's waist. Their kiss deepened as tongues danced against each other.

Their tranquil mood shattered as beside them, Cameron's phone began to screech with a rendition of some cheesy radio track that was set as the ring tone. Andrew sighed into the kiss and pulled his head back before turning his head and reaching for the phone. Cameron buried his head into Andrew's shoulder.

"Hello?... Yeah, he's here... just a sec." Andrew spoke into the phone before nudging Cameron slightly. Cameron lifted his head and looked at Andrew curiously. Andrew passed the phone to him and mouthed Mitch to him. Cameron nodded and took the phone.

"Yeah?... Tomorrow most likely... okay, yeah no problems.... alright, see you soon." Cameron said clicking off the phone. Andrew looked at Cameron curiously.

"Mitch said that Nessa has been invading and making demands for you since yesterday afternoon." Cameron told him smirking. Andrew sighed for a moment and then nodded his head reaching up and pulling Cameron down, hungrily seeking his lover's lips. Cameron moved on instinct and felt his lips move against Andrew's and lost himself in the sensation of euphoria that washed over him as he felt a piece of Andrew fall back into place.

The next day found Andrew and Cameron on the road back to the city where jobs, reality and friends awaited them. Cameron watched Andrew twist restlessly in the sit again, trying to find a comfortable position.

"Will you sit still?" Asked Cameron, narking lightly.

"I would except it's a little uncomfortable after having someone being a little insatiable last night." Andrew snarked back.

"So that was a complaint I heard last night between the more and harder?" Cameron asked. Andrew blushed lightly and reached forward to change the radio station again. He stilled his hand as Cameron looked at him sharply.

"Are you ready to see everyone again?" Cameron asked gently. Andrew shrugged uneasily.

"I know that they're not real angry with me but I... I don't know. I have some demons who haunt me about it. I still hear his voice in my head sometimes and it repeats that I'm worthless and tells me all my fears are true and you'll all see the taint on my soul and walk away." Andrew admitted. Cameron reached out and held Andrew's hand gently and squeezed.

"Even if your soul was tainted, we'd love you all the same Andy. Don't ever forget that your friends are your friends and will accept you however you came to them." Cameron said quietly.

"I know, but Cam..." Andrew began.

"No Andy. No but about it. You know that they love you. Nessa and Mitch are there for you. I'm here for you. We... I love you." Cameron told him gently, squeezing his hand for reassurance. Andrew looked over and smiled. It wasn't the carefree smile that Cameron grew up with but it was a start.

Walking into the apartment, Andrew was propelled backwards into Cameron who was closing the door. Both of them went down with Vanessa on top bouncing up and down on top of them.

"You're home! Finally! I've been going insane with only Fairy Dust to keep me company." She squealed excitedly.

"It was you and Andy who threw the glit... oh why do I even bother?" Asked Mitch standing a little behind the tangled pile of friends.

"What's wrong Andy? You've been back for five minutes and there's been no caustic remark. Don't tell me you're acid tongue is no longer dangerous?" Vanessa asked. Andrew glared up at her.

"It's about as harmless as your nipples on a cold morning." Andrew grumbled. Vanessa cheered happily.

"Yay! He's back!" Andrew contemplated finding a wall to beat his head against to give him an appropriate reason for the headache he could feel growing behind his eyes. From behind him he heard Cameron's voice rumble.

"Nessa, as much as I love Andy sitting on me, I prefer it naked and in private. Would you kindly get off us?" Vanessa blushed lightly and stood up and moved away from the pair. Andrew stood up and shook his head at Vanessa and stepped past her and stood in front of Mitch. Tilting his head to the side and looked straight into Mitch's eyes as though searching. Finding neither anger nor judgement in the eyes that looked back at him, Andrew wrapped his arms around Mitch and held him tightly. Mitch smiled understandingly and hugged his friend back and felt Andrew sag slightly in his arms.

Looking around the room, Andrew realised that there was no place left he would call home but where he was. Awash with the sense of right that played through his senses, Andrew didn't notice the door that opened and closed. He yelped and tried to get away with fright coursing through his body when a pair of arms encircled his waist and pulled him lightly back. He felt the arms tighten and a voice but couldn't hear it until he tried to turn and caught a glimpse in the mirror and then he forced himself to listen to the voice.

Cameron's baritone voice finally broke through the confusion of his mind and the fear slowly abated. When his breathing returned to normal, Andrew felt the arms loosen their grip and he turned within them leaning heavily on his friend, head resting lightly on Cameron's broad shoulders.

"Are you dealing okay?" Cameron asked. Andrew nodded his head against Cameron's shoulder. Cameron smiled and hugged his lover close, placing a simple kiss at Andrew's temple. The pair stood silently until Cameron released his grip and led Andrew to the bed and lay down beside him.

"So Andy, what do you dream of?" Cameron asked.

"Pain and screaming." Andrew answered blandly.

"I asked about your dreams not your nightmares. What do you dream of for the future?"

"Well, it's not that long ago I didn't believe I would have one. I guess I'm still struggling to come to terms with the fact that I do. I don't know really. I think I would like to be settled in a house somewhere. Nice car in the drive. My husband there with me. Our children playing in the yard with a dog." Andrew mused.

"How many kids?" Cameron asked, wrapping his arm around Andrew's shoulder.

"No more than two. Any more than that and I would spend all my wage on school fees."

"Why not public schooling? We didn't turn out too badly going there." Cameron huffed. Andrew smiled as he curled into Cameron's side.

"No, I think we turned out pretty well. Except for our drinking escapades... and for the attempts at smoking... and the drug habit... and the womanising... and the nights out gambling." Andrew mumbled.

"Should have gone to a Catholic school with all those sins." Cameron mumbled under his breath. Andrew snorted amusedly and settled his head onto Cameron's shoulder.

"You know what I dream?" Cameron asked. Andrew shook his head against Cameron's shoulder.

"I dream of driving up to a house with a beautiful yard and the man I love waiting at home for me. Of getting out of the car and hearing my kid's laughter from inside the house. Opening the door and putting my briefcase down. A set of stairs going up to the second level just inside the door with a beautiful white banister that I helped paint. Looking up and hearing my daughter's excited squeal calling me daddy as she leaps into my arms from the third or fourth step. Hearing my husband's voice from up the stairs as he chastises her for jumping. Looking up the stairs and seeing you standing there smiling down at us. My little girl in my arms and both of us smiling up at you."

"You dream of me in your future?" Andrew asked quietly, a feeling of warmth blossoming in his chest. Cameron pushed his lips against the top of Andrew's head.

"I couldn't have a future without you Andy. I love you." Cameron whispered. Andrew smiled and closed his eyes. The steady rise and fall of Cameron's chest lulling him softly to sleep.

The next day came far too early as far as Andrew was concerned. He cracked and eye and looked out the window to the view of red brick which formed the wall of the next building. Sighing, he sat up only to be pulled back down by the arm wrapped around his waist. Smirking he fell back against Cameron who planted several lazy kisses over Andrew's arm and ran his hand lightly over the warm thigh that lay before him. Andrew looked down and smiled.

"You have five seconds to unhand me before my inner-coffee monster kicks in and removes your arms and fist fucks you with them." Cameron's hold quickly let go and Andrew felt himself pushed off the bed. He looked back and saw Cameron's sleep mussed hair sticking up in all angles and his eyes half open as he slowly woke up.

"It's not much, but thank you for the weekend. I love you." Andrew admitted gently while pulling on his boxers and slipping quietly from the room.

Walking into the kitchen, Andrew looked up as a coffee mug was held in front of him. Looking up in surprise, he saw Mitch standing there, mug in hand and smiling.

"I don't want to take you on without caffeine in your system at least." Mitch grinned. Andrew decided to revert to being juvenile and stuck his tongue out at Mitch before turning on heel and walking out onto the balcony to have his drink in piece. He was halfway out the door when he heard a female's voice shatter the silence.

"ANDREW!! What is that on your arm?" Andrew cringed and turned to face Vanessa.

"Nessa, I believe that it's called a tattoo. Something that people have been getting for the last couple of years. They're probably just a fad but hey, why not?" Andrew snarked at her. Mitch shook his head and covered Vanessa's mouth.

"He hasn't had coffee yet. Stay very quiet and very still. I've heard that his sight is based on movement pre-coffee. You may make it out alive yet." Mitch stage whispered and then chuckled as Andrew flipped him off and turned back outside.

Andrew stayed outside, lost in his thoughts until he heard Vanessa's voice break the tranquillity again.

"He's got one too!" Andrew slapped his hand against his forehead and turned around to see what was going on. Vanessa had Cameron by the arm and was closely inspecting the new marking when she looked over at Andrew and then back to Cameron's arm.

"They match." She said in awe. Andrew sighed and walked in and sat down on the couch, Cameron seated beside him. Mitch and Vanessa both obediently sat down, waiting to hear what was going on. Andrew looked at Cameron and motioned him to tell the story.

"Well, we went away for the weekend as you know. We needed some time to us and to heal. While we were away, I realised that there is no man that could be better in my life and no woman who could compare. I wanted my body marked so he knows that as long as I have this body, I am to be his. I had Andy's initials tattooed on my arm and he had mine. It's our sign of commitment to each other that we will make it work." Cameron told them. Andrew reached out and took Cameron's hand in his own and smiled shyly. Cameron beamed back and looked back at the other pair. Mitch was grinning but Vanessa looked somewhat aghast. Cameron glanced over at Andrew who was watching Vanessa. He watched the happy smile disappear off his lover's face. He turned to glare at Vanessa who had risen to her feet.

"You freaking bitch. You got married and didn't invite me!" She fumed. Cameron breathed out a sigh of relief. Andrew just looked confused.

"You two just committed to each other. It's a helluva lot of work to get those fuckers taken off. You got something that can't be taken off. Rings come off and get hurled off the bridge all the time. You can't. You two are stuck with reminders of each other for the rest of your lives." She told him, her voice finally choking with emotion. Andrew stood and wrapped his arms around Vanessa's shoulders. She threw her arms around Andrew.

"You be happy now you hear me." She told him.

"I am Nessa, I love him." Andrew said quietly before looking at his lover and smiling.

I do apologise for how long it has taken me to write not a lot. I hope you did enjoy it. I couldn't leave it any longer because it was doing my head that the story was incomplete. I will warn people now that I am looking to wrap the story up shortly. Thank you for your wonderful support.

Regards Daniel M

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