Brothers Like Us

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Mar 31, 2002


BROTHERS LIKE US by Lawrence Michael Martell


Sean had called Silk, the brother he had met online and boned with that night, he didn't know really why he had called him but he told him about the situation. Silk listened and made a few comments then he invited himself over to Sean's hotel room. Sean said yes..he was a bit lonely and horny and Silk could get his mind off of the situation between himself and Shane. He missed Shane, he really did. They had been together for years and they were apart of each other never really being apart from each other any length of time. Why was Shane being so stupid about this? Why would he get back involved with Victor and move him into the house? Why was this happening? Didn't Shane realize that Victor Du Bois was just bad news period? Damnit! He was not going to get his mind all on Shane and Victor especially when he had company coming over and he had to think about a place to stay cause he was not going to be staying at this hotel for too long. Sean went into the bathroom, took a shower and put on his favor cologne, Coolwater, and waited for Silk to arrive. He laid back on the bed and remembered the last time he was with Silk. That nigga was serious, sexy,PHINE and he had skills in the sack. Sean's dick grew hard as he thought about Silk and what they would be doing very soon.

The knock on the door came about thirty minutes later and Sean went to the door and looked out of the peephole and he smiled as he saw Silk standing there. He opened the door and smiled at Silk. Silk walked into the room and sat right on the foot of the bed and looked at Sean and smiled briefly and then began taking off his shoes. Sean looked at Silk questioningly.

"Whatup?" Silk asked.

"Nothing," Sean said.

"Well, get your clothes off." Silk said as he pulled off his socks and then his jeans.

Sean blinked. "Huh?"

"Huh? There ain't no time for huh? Get your clothes off so we can get this party started."

Sean looked at Silk, who was just about naked except for his underwear, a sexy black thong and his dick was hard and peeking over and bulging all over the place. Sean was taking in the sight before him. Sean slowly began removing his clothes and when he was naked he joined Silk on the bed. Silk grabbed Sean close and kissed him hard, his tongue taking his mouth with such force that it startled Sean at first and when Silk reached for Sean's raging dick he gasped.

"Oh shit!" Sean gasped as Silk squeezed his dick. He reached over and grabbed Silk's dick in response causing Silk to moan and growl as he touched his hard dick. He reached down to feel his hairy balls, which were a nice size in his hand and the soft hair covering them turned him on even more. He squeezed one and then the other and Silk moaned as he did so.

"Yeah! Oh yeah! Squeeze them nuts!" Silk panted as he returned the favor to Sean's own balls.

Sean's one hand continued to squeeze. His other hand crept up Silk's muscular abdomen until it was entangled in his chest hair. He felt Silk's hard and bulging chest and began making slow circles around his nipples that were growing harder every minute.

Silk's breath grew faster and faster as Sean worked on his nipples. It was driving him wild and crazy. He pushed Sean's hand away from his chest and moved closer, encircling him with his powerful arms. He pulled Sean closer and tighter and Sean wrapped his arms around Silk's waist and they held each other in a viselike grips. Chest to chest, belly to belly, dripping dick to dripping dick, they held each other tightly and squirmed. The sweat pouring from all four pits. Manly aroma filled both of their nostrils and the room was saturated with the smell of hot sex. They grinded their dicks together until their crotches were soaked with sticky liquid.

Silk couldn't stand it anymore. He forced Sean down on the bed and kissed his mouth, neck, and chest as he spread Sean's thighs with his knees and slid between them as his hard eight and a half inch dick searched for Sean's hot ass.

"OH YEAH YOU FREAK!" Silk panted as he forced his dick into Sean's hot ass. Sean tried to focus on other things besides the incredible pain he was feeling. SHIT! This motherfucker was tearing him apart.

"E...Easy...S...SILK..." Sean moaned as he felt Silk's dick ramming his ass.

"No freak! You want this dick! You want it BAD!" Silk growled as he held Sean down. He continued to slam his dick into the tight ass and he was lost in the urge to blow his load in this nigga's ass.

"Silk!...Silk! hurting me!" Sean pleaded.

"Shut up slut! Gimme that ass!" Silk grunted pounding and grinding.


"Yeah Freak! like this dick!"

"Ahhhhh! Owwwww! Silk!"

"Shit..Yeah you want all this dick!"

Sean was getting scared and he had never been scared of a man before. Silk was hurting him and he didn't seem to care at all. He tried to get up but Silk just held him down and fucked him harder and harder. He felt like he was being split apart. The pain was intense and there was no damn pleasure at all. Sean laid still as fear gripped his body. Why was he doing this? Why?


Sean was glad he was going to cum. He wanted Silk out of his room and he wanted to take a shower and forget this whole day.

"OOOOH YEAH!....Yeah...AHHHHHH! FUCK! YEAH! YEAH!" Silk grunted out loud as he shot his load of hot cum into Sean's battered ass. Once he shot his last load into Sean he collapsed on top of him.

"Get off of me." Sean said.

"Huh?" Silk moaned.

"I said...GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" Sean snapped as he rolled over and pushed Silk off of him and onto the floor. Silk jumped up off the floor angry and confused.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Silk demanded.

"What THE FUCK is WRONG with YOU!" Sean replied back getting off the bed. He stood face to face with Silk anger over taking him. "You trying to hurt me or something?"

"What? I thought you wanted it rough?" Silk answered.

Sean wanted to slap the fuck out of Silk. "What made you think that fucking shit?"

"Hell you called me over to a hotel room and I figured you wanted to get your freak on."

"What the fuck does that have to do with what you did to me? What? What you thought it was slut time? Tear Sean's ass apart? Fuck you man!"

"Hey you called me for the dick."

"I called you cause I didn't want to be in this room alone. Cause I thought you were cool and I wanted to spend time with you and chill a bit."

"Whoa son. I ain't tryin to get hooked up in anything. I'm just gettin me mine."

"So I can fucking tell, mothafucker!"

"You loved the dick and the action so stop frontin'" Silk said as he got dressed.

"Nigga you have lost your fucking mind. Just get the fuck out!" Sean demanded.

"You kickin me the fuck out?"

"Naw nigga. I'm inviting you to fucking tea. Yes, Get the fuck out!"

Silk sat down on the foot of the bed and put on his boots and glared at Sean. "Fuck you!"

"You already did that. And not very well."

Silk jumped up and got right in Sean's face. "What the fuck did you say?"

"I said, nigga, You CAN'T FUCK!"

"You fucking trick!" Sean seethed and then before Sean could react he punched Sean in the face. Sean staggered back and hit the TV set which fell to the floor and smashed. Sean's chin and jaw hurt from the punch. Silk followed his first punch with another to Sean's face that sent him to the floor.

"I can't fuck!" Silk snarled as he kicked Sean again. "We bout to find out!"

Sean looked up and Silk kicked Sean upside his head causing Sean's head to smash against the chest of drawers. Silk leaned over as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick. He grabbed Sean by his legs and pulled him out into the center of the room. Sean was in a daze but he knew what was about to happen. He began to kicking and fight but Silk kicked him in his nuts and Sean squealed. Silk jumped on top of Sean and grabbed him in a chokehold.

"You goddamn faggot! I'll fuckin kill you!"

"LET ME GO!" Sean managed through his ravaged throat.

"I'm gonna show you who can fuck, punk!"

Sean tried to fight but Silk hit him several times in the back of the head and neck and soon the room was spinning and growing dim. He was aware of this ass cheeks begin parted and the sharp pain of the violent and vile entry of Silk's hard dick and then the stinging, gut wrenching strokes he dished out. Thankful Sean passed out soon after.

Shane awoke with a start and groaned in pain causing Victor, who was sleeping beside him to jump up. Shane was doubled over holding his stomach.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

Shane held his stomach and looked at Victor with tears in his eyes.

"S...Something's wrong with Sean." He said as he slowly got out of bed.

"What makes you say that?" Victor asked.

Shane looked at the picture of him and his brother that sat on the bedside table and as the tears rolled down his cheeks he muttered.

"I just know...I feel it."

Da City was packed tonight and Brett was in the thick of it. He didn't have much trouble getting out of the house unnoticed by Jamal. He just waited until the teen was into a DVD and he just left out. What the fuck was he doing having to sneak out of his own house because of a teenaged kid. What was up with that? But he was out and he was having the time of his life at Da City. So far he had been bought five drinks and there were more than one man who was interested in talking to him and getting with him. It was great and he was looking great. He was wearing a pair of too tight black vinyl pants and a black mesh shirt that hugged his tight, lean muscled body. He had put on his sexiest smelling cologne and he felt sexy and with each drink that was bought and with each man that came up to him with compliments his head swelled and his ego soared. It was great to be out. It was great to have men he had never seen before going crazy over him and buying him drinks and wanting him. Tonight he was a single man out for a good time with no attachments.


Brett turned when he heard the voice behind him and he was looking into the roughly rugged and handsome face of a man with a shiny bald head, a freshly cut mustache and beard and a dangerous and sexy smile on his face and the thickest, sexiest lips he had ever seen.

"Hello." Brett said.

"My name is Dalziel. Can I buy you another drink?"

Brett smiled. "Sure. Scotch straight."

Dalziel ordered another drink for himself and a scotch for Brett. The bartender placed the drinks in front of them and Dalziel paid.

Dalziel raised his glass. "Here's to new friends."

Brett raised his glass. "To new friends."

They touched glassed and drank.

"So what is a sexy brotha like you doing up in here?" Dalziel asked.

Brett smiled. "Getting my drink on."

"I can see that." Dalziel smiled back.

"What is a handsome brotha like you doing up in here?" Brett asked.

"If I said looking for you would you go home with me?" Dalziel asked.

Brett laughed and sipped his drink. "Listen to you."

"Hey, I'm serious. You are the sexiest thing up in here." He said.

Brett smiled. He enjoyed compliments especially from someone as sexy as Dalziel. He was enjoying the attention and the company and the booze was working as well and he was feeling sexy.

"Thanks...but I have to tell you something..."

"You have a man."

Brett blinked in surprise. "How'd you know?"

Dalziel pointed at Brett's ring finger. "Your wearing a wedding ring."

Brett looked down. In his rush to sneak out he had forgotten to take off his ring. The ring Mohammed and given him when they became a committed couple.

"Well....I don't know what to say." Brett said.

"You don't have to say a thing I can figure it out. Your man don't appreciate you and so you have come out to find someone who can appreciate you and you have found him in Dalziel Cyril Harris."

Brett laughed and sipped his drink. "Are you saying that you are the man for me?"

"Oh hell yeah. I am the man for you. I can make you feel so good."

Brett looked at him through alcohol hazed eyes. "Really? Whatcha packing?"

Dalziel smiled. "Nine and a half inches."

"Damn! That's impressive but can you use it?"

Dalziel downed the last bit of his drink. "Come with me and find out."

Brett finished his. "Let's go then."

Mohammed finished lacing up his black and blue patient leather wrestling boots with HAMMER printed on the side in white. It was a packed house in the auditorium and tonight promised to be a great night. Tonight he had to wrestle Shane Chance, one of the top heels in the XWF. He was a blonde haired, blue eyed white boy with a stripper's body and an arrogant attitude that was not just for show. Chance was the golden boy of the XWF bosses but especially the XWF owner, Hamilton Fox. But Mohammed felt that soon he would be THE man in the XWF.

The door to the lockerroom opened and in walked a six foot ten inch tall walking wall of muscle with long shoulder length black hair pulled into a ponytail and a goatee. Across his shoulders was the XWF Continental title. This was his opponent at the next PPV in Las Vegas. This was Mack Truck...The bad mothertrucker. Mack was on the show defending the title against Sonny DeVine, the five time and former champion and one of five African American wrestlers working for the XWF. Sonny was one of the best and with his movie star good looks and charm he was one of the top box office draw for the company. Mack sat on a bench across the lockerroom. He put his belt in his locker and opened his gymbag and pulled out a silver flask and drank from it. He looked at Mohammed and offered him some but Mohammed declined.

Mack took another sip and put it back. "Too good to drink with me?"

Mohammed stood up and grabbed his shirt which had Hammer printed on it.

"I don't drink before a match." Mohammed stated.

Mack laughed sarcastically. "Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes. That attitude won't get you anywhere."

"I don't know. It's got me here and it did me pretty well playing ball." Mohammed responded.

Mack Truck stood up and walked towards Mohammed stopping a few feet in front of him. Mohammed could tell Mack was drunk off his ass.

"Yeah...big time NFL player...shit! I forgot." Mack said with a drunk smile. "Now you are in the big time XWF and making money and getting pops from the people. Got the punk assed kids chanting your name and shit. Getting title shots and big pushes and angles and bout to work the PPV and become Continental champion."

Mohammed hated talking to drunks especially when they were talking stupid. He turned his back on the man but was forcibly spun around.

"Don't turn your fucking back on me." Mack snapped.

Mohammed glared at Mack. "Don't you ever put your hands on me."

"Oh big tough guy. Tell me...Hammer...did Mr. Fox's dick taste good?"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Mohammed snapped.

"Just wanted to know. I mean why else would you be getting the big push and the Continental title in Las Vegas?"

"Maybe because they are tired of a drunk holding the title and they want someone who can bring some respect back to the title and the company." Mohammed shot back.

"OOH! I guess I'm supposed to be impressed? Well, let me tell you something. What they want, what you want are different from what's going to happen."

"Meaning what?"

"Meaning that you might walk out of Las Vegas with this title or you may not."

"That sounds like a threat." Both men turned around to see "Superstar" Sonny DeVine standing just inside the lockerroom. He was carrying a black gym bag and was wearing a red and black silk shirt with dragons all over it. The shirt was unbuttoned showing off his powerful pecs and six pack abs on his 6ft 6in 275 lbs body. There was no doubt about it...Sonny DeVine was the handsomest wrestler in the XWF. His short black hair was cut short and he sported a neatly trimmed mustache. Mohammed couldn't help but notice how, sexy...Sonny was. He had a light skinned complexion...a light almond complexion and though his eyes were concealed by the $100 dark glasses he wore, Mohammed knew that Sonny had some sexy jet black eyes.

"Well, look who's here. "Superstar" Sonny DeVine." Mack drawled drunkenly. That snapped Mohammed out of his fascination with Sonny and he was thankful for that.

"Well, look who's here Mack Drunk." Sonny said as he sat his bag down.

"Oh you are a funny motherfucker." Mack snapped back.

"Yeah I am a funny motherfucker and I'm a motherfucker with good ears. Did I hear you make a threat, Mack?" Sonny asked.

"I made a promise. You here to fight Hammer's battle?"

Sonny looked at Mohammed and smiled. "Nope. He's a big boy. He can fight for himself. Actually I think he can take you."

Mack laughed. "The only place he can take me is to his favorite chicken shack for some fried chicken."

Mohammed growled and made a move but Sonny caught his eye and stop him with a subtle movement of his head.

"You're an angry man, Mack. What's wrong with you?" Sonny asked.

Mack looked at Sonny and Mohammed and flashed a nasty, mean smile. "You wanna know what's wrong with me? I'll tell you. There are too many jiggaboos around here."

Mohammed's blood boiled and he was ready to do something but he was watching Sonny, who didn't seem bothered at all but Mack's racial slur. He actually had a smile on his face and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Jiggaboo? Jiggaboo? I haven't heard that term since my granny was alive. What about...Sambo? How about Jungle Bunny?'s one...Big lipped melon muncher?"

Mack listened and started to laugh and Sonny laughed as well and Mohammed was confused as hell. What he was witnessing was mind blowing and confusing. Suddenly Sonny grabbed Mack's fifteen pound title belt and smashed Mack right in the face with it. The big man's nose exploded on blood.


Sonny grabbed Mack around his throat with his huge right arm and began squeezing and choking the life out of Mack.

"I'm gonna do more than break your nose tonight in the ring if you don't fucking apologize you cracker sonofabitch!" Sonny said very calmly to Mack.

"I...I...I'm s...sorry..." Mack managed.

Sonny smiled. "We know your sorry. We want you to apologize."


Sonny let Mack go and pushed him across the lockerroom. "One more thing...Mack. At the PPV, I'll have Hammer's back. You understand?"

Mack glared at Sonny. "Yeah...I understand."

"And tonight," Mohammed added, "I've got Sonny's back. Understand that?"

Mack glared at Mohammed. "Yeah...I understand that." Mack said as he grabbed a towel and left the lockerroom.

"Thanks Sonny." Mohammed said.

"Forget about it. Mack is an ass when he drinks but when he's straight...he's a dick." Sonny and Mohammed broke out in laughter and Mohammed noticed that Sonny had a sexy laugh and a sexy smile. Stop it, Mo!

"Well, we both have to work him. You tonight and me at the PPV." Mohammed pointed out.

"Don't worry about Mack. He won't do anything he's not supposed to do and if he does he knows what will happen." Sonny answered.

"Wow, you know how to handle Mack." Mohammed said.

"I've been doing it for years. Mack has always been like this but he knows that if there is anyone around here that can kick his's me."

"Well, good luck with him tonight." Mohammed said.

"Thanks..and good luck with your match with Chance." Sonny said.

Mohammed's match with Chance went very well. The fan's popped and exploded from the moment he came out and they were chanting HAMMER, HAMMER, HAMMER. Mohammed was filled with adrenaline and he was fired up. He and Chance went at it and after some impressive maneuvers and high impact moves Mohammed won and the fans erupted. As he made his way back into the lockerroom area he saw Sonny sitting there at the monitor with a few other wrestlers. He smiled and patted Mohammed on his back.

"You looked good out there, Hammer." Sonny said. Mohammed nodded. He was speechless as he looked at Sonny who had changed into his wrestling trunks and wrestling boots. Standing there bare chested and bare legged, Sonny looked sexy as hell and Mohammed had to fight the urge to look at his crotch. Damnit! Damnit! What the fuck is wrong with you! You got a man at home and you have no business drooling over Sonny.

"Thanks, Sonny." Mohammed said.

"Hey after the show what say we go out on the town and get a drink somewhere?" Sonny asked.

"A drink? In public? Where can we get a drink? We would be mobbed." Mohammed pointed out.

"True that. True that. But we'll find a spot. What do you say?"

No. Say fucking no, Mohammed. Say's the only answer. Say fucking no.

"Sonny...that sounds nice but..." Suddenly Sonny's entrance music was playing and he was walking towards the curtain to go out to the ring.

"Hey got my back and the first drink is on me." Sonny said as he flashed his famous "Superstar" Sonny smile before vanishing through the curtain.

Damn! Mohammed mumbled as he headed to his locker. He reached into his gym bag and pulled out his cellphone. It would be late back home but he needed to hear Brett's voice. He dialed the number and smiled when his son answered but when he asked where Brett was his smile turned into a frown when Chris told him that Brett was out. Mohammed tried Brett's cellphone and got the voicemail...he didn't leave a message.

"Very impressive," Brett said, as he checked out Dalziel's place. He had a very nice two bedroom townhouse downtown. It had high ceilings and hardwood floors and it was tastefully and smartly decorated. As Brett checked out the townhouse, Dalziel went to the wet bar and mixed a batch of fresh martinis and showed him around the townhouse.

"This is not a bad place. It's very nice." Brett commented.

"Thank you," Dalziel said as he handed Brett a martini and let his hands slip around the Brett's waist. Brett let his head fall back against Dalziel's chest.

"Did you decorate the townhouse yourself?" He said, as he felt the nimble hands undoing his shirt, pulling out the tails from his pants and starting to work on the belt.

"Every bit of it." Dalziel said.

"You're very talented." Brett replied.

"Thank you."

Brett was about to say something, but was cut off when he was turned around by Dalziel, whose teeth flashed in the silver light, whose lips covered his own as he held him there for a long soothing kiss.

When they broke, Dalziel started removing his own clothes, letting Brett have the front row for the strip.

"Nice," Brett oohed, as he saw Dalziel remove his clothes and go down to his bikini underwear. He could tell from where he was standing that Dalziel had a dick on him like a stallion. He could see the curve of it as it overlaid his balls and felt his own dick starting to go hard.

"Take them off," Dalziel said, using a finger to bring Brett over. "Take my shorts off with your teeth."

Brett looked at the handsome brother in his bikinis one more time before sinking to his knees and clamping onto the fresh pair of bikinis, inching them down as he did so, until Dalziel's huge dick was freed.

"Wow..." Brett said softly as he saw the handsome chocolate dick starting to go hard.

"You like it?" Dalziel said taking it in one hand and holding it as it went to a full nine and a half inches.

Brett gazed at it. "It's so big."

"Yeah," Dalziel said, grinning.

"It's too much."

"Not really, bruh. When you taste this dick then you have tasted the best in action."

"I can't wait to see it in action." Brett said.

"I can't wait for you to suck on it." Dalziel said, sliding his free hand through Brett's hair until it came to rest behind his head.

Brett didn't need any encouragement. His mouth was already watering in anticipation of Dalziel's monster dick. Swallowing once, he opened his mouth and let his lips go around the thick, fat, dark head, breathing on it but not clamping shut, so that Dalziel could feel the hot droplets from this breath coating the skin.

Dalziel pushed Brett's head further, harder, urging him on. "C'mon me what you made of..."

"Yeah," Brett cooed, silently, as he took a deep breath and throated him showing off his well practiced deep throat technique.

He was able to get the whole thing into his throat, after carefully inching it down, little by little. Finally, when he felt it at the back of his throat, he began to suck against the flow, until, as he drew it out, the gleaming black stick seemed to come like a magic wand, out of nowhere.

Dalziel started moving his hips back and forth, working his dick in and out of Brett's mouth. He had to admit this was one of the best blowjobs he'd gotten in a while. But the big test was yet to come. Dalziel took himself out of Brett's mouth as he loudly smacked his lips.

"Tastes so good," he said, as he felt Dalziel's fingers undoing the rest of his pants and pulling them off of him.

"Now," Dalziel said, "I need you on your stomach."

Brett did as he was told, rolling over and when he felt Dalziel's hands on his hips, he helped by raising them and spreading this knees so that he was more than ready for what the both of them knew was coming.

Dalziel applied condom and lube to his dick and then, with the utmost delicacy and concentration he spread the asshole and stuck his dick up into his ass.

"Shit..." Brett said, softly, as he felt Dalziel's dick exploring his asshole. "It feels so fucking good." Brett hissed.

"Don't it," Dalziel said as he reached under and took hold of Brett's dick.

It was not bad, Dalziel thought to himself, as he held on to the shaft and began to move it up snd down, coordinating his movements to match up, so that the dick in Brett's ass was going in the opposite direction with the fist around his dick.

"OH, SHIT....MAN," Brett screamed. "GET ME OFF...C'MON YOU MOTHAFUCKA...GET ME OFF!!!"

Dalziel started jacking him off harder, working his dick up to a frothy heat, until, feeling his own contractions start to come on him. He knew Brett was going to come with him.

"YEAH...THAT'S...THAT'S IT..." Brett screamed as he shot forth an arcing jet of hot, pumping sperm, thick and vicious.

Dalziel came into Brett's ass and held him around the waist for a while until he was ready to come down.

"Don't move," Dalziel said when he finally slipped it out. "I want to take a picture of you."

Brett wasn't sure that he wanted to be photographed like this but Dalziel's dicked him so well that he was just too worn out to protest or even care. He just wanted more.

In a couple of minutes Dalziel returned with his expensive digital camera and all Brett could do was smile Dalziel took pictures from ever possible angle, shooting dick pictures and full body and face pictures and Brett got into it.

Afterwards they fucked again for another half hour and then they showered and slept for an hour. Brett awoke first followed by Dalziel.

"That was off the chain." Dalziel commented, as he got to his feet. He picked out Brett's clothes and handed them to him.

Brett took them and was annoyed that he felt disappointed. This was just a one night stand..nothing more. He put on his clothes and left Dalziel's place without comment.

As Brett got into his car he felt the vibration of his cellphone and checked it. He had one missed call with no message. He checked the number but it read Number Unavailable. Brett put his cellphone back up and headed home.

Dalziel smiled as he looked at the posed pictures of Brett that he took and then at the ones taking by the hidden camera. They were hot. As he pulled out the disk in the digital camera he smiled to himself and logged onto the internet and then went to his webpage called "PEEK-A-BOO SEX SCENES". He loaded the disk into his computer and went right to work.

Sean had awoke with his entire body hurting, aching and on fire. His throat hurt and his ass was sore as fuck. He pulled himself off the floor and felt dizzy and unsteady as he went into the bathroom where he looked at his reflection and gasped in shock at what he saw. Not only had Silk visciously raped him but he beat him up badly. His right eye was swollen shut, his lip and mouth were busted and dried blood was caked on the sides and corner. There were bruises and cuts on his face. The back of his neck was hurting as did his side and back. This just could not have happened to him. This was a nightmare. He took one of the white wash clothes and washed his stinging, hurting face.

Once he was finished he went back to the room he was raped in and sat on the bed and that was when it all hit him. He had been raped. Violated. He had been beaten and choked unconscious and raped and left for dead. His body trembled as fear and rage creeped over him. He had to get out of the room. He had to get to the police...No! Mo-Mo...he'd tell Mo-Mo and he'd kill Silk...No, damn Mo-Mo was gone....Eric...yeah...Eric would know what to do. Sean grabbed his room key and opened the door and left. As he turned he saw Andre coming towards him and he turned quickly. He couldn't let him see him like this. He began to walk away but his feet wouldn't work and the world began to turn and next thing he knew he was hitting the floor.

Andre was coming out of the hotel room, where he was attending a party with some friends. He wasn't a fan of hotel parties but this one was off the hook and he knew there would be drinking, cards, food and plenty of bitches. He was having a ball winning at spades and working on his good looking girl when one of the brothers broke out the blow and the smoke...neither one being his scene. He excused himself and left the party. The last thing he needed was for the joint to get busted and him up in the mix. The nickname of the hotel on the street was "Crack Arms" because it was known to be the place where the drug heads and crack dealers tended to hang out and get busted from time to time. He was not about to be in that group.

As he was walking away from the room he saw Sean coming out of another room. What was he doing in this hotel? Sean turned and saw him and then suddenly turned and started for the other direction and then suddenly he felt to the floor.

"Shit!" Andre exclaimed as he ran to Sean and what he saw fucked him up. Sean looked like he had been beat the fuck up. "OH GOD! C'mon Sean...Sean...wake up."

Sean never responded. Andre picked Sean up and carried him to his car and made his way to the hospital. He called the house on from his cellphone so he could tell Eric but the voice mail picked up. He then tried the cellphone and after several tries Eric finally answered. He told Eric that he was on the way to the hospital emergency room with Sean. He told him all he knew and then hung up.

Shane had finally went back to bed after Victor convinced him that everything was okay when the phone rang. Shane looked at it wih dread before answering and when he did he let out a wail that could have awakened the dead.

"Victor....Sean...he's at the emergency room!" Shane sobbed as Victor held him.

Andre was sitting in the lobby of the emergency room when Eric and Jermaine walked in followed by Shane and a brother he had never seen before. They all descended upon him asking a million questions and wanting answers.

Eric: What Happened?

Shane: What happened? How is my brother?

Andre: It looks like he was beaten up. The doctors have him in the examing room now.

Eric: How did you find him?

Shane: Where was he?

Andre: I was at a hotel party at the Stay-Inn extended stay hotel

Shane: What the hell was he doing there?

Eric: Who did this?

Andre: I don't know.

We waited and waited for someone to come out and tell us what had happened. Jermaine sat next to me holding my hand and not even carrying that other people were around but then it was an emergency room and everyone was emotional and two men holding hands could have been considered two friends worried about someone instead of being lovers. How could this have happened? Who did this and why? It was a blessing from God that Dre was at the same hotel and got him to the hospital.

I looked over at Shane, who had Victor with him, and he was a wreck but there was Victor...supporting him being there for him and it made me wonder if maybe Sean was being unreasonable I mean many brothas go to prison fro breaking the law and many of them come out and have become changed men for the better. Maybe Victor had changed.

"Jermaine...excuse me I have to talk to Shane." I said and Jermaine gave my hand a final squeeze.

I walked over to where Shane and Victor were sitting. I nodded to Victor. He was a handsome brother. He looked a bit more bulked up and muscular. I guess when you are in prison lifting weights your body gets tight. I went to Shane.

"Shane everything's gonna be..."

"I felt that something was wrong." Shane began as he grabbed my hand.


"I felt that something was wrong with Sean...I..I can't explain it." Shane said.

"Shane...Sean is going to be alright."

"No! No he's not! It's my fault that he's in here."

"Shane don't blame yourself." I said

"You don't understand. We had an argument about Victor and we said some horrible things and he moved out..."

Victor stood up. "Mon dieu? You two had an argument about me and he moved out?"

Shane had a look on his face that showed that he had not meant for Victor to know this. Victor took Shane in his arms.

"Is that why he moved into that place? Because he was upset about you and me seeing each other?"

"Baby...this isn't the time or place..."

"Shane, Eric is right. This is not your fault. It's mine. I should have never come back into your life."

I was shocked when I heard Victor say that and so was Shane.

"No..No...Victor I love you and I always have and I always will and I am glad you are back in my life and I am glad you are here now." Shane said.

"But if I had not come back...Sean would be okay." Victor said and he seemed very upset about this.

A tall, dark haired doctor approached us. He was nice looking and introduced himself as Doctor Derdarian and by the name I figured he was east indian.

"Which one of you are related to Mr. Jackson?" He asked.

Shane stepped up and said with his chest out and a steady voice. "We all are related to Sean Jackson," He said his brother's name as if to let everyone know that Sean was alive and well. "We are his...." Shane looked around at us all. At Andre, at me, at Jermaine, and at Victor and he smiled. "Brothers."

Either the doc believed it or he just didn't want to go through all the explanations but he asked us all to sit and he laid it on us and it was deep. Sean had some serious internal bleeding, a severe concussion, two broken ribs and several serious cuts and bruises but the worse was yet to come.

"I don't know how to say this expect straight forward. Your brother was sexually assaulted."

We all started at him as if he had just spoke Hindu.

"Mr. Jackson was raped." He said the word as if we couldn't understand sexual assault.

"What?" Shane gasped as his hands went to his mouth.

"I know this is...I have called the police..."

"The police?" Shane gasped again.

"It's procedure, Mr. Jackson." He said.

"Oh my God...this can't be..." Shane said as he sobbed.

"Who did this?" Victor snapped causing everyone to jump.

"We don't know. Your brother hasn't told us." I guess the doc believed Shane. Interesting.

"Can we see our brother?" I asked, seizing the opportunity.

The doctor looked at all of us. "Not all of you. Just two at a time."

I turned to Shane, who was crying and I turned to the doctor. "Can we have a moment?"

"Certainly. Just let the nurse know when you decide which two first." And he walked away.

"Okay..Shane and I will go and see Sean. Andre go back to that hotel and get all of Sean's stuff and take it to their house."

"Eric," Jermaine said, "It's a crime scene. Once he tells the police who did this they are going to need to go there and get physical evidence."

I smiled. He was right. " and Victor go in and see Sean."

" can't." Victor said. "It was because of me...No, I have no place in there. I'll wait here."

"Okay...Then Shane maybe you should go alone at first...."

"No Eric...I can't go in alone. You have to go with me. To keep me strong...OH MY GOD!"


"Mo-Mo? Someone's got to tell him?"

"He's wrestling in Kentucky." I said.

"Someone call Mo-Mo...I don't want him to find out some other way...we should tell him. He's Sean's brother and should know too....please..." Shane was crying again.

Victor took him in his arms. "Don't worry. We'll call him. I'll call him."

It was decided that Shane and I would see Sean while they called Mo-Mo. The nurse escorted us to where Sean was located. We entered the exam room and there was Sean laying on the bed the sheets pulled up to his chin, staring at the ceiling. Shane and I watched him and as tears streamed down Shane's face they also streamed down Sean's. Sean turned his head and looked in our direction but I knew he only saw his twin brother. Shane walked towards him slowly at first but faster until they were embracing and crying and holding onto each other for dear life and I suddenly felt like an outsider..and intruder. I turned to leave but Sean stopped me.

"Miss Eric..get over here and give me a hug."

I walked over and hugged Sean and Shane and after that he told us what had happened. The man who did this was a guy he had met online. A man called Silk. Evidently Silk didn't like Sean questioning his manhood. We visited with Sean until the nurse came and told us that the police were there to interview Sean and we left our eyes overflowing with tears.

When we got back to the lobby Victor told us that they contacted Mo and that he said that we would be home as soon as possible. We told them what Sean told us and after that we decided that Shane and I should stay at the hospital until the police were done and then..if possible...we would bring him home. Ofcourse Victor, Jermaine and Andre wanted to stay but we insisted that they could do better doing other things. They reluctantly agreed and departed and we sat in the lobby...two brothers...waiting and praying.

"Errol," Victor was sitting in his SUV talking on his cellphone, "Meet me at Shane's house...Immediately."

"Whatup man?" Errol asked.

"We got some work to do." Victor hung up the phone. He was going to make this Silk character pay the price for what he did. And pay dearly.

An hour later Victor and Errol were at Shane and Sean's and after he explained what had happened and what they were looking for they were on it. They tore through Sean's room but found nothing that had Silk's name, address or even phone number.

"Don't he have a computer or something?" Errol asked.

"I think he has a laptop. Why?"

"Maybe there is something in the laptop that can help."

"Yeah...and the laptop is at the hotel. We better hurry before the police the there."

Errol and Victor arrived at the Stay-Inn hotel. They gained entry into the room by having Victor charm the female desk clerk to come outside with him while Errol entered the office and with some quick checking found out which room Sean was in and then snagging the manager's master room key card. They went into Sean's room and went through his stuff. They didn't need his laptop. Sean had an address book and inside was Silk's name, address and directors.

"We got 'em....the sonofabitch!" Victor snarled.

When the police didn't arrive at his door, Silk figured he was safe. That stupid faggot wouldn't tell anyone. What man would tell the police he had been raped? He was drinking his sixth gin and juice when the doorbell rang. Nervously he put the drink down. He would act innocent. It was hit word against Sean's and he could convince the police that he was innocent. Yeah...the fag came on to him and when he said no the fag made it all up. Yeah. That's all he had to do. He looked out of the peephole and saw two men standing there. He didn't recognize them and they didn't look like the police.

"Who is it?" Silk asked before opening the door.

"Silk?" one of them said. "Is that you, cuz?"

"Yeah...This is Silk. Who you?"

Suddenly there was an explosion and Silk's front door exploded and splintered and he went flying back. His stomach was on fire and as he felt his stomach there was blood on his hands. The door was kicked in and the two men walked in and they were both carrying sawed-off shotguns and they had murder in their eyes.

"Man...w..what's goin on?" He stammered.

"You bout to die." Victor said.

"W..What? W...Why?" Silk asked, in pain.

"You know Sean Jackson?" Victor asked.


"Who? Who? Did you hear him Errol...Who? How many brothers you done raped tonight?" Victor asked.

"I didn't rape anyone tonight." Silk lied.

"Oh really? Well...I know you did and God knows you did. So tell it to'll be seeing him real soon."


"Did Sean beg before you raped him?" Victor asked.

"N..No..." Silk said, while shaking his head.

Victor smiled. "Means he's much more man than you were."

And with that Victor and Errol opened fire...several times. Then they ran out of the townhouse aware that any witnesses would be hard pressed to recognize two black men running to a black SUV in the dark of night.

"That nigga won't rape anyone else anymore." Victor said as he and Errol roared off into the night.

Next: Chapter 9

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