Brothers Like Us

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Mar 3, 2002


Brothers Like Us by Lawrence Michael Martell

Chapter 6

Friday morning I was up kind of early and I was awakened in the second best way I could think of by the sexy voice Jermaine on the phone.

"Good morning," Jermaine said, "did you sleep well?"

I was smiling all over the place. "I slept very well and how bout you?"

"I would have slept better if you were next to me."

Damn, this boy could get to me. "Well if your good you never know what may happen."

"How about dinner tonight?" He asked.

"Hmmm...maybe where?"

"Chateau Jermaine." He answered.

"You're going to cook?"

"Hey I got skills."

"I know you do but can you cook?" I joked.

"I guess you'll find out tonight won't you."

"I guess I will." I answered. We chatted some more and then he hung up since he had to go to work. I got out of bed showered and dressed. My phone rang again and I checked the caller ID and was surprised that it was from the Herald-Times, one of two city newspapers. I worked for the Herald-Times two years ago. (and I also dated this sexy assed, thug brotha, who worked loading the newspaper trucks, for a minute.) I picked up the phone wondering what they wanted.


"This is Mary Anderson may I speak to Eric Williams please?"

"You're speaking to him."

"Mr Williams, Mr. Lewis would like to meet with you this afternoon at 2 PM. Are you able?" She asked.

Grant Lewis was the editor in chief of the Herald-Times. A thick necked, cigar chomping, tough as nails, no nonsense type of man. He had been editor in chief at the Herald-Times for twenty five years and at fifty he was probably still not thinking about retiring.

"Why does he want to see me?" I asked. I hadn't worked for the Herald-Times in so long I was sure they had just forgotten about me.

"It's about a job. Are you able to meet?"

"Sure." I said and hung up the phone. I couldn't help but wonder what Grant Lewis wanted me to work on but I knew one thing. It must be something important.

Shane and Sean were eating breakfast when the doorbell rang. Sean got up to answer it while Shane finished his waffle and eggs. He heard Sean raise his voice and Shane got up and headed to the front door and his heart stopped cold as he saw Sean face to face with Victor.

"I don't know what you doing here but you are not welcomed here Victor DuBois" Sean was saying trying to close the door.

Shane locked eyes with Victor, who broke out in a huge smile. Sean noticed this and looked to see Shane standing there.

"Shane I am putting this piece of trash out." Sean said.

"Don't Sean." Shane found himself saying.

Sean blinked in stunned surprise. "Say what?"

"I said don't." Shane said as he walked towards the door and Victor.

"Have you lost your mind, Shane?" Sean demanded.

"Sean please. I want to talk to Victor."

"What in the hell for? After all this...this nigga put you through you want to talk to him?" Sean was beside himself.

Shane turned to Sean. "Please Sean..."

"Please my ass. This sorry motherfucker treated you like shit and worse! Then he went to fucking prison for dealing drugs and lord only knows what else!"


"He is a piece of trash, a criminal and belongs in prison." Sean declared.

"I paid my debt to society." Victor defended himself.

"You ain't paid no debt to anyone in this house. You treated my brother like shit and you put him through pain." Sean snapped.

"And I'm sorry..."

"You damn right you are SORRY! A sorry ass prison nigga!"

"Sean stop it!" Shane shouted.

"NO! This piece of trash walks up to my house like shit is all fine and thinks I'm going to let him in. He's out of his fucking mind!"

"I came here to see Shane and to tell him that I had a great time with him the other night." Victor said.

Sean turned to Shane with a hard look of disbelief in his eyes and then back at Victor. "What did you say nigga?"

"Sean, Victor and I went out the other night." Shane explained.

"I can't fucking BELIEVE THIS SHIT! After all he did to you..."

"I apologized and he forgave me!" Victor said

"I can't fucking believe this."

"Sean could you please leave Victor and I alone so we can talk?" Shane asked.

Sean looked at his twin as if he was a total stranger. He then looked at Victor and sneered at him. "I hate your ass. Shane, you and I are gonna talk about this shit here."

Sean turned and walked away as Victor walked into the house. Shane went to him and they embraced and kissed.

"Baby, I'm sorry about that." Shane said apologizing.

"It's okay sweet chocolate."

Shane stepped back and looked at Victor. "What are you doing here?"

Victor smiled. "I came to surprise you and to take you to breakfast."

"Oh Victor. That was sweet but I have already ate."

"Damn. I guess I should have called you first." Victor said.

"It was sweet and I want to apologize for my brother. He had no right..."

"He had ever right. I did you wrong and I hurt you. He loves you and he had to get that off his chest. He can't forgive me for what I did to you just like I can't forgive myself for what I did to you." Victor stated.

Shane embraced Victor in his arms and kissed him gently and passionately. He had never heard Victor talk like that. He had truly changed for the better.

"Victor, I forgive you and I want you to forgive yourself as well. "Shane said.

"Yeah but..."

"Victor, I love you." Shane said.

Victor blinked and smiled. "What did you say?"

Shane smiled back and kissed Victor again. "I LOVE YOU!"

"Damn! I never thought I would hear you say that to me again. I love you too, sweet chocolate and I will never do anything to hurt you again...ever."

Shane and Victor kissed again...long and deep. When it ended Shane was breathless.

"Victor...I want to make love with you." He said.

Victor kissed Shane again and then looked into Shane's eyes. "I know chere but this is not the time or place. I want our first time to be perfect. I want to make it better than the first time."

He kissed Shane again. "May I have the pleasure of taking you out tonight?"

Shane smiled. "Yes. I can't wait."

Sean was fuming like a fountain. Steaming like a demon when Shane came back to the dining room.

"Tell me that you are not getting involved with Victor!?" Sean began.

"If I am it's none of your business." Shane replied.

"Like the fuck it ain't. Victor is trouble and the last thing you need is him in your life again." Sean said.

"And what do you know what I need in my life?"

"You know...I just don't understand you. That nigga treated you like dirt and made you cry and you just forget about it all."

"Don't call him a nigga." Shane said.

Sean's eyebrows raised. "Oh really? Victor is a nigga! Nigga! NIGGA! Victor is a low down, dirty, nasty, punk ass NIGGA!"

"Sean you are a bitch!" Shane snapped as he turned to walk away. But Sean grabbed his arm and spun him around.

"Don't you call me a bitch and think you can just walk away from me!" Sean snapped back.

"BITCH!" Shane said and turned to leave again. Sean grabbed Shane again.

"And Victor is still a NIGGA!"

Shane slapped Sean so hard that he fell to the floor. Sean placed his hand on his stinging cheek and looked up at Shane who was standing over him and for the first time in his life he was afraid of his brother. Shane realized what he had done and he went to help his twin up but Sean jumped up and backed away. Neither brother spoke for a long while.


"Get away from me Shane!" Sean warned.

"Sean..I didn't mean to...."

"So you want to hit people?"

"Sean...."tears formed in his eyes. "I'm...."

"Sorry? You damn right! You and your nig....Victor belong together." Sean walked around and away from Shane.

"Sean where are you going?" Shane called after him. But all he heard was his brother's bedroom door slam. Shane had never slapped Sean in his life and he wouldn't have done it if he hadn't called Victor a nigga. He would let Sean calm down and then they would talk and everything would be alright. He knew they would be alright. Sean was just surprised and upset about Victor but once he saw how much he had changed then he would be happy and all this would be behind them.

Sean went to his closet and pulled out his suitcase and began packing up his clothes. His face was still stinging from the slap. No one had ever slapped him. Not their mother, father, no one. Shane had lost his mind and it was because of Victor, that damn criminal bastard. Well, if Shane wanted Victor...fine but he wasn't going to stay with him after he put his hand on him. That shit was out. As he packed his suitcase he realized he had no place to really go at such short notice. Eric and Mohammed would put him up but he wasn't about sleeping on sofas and being in the way of a 'married' couple. He could get a hotel room until he could find a better situation. Yeah, that would work but he was not staying here with Shane. As Sean grabbed his cosmetics he knocked over a framed picture. He picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of him and Shane when they were ten years old. Hot tears burned his eyes as he sat on the bed and began to cry.

Brett had gotten up with Mohammed when he got up to exercise. Mohammed would be leaving for his match in Louisville, Kentucky and then on to five more cities after that. The phone rang and Brett answered it without checking the caller ID.



"I don't think so." Brett answered.

"Oh? Brett. Is my dad there?"

"Yes Jamal but he's working out I'll have him call you..."

"It's important."

Brett sighed. "Hold on Jamal." Brett took the cordless phone and went into the gym where Mohammed was working out. "Mohammed you have a phone call."

"Who is it?" He asked.

"Jamal." Brett said as he handed Mohammed the phone.

Mohammed took the phone. "Hello son, what's going on?"

" and I just had a big fight." Jamal said

"What about, son?" Mohammed asked.


"Luther? Who the hell is Luther?"

"One of my "uncles"." Jamal said.

"What happened?"

"Nothin much dad."

"What happened, son?" Mohammed asked

"He uses coke...alot. Mom's been using it lately and I got tired of her getting high and I told here about it." Jamal said.

"Where is your mother now?" Mohammed asked.

"She left with Luther. Dad....can I come live with you?"

Mohammed didn't have to hesitate. "Yes. Yes, son. You can live with me. I want you to pack up somethings and I am on the way."

"Daddy...." Jamal said causing Mohammed to remember that whenever Jamal was scared, hurt or sad he always called him daddy. "I love you."

"I love you son. I'm on my way." Mohammed said hanging up the phone. That damned Teena. What the hell was she thinking. Using cocaine, getting high and lord only knows what this Luther guy was up to. How could she expose their son to shit like that. Well, no more. He was going to get his son. Mohammed dashed upstairs and grabbed his car keys.

"Where are you going?" Brett asked.

"I'm going to get Jamal." Mohammed said.

"What for?" Brett asked.

"He's going to be staying here." Mohammed said.

"For how long?" Brett asked.

Mohammed smiled. "If I have any say in it this will be his new home."

Brett couldn't believe his ears. "What!?"

"He's coming to live here with us." Mohammed said.

"Were you going to ask me about this?" Brett asked.


"Me? Remember me...your spouse...your lover....the man that shares the same bed with you? Do you think I should have been asked before you invited him to live here?" Brett demanded.

Mohammed sat on the foot of the bed. "What is your problem? I thought you liked Jamal."

"I do but...Mohammed when you are away for long periods of time...I'm not ready to be a parent to a teenager."

Mohammed smiled. "Don't worry Brett, you can handle it."

"No! I don't want to handle it...I mean...Mohammed why didn't you ask me?"

"Brett he's my son. He needs me and my home is his home."

"And what about me?" Brett asked.

"This is your home too but I can't leave my son out in the cold now can I?"

"No...I guess not. But you are going to be gone for five days and it's going to be just him and I and..."

"Brett, you are worrying about nothing. Jamal is sixteen he is a responsible kid and all you have to do is be a friend."

Mohammed kissed Brett's cheek."I'll be back with Jamal in a hour." Mohammed dashed away and Brett stared after his retreating back. The last thing he wanted to do and be is a friend to Jamal Moyenda. The last thing he wanted to deal with was a teenager in the house...especially his lover's teenaged son...while his lover was away. He was looking forward to having the house to himself. To not have to hear about, listen to and watch wrestling. To not have to watch Mohammed lift weights and grunt and strain himself to keep his incredible hulk body. What he planned to do was now going to be changed because of a 16 year old who can't get along with momma. Thank You, GOD!!! Brett went to his chest of drawers and pulled out a small brown vile of white powder and taking out a small silver spoon Brett dipped it into the vile and took out a small scoop of the powder which he promptly snorted in one nostril and then the other. If he had to deal with a teenager he damn sure would deal with him on his terms and his way.

As the cocaine took effect Brett remembered the first time he met Mohammed. It was at a party being thrown for Mohammed's team when they made the Playoffs. It was being thrown by famous NFL runningback turned TV sports commentator Lance Courtney, who was drop dead sexy and triple X PHINE. A light skinned complexion, incredible light green eyes, a magnificent body and dick for days and money for miles. At the time Brett and Lance were "kicking it" off and on the sex between them was out of sight but Brett had also wanted more...much more. He wanted a man of his own for his own. Someone that would be there for him and take care of all his needs and support and love him. When he laid eyes on Mohammed Moyenda, Brett knew that he was the man for him all masculine, muscular, with fame and great financial potential. He inquired, discreetly if Mohammed was down and when he found out he was he set his plan into motion.

"Hey," Brett had said. "You are Mohammed Moyenda, right?"

"Yeah. That's me."

"Thought so. I'm a big football fan and I like the way you move on the field." Brett said flirting.


Damn. Maybe he was too subtle. When had used that line on Lance the first time he all but mauled him sexually.

" looked great. You got some incredible moves and some great action." Brett said eyeing Mohammed suggestively.

"Thanks. Coach makes us work hard." Mohammed answered.

Say what? Was this man that dim not to realize when he's being flirted with? Brett thought for a second and then said, "I bet you have some moves that really work in the bedroom too."

Mohammed looked at him and Brett knew that did it. He touched Mohammed's hand lightly and leaned closer so that he could smell his sweet musky cologne.

"I think you are absolutely PHINE and I want to get with you." Brett whispered.

Mohammed smiled at Brett and then removed his hand from his arm. "Thanks but I don't..."

"I know your down Mohammed just like I know you want me." Brett replied.

"You done bumped your head." Mohammed answered.

"Really?" Bolding Brett took a quick grip of Mohammed's dick, which was hard. He smiled. "Hmmm...seems to me that someone likes what was going on."

"You know what? It's time for me to go." Mohammed said turning to leave.

"What? Are you serious?" Brett was incredulous

"Yes. You are a gorgeous brother..."

"Thanks." Brett interrupted

"And I was trying to scope you out to see what was up with you." Mohammed continued.

"Alright now that's what I'm talking about." Brett moved closer but Mohammed stepped away.

"But your looking for a one night fuck and I'm not the one." Mohammed finished.

"What?" Brett was stunned. He was being turned down?

"I'm looking for something that you can't give me." Mohammed said.

"Oh and what is that?" Brett demanded.

"True love. Good-bye." Before Brett could say a word Mohammed was saying his goodbyes and going to the door. Brett couldn't believe what had happened. His flirting advances had failed and not only that he met a brother who was looking for true love. True love...yes...that was what he wanted. Someone to love him, deeply and truly. He had to let Mohammed know that he was the man that could show him true love. Who could be that true love. Brett ran out the door after Mohammed and stopped him before he got to his car.

"Mohammed...Mohammed...I have to apologize." Brett said.

"What for?"

"For inside. That wasn't me...I mean...I figured that a brother like...look...can we start all over again? My name is Brett Gilbert."

Mohammed flashed a sexy white smile and extended his hand. "Mohammed Moyenda, pleasure."

For such a big and powerful man he had a gentle touch and held his hand delicately like it would break and Brett liked that. They stood there and talked and then inside Mohammed's car. Brett told him about how much of a fan he was of football and that he hoped that Mohammed's team would win the playoffs and go to the Super Bowl. Mohammed had thanked him and invited him to dinner and a movie. Brett accepted.

He had spent two hours getting ready for their first date which he knew would end in wild love making. They had dinner, went to a movie and when Mohammed brought Brett home he gave him a good night kiss on the cheek and left with a promise of a phone call tomorrow. Brett was stunned again...a good night kiss and a "I'll call ya!?" What the hell was going on?

As it turned out what was going on was love. They dated several more times with no sex afterwards and with each date Brett was falling deeper in love. Then came the night of the playoffs. Mohammed had got Brett in as his guest and one that night they won the playoffs and Mohammed was magnificent. They celebrated the playoff victory with the other team members before Mohammed pulled Brett aside and whispered that he had something special for Brett.

They went back to Mohammed's hotel room and Brett gasped in surprise as the entire room was lit with silver and white candles, champagne chilling and Luther Vandross singing. Mohammed took Brett in his arms and they danced to Luther and then they were kissing to Luther. Mohammed began undressing Brett. First he removed his shirt and planted sexy little kisses all over Brett's chest causing him to moan and groan as his tongue touched his nipples and licked them. Brett returned the favor as he removed Mohammed's shirt to expose his massive chest and when he kissed Mohammed's nipples he felt him tremble. They soon wee naked and dancing and kissing to Luther as their hard naked bodies rubbed against each other hard and hot and ready for action.

"Mohammed," Brett whispered as his voice trembled with desire and need. "I want you...I want you to make love to me."

Smiling, Mohammed lifted Brett up in his arms and carried him to the bed. He covered his body with his and kissed every inch of Brett's body until he was screaming on the inside for Mohammed to take him. Mohammed moved with a smoothness of grace that Brett had never seen in bed and as Mohammed held Brett close and kissed him passionately he slipped his condom encased dick into Brett and held him tight and close allowing him to savor the feel of him inside. To enjoy the throb. Then slowly...wonderfully, torturously slowly...Mohammed moved his hips and made love to Brett and as Brett laid there feeling Mohammed inside him, filling him and moving him he felt like it was his first time and as he held onto Mohammed he realized that he loved him and a smile spread across his face and he exploded in an earthshaking orgasm which was joined in seconds by Mohammed's own. They lay in each other's arms breathless and panting as the passion subsided and slowly drifted off to sleep in each others arms. It was the begining of something beautiful.

"Yeah," Brett murmured to himself in a buzzed haze."Something beautiful...hahahaha! Yeah right!" Brett sat on the foot of the bed as he felt the effects of the cocaine go through him. His life should have been beautiful...supposed to be beautiful and then he found out that Mohammed had a son and then Mohammed left football and became a professional wrestler...of all damn things. And now he has to deal with a teenaged boy...if the kid was just two years older it might be interesting. Jamal was good looking. Well, if Mr. Mohammed Moyenda thinks that I'm going to be sitting around here baby-sitting and watching over his son...well, he's got another think coming. Brett took another hit of the coke, got off the bed and went into the bathroom where he splashed cool water on his face. He had to start his day.

Mohammed's beige Lexus pulled into the Percival Heights Apartment complex not one of the best areas to live in the city but not the worst. It was not the place he wanted his son to live in. This was Teena's fault. She didn't have to live like this but she was damn hooked on drugs and shit and dating trash and having more babies than should be legal. He was thankful to God that his son wasn't a drug dealing-hustler-thug roaming the streets and looking for his next score.

As he pulled up he saw his son standing in front of the apartment building with three packed bags next to him. He smiled when he saw his son. Jamal was tall for 16 and was sporting a mustache and goatee and his thick black hair sported twists instead of dreads like his father. He was lean and muscular and he was the spitting image of his father. He stopped in front of Jamaland the young man opened the door and beamed a smile.

"Hi Pop. You gonna pop the trunk?" Jamal asked.

Mohammed popped the trunk and then got out and helped Jamal put his bags in the trunk of the car. They were about to get in the car when a late model Maxima pulled up and Teena jumped out followed by a rather skinny, gold toothed brotha and they both appeared to be as high as kites.

"Mohammed!" Teena shouted. "Where the hell you taking Jamal?"

Mohammed sighed. The last thing he wanted was a scene. "He's coming home with me, Teena."

"Bullshit nigga! You ain't takin my son no damn place." She spat.

"Teena he's coming to live with me. He wants to live with me."

Teena looked to Jamal. "Is that true? You wanna live with yo daddy?"

"Yes." Jamal said after a long pause.

Teena turned on Mohammed. "You sonofabitch! Whatcha done done to make Jamal leave his momma?"

"I didn't do anything. It was you and your...BOY-friend here." Mohammed replied.

"Mothafucka...I don't like the way you said that, nephew."

"Stick around and you'll like less." Mohammed answered.

"Punk, I ain't fraid of yo ass cause you a big time rassler and all that shit."

"Then that shows how dumb your ass is!" Mohammed shot back.

The man made a move towards Mohammed but Teena stopped him. "Luther, he'll kill you."

Luther snatched away from Teena. "Bitch! What did you say? He kill me? You crazy."

"Hey!" Jamal said, "Don't call my mom a bitch you punk!"

Luther turned to Jamal. "Oh holdup lil nigga. You mighty tough when daddy's around. If he wasn't around I would...."

Mohammed stepped right in front of Luther face to face and his expression was pure anger and radiated threat. "What would you do?"

"Nigga.....I ain't fraid of you. If you weren't here..."

"Well, I am here! And let me tell you something, if you ever thought about doing something to my son, you better give your soul to God because your ass will be mine!"

Luther looked up at Mohammed and realized that this man was serious and it would be a fight he would lose and he backed up...just a step.

Teena stepped in. "Now holdup! You ain't takin' Jamal anywhere. I have custody of Jamal."

Mohammed looked down at Teena. "Not for long."

Teena looked back at him defiant. "What's that posed to mean."

"I want custody of Jamal. He wants to live with me and I want him to live with me. I'm going to petition for custody."

Teena blinked. "You can't do that, Mohammed."

"Teena, I can and I will. Jamal is old enough to make up his mind on who he wants to live with."

"You a bastard Mohammed and I hate yo ass." Teena snapped.

Mohammed looked at Jamal. "Son, get in the car."

Teena gripped Jamal's arm. "Baby, tell momma why you leavin' me?"

"Momma...I can't deal with the drugs and stuff."

"Drugs? Jamal I don't do any drugs. I mean maybe once or twice I did a little something but now..."

"Jamal get in the car. Teena, my attorney's will be in touch. Bye."

Mohammed got in the car and they drove off. Teena shouted at the car.

"Mohammed! Mohammed! You SONOFABITCH you ain't gonna keep my son! You aint you NIGGA!"

Shane came home ready to talk to Sean and work things out between them about Victor. All day long at work Shane could only think about the argument between them. Victor had come by the gym to apologize but what did he have to apologize about? Sean was plan out of line and his personal business was his personal business and Sean would have to realize and accept it. He loved Victor, he hadn't really fallen out of love with him and now that he had him back he was not going to let him go. Victor had changed and things were going to be very different this time. When Shane walked in the door he knew immediately something was wrong. He called out for Sean and got no answer but when he went into his room he got an answer and it was not what he had expected. Sean's clothes were gone along with his other personal things like some pictures, books and his laptop. Shane looked around the room for a note from him on where he had gone. He left Sean's room and looked around the house and he found the note, it was on the computer in the computer room. It read;


I can't sit by and watch you get hurt by Victor and it's clear that Victor is who you want in your life and not your own brother so I'm gone. I hope you and your CRIMINAL lover are happy together. Sean

Shane put the note down. Sean was known for being melodramatic he was probably at one of their friends homes. He called Mohammed's house and was informed by Brett that Mohammed had already left for Louisville and that Sean was not there. The same answer came from Eric, who wanted to know what was up but Shane lied and said everything was alright. Shane tried to find Sean's address book but it was clear that he had taken that with him. Shane was at his wits end trying to find out where his brother was.

Two hours later he was calling every hotel and motel in the phonebook when there was a knock on the door. Shane ran to the door. Maybe Sean had lost his key but as he got closer to the door he thought what if it was the police and something had happened. He took a deep breath before opening the door. It wasn't Sean and it wasn't the police. It was Victor. Shane broke down in tears and Victor took Shane into his arms and took him inside. Shane told Victor what had happened between sobs and tears. Victor held him in his arms and rocked him gently and told him everything would be okay. Shane looked up at him with tears rolling down his face.

"Victor...thank you." He said.

"For what?" Victor asked.

"For being here for me." Shane answered.

"Hey, you my sweet chocolate."

Shane smiled and kissed Victor deeply and passionately. Their tongues danced and dueled as they kissed and held each other tight in their arms. Shane worked his hand inside of Victor's shirt and ran his hands over his hard chest. Victor moaned in approval but he pulled Shane's hand away and looked at him with concern and lust in his eyes.

"Shane...maybe we should stop."


"I're upset and worried about your brother." Victor pointed out.


"You ain't thinkin' right. Maybe we should...."

Shane pulled Victor into another deep kiss as his fingers and hands worked feverishly at removing Victor's shirt. Victor stopped him.

"Shane...I want to get down with you but I want it to be right."

Shane smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I want you and it is right."

Shane kissed Victor and this time Victor kissed him back with the same passion and fever. Shane finished removing Victor's shirt and as they kissed he caressed and played with Victor's nipples.

" that shit....yeah..I likes that..." Victor sighed.

Shane kissed and licked a trail down Victor's chest and to his magnificent and sexy six pack. He worked his tongue into Victor's navel which caused him to laugh and his dick to twitch. Shane giggled and did it three more times before Victor stopped him. Shane smiled and unbuckled and unzipped Victor's pants. He then removed Victor's Timberland boots and ankle socks and he began to kiss and lick his feet. Victor moaned and sighed. It felt fucking great. He had never had anyone work on his feet like that before. Shane tugged and removed Victor's pants followed by his boxer shorts. Victor's huge 8 inch, uncut dick was ready for action. Shane moved between Victor's legs and then took the dick in his mouth.

"OH SHIT!" Victor exclaimed. "DAMN BABE....Yeah suck that dick!"

Shane sucked on the powerful dick and Victor worked his hips trying to drive his dick further down Shane's throat. It felt so damn good he didn't want it to stop. It had been so damn long. He gritted his teeth as he felt Shane tickling his balls.


Shane licked Victor's balls causing him to tremble and shake. He pulled Shane up to him kissed him. "I want you to fuck me." Victor said between kisses.

Shane kissed Victor deeply as he removed the remainder of his clothes. He pulled Victor up by the hand and they ran into Shane's bedroom. They kissed and sank onto the bed. Shane found and put on a condom and lubed Victor's ass. He slipped his dick into Victor's hot ass causing Victor to moan and scream.


"I'M GONNA GIVE YA ALL THIS DICK!" Shane replied as he began to slow stroke into Victor's ass and with each stroke he moved faster and hit harder. Victor yelped and moaned and groaned with each stroke. He wrapped his legs around Shane's body feeling Shane's dick deep inside and his balls bouncing off his ass.

"SHIT...SHIT...SHIT...SHIT!" Victor moaned.

Shane reached down and began stroking Victor's dick as he worked his ass. Victor clawed at the bed sheets and beat on Shane's chest. He yelped and gasped and struggled for breath. He closed his eyes tight. DAMN! It felt so good and it had been so long. He flet close to blowing.

"OH GOD...OH GOD....OH...I LOVE YOU!" Victor cried out.

Shane felt electricity shoot through him when Victor said that. He had wanted to hear those words. He felt like he was about to explode himself.

"YES..YES...OH ViCTOR....I....I....LOVE....Y...YOU....TOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Shane couldn't stop himself from cuming as he exploded into Victor's hot ass. Victor felt Shane's hot cum in his ass and with Shane working his dick he exploded too.

"AAAH...OOOH.....YEAH...YEAH...YEAH!!!!" Victor screamed out as he pumped his own hot cum all over his chest and stomach. They laid in each others arms tingling and holding each other. Trembling and shaking.

Shane looked into Victor's eyes and as much as he knew he loved him he wanted to be sure that Victor meant what he said. "Victor," he began. "Did you mean what you said?"

"When I said I love you? Yes. I meant that. Did you mean what you said?"

"Yes. I love you Victor. Very much."

They kissed passionately and Shane, though he had the man he loved, still couldn't be complete without his brother.

Sean had checked into the Stay-Inn extended stay hotel. He had got himself settled in and gotten himself something to eat. The Stay-Inn wasn't like being at home but it had a kitchen, refrigerator, Stove-Oven and microwave. It was big enough for one man and he planned on being here long enough to find his own apartment. After being there an hour he realized that he had to talk to Shane and get this straightened out. He got in his car and went back but before he could pull up to the house he saw Victor walking up to the house. He stopped the car and watched. He knocked on the door and Shane answered and the next thing he knew he was inviting Victor inside. Sean fumed as he sped away. He hadn't been gone from the house twelve hours and he already moved Victor in. DAMN HIS ASS!

Shane came home ready to talk to Sean and work things out between them about Victor. All day long at work Shane could only think about the argument between them. Victor had come by the gym to apologize but what did he have to apologize about? Sean was plan out of line and his personal business was his personal business and Sean would have to realize and accept it. He loved Victor, he hadn't really fallen out of love with him and now that he had him back he was not going to let him go. Victor had changed and things were going to be very different this time. When Shane walked in the door he knew immediately something was wrong. He called out for Sean and got no answer but when he went into his room he got an answer and it was not what he had expected. Sean's clothes were gone along with his other personal things like some pictures, books and his laptop. Shane looked around the room for a note from him on where he had gone. He left Sean's room and looked around the house and he found the note, it was on the computer in the computer room. It read;


I can't sit by and watch you get hurt by Victor and it's clear that Victor is who you want in your life and not your own brother so I'm gone. I hope you and your CRIMINAL lover are happy together. Sean

Shane put the note down. Sean was known for being melodramatic he was probably at one of their friends homes. He called Mohammed's house and was informed by Brett that Mohammed had already left for Louisville and that Sean was not there. The same answer came from Eric, who wanted to know what was up but Shane lied and said everything was alright. Shane tried to find Sean's address book but it was clear that he had taken that with him. Shane was at his wits end trying to find out where his brother was.

Two hours later he was calling every hotel and motel in the phonebook when there was a knock on the door. Shane ran to the door. Maybe Sean had lost his key but as he got closer to the door he thought what if it was the police and something had happened. He took a deep breath before opening the door. It wasn't Sean and it wasn't the police. It was Victor. Shane broke down in tears and Victor took Shane into his arms and took him inside. Shane told Victor what had happened between sobs and tears. Victor held him in his arms and rocked him gently and told him everything would be okay. Shane looked up at him with tears rolling down his face.

"Victor...thank you." He said.

"For what?" Victor asked.

"For being here for me." Shane answered.

"Hey, you my sweet chocolate."

Shane smiled and kissed Victor deeply and passionately. Their tongues danced and dueled as they kissed and held each other tight in their arms. Shane worked his hand inside of Victor's shirt and ran his hands over his hard chest. Victor moaned in approval but he pulled Shane's hand away and looked at him with concern and lust in his eyes.

"Shane...maybe we should stop."


"I're upset and worried about your brother." Victor pointed out.


"You ain't thinkin' right. Maybe we should...."

Shane pulled Victor into another deep kiss as his fingers and hands worked feverishly at removing Victor's shirt. Victor stopped him.

"Shane...I want to get down with you but I want it to be right."

Shane smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I want you and it is right."

Shane kissed Victor and this time Victor kissed him back with the same passion and fever. Shane finished removing Victor's shirt and as they kissed he caressed and played with Victor's nipples.

" that shit....yeah..I likes that..." Victor sighed.

Shane kissed and licked a trail down Victor's chest and to his magnificent and sexy six pack. He worked his tongue into Victor's navel which caused him to laugh and his dick to twitch. Shane giggled and did it three more times before Victor stopped him. Shane smiled and unbuckled and unzipped Victor's pants. He then removed Victor's Timberland boots and ankle socks and he began to kiss and lick his feet. Victor moaned and sighed. It felt fucking great. He had never had anyone work on his feet like that before. Shane tugged and removed Victor's pants followed by his boxer shorts. Victor's huge 8 inch, uncut dick was ready for action. Shane moved between Victor's legs and then took the dick in his mouth.

"OH SHIT!" Victor exclaimed. "DAMN BABE....Yeah suck that dick!"

Shane sucked on the powerful dick and Victor worked his hips trying to drive his dick further down Shane's throat. It felt so damn good he didn't want it to stop. It had been so damn long. He gritted his teeth as he felt Shane tickling his balls.


Shane licked Victor's balls causing him to tremble and shake. He pulled Shane up to him kissed him. "I want you to fuck me." Victor said between kisses.

Shane kissed Victor deeply as he removed the remainder of his clothes. He pulled Victor up by the hand and they ran into Shane's bedroom. They kissed and sank onto the bed. Shane found and put on a condom and lubed Victor's ass. He slipped his dick into Victor's hot ass causing Victor to moan and scream.


"I'M GONNA GIVE YA ALL THIS DICK!" Shane replied as he began to slow stroke into Victor's ass and with each stroke he moved faster and hit harder. Victor yelped and moaned and groaned with each stroke. He wrapped his legs around Shane's body feeling Shane's dick deep inside and his balls bouncing off his ass.

"SHIT...SHIT...SHIT...SHIT!" Victor moaned.

Shane reached down and began stroking Victor's dick as he worked his ass. Victor clawed at the bed sheets and beat on Shane's chest. He yelped and gasped and struggled for breath. He closed his eyes tight. DAMN! It felt so good and it had been so long. He flet close to blowing.

"OH GOD...OH GOD....OH...I LOVE YOU!" Victor cried out.

Shane felt electricity shoot through him when Victor said that. He had wanted to hear those words. He felt like he was about to explode himself.

"YES..YES...OH ViCTOR....I....I....LOVE....Y...YOU....TOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Shane couldn't stop himself from cuming as he exploded into Victor's hot ass. Victor felt Shane's hot cum in his ass and with Shane working his dick he exploded too.

"AAAH...OOOH.....YEAH...YEAH...YEAH!!!!" Victor screamed out as he pumped his own hot cum all over his chest and stomach. They laid in each others arms tingling and holding each other. Trembling and shaking.

Shane looked into Victor's eyes and as much as he knew he loved him he wanted to be sure that Victor meant what he said. "Victor," he began. "Did you mean what you said?"

"When I said I love you? Yes. I meant that. Did you mean what you said?"

"Yes. I love you Victor. Very much."

They kissed passionately and Shane, though he had the man he loved, still couldn't be complete without his brother.

Sean had checked into the Stay-Inn extended stay hotel. He had got himself settled in and gotten himself something to eat. The Stay-Inn wasn't like being at home but it had a kitchen, refrigerator, Stove-Oven and microwave. It was big enough for one man and he planned on being here long enough to find his own apartment. After being there an hour he realized that he had to talk to Shane and get this straightened out. He got in his car and went back but before he could pull up to the house he saw Victor walking up to the house. He stopped the car and watched. He knocked on the door and Shane answered and the next thing he knew he was inviting Victor inside. Sean fumed as he sped away. He hadn't been gone from the house twelve hours and he already moved Victor in. DAMN HIS ASS!

Next: Chapter 7

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