Brothers Like Us

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Feb 13, 2002


BROTHERS LIKE US by Lawrence Michael Martell

Chapter Four

There I was looking all up in the face of Jermaine as my mind replayed the scene in the lockerroom at the gym. Jermaine sitting on the bench with his thick dick in his hand and hitting it like there was no tomorrow. I was glad it was dark in the club cause my dick was getting hard as a rock. Jermaine smiled at me and I felt my stomach flutter.

"Hey! Whatup you!?" I managed.

"Nawthin' bruh. Just chillin and cruisin'" He answered as he sipped his drink.

"Yeah? You having in luck?"

Jermaine sipped his drink again and then looked at me we a big smile.

"Not untill you walked in."

That got to me. I tried not to blush and again I was thankful the club was dark.

"So whatcha doing in here, my brotha?" Jermaine asked me.

As I stood there next to sexy Jermaine the scent of his masculine and sensually sexy cologne surrounded me and it had an effect on me. I took a big gulp of my beer and smiled.

"I just rolled in to get a drink and to dig the scene." I answered.

"And how do you like the scene?" He asked.

I wanted to say it was damn good. "It's aight." I said instead.

Jermaine raised an eyebrow in question. "Just aight? Well, it's better than aight from where I'm standing and looking."

Jermaine was flirting with me big time and I loved it. I was loving every minute of it. I sipped at my beer and looked up at this sexy ass man in front of me.

"So you wanna feel my dick?" Jermaine asked.

I blinked and gulped my beer again. "Say what?"

Jermaine smiled and sipped his drink. "You heard me. I asked if you wanted to touch my dick. You were checking it out at the gym in the lockerroom."

I was shocked. But damn if I was going to let him know that.

"Whatcha talking about, man?"

"Oh? It's like that. You gonna play games. Okay...I saw you checking me out in the lockeroom when I was 'handling my business'. Didn't know I saw you did ya?"

"No...I mean...I wasn't...I mean...." I was speechless and Jermaine just smiled.

"Hey man, don't sweat it. I wanted you to check me out." Jermaine revealed.

"Say what?" I gulped.

Jermaine smiled and laughed. "You think I would sit in a lockerroom stroking my shit just for the hell of it? I was wanting you to check it out."

I was absolutely speechless now. The brother had set me up. Un-fucking-believable. Jermaine finished his drink and ordered another and then another beer for me, which he handed to me despite the fact that I was still drinking my beer from earlier. I looked at the beer and Jermaine and then a thought entered my head.

"Well, if you wanted me to check you out then why did you take off afterwards?"

Jermaine sipped at his drink as a thoughtful look crossed his face. Then he smiled and spoke.

"I was embarassed. Man, I had never done anything like that and when I realized what I had done I felt ashamed and I wanted to be out before you came back."

I nodded. It made damn sense, I would have done the same things. Jermaine moved closer still and I could feel his warm breath on me sweet and tangy with alcohol and mixed with that sex-kicking cologne, a brotha was off the hook horny. I was also feeling a buzz happening too and since the last time I ate anything was several hours ago and I had been drinking beer like it was water. I was only vaguely aware that he had taken hold of my hand. He raised it to his lips and kissed my hand and then each finger. Yes, I sprung my brothas. I sprung so much that it hurt. He then took that same hand nad lowered it down and placed it right on his crotch and I felt his hard dick. brothas that dick felt good in my hand. Okay, yeah I was horny as hell and a bit buzzed but right then and there it was the best feeling dick in my hand at that moment in time and by the look in Jermaine's face and the sounds he was into me touching that dick.

"D...Damn...Shit..." he moaned and then he was kissing me. No..tonguing me down right there at the bar in Da City and before long I was tonguing him back while I gripped, groped and stroked that big dick. Jermaine pulled back and there was nothing but lust and passion in his eyes. He was breathing..panting like he had run a marathon and so was I.

"We gotta get out of here. I gotta have you..NOW!!!!" Jermaine said grabbing my hand and taking me with him as he headed for the exit. When we got outside he grabbed me and kissed me again. Shit, this brotha loved to smack lips.

"You want to ride with me to my place?" Jermaine said holding me close enough to feel his dick against me.

Now there are some my boy, Sean, who would roll with this guy. Now I don't know him from Adam's pussykitty and then next thing you know they get bashed or robbed or raped...think safe and smart my brothas. I told Jermaine that I would follow him. That I wasn't crazy about leaving my car overnight in the parking lot of the club. Hey, I didn't say you had to tell the brotha why you wouldn't ride with him. Jermaine smiled and gave me another kiss and this time he gripped my dick before he turned and walked towards and get into a dark blue Lexus. I went to my car and I followed him.

I followed Jermaine to the Pavilion. The Pavilion is a towering condominum right on the outskirts of the city. When you entered the city from one of the three main interstates into the city the Pavilion was one of the first sites that you saw. There were actually three Pavilion towers that greeted you. The whole area was surrounded by a security gate that you needed an access code to enter or be identified and buzzed in by a resident. You had to have some bank to be at the Pavilion. If you were renting, a one bedroom condo was going to take $1,000 out of your bank account a month and that wasn't including your utilities and phone. To buy a condo in the Pavilion you were looking at a lot of money. So when Jermaine and his Lexus lead me to the Pav I knew I was dealing with a brotha with either big dollars or a lot of roommates. If it wasn't for the fact that it was kind of late and the fact that I didn't want Shane in my business...yet, I would have called him to get the 411 on Jermaine.

The Lexus pulled into a numbered parking space and he indicated that I should pull into the vacant space next to his. I got out of my car and Jermaine and I walked into Pavilion Tower 1 and took the elevator to the 16th floor. The entire ride we were trying to keep our hands off of each other but once we entered Jermaine's spacious and luxurious two bedroom condo it was my Uncle Willie would neckbones. We were kissing and groping at each other like mad men. We pulled off clothes, kicked off shoes and socks and shed underwear until we were bare assed naked. Jermaine stepped back and looked at my body..up and down. My 8.5 dick was full and ready for action. I checked him out and liked what I saw. Jermaine had to be packing the same as me and that body was just too damn phat and that dick was too damn fat to not do what I did. I dropped down to my knees and I took his dick in my mouth and Jermaine almost fell as he gasped and groaned and moaned.

"D...Damn....Damn man...that feels good." Jermaine whispered.

His dick tasted good and I could smell cologne.This brotha had put some of that sexy cologne between his thighs and it smelled great. I sucked his dick and as I did I replayed the image of Jermaine in the lockerroom jacking it. That made my dick harder and excited me more. I reached up and fondled and tickled his big balls and he started to shake and shiver.

"DAMNIT! SHIT...AHHHH YEAH!" Jermaine hissed as he forced more of his dick into my mouth.

I gripped his thighs and sucked harder and harder and Jermaine moaned and groaned and begged for mercy but there was none. I reached down and began jacking my own dick as I sucked his. Jermaine lowered himself down to the floor and onto his back and I never let his dick go. He laid there squirming, bucking, toes wiggling, and body shaking. It felt like any minute that he was going to explode.

"SHIT!!! stop..stop...not yet..."

Jermaine sounded desperate as I continued to work on him and I was not going to let him go.


I was not going to stop. Jermaine tried to wiggle away but I held on. But finally he got away.

"Shit...damn you off the chain." Jermaine panted and smiled.

"Well, let me give you some more." I said.

"No...I don't want to cum in your mouth. I want that ass." Jermaine said as he approached me. "Come with me."

Jermaine led me to his bedroom and as he kissed me he picked me up and laid me down on the bed. Next thing I knew he was on top of me kissing me on the lips and moving down to my nipples and he began sucking them. My toes curled.

"Ahhhhhh ssssshit......Ohhhh yeah!" I moaned. I tried to pull him off my sensitive nipples but he wasn't done and he had me kicking and bucking like I had him earlier. He looked up at me, smiled and went on down some more and I watched as he grabbed my dick and put it in his mouth.

"AH-HA..AH-HA...AH-HA!" Yes, I sounded goofy but he was working it with his tongue. My nipples, dick and feet are just super sensitive and I was going crazy. It felt so damn good I knew I was going to die right then and there. He slurped and sucked my dick and I was going crazy that I had not noticed that one of his hands and gone down to my ass until I felt a finger tickle my asshole and my eyes started rolling to the back of my head. Next thing I knew his mouth was off my dick and licking my ass and then I felt his finger go in.


"Oh yes...oh yes...oh yes...." I moaned. It was crazy. I didn't want his finger in my ass, I wanted his dick but I wasn't going to be begging for it.

" like that don't you. But you want the dick." Jermaine said as he fingered my ass. "I'm going to give it to you."

He stopped what he was doing and padded into the master bathroom. When he came out he had a tube of lube and a condom in his hand. My man. He applied the lube to my ass and then I helped slid the condom on his dick and lube it up. Then I laid down and he raised my legs and parted my thighs and then slid his thick dick into my asshole. There was a brief bit of pain as he slowly slid it in and I braced for it..I braced for it all and as it all slid in the pain turned to pleasure and the ride began. I wrapped my legs and thighs around Jermaine and as he worked my ass, I worked his dick.

"That's it...damn....take that dick...shit...take it..."

"Oh it work...."

It hurt so beautifully and I didn't want him to stop I didn't want it to end. The sound of his thighs and balls slapping off my ass mixed in with the moaning and groaning that we were making as well. It was great.

"Ahhh shit..yeah...that ass is good and!!!" Jermaine moaned and it sounded like he was close to letting it all go.

"Give it to me....give it to me." I moaned as he fucked me.

I was covered with sweat, his, mine, ours. I looked up at his face, which was contorted in intense pleasure. I didn't know this brotha well but I knew that look. He was about to blow. He was about to cum and I wanted it all. I squeezed my ass cheeks together and Jermaine's flew wide open.


"Fuck me....fuck me...give it to me!"

Jermaine pounded my ass and each stroke was faster and faster and I could feel his dick swelling up even more in ass. Then...after take a deep breath...I jammed myself down further onto Jermaine's dick and squeezed my ass cheeks at the same time. Jermaine's eyes bugged out and he let out a howl like a wolf as hot cum exploded into the condom in my ass.

"ARRROOOOOOO!" Jermaine wailed.

He still pumped and bucked as spurts of cum shot out of him until finally there was no more and he collapsed on top of me. He kissed my lips, my neck, my ears and then my nipples again. His fingers played with my balls and dick and as he sucked my nipples he jacked my dick and he knew he what he was doing.

"Cum for me boy...cum for me...I want you to cum.." Jermaine said as he jacked my dick and sucked and licked my nipples. It was just too much but he wasn't finished. He put a finger in my ass and wiggled it around and when he touched my spot...

"Oh..Oh..Oh..OOOOOOO SSSSSSSSHIIIIIIT!" I screamed as I came. Spurts of hot cum shot all over my chest and belly.

"That's it...give it all up." Jermaine said as he stroked my dick until there was nothing left to get.

We laid there breathing and panting and enjoying the thrill. Jermaine got up and padded into the bathroom and I heard the shower run. I sat up and began to gather my clothes. Jermaine came out of the bathroom and looked at me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I was...I was..."

"Join me in the shower and then we can get some sleep." Jermaine said with a smile.

I smiled back and joined him in the shower.


The 1963 Thunderbird was jazzed up. It was painted a metallic gold with chrome rims and dark tinted windows. The speakers inside the trunk of the Thunderbird were pumping and thumping and could wake the dead. The Thunderbird arrived pulled into Ashley Homes, which was a public assistance housing, located in what was termed "the bad part"of the city. The T-bird parked next to a 1967 Chevy Impala which was equally jazzed up. All four doors opened and out came four young African American men wearing baggy jeans that hung off their hips, and oversized shirts that loosely covered white "wife beaters". They wore an assortment of doo-rags and bandannas with gold and silver necklaces hanging around their necks. The four men pounded on the door to one of the homes and after a few seconds it was opened up and they filed in.

There were four other African American men in the room about the same age the boys who had just come in and dressed the same. The heady smell of marijuana filled the air mixed with the smell of beer and wine. They all greeted each other with friendly soul brother handshakes and hugs.

"Dayum Carlos," A tall, very dark skinned brotha with cornrows spoke. "Can you and yo boys be any later?"

"Damn Jamar," He replied. "Who the fuck are you the damn monitor or shit?" Jamar walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself a cold 40 ounce out of a cooler and gulped down half of it. "Sides nigga, the man ain't even here yet."

"Yeah but he's on his way. You niggas gotcha shit?"

Jamar patted his shoulder. "Yeah nigga...we all packing out shit."

" when that punk ass mothafucker walks in that door he's a gacked somofabitch." Carlos said smiling.

"Hell yeah. This our mission now and he bout to find out the hard way." Jamar said.

A set of headlights hit the window and all the men in the room took their hiding places. Jamar and Carlos nodded and went to the door. The plan was simple, when they heard the knock on the door they would open fire and lay it all down leaving no one alive. The headlights were still shining through the window and Jamar and Carlos watched as two men walked to the front door. They removed their guns and their boys did the same. They waited for the knock.

"Who dat?" Jamar shouted and it was the last sound he would ever make. Gun fire ripped through the house. Shocked and surprised they all turned to see the back door being kicked in and four men wearing black suits and gold necklaces and firing semi-automatic weapons stormed in. Neither Carlos, Jamar nor any of their boys had time to open fire as they were cut down brutally by the spitting weapons. Carlos and Jamar turned to run out the front door which busted open and a huge, hulking brotha wearing dark glasses and wearing the same type of suit was standing their with a sawed-off shot gun. Carlos and Jamar halted and the big man shot them both in the knee caps and they went down screaming in pain but unlike their boys they were still alive.


"WHATTHEFUCK???" Jamar screamed, "WHATCHA DO THAT FOR???"

The big black man stepped in followed by Victor, smoking a cigar and smiling. He removed his dark glasses and looked around in disgust. He walked over to Jamar who was holding his knee and crying and kicked him hard in the mouth with his steel tipped cowboy boot. Jamar spit up blood.

"WHATUP?? Nephew? You sorry mothafuckers. YOU SORRY MOTHAFUCKAS!!!" Victor shouted. "You niggas thought you were gonna take me out and run my shit? Did you sorry bitches forget who the fuck I am? I'M NEW ORLEANS...MOTHAFUCKAS!!!! I run this punk ass bitches."

"Hey man...hey man...look it was Jamar's was Jamar..." Carlos cried


Victor leaned over and looked into Carlos' face and then at Jamar."Damn J, you? You? You the man I trusted while I was in the joint and this what you gonna do to me?"

"Man...Victor man...Vic..check it out..Carlos was in on it..I mean...hey man..."

"Shut up bitch. Now you bitches ain't so damn thug tough now,huh niggas? Now you want mercy when you greedy bitches were about to waste me and steal from me? Niggas this is my wealth and ain't no shiftless ass pussy ass as niggas gonna take what's mine. Ain't no damn chance in hell!"

Victor stood up he turned to Errol. "When I turn around shoot both these bitches in their fucking dicks...pussy mothafuckas....and then shoot them in the head...brainless punks."

Errol nodded.

Victor straightened his shoulders and slowly turned around. Carlos and Jamar screamed and begged but it was all over in less than five seconds as Errol shot each first in the crotch and then in the head. Victor, Errol and company departed the house and in the distance sirens could be heard.

"Errol," Victor said once they were in the Escalade," I'm bout to get everything I lost back. My territory, my wealth and my baby boy Shane and this time...ain't no one gonna take it away from me. Not this damn time.


Taking a shower with Jermaine got nothing clean but it steamed things up and before long we were at it again in the shower, then on the bathroom floor and back in the bedroom and I know that the session would have began the next morning but I didn't stay the night as much as he wanted me to and as much as I wanted to.

"If you don't have any place to go why you running off?" Jermaine asked me as he watched me dress. He was laying across the bed bare-assed naked and that gorgeous body and beautiful dick all alive and ready for more. But my brothas, I ain't no fool and a fine ass brotha like Jermaine Williams...that's his last name...was not going to turn out to be my prince charming as much as I may have wanted it and there was need to get my feelings all tied up into him and get my heart broke. Yes, the sex was off the chain and I wanted more but let's be real. Our first meeting at the gym and then the club which resulted in hot sex just doesn't translate into relationship on the long tip.

"Jermaine, I would love to stay but I have to get ready for an important gathering tomorrow night and the preperations are a monster."

Jermaine sighed in reluctant acceptance and he walked me to the door...bare-assed naked and his dick just a swinging. As I went to the door he turned me around and kissed me, long and deep and then he said with a voice thick and sweet like maple syrup, "I want to see you again."

As I made my way home all I could think about is why didn't I stay with Jermaine and how great it was being sexed down by him and was he serious about wanting to see me again and was I actually going to fall for that and who would I tell about this experience? Sean? Oh I could hear him....Sean: AAAAAAALL RIGHT NOW...Miss Eric done got laid! Mo-Mo? Mo: Hmmmmm....So how do you feel about this guy? Shane? Shane: The first night Eric? Please tell me you used a condom. Dre? Andre: Cool man, cool....actually, why Andre popped in my head is odd since I have never discussed my sexual experiences with him though he always discussed his with me.

As I was thinking about all that would happen and who I would tell several police cars and ambulances roared passed me at over 80 miles an hour. As I continued on I saw them swerve into Ashley homes which was the heart of what has now become the worst part of town. Once upon a time Ashley, as the five block area was called, was one of the best places to live and now it was the most dangerous drug and crime infested areas of the city. Ashley homes was the nest that housed the bad in the area. If that pitiful project could be mowed down then the area could be revitalized, if the city got behind it but with an ineffectual white mayor and a racist police chief in the city that would not happen anytime too soon. As I drove on by making mental notes about an article I could write about. "Ashley: Drugs, Violence, and Crime" Hmmm....I'm gonna have to work on that.

Next: Chapter 5

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