Brothers Like Us

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Feb 10, 2002


BROTHERS LIKE US by Lawrence Michael Martell


Shane's shift had ended at the gym and he headed to his red 2000 Maxima with dark tinted windows, chrome rims and mag tires. As he deactivated the car alarm a black Cadillac Escalade with tinted windows parked right next to his car. He new who was the driver and owner of the big Caddy that sported gold rims and the personalized plates that read, Blazin'. And his stomach noted up. The driver side door of the Escalade opened a a hulking black man with a shaved head wearing dark glasses and with a mean face stepped out. He wore a black suit coat and matching pants but no shirt. three gold necklaces were around his neck and he had a big gold and diamond studded earring in his ear. He walked around to the passenger side of the Escalade and opened the door. The brother that stepped out was wearing a similar outfit as the driver except his was blue and he wore a black shirt buttoned up to the neck and he wore two big silver necklaces around his neck. The dark glasses he wore were gold rimmed and he carried a silver tipped walking cane with a black number eight pool ball on the top end. He lowered his glasses and flashed a gold toothed smile at Shane and he waited for Shane to walk over.

Shane sighed and as his stomach knotted up he also felt his dick twitch and that annoyed and concerned him. It had been one year since he last Victor and he had pretty much thought he had put him out of his mind and system but he was wrong. It was also evident that his time in prison had not changed Victor in the least. He actually looked better physically. Victor looked to be about 275 lbs and at 6ft 5in tall he wore it well. He could tell that Victor had been doing something with his body his chest looked bigger and broader as did his arms and legs and his neck was thicker. He still had that sexy caramel skin complexion that Shane had always liked. As he walked towards his car he took a deep breath and repeated to himself that Victor Lamar DuBois...New Orleans, as he was known on the streets,....was no good and not good for him. At one time he was one of the biggest drug dealers in the city. At one time Shane Jackson was crazy mad in love with him. As he got to his car Victor spoke.

"Wassup sweet chocolate?"

Shane stopped. Victor had not lost that sexy ass New Orleans accent nor his sexy smile and Shane had to fight to get his body back in control. No one had called him sweet chocolate since Victor and the last time Victor had called him that was the last time they had made love, which jumped into his mind immediately. Shane pulled the keys out of his pocket and opened the door.

"Awwww mon dieu," Victor said speaking New Orlean's French. "You ain't gonna talk to me?"

Shane swallowed and took a deep breath. "Hi Victor. Whatcha doin out of prison?"

"Now cheri, is that anyway to act?" Victor said frowning and then smiling again. "Ain'tcha glad to see me?"

"I wish I could say yes." Shane answered. He was glad to see Victor.

"Damn babe...a brother does 18 months of prison time and comes home to see his boo and he gets ice cool action."

"I ain't your boo or anything else." Shane snapped. He looked at the big hulking driver and figured he knew Victor was in the life since Victor was on the 'DL'. Victor must have seen Shane looking at the driver.

"Don't worry...this is Errol. He's my...assistant. He's down. Now listen sweet chocolate..."

"Watch that sweet chocolate shit. My name is Shane."

"My bad sweet...I mean Shane. Damn. Chill out. I just came by to see you and say hi."

"Okay...well hello and good-bye." Shane said getting into his car. But before he could get in he felt a hand grab his arm and by the electric charge that went through him he knew it was Victor. He stood up and pulled away. "Don't you touch me! Don't you ever put your hands on me again!"

"GODDAMN! Whatup with you? Can't a brotha talk to you a bit?"

"What for Victor? I have nothing to say to you."

"Well, I got plenty to say to you."


"Babe...Sweet Chocolate...I mean Shane. I love you babe boy."

Shane was speechless. All his life he had been waiting to hear those words from another man. Another man that he loved and now he heard them and he was stunned and speechless. But Victor was nothing but trouble and he couldn't be involved with him again. There was too much pain and trouble and heartbreak that would be involved. Shane was about to speak when Victor turned to Errol who pulled something out of his coat pocket and handed it to him. Victor stepped closer to Shane and opened his hand to reveal a masculine gold and diamond ring. Shane looked at the ring as if it was an alien life form and then up at Victor who had the most sincere and scared look upon his face. His light brown eyes were just swimming with deep emotions which is something Shane had never seen in him before.

"This ring is for you. This ring is a symbol of how much your man loves you and how much I have missed you. Please take it, babe."

The pleading tone in Victor's voice was new to Shane too and before he knew it he had taken the ring. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Victor...It' beautiful. B..but I..I...I...just can't..."

"Shane while I was in prison for 18 months all I did was think about you and me. Mi amour, I know that before things were rough and I was doin foul things but I have changed and I'm gonna do the right thing but I need you, babe. I need you in my life...forever."


"Shane, I can't change what I did and how I was. All I can do is be the best person I now know how to be. While I was in prison I realized that I had to make some changes and be productive and us my mind for the better and not the bad. While I was in the joint I discovered these three cats that can sing and rap and they have a message and they want to tell the world. So I decided I was going to help them by producing their first single."

Shane blinked and stared at Victor. "You? You are going to be...."

"I record producer...just like P. Diddy and Suge Knight."

"Suge Knight? Not a good example, baby." Shane said.

Victor smiled and Shane wondered what he was smiling for.

"You called my baby. You still care." Victor said.

Damn! Shane thought. "Just cause I called you baby don't ...."

"Shane...I'm gonna make things right." Victor said.

"So tell me where you got the big Escalade and the fine clothes and the jewelry?" Shane asked.

"Aight babe...I had some drug money stashed away and hidden. When I got out I reclaimed it and I had a few peeps that owed me some money and I collected the debt."

Shane looked at Errol and knew who the collection agency was. He shook his head.

"Now babe I know whatcha thinking."

"That you haven't changed? You right."

"I have changed. I plan on making that drug money into good money and make it all right." Victor declared and as Shane looked into his eyes he felt like Victor meant to do just that.


"Baby, I want to have dinner with you. I want to take you out and have a nice dinner and talk about what I have planned and...about us."

"Victor, maybe we shouldn't do that." Shane answered.

Victor looked hurt and then lowered his head and looked at his shoes. "Oh my gotta nigga."


Victor turned and headed back towards his Escalade. "My bad. I should have figured you had someone. can keep the ring...tell your man that an ol' friend gave it to you...or if you want you can sell it. It cost me a grip so don't take nothin less for it."

"Victor I don't have a man in my life." Shane blurted out.

"I you hate me that much that you don't want to be around me. I understand. I do. I mean...I knew it wasn't gonna be easy but I figured with you in my corner this could be real. Sorry I wasted your time."

"Victor..." Shane went to him and grabbed his arm. "I don't hate you....damn! When do you want to go out?"

Victor lit up like a candle. "Howbout tonight? Say bout 8 tonight?"

Shane smiled. "Okay. Tonight at eight. Where we going to go. How should I dress?"

Victor looked at Errol and nodded. Errol went to the Escalade and opened the back and pulled out a garment bag and handed it to Victor who handed it to Shane. Shane looked at the name on the garment bag. It was from Barrington's one of the finest men's clothing stores in the city. Shane laid the garment bag on the trunk of his car and opened it and gasped as he looked at the suit inside. He touched the fabric which was silk. It was a nice charcoal gray that complimented his dark skin complexion.

"This is the most beautiful suit..."

"Custom made for you babe. You wear that suit tonight and you will be the man of the hour." Victor said.

Shane looked into Victor's face and he wanted to kiss him and hold him. This was just too much. Victor took Shane's hand and squeezed it as he winked and smiled at him.

"Until to night, mi amour." Victor said. Then he and Errol got into the Escalade and they drove away. Shane watched the Escalade disappear and then put the garment bag in the trunk of his car. As he headed home he was excited about to night but he also was scared and there was still his brother to deal with. If Sean knew he was going out tonight with Victor there would be a discussion-fest all night long and he didn't want to hear that tonight.

Sean was online when Shane got home so it was not a big deal getting the garment bag into his closet before Sean saw it. Shane had already concocted a story to tell Sean if he asked about the suit but now with it in his closet he could tell Sean it was a suit he had bought recently and was wearing out tonight for a dinner date with an old college friend who had come into town. It was a tale that would satisfy Sean since he didn't attend the same college as Shane and didn't know any of Shane's a a college friends. Shane began undressing when he realized that he had the ring that Victor gave him on his finger. He removed the ring and put it in his sock/underwear drawer. He would have to remember to get out and wear it at dinner with Victor. Victor was naked and wrapped a towel around his waist and padded off into the bathroom to shower. Sean was still on the computer and had not budged.

"So whatup with you man?" BigSexyBro asked

Sean was in the blkm4blkm chatroom where 23 brothers were logged in and none of them were talking. He had tried to get a convo going but it didn't take and so he started reading profiles. It amazed him how many brothers were rather dishonest with their physical descriptions. In his years online and going into the chatrooms he had found more brothers lied about themselves than told the truth. BigSexyBro's profile stated that he was 6ft 3in tall and 260 lbs with no fat at all. A masculine top brotha. Sean would have to reserve his judgment on that but he did like the flow of the cyber convo, BigSexyBro knew had to say those words to turn a brother on.

Sean had hooked up with several brothers he met online. Most were just one night stands or booty calls. There were some that were datable and a few that were worth considering having a relationship with but right now he wasn't looking for love..just some sexual healing and release and it seemed that BigSexyBro maybe the one.

"I'm jus chillin and cruisin the net." Sean typed.

" whatcha lookin to get into?"

"I'm lookin to get somethin in me." Sean replied.

"Yeah? I got 9 inches is that enuff for your ass?"

"It'll do in a pinch. U gotta pic?"

"Sure do. Do u?"

" trade."

"Aight...let's trade."

Sean went to his photo album and selected a picture of him naked to the waist his smooth muscled chest looked like it had been chiseled out of pure black marble. He had a sexy expression on his face in the picture and if this didn't work nothing word. As he sent his picture BigSexyBro sent his and Sean checked his email. The picture downloaded quickly and Sean blinked in pleased surprise. This brother was thug gorgeous. He had that rough thug look with the clothes he was wearing and a gorgeous face. He wore a loop earring and had a shiny shaved head and a neat goatee. In the picture he was wearing FUBU wear and smoking a blunt while holding a 40 ounce. Sean whistled with delight.

This brother was just too fine to let go. He would be a good taste to have. Just as Sean was about to type back to BigSexyBro, he beat him to the punch.

"DAMN YO! You a sexy mothafucker. Whatcha name?"

"Thanks. My name is Sean."

"Kewl...I'm Silk."


"Yeah...cause I'm smoooth like!"

"LOL...aight smooooth as a sexy mothafucker too." Sean said.

"So when can Silk have a taste of Sean?"

"U don't waste no!!!"

"Helllllll damn no! I'm lookin for a hot sexy ass to hit and u got it. U live alone?"

" twin brother lives with me."

"DAMN Twins? Shit, I ain't never hit no twins."

"And you won't with me, Silk."

" bad. Can't blame a bruh for trying....LOL"

"I guess."

"So whatcha gonna do? U gonna let a bruh get a taste of that dark honey dip?"

"U gotta place cause we can't do it here." Sean replied.

"How bout the Blue Fountain motel?" Silk typed back.

"That sleazy place? Hell no, negro, this ain't no project piece over here."

" bad again. How bout my place then?" Silk replied.

"Aight..that's cool."

"Aight..I got a California King sized bed that we can freak in." Silk added.

"Cool..then send a bruh directions and time and shit." Sean typed.

Within seconds Silk had sent Sean his address and directions on how to get there and included his cellphone number. Sean knew the area. It was on a pretty decent side of town near the Riverbend Mall Complex. Silk lived in a condominium complex called Riverbend Towers Plaza. Silk had to have some bank to get up in there. They discussed a time which was set for 8 o'clock. Sean confirmed that he would be there and they signed off.

Sean was horny as hell and he wanted some dick and he wanted it now. The only problem would be going out without fifty questions from Shane, who would want to know where he was going and when he would be back and who he would be with. There were times that Sean wished Shane would get a man and a life. Sean went into his room and looked in his closet to select something sexy and erotic to wear to see Silk. After selecting a black mesh shirt that was skin tight and a pair of too tight black pants that showed off his package he was ready to take a shower. With a towel around his waist he padded into the shower.

It was seventy-thirty and Shane was putting the finishing touches on himself. He looked at his reflection in the full length mirror and he smiled. Victor still could pick out the perfect clothes for him. He was getting a bit nervous because he knew that Victor would be there in 30 minutes and he still had not told Sean that he was going out. He has went out earlier but Sean had gotten in the shower. Shane was hoping Sean was going to call it an early night but he knew better than that. He had to tell him something but he also wanted to make sure Sean didn't see Victor. Maybe if he asked Sean to run to get him something from the store then he would be gone when Victor arrived and then Shane would just leave a note saying he had to go. Naw, Sean would not go for that. He had to do something. He couldn't just stay in his room and hide and hope Sean would go out.

Damn! Sean thought. How in the hell am I going to get past Shane without him asking where I'm going and shit. Sean had stepped out of the shower and was going back to his room when he heard Shane's door slam shut. Sean got dressed and put on his best and sexiest smelling cologne but he still needed to have something to tell Shane if he saw him leaving out and saying I'm going to the store was not going to work. Sean didn't know who was worse. Shane or Eric they were both so into this being safe and AIDS awareness and all that mess. He was always careful and even the few times he allowed a brotha to bareback him always tested negative. Hell, only those trashy white boys messing with other trashy white boys and drug heads got the "package". All the brothers he kicked it with were clean brothers. He just had to get past Shane first.

Shane's cellphone rang and he answered it and was surprised to hear Victor's voice.

"Victor? How'd you get my cellnumber?"

"Hey a bruh can't tell all his secrets...hahahahaha! Actually I called your job and told them that I was an old friend and if they could give me your number." Victor explained.

"And they did?" Shane was shocked. There was a policy about giving out employee's numbers and addresses."

Victor broke out laughing. "Calm down babe. They didn't give it out but I talked them into transferring my call to you."

Shane smiled. "You nut...hahahahahaha!"

"So you ready?" Victor asked.

"Yeah...where are you?"

"Bout a block away."

Damn! "Okay...well, look...I'll meet you outside." Shane said.

"You sure?" Victor asked.

"'s cool."

"Aight. See you in a few then."

"Okay." Shane hung up the phone. Fuck it! He was a grown ass man and if he wanted to go out without any explanation to his twin brother he could and would. Shane looked at his reflection again, applied just a little more lotion on his face and a small spray of cologne and he took a deep breath and headed out of his room. He looked down the hall and saw that Sean's door was closed. With a sigh of relief he went through the house and out the front door. He walked to the curb just as Victor's Escalade pulled up. Errol got out of the driver side and opened the rear passenger door. Shane climbed in as Victor smiled at him and whistled.

"DAMN!!! Sweet Chocolate you look too damn fine." And Victor leaned over and kissed Shane's cheek softly.

Shane felt his face heat up. "Thank you. So where are we going?"

"Babe...your Victor is goin to make this a night you'll remember."

Sean had had it. He was grown and if he wanted to go out without answering to Shane then he damn well would. Checking his appearance again he applied a little more lotion on his face and a small spray of cologne and he took a deep breath and headed out of his room. He looked down the hall and saw that Shane's door was closed. With a sigh of relief he went through the house, into the kitchen and out the backdoor to the garage where his 2000 blue and silver Maxima was parked next to Shane's red one. Shane really needed a man and a life. To be in the house and in bed by 8' O'clock was sad and pitiful. He started up the car and was off down the street. He noticed the Cadillac Escalade in front of him with the personalized tag that read Blazin. One day he would get him one. The Escalade turned left and the stop sign and he turned right.

Shane sat in the back of the Escalade with Victor and as the sultry and soulful voice of Jill Scott filled the vehicle a romantic mood was set. Victor looked very sharp in a black suit with a white shirt and silk black tie and he was absolutely glowing with a big smile when Shane had got into the Escalade. Victor didn't tell Shane where they were going and as they drove past several expensive restaurants Shane was really eager to find out what was going on. When they entered one of the city parks Shane was puzzled.

"What are we doing here?" Shane asked as Errol got out of the Escalade and then opened the rear door for them

"We are here to have dinner." Victor said as he and Shane stepped out.

He lead Shane through the park to a secluded area that was lit mainly by moonlight. Shane gasped when he saw a park table that had a red tablecloth on it and decorated with two silver candlesticks, a basket of food and wine and a boom box that was playing some smooth jazz. Shane looked at Victor and the set up and could not believe any of it.

"Victor? What is all this?"

"Dinner for and you."

"But out here...I's so public."

"If anyone even finds this place at this time...well, Errol can handle them." Victor explained as he escorted Shane to the table. "Let's have a seat."

They sat down at the table and Victor began to pull out food and set it up before them and then he poured the wine and proposed a toast.

"This is to a beautiful night with my babe."

"To a beautiful night." Shane repeated as they touched glasses and then he sipped his wine. He still could not believe any of this. It had to be a dream and yet it wasn't.

Sean arrived at Silk's condo. When Silk opened the door Sean could not believe his eyes. This brother looked much better in person if that was even possible.

"Wassup Sean?" Silk said as he stepped aside allowing Sean to enter.

Sean looked at Silk and smiled. "You."

Silk chuckled. "Aight man." Silk was checking out Sean as he walked in. "Have a seat."

Sean took a seat on the couch and gave Silk an inviting smile to join him. Silk didn't hesitate and joined him.

"So whatup?" Silk asked.

Sean leaned back on the couch and smiled. "Tell me Silk. Did you invite me over to talk or to fuck?"

Silk smiled. "Damn you a freak."

Sean sat up and rubbed Silk's crotch and smiled. "No, I just ain't here for talk." And as he unzipped Silk's pants his hard dick sprang out. "This is what I came here for."

Sean covered Silk's dick with his mouth and began sucking. Silk leaned back and moaned as Sean's tongue went to work on him.

"Damn...damn...DAMN!...Suck that dick, nigga!"

Silk pushed Sean's head down further and harder, urging him on. "C'mon...C'mon..take that know you want all of it....Yeah...swallow that dick like a champ!"

"Yeah," Sean cooed, silently, as he took a deep breath and throated Silk's thick dick showing off his well practiced deep throat technique. He was able to get the whole thing into his throat after carefully inching it down, little by little.

Finally, when he felt it at the back of his throat, he began to suck against the flow, until, as he drew it out, the gleaming black stick seemed to come like a magic wand out, out of nowhere.

Silk started moving his hips back and forth, working his dick in and out of Sean's mouth.

"D...Damn....Nigga you sho know how to suck a dick." Silk admitted. "But the best is yet to come."

Silk took his dick out of Sean's mouth, as Sean smacked his lips. "Tastes so good!" Sean said as he felt Silk start removing his clothes as well. Once they were naked Silk looked at Sean's magnificent body and Sean at Silk's and they both uttered the word DAMN.

"Get on your stomach." Silk ordered. "I'll be right back"

Sean rolled over onto his belly and within seconds Silk was back with a tube of lube and a condom.

"No." Sean said. "No condom. I wanna feel you inside me."

Silk smiled. "A nigga that likes it raw. Aight." Silk put the condom down and put some lube on his fingers and in the crack of Sean's ass and then with utmost delicacy and concentration he spread Sean's asshole and stuck a finger far up into it.

"Shit..." Sean said softly as he felt Silk's ring finger exploring his ass. "Feels so...fucking good...." he hissed.

"Don't it," Silk said, as he reached under and took hold of Sean's dick. He held the dick and moved it up and down in rhythm to his movements to match up, so that the finger in Sean's ass was going in an opposite direction with the fist around his dick.

"Give it to me," Sean moaned, and as if on cue, Silk started removing his finger from Sean's ass. But not for long. He replaced his finger with his huge monster dick.

"OH SHIT MAN!" Sean screamed as he took the dick full up his ass. "GET ME OFF...OOOOH YEAH!" He moaned, "OOOH AHHHH FUCK THAT ASS NIGGA! FUCK IT!...OOOH...OHHH...AAAH!"

Silk started jacking Sean's dick off again, harder this time, working the dick up into a frothy heat, until feeling his own contractions start to come on him.


Sean rotated and gyrated his ass as Silk jacked his dick and fucked his ass. It felt too fucking good feeling all of Silk's naked dick in his ass...splitting him open and driving him crazy. This nigga could fuck and that was no lie.

"OH YEAH! OH YEAH!...YEAH..THAT'S IT...WORK IT!" Silk moaned as he felt himself getting close to coming. This nigga had a hot ass and he was glad he was taking it raw. A condom would have killed the sensation. His toes began to curl as he felt himself ready to explode in that tight ass.

"GIVE IT TO ME," Sean moaned as he was approaching his on climax, "GIVE IT TO ME....I WANT IT...I WANT IT...OOOH YEAH...OH YEAH!"

"MOTHERFUCKER! GOD DAMN! AHHHHH! AHHHH! FUCK!" Silk moaned and screamed as he came in Sean's ass.

"YEAH...THAT'S...THAT'S...IT.....AHHHHHH OOOOOOOH AHHHHHHH!" Sean screamed as he shot a jet of hot pumping sperm onto Silk's carpet.

Silk held onto Sean until he was ready to come down and then he removed his dick from Sean's ass and they lay there side by side panting and breathing. Sean felt his ass stinging and burning from the activity and it felt good.

Shane and Victor ate under the moonlight and after dinner they walked through the park with Errol right behind but Shane didn't care. While they ate, they talked and Victor expressed a lot of feelings that Shane had never heard him say.

"Babe," Victor had said, "when I was out here doin my dirt I never realized how certain things were important to me. But when I got behind those damn walls...I swear that's when I knew...Life had to be different and it had to be better. That's why I came back to find you. Shane, you were the one thing that kept me goin while I was locked down and now that I'm out...I feel freer than I ever been. I just want you with me...I need you...I love you."

Shane had never heard Victor say those words to him before and when he did he almost cried. They kissed for a long time before going on their walk. As they arrived back to "their" area Errol cleaned up and Victor took Shane in his arms and kissed him again...this time for an even longer time than before. When the kissed ended Errol had everything packed up and they were breathless. Shane was on fire and so was Victor.

"Victor...I..I want to make..."

Victor interrupted him with a kiss. "No babe. We are starting over. This is our first date. I don't want to on our first date."

Tears stinged Shane's eyes as he smiled and melted into Victor's arms. This was right. This time it had to be right.

Next: Chapter 3

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