Brothers in Arms

By Danny Adams

Published on Jun 4, 2011


Brothers In Arms--Chapter 6

Recap-- Greg was awake and we told him what happened and he tried to get out of bed. "When I get out of here I am so going to track his ass down and cripple him if not worse." Greg said through clenched teeth. Then he noticed the disapproving look on Mr. Greyson's face. "Sorry sir I just got angry about what he did. Please forgive my language." Greg add solemnly.

"Don't worry about it. I know you kids talk like that. I just ask that you please not use it in front of Mrs. Greyson." Mr. Greyson said. We all agreed to it and visited some more. The nurse came in and said that Greg should be discharged some time tomorrow after the doctor makes his rounds in the morning. I then asked everyone if I could have a moment with Greg by myself. Everyone was nice and agreed. Stephen whispered in my ear and told me to tell him about my dream and I told him I had planned on it. He rubbed my back and headed out the door with Al putting his arm around him. After everyone was gone I told Greg about my dream and about our mom. I told him I had gone over to get answers about our uncle that died and forgot when mom started talking about working on accepting me and Stephen for who we were.

Well a few weeks passed and Greg got to come home and we had a big celebration in his honor we even decided to invite mom and she was very accepting but still showed a little disappointment when she saw Stephen and I kiss. I know she is trying hard to accept the fact that I am gay and I have a boyfriend that I love very much. We bought a cake and everything but what surprised everybody was that mom told Greg that she had a gift for him but he would have to come to the house and pick it up she couldn't fit it in her car. So we loaded up and headed over after the celebration.

When we got there we saw a car that we had never seen before. We got out and Greg asked mom, "Mom were you expecting company?"

Mom smiled and said, "No silly that's your new car." Mr. Greyson had to catch Greg before he hit the pavement. He was so overcome with shock that our mom would do something like that for him and he already had a good car he didn't need another one. "Well since you have this one and your other car I know it's early but Chris will turn sixteen in a few years why don't you give him your old car if he doesn't mind a hand me down." This time it was my turn to get caught before I hit the ground and the perfect angel to catch me was Stephen.

My mom had never done anything for me in my life except look down on me or push me away. "I would like that very much and thank you mom for thinking of me as well as Greg." I said with tears now running down my face. My mom did something she has done in a long time she walked over and placed her arms around me and hugged me so tight. We stood there and everyone got in on the hug except Stephen who kind of looked hurt and he had tears in his eyes as well. Mom saw this and she motioned for him to join in. She put her other arm around him and hugged both of us as she had her head pressed against Greg giving him a hug with her head. Mom said as this was going on, "I really need another set of arms for this." Which got all of us to laughing as we broke the hug. We went inside and talked and visited with mom for another hour.

All of a sudden we heard a banging at the front door. Mom asked me to get it so I got up and went to the door. I opened it and screamed just as loud as I could. Everyone came running in as my father tried to grab me and Greg and Stephen tackled him this time before he could do anything. My mom with phone in hand said to him, "I'm sorry but you have caused enough trouble for our sons." As she said this she was dialing 911.

My father yelled as Greg and Stephen were on top of him, "This faggot is not my son and this traitor that is forcing me to lay here is not my son either." As he was saying this I was on the phone with the Greysons. As soon as they said they were on there way and we hung up I walked over to the man that was my father and caused me so much pain over the last year. When I got close to him I felt all the rage that had been building up and I punched him repeatedly until I saw blood run from his nose and lips. I then ran upstairs to my old room and slammed the door.

Mom had changed nothing in my room everything was just as I had it before I left. I heard sirens approaching and just layed there on my old bed and cried my eyes out. I really have been doing this a lot lately. There was a small knock on the door and I yelled, "Go away I just want to be left alone."

I heard Al from the other side of the door yell, "Chris open this door I am not going anywhere until you open this damn door and talk!!!" I stayed where I was at as Al continued to pound on the door. The pounding stopped for a while and then I heard Al, Greg and Stephen talking to each other in the hallway. They were telling Al what happened and then the pounding started again this time it was louder because all three of them started hammering on the door. Al yelled again, "Open this fucking door now or we will break it down!!!"

I just layed there and cried as they continued to bang on the door. All of a sudden silence and foot steps walking away from the door. I soon fell asleep and when I woke up it was two o'clock in the morning. I slowly got up and walked to the door I unlocked it and opened it. I looked around the hallway and saw Greg, Al, Stephen, my mom and the Greysons all asleep in the hallway gathered around my door. I stepped over Al and went to the bathroom. When I finished I made my way back to my room. At that point I didn't care that all of them were there for me I just wanted to be left alone. I curled back up into bed and cried myself to sleep again.

About ten o'clock I woke up again and smelled fresh bacon and eggs come from some where. I slowly opened my door and saw a breakfast tray sitting in front of my door. It had a note on it in my mom's handwriting that read, "When ever you get ready to talk we are waiting downstairs for you hope you enjoy your breakfast we all pitched in to make it. Love mom." I took the tray and closed my door just as gently as I could. I ate and felt a little better.

I walked downstairs and everyone was gathered in the living room it was about noon. As I walked in no one said a word and I looked around and the only person I didn't see was Stephen. I asked everybody where he was and no one knew or at least no one was saying they knew. I ran back up to my room and slammed the door so hard that I knocked a few pictures I had off the wall. My phone went off and it was a text from Stephen saying, "After everything that has happened and now you shut me out and didn't even try to talk to me. I'm sorry but I need to think and we need some time apart." As I read the message my heart broke even further.

I decided then it was time to make everyone in the world happy and solve the biggest problem that was causing it. I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. I rumagged through the medicine cabinet and found all kinds of pills. I grabbed a handful of each bottle and got the glass that was sitting on the sink and filled it with water. I put the pills in my mouth and in one big gulp drank the water. Instantly I felt sick and light headed. I lose consciousness and my limp body fell to the floor.

All around me it was total darkness with a small beam of light at the far corner. It kept getting closer, brighter and bigger then it took on the shape of a person. I looked up from the spot I was laying in and said, "Do I know you and where am I?" The man just stared at me then he held out his hand to help me up. As I got to my feet I recognized him from my hospital room. He was the man that was standing in the corner. I looked closer at him and I opened my mouth to say something and then closed it as I say him smile. I blurted out, "You're my Uncle Mike aren't you?" He just nodded his head and smiled even bigger. "Where are we going? Am I dead? What is this place?" I questioned him getting nervous about the answer but I remembered I wanted to die. "Please tell me I'm dead. I can't go back to living like that anymore. My boyfriend left me, my dad has tried to kill me more than once and everybody else is miserable because I can't help who I am." I cried out.

We stopped and Uncle Mike grabbed me and hugged me. "I know everything that has happened. See I've been watching over you since you were born. Give Stephen time he'll come back it's not over by a long shot. Your dad on the other hand I can't say what will happen but you will be safe. Trust those that are with you right now and have been with you the whole time." He said in a sad and somber voice. "Now is not your time you have a lot of good to do. Go be with your real family and give Stephen some time. He will come around and back to you in time. Now it's time to get up you have people waiting on you."

I woke with a jump and realized I was in a hospital bed. Not again, I thought to myself, how many more times to I have to see the inside of a hospital. I looked around and my mom came running over to me and hugged me so tight then came Greg, Al and the Greysons but no Stephen. I held my head to the floor and cried. "I am so sorry everyone. I just couldn't keep going. I screwed up everything and hell I couldn't even kill myself the right way." I said through tears. As soon as I said that I felt a large whack to the back of my head and Al yelled, "DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN. We all love you bro and you haven't screwed anything up. I texted Stephen and told him what happened. He is on his way here."

As soon as Al said that the door burst open I thought it would fly off the hinges. Stephen ran to my bed side and grabbed me and held me with tears coming down his face. We cried as he held me, "I never meant for this to happen. I didn't want you to try anything I just need to sort things out. Know that I always love you no matter what. Things just got out of hand." Stephen cried out. We held each other as I saw Greg and Mr. Greyson usher everyone out of the room. Once everyone was gone Stephen let go of me and stood up he looked at me with tears in his eyes. He opened his mouth and then closed it again. He did this several times. Finally he spoke, "Chris why did you do this? Why did you try and kill yourself? Please tell me it wasn't because I said I needed time because I still do but I do love you."

I looked at him with tears running down my face. "I love you too and yes it was because you said you needed time. Well it wasn't all that it was everything but that just made me lose it." I said in tears still. He held me close and whispered in my ear, "I have had all the time I could need now and I want to be with you and only you." We held each other and cried until a knock came at the door. I was Greg, he wanted to know if it was safe to come back in and Stephen motioned for them to come in.

Over the next few days I got to go home and things settled down. We got ready to go back to school and Stephen and I decided to come out to everyone seeing that we did love each other and I was the school queer and Al never left our side. Greg was a different story he was a senior this year and would not be around to help little brother as we entered our sophomore year.

Stephen's father signed over his parental rights to my mom and we lived with her. She decided to put us in the same room with a queen size bed in it which was big enough for us. Al stayed at our house for the rest of the summer break which was about two weeks. We went camping and had several trips to Galveston to the beach we started to look pretty good seeing that we started to work out and now we had nice tans to go with it.

The alarm went off for the first day of school and Stephen reached over me to turn it off as he did I grabbed him and hugged him. My hands running all over his body and I felt the unmistakable presence of morning wood seeing as we slept nude now. I reached under the covers and started to rub his dick as he let out a low moan and he leaned in to kiss me. I pushed him off of me and said, "No way not with that morning breath. It smells like ass and cum." He answered back with, "It should my face was in your ass and you did cum pretty hard down my throat last night." "Well you get no morning kiss until you do something about it." I said as I got up out of bed. He grabbed my dick and started massaging it and flicking his tongue across the head and I just moaned and fell to the bed. God this boy knows how to get me to do anything. Our lips met and as our mouths opened to kiss he pushed me off and said very sarcastically, "You are so right about the morning breath I think we both need to brush our teeth besides if we aren't up and downstairs soon Greg is going to come busting in the door." In reply all I said was, "Tease" and he just grinned and slapped my ass as he walked out of the room in a pair of boxers he put on.

We got to school and saw Al waiting at the entrance. Greg hugged each of us and left off to be with his friends. He had been dating April, the head cheerleader and the most beautiful girl in school, for about a month before school started. They got together just after my attempt at my life. They did seem to be in love and I liked her. She was ok with me and Stephen being gay and being boyfriends. She thought it was actually cute.

As Al, Stephen and I entered the school. We saw him standing next to the lockers. The asshole that started this whole thing, Jack Ryan, what a piece of work. If muscle were brains he would be the most intelligent in school. Luckily we knew better he was as smart as a bag of hammers. He saw us walking and started yelling, "Hey fag boys how was the summer get any good ass." I had gotten braver some how and as we walked past I looked at him and grabbed Stephen's ass, which surprised him hand he jumped and bit but had a big smile on his face. I looked at Jack and said, "Yea I did and you can't touch it. It's all mine." At that we just continued to walk. Luckily over the last year I learned how to think ahead of people. Just as Jack swung I ducked and turned catching him in the right side of his rib cage knocking the wind out of him. He fell to the floor as we turned to walk away. The principal stepped out of the office he looked at Jack on the floor then he looked at me as we walked past and he smiled and went back to his office and closed the door like nothing happened.

The school day went by pretty slow I had Al in all of my classes except two and I had Stephen in all of them except for one which was last period so the three fo us got to spend a lot of time together and we at lunch with Greg and April as their usual table of friends just stared at us and then they decided to come over and join in. The final bell sounded and I met Stephen by the lockers and Al was right next to him. Come to find out they had last period together. We started walking out of the door as we got outside I felt a blow to my back. As I turned it was Jack and before Al and Stephen could react two of his goons grabbed them. Jack picked me up with ease and punched me again and gave me a shot to the face. I fought back and landed a few blows but he caught me with several shots to the rib cage sending me to the ground in a heap. He started to kick me just as he was about to land the third blow he hit the ground hard. I looked up and Greg was standing there with his friends at his back. The two goons let go of Stephen and Al and picked up Jack and took off. Greg and Al helped me to my feet and Stephen got my backpack as we went to the car.

When we got home mom was still at work and left us at note telling us dinner was in the fridge all we had to do was get it out and make it when we got ready. She figured we were old enough to cook for ourselves. Al and Greg took me over and layed me on the coach and Stephen went into the kitchen and brought me back a soda and an ice pack. I layed there and Stephen held me as I went to sleep. Sure I was battered, bruised and hurt like hell ,but when you are gay you take your chances, I felt like I was the luckiest kid in the world.

Well folks I know this is a long time coming and I hope you aren't disappointed in it. I tried to make it as long as I could but if anyone has written before you how writer block goes. I want to send a special thanks as always to my brother and best friend Aaron who without this story would not be possible. You are my encouragement and you strive me to go on as always. To everyone that has read this and commented on it you are not forgotten either. I thank each and everyone of you for making this possible as well. A lot of things have happened in my life over the past few weeks to make me realize just how lucky I am. If you want to comment please make sure that you included the name of the story in the subject line. Most of you will notice a change in the email address and that is because my email at yahoo got hacked and is sending out random emails to porn sites to everyone that has heard from me so here is the change. Email me at

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