Brothers in Arms

By Danny Adams

Published on Apr 18, 2011


Bothers In Arms--Chapter 3


I thought he was about to kiss me when I heard a voice shout,"What the hell do you think you are doing." I froze instantly and slowly turned my head to see my father standing there with a baseball bat.

Stephen and I got up very slowly and started to back away together as my father approached both of us in a slow menacing walk. I grabbed Stephen's hand in mine and we turned to run but my father grabbed me and what happened next surprised even me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As my father was holding me he was yelling at the top of his lungs, "At least one of my sons turned out right!!! Now to get rid of the one that is screwed up!!! I am going to beat you into the ground and make you straight!!!" I twisted and turned in his grasp. I could feel my shirt ripping apart at the sleeve where he held me.

At that moment the back door flew open so hard it shattered the window at the top half of it. Greg came running out of the house limping followed by Alexis in hot pursuit. Looking at Greg just for a split second I could see that his left eye swollen. He was almost to us when Alexis jumped on his back and was trying to get him to stop or at least slow him down. He easily reached around and plucked her off of his back and she hit the ground with a load thud. My father raised the bat to take a swing and by this time everything to me was in slow motion. Stephen raced towards us from the front and Greg from behind they collided with us knocking everyone to the ground. Stephen was the first one to his feet and pulling me up we looked at Greg and my father as they wrestled around on the ground. My dad still had the bat in his hand and Greg was trying to get it away from him. My dad broke the bat from Greg's hand and went to hit him but before he could Greg layed a right hand right to his jaw knocking him off and onto the ground. Stephen grabbed my hand and yelling at me to run but I couldn't move. Greg yelled at us to run and get out of there but still I couldn't move. By this time my mother was at the door her hair all a mess I was trying to read what was in her eyes but all I could see was sadness and disappointment; disappointment that her son was gay. She called out in a hoarse voice that didn't sound like her at all, "Boys run now while you have the chance." As tears ran down her face.

Stephen and I took off running as fast as we could. We didn't know were to go but we knew we had to get away quick. We ran all the way to Al's house but when we got there no one was at home. I pulled out my phone from my pocket, thank God it didn't break from the fall to the ground. I quickly called Al's phone and he answered, "Hey buddy, what's up how did things go at home after Greg explained things." I explained what had happened and that we were at his house. "Stay there and don't move." Al said in a panicked voice.

About fifteen minutes later Al and his parents were at home. Mr. Greyson ushered us inside and asked us to tell him what had happened. I couldn't talk at that point with all the tears running down my face and I couldn't catch my breath. Mrs. Greyson was sitting next to me just rubbing my back to get me to calm down so Stephen explained everything that had happened. Mr. Greyson got up and went to his study he said he was going to make a few phone calls and would be right back. Mrs. Greyson asked if we wanted anything to eat and I just shook my head and Stephen told her he didn't want anything either. She asked Al to take us to his room were we could rest while things got sorted out.

"Damn it. I know your dad can be hot headed but to actually try and kill you is something I didn't even think he was capable of." Al said in an outraged voice. He looked at Stephen and asked if he was ok but Stephen just looked blankly at the floor with a tear rolling down his check. Al got in between us, and as macho as he is, hugged us close and told us everything would work out. I put my arm around him and squeezed then I felt Stephen's arm and I grabbed him and he and I wrapped our arms around Al and we all layed back on his bed.

We were awaken a few minutes later with a knock on the door. Al got up and opened it to see Mr. Greyson standing there with a police officer. I looked at him and then for some reason my body told me it was time to go. I got up very slowly and walked toward the door I told them I had to go to the bathroom because I was feeling sick at my stomach. They parted and I got threw. As soon as I was past I bolted down the stairs and out the front door. I didn't know why I felt I had to run I just did. I ran until I couldn't run anymore.

When I finally stopped I was in the woods about three miles from Al's house. I was safe for the moment but it wouldn't stay that way because there aren't a lot of trees around but enough to get lost for a little while. My phone was ringing. I took it out and stared at it. It was Greg's number so I answered and right away was sorry that I did. It was my dad on the other end telling me I better get my ass home so I can take my punishment. He said he was the one that sent the cops over to Al's place cause I had runaway from home. I yelled into the phone, "Were is Greg at?! What the fuck did you do to him?!" My father just laughed and told me Greg got what he deserved and for defending me he kicked him out of the house. I slammed the phone down and sat down tears running down my face then a blood curdling cry came from some where I couldn't tell then I realized it was me. I was laying on the ground and balling like a baby.

I felt a slight touch and jumped to my feet. It was Al and Stephen. They were panting so hard from the run and trying to catch there breath. When they finally caught there breath they said the cop was there to pick me up and take me home. I told them I knew and about my father's phone call from Greg's phone. Al said is dad gave him permission to come out and find me and even told him to pack some camping supplies so we could stay outdoors for at least tonight. We had a tent that was big enough for the three of us so we started to gather fire wood and started a fire with the lighter Al had got from his dad. We had a pack of ham and some bread so we could make sandwitches. Al had also "barrowed" his dad's pistol that he kept locked in the basement gun cabinet.

Al and I sat and talked about things that were happening and at this point since we went to Al's room Stephen had not said two words. Al tried to get close to him and put his arm around him and would move away. "What's your deal man. I know today has been fucked up but I don't want to hurt you. Trust me, please." Al said in a pleading yet angry voice.

"Why did you two have to go and try and be my friends?! Why did you have to try and play hero with my dad?! WHY, WHY WHY did you have to fuck up my life that was already fucked up." Stephen screamed with tears running down his face.

"Sorry, I screwed up your life and your day." I said in a very low somber voice with tears running down my face.

"You are sorry? Why the hell should you be sorry? Why should either of us be sorry? We just tried to be friends and show you that you are not alone!!!" Al said in outrage getting louder with every word he spoke and standing to his feet. "If you were not so damn cute and looked so vulnerable then Chris here would not have fallen in love with you when he saw you today!!!" Al said getting even angrier.

All Stephen could do was sit there with his mouth wide open and looked at me with his green eyes that shown in the moonlight like emeralds. "You really fell in love with me the first time you saw me today?" he said in a sorrowful voice. I just nodded my head yes. He got up from his seat and walked toward me. Al got in between us but I couldn't hear what Stephen said to him but Al moved out of his way and patted him on the back and walked off from us. Stephen put his hand out when he got close. I instinctively pulled back thinking he was going to hit me but he said in a soft and sweet voice, "Pleas don't be afraid. I am sorry I blamed you. Can you forgive me?" I took his hand and stood up as soon as I was to my feet he planted a kiss straight on my lips. Our lips meet and his felt so warm and inviting and soon his tongue was parting my lips and our tongues met and wrestled with each other. I started running my hands up and down his back feeling every muscle in his body. His chest held tight to mine and how now rock hard boners poking at each other through our jeans.

Before we could get to carried away with us Al came back over and shouted, "Okay you two love birds now that you have finally kissed can we get some sleep. "I'll take first watch so you two can have some alone time." Al stated trying to sound tough but busting out laughing in the end with me and Stephen following shortly after.

"No offense but I don't do anything on a first day and especially with someone who isn't my boyfriend." Stephen said in a serious voice trying not to laugh. "Well then would you like to be my boyfriend then." I asked with a very serious face. Stephen looked at me then at Al. Al smiled and nodded his head in approval. Stephen jumped up and down screaming, "YES, YES, YES nothing in this world would make me happier Chris than for us to be boyfriends."

"So I guess this means we can sleep together then." I said trying not to laugh this time. "No offense but I don't think I want to because of us being outdoors and because Al may here and decide he needs some action and crash the party." Stephen said in a serious voice. Al shot him a dirty look and said, "No way you two are the gay guys. Give me a girl any day and I will show you what to do." At that comment we all broke into laughter. We all crawled into the tent after agreeing that nothing was going to happen tonight. In the tent it was kind of crowded to have three separate sleeping backs so we layed one on the floor for padding and covered with the other two cause it was still kind of chilly out at night. We layed down and covered up with Al in between me and Stephen. He threw His arms around us and said, "This will all work it's self out sooner or later so lets keep a calm head about it. After all we are in this together." Stephen and I just smiled as we all drifted of to sleep.

The next morning came and we had sandwiches for breakfast. We cleaned up and packed all the gear and decided we keep some things here just in case we needed to come back. The place we had picked to camp was on Al's property so no one would bother it. He hiked the three miles back to Al's house. When we got there we saw a police car camped out in the driveway. Al got his phone and called his dad to find out what was going on. It seemed Greg did get away and he went to the police department to make a report. Now they were looking for me so that I could make a report and back up what Greg said had happened, but since I was a minor still and a runaway they wanted to take me to a foster home. When Al told me all of this I started to visible shake and Stephen just held me as I broke down into tears.

Instead of going on to his house we decided to go back to our camp. When we got there my phone rang again, thankfully my father didn't have the sense to shut my phone off. I didn't recognize the number so Stephen said he would answer it for me. I handed him the phone on the third ring and he answered with it on speaker phone so we could all hear. "Hello, who is this?" the voice on the other end said and instantly my heart started to pound faster as tears ran down my face for the millionth time in two days. "Greg it's me Chris. I had Stephen answer my phone cause I didn't know who was calling and your father as called once from your phone. So I didn't want to take any chances." I said with more tears filling my eyes. I had said it was his father that had called since it seems like he disowned me I would do the same, I know kind of childish but hey I'm only fourteen.

"That man might be our biological father but as far as I am concerned I am with you that man is not my father any longer." Greg said with so much anger I never heard before. He continued calming himself down, "When I went into the house to confront him and tell him what happened he jumped up out of his chair and charged me telling me he didn't want any more fags living in his house and that he was kicking you out right then. I stood in my ground and he belted me in the stomach and came down on my face so I have a pretty good black eye now. Alexis didn't help by yelling either that you were a disgrace to the family. When I asked him why he was so set against you being gay he said he didn't want you to end up like Uncle Mike." When I heard that my mind started to spin.

"I never heard of Uncle Mike. Who is he?" I said trying to stop the tears from coming out as Stephen and Al stood beside me trying to hold me up.

"Well I called Aunt Doris to find out. You remember her she lives in California. Anyway she told me that no one speaks of Uncle Mike around dad because he was gay and got killed because of it so dad took all the blame for it onto himself because he was there baby brother and ever since then dad has wanted nothing to do with gays because he didn't want to go through that again and he new it would happen." Greg said all of this just as slow as he could. When he finished I just stood there to dumb founded to say anything. "Chris say something buddy. Al his he ok. Where are you guys" Greg said with panic in his voice.

"Greg he fainted. We are in the woods just three miles from my house. You know were we use to camp. Please if you are coming please hurry. Something is wrong. Chris is just laying here. He is not moving. Greg hurry." Al said crying. Stephen was holding me I think. I could hear everything that was going on I just could not open my eyes or get my body to move. It is like I was paralyzed all over.

"Please babe get up or at least say something. I just found the person I love for than anything I can not lose you not now." Stephen said with crying out load. He was holding me when Greg got there about thirty minutes later. Along with Al and Stephen they carried me the three miles to Al's house. When they got me inside Al screamed at his dad to call an ambulance and he did as Al's mom brought in a warm cloth to put over my forehead.

When the ambulance got there they took my vitals and tried to get me to response. I did a little my eyes flickered open but quickly shut with all the light and noise fin the room. I groaned softly and simple said, "Al, Stephen look out for each other for me." Then I shut my eyes again. Everyone started to cry hard tears coming out as the paramedic loaded me into the ambulance. Greg, Al and Greg tried to get into the ambulance. They said only Greg could go because he was family. Greg asked if it was ok for Al or Stephen to ride instead of him he would take his car to the hospital and the one that didn't go could ride with him. Stephen stepped out of the way to let Al go and Al pushed him into the back of the ambulance with force. "You are his boyfriend you should go I will ride with Greg and we will meet you there. Go on bud get in and take care of him." Al said trying to keep a straight face and fight back the tears that were trying to come out.

At the hospital the doctors ran test after test on me and said that I was in a stress induced coma and should wake up when my body adjusted. I was out for another eight hours before I woke up. My eyes tried to adjust to the light in the room and I could feel a hand holding my hand. I looked up and say Stephen sitting there. Al was in a chair on the other side with his head on my pillow right next to mine. Greg was sitting in a chair next to him. All three were fast asleep. Then I saw something move over in the corner. I tried to focus but when I lifted my head it felt so heavy that hit just hit the pillow again. I opened my eyes again and tried to focus and the figure that I saw over in the corner was gone.

I started to sit up and as I did Al's head shifted and he quickly jerked up his head and stared at me with a bid grin. "About time you woke your ass up. You have been asleep forever." He said with serious face and tears starting to run down his face. "Hey you two if you do not wake up soon you might miss the only chance to see sleeping beauty with his eyes open." Al said with a laughter in his voice.

"Dick." is all I could say as I started to laugh right along with him and joined my Greg and Stephen. "Now what do we do? We can't go back to the wood and if the cops know I am here they are going to send me to foster care and I will never see you guys again." I said with tears running down my face and Stephen just grabbing a hold of me in a tight hug and kissing my forehead as Al rubbed my back. "What do we do?" I said more to myself than to anyone else. "Who was else was in here? I saw someone sitting in the corner but I couldn't make out who it was."

"Baby we have been the only ones in here the whole time. No one else, I swear. You are going to be safe and we will figure something out." Stephen said in a soft voice.

" No someone was in here. I swear I am not making this up. He was standing right there." I said getting angry while everyone just looked at each other and then at me. I swear I saw someone standing in that room but I didn't know who it could have been.

A few minutes later the doctor came in to check on me and pronounced I was fit to go home but he wanted to observe me for just a couple more hours. After he left a police officer came in. "Hi everyone I am Officer Rex and I would like to have a word with Chris in private if you don't mind." The officer stated in a very monotone voice.

"No, if you want to talk to me then you talk in front of them. If they have to go then I do not say a word." I stated in the same monotone voice as he did.

"Very well they can stay. What I have to talk to you about involves them as well." Officer Rex said again in the same monotone voice. "I need you to tell me what happened at your house yesterday and be as detailed all the way up to right now." he continued. I told him what had happened with Al turning red and walking out of the room as soon as I had finished retelling the nightmare we just went thru in the last forty eight hours. When Al reached the door he opened it very slowly, my eyes watching him the whole time, he slammed it shut. I cried out in anguish as Stephen held me and Greg got up to go get Al.

"What the hell is your problem. Your best friend is lying in a hospital bed pouring is eyes out and telling the police the worst thing that ever happened to him and all you can do is walk out on him." Greg yelled at Al with anger burning in his eyes.

"Why does he need me?! He has Stephen now! I don't count anymore and I don't think I ever did!" Al yelled back with tears running down his face. Greg grabbed him and forced him into a hug.

"You have always mattered to Chris and you know that. You two are like brothers. He is lucky to have you in his life and if you think that Stephen is going to come between your friendship then you need to talk it out with him if anything talk to Stephen about it. Got it. Who knows maybe Stephen could be that brother that you always needed too. I can see the three of you causing some hell when you get to college" Greg said soothingly holding Al close. Al just backed up and nodded with a big smile on his face.

They came back into the room just as Officer Rex said that he would be in touch and needed to get going. Just as he left my mom entered the room. She looked like she had been crying but had a sour look on her face when she looked at me as Stephen was holding me and rubbing my back.

Well everyone that is the end of Chapter Three I hope you enjoy it and I have plenty more were that came from. I would like to thank my best friend and a man that is a brother to me, Aaron thank you for what you have done and the input you have shared with me. If you like this story you will love his, it is called Everybody Hates Me and it is under the high school listing. This story started of to just be a short story and I never intended for it to be more than this but now it is a collaborative effort between myself and Aaron. I am so thankful to everyone who has written in response to this story and thank you all even for the criticism it all helps me to be a better writer. If any of you want to know something about me please feel free to ask I hide nothing from no one. I would always like to hear feedback and any ideas for later chapters. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 4

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