Brothers Friends and Lovers

Published on Sep 25, 2023


Character Bios for: Brothers, Friends and Lovers

My Story -- Brothers, Friends and Lovers

Cast of Characters and Locale

By Sasquatch

Copyright 2005 / 2006 by Sasquatch

See the Introduction for important information regarding copyright and access restrictions

[ ] Meaning of first names

The principal locale is a relatively small community of well to do families that grew up around a sleepy small country town about 70 miles west a major city. The quiet farming community became the focal point for these families as the land around the town was sold for development. The town itself maintained much of its quaint rural characteristics, as the development occurred outside the original town limits. Modernization of the Emergency services resulted from this development as well as new schools supported by the additional property taxes and the property and sales taxes collected from the outlet mall that was built at the nearby interstate, which was annexed into the town. The town and its people adapted well to this influx of new families with diverse backgrounds as the families adapted to the slower pace of rural life.

The original town wasn't big enough to have its own High School and the Junior and Senior students were bused about 50 miles to the closest schools. As a result of the growth, a new school complex was built.

T. A. Edison Junior and Senior High School.

Edison is a modern school that was developed with all aspects of the surrounding communities diverse backgrounds in mind.

It provides everything needed for a student to go on to college and/or to get the vocational training needed for those who wanted to go into business.

The Junior and Senior High Schools were separated by common usage facilities like the Auditorium, Cafeteria and the vocational shops such as Wood Working, Automotive etc.

Each had their own gymnasium and both had full access to the sports fields that included a Track, Football, Baseball and Soccer fields; and tennis courts. These fields were all designed to allow them to be configured for other sports as well. In a separate building there were two Olympic size swimming pools and a diving pool. The school became the focus of many district and state, and even some national competitions.

For the Junior High students that were capable of advanced studies they were encouraged to take some of the Senior High classes and for the Senior High students having problems in a particular subject they could attend a preparatory class in the Junior High.

The school provided for the whole community and some of the senior high classes were accepted for college credits.

The following people reside in this community and the teenagers attend this school.

David [Friend, Beloved]

WASP -- Born October 24th -- Narrator of the story -- Father: Thomas -- Mother: Elizabeth -- into wrestling, swimming, gymnastics, and shooting -- better than average student (upper 25% of his class) -- not dating girls -- popular with classmates -- Georges's older brother by almost 15 months. As narrator he is 24 years old, at the start of the story he is 16 years old.

George [A Tiller of the Soil]

WASP -- Born January 22nd -- Father: Thomas -- Mother: Elizabeth -- a better than average student (almost in the upper 25% of his class) -- into wrestling, diving, baseball and soccer -- he is afraid of guns -- doesn't know girls exist -- somewhat popular with classmates -- doesn't want to ride on his brother's coattails so is a little standoffish -- David's younger brother by almost 15 months -- He is 14 years old.

Bill [Will Helmet]

African American -- born October 16th -- Father: Wallace -- Mother: Katherine -- he is 16 years old -- into wrestling, swimming, soccer and lacrosse -- excellent student (upper 10% of his class) -- not dating girls -- popular with classmates -- Harry's older brother by almost 16 months.

Harry [Army Ruler]

African American -- Born February 15th Father: Wallace -- Mother: Katherine -- he is 14 years old -- a better than average student (upper 1/3 of class) -- doesn't think about girls -- into wrestling, diving, baseball and archery -- somewhat popular with classmates -- doesn't want to ride on his brother's coattails so he tries to be the class clown -- Bill's younger brother by almost 16 months.

Thomas [Twin]

WASP -- Tom to his friends - 36 years old - Vice-president of Development for a growing electronics company -- Father of David and George -- He is considered on the fast track for advancement. -- He is working on his PhD. -- His sons don't know about some of the unusual aspects of their parent's lives.

Elizabeth [Oath of God]

WASP -- Beth to her friends - 34 years old -- Registered Nurse working with a pharmaceutical company monitoring research studies for emerging medicines -- Travels a lot because of her job - Mother of David and George. Her sons don't know about some of the unusual aspects of their parent's lives.

Wallace [Celtic, Foreigner]

African American -- prefers to be called Wallace, but is Wally to his close friends. At 37 years old he is on the fast track for the President of Sales and Marketing position -- he is working on his PhD - Father of Bill and Harry. His sons don't know about some of the unusual aspects of their parent's lives.

Katherine [Pure, Virginal]

African American -- prefers to be called Kate -- 36 years old --Grew up in Greenwich Village in New York City -- Received her Art/Interior Decorating degree from NYU -- She has won a number of awards for her designs and is in demand by influential develops which requires her to travel frequently -- Mother of Bill and Harry --Her sons don't know about some of the unusual aspects of their parent's lives.

Coach John [God is Gracious] Johnson

Some of his friends call him "JJ" -- White; raised Southern Baptist --Varsity Wrestling Coach, Physical Education Instructor and Head of the Sports Department for the school and the district -- 36 years old -- widowed -- has a 12-year-old son Shawn.

Shawn [God is Gracious]

12 years old -- His dad has not required him to attend church -- He is an average student -- avoids social contact with his classmates -- and has a secret that is just between him and his dad.

Coach Erik [Ruler of All] Wise

Blond Scandinavian ancestry -- Junior Varsity Wrestling Coach and Physical Education Instructor -- 27 years old -- single -- this is his second job since graduating college, he was asked to leave his previous position, but got a good recommendation from his previous school.

Coach Shiro [Fourth Son] Toranaga

Tory to his friends and nicknamed Shogun - Japanese ancestry - can actually trace the family ancestry to the famous Shogun -- Varsity and Junior Varsity Swimming Coach and Physical Education Instructor -- 40 years old -- married -- 2 sons -- He and his sons have a special relationship.

Jon [God is Gracious]

17 years old -- better than average student -- he avoids girls, but socializes well with them -- He is a good swimmer and diver, but only does it to please his father -- he has a special relationship with his father.

Mark [War Like]

13 years old -- a computer wiz -- while really good looking for his age he is basically a nerd -- He is an honor roll student and class president -- He is not into sports, but regularly attends Aikido training for self defense against class bullies

Coach Wilhelm [Will Helmet] Jervert

Will to his friends - German ancestry on his Mothers side -- Varsity and Junior Varsity Diving Coach and Physical Education Instructor -- single -- 24 years old -- an Olympic Gold medalist in the high dive -- working on his Masters degree in Education -- currently living at home, his parents are wealthy and he lives in the "Mother-in-laws" cottage on his parents horse ranch -- He is also an accomplished equestrian and has won awards in both English and Western competition -- His siblings are 15 year old twins Klaus and Katrina.

Klaus [Victory of the People]

15 years old -- Named for his maternal Great Grandfather -- is an outstanding honors student -- he is more into intellectual competitions rather than physical ones -- he is good in all sports that he participates in -- He and his sister Katrina share a secret.

Katrina [Pure, Virginal]

15 years old -- Named for her maternal Great Grandmother -- she is also an honors student -- she is more aggressive in sports than her twin -- she is excellent at hand and racket ball -- Captain of her lacrosse team -- has studied several different types of martial arts -- She and her brother Klaus share a secret.

Mrs. Francis

Does not allow anyone to use her first name, some people wonder if she has one -- is the Head Mistress of the English Department at the High School -- she is an excellent teacher and the students in her classes all do well --. She is also a ballet teacher and the school drama coach -- She is a strict disciplinarian in class, however she gets along well with her students --. She has a son Hugh and a daughter Sara -- Her children have learned just how strict a disciplinarian she really is.

Hugh [Bright in Mind and Spirit]

18 years old and a senior -- he will probably be the class valedictorian and plans to go to law school --. He did well in all of the sports he participated in, but was not outstanding -- he gets on well with all of his class mates -- he has occasionally dated some of the girls in his class, but never the same one twice.

Sara [Lady, Princess]

13 years old -- just starting to develop into a good looking young woman -- she is studious, but unremarkable -- she is a social butterfly and is into all kinds of dance and acting which she is very good at.

Jeb [Held by the Heel]

19 years old - Graduated the year before the story starts -- He is the 1st Gay student to come out at the school -- Proved himself to be able to handle confrontations and win -- was respected and trusted by his classmates for his honesty and respect of others -- he becomes a close friend and mentor to David and Bill.

The David Heinemeier Hansson2 Community College opened as part of the outlet mall and provides local college level courses, which are also available to Edison students. Jeb attends this school.


The second locale is about 50 miles east of the same major city. Its significantly different in that it is in a mid sized industrial town. The businesses, which did not keep up with technology, that provided work for the community's residents went bankrupt raising local unemployment to greater than 50%. The state is trying to improve conditions there and encouraging new business to move there and renovate the factories and utilize the local work force through tax incentives. There are a Junior and Senior High School there that have deteriorated and the state is renovating them.

Grover Cleveland3 Junior High School

It was modern for the time it was built, but as families moved away due to the unemployment it was boarded up and abandoned and the remaining Junior High students shared Elias Boudinot with the Senior High students. The school soon became a home for vagrants and gangs.

Elias Boudinot4 Senior High School

Still open but poorly maintained. It serves as both a Junior and Senior High School with none of the advantages of either. Almost all of the extracurricular activities were eliminated due to lack of funds. It once was the focal point of sports competitions and hosted many of the state swim meet championships. It was home of the High School state champion basketball team for 10 straight years.

The following people reside in this community and the teenagers attend these schools.

Frank [A Free Man] Shaka [1] Mendleson

Zulu ancestry -- his family can trace their lineage back to the famous king Shaka (Chaka) -- His Great, Great Grandfather took his family to Germany. Because people had difficulty pronouncing and spelling their Zulu names he adopted European names and established the family tradition of using their ancestral Zulu names for middle names. -- Frank has carried on this tradition with his 8 children. -- His wife was killed in an auto accident 6 years after the last twins were born. -- 38 years old -- 7 feet 6 inches tall -- Physical Education Instructor and Basketball Coach -- Won Olympic medals is swimming and diving -- can coach most sports. -- Due to family trusts started by his Great, Great Grandfather, his children are provided for and can attend any college they want. -- He holds several patents and doesn't need to work with the investments he has made from the lease of the patent rights. -- His family really love each other.

Garrett [Brave Spear] Ibubesi [Lion] and Geariod [Spear Warrior] Meshindi [winner, conqueror, victor]

They are 16 years old -- they are 6 feet 5 inches tall -- they are excellent students in the top 10% of their class -- They love to play basketball and swim -- they are good in all sports they attempt. -- They date, but no one seriously -- they are in outstanding physical shape and all parts of their bodies are in proportion, all parts.

Cybil (Soothsayer) Khethiwe [chosen, the one who is chosen]

She is 14 years old -- the family mystic -- she has studied the occult and voodoo since she was eight -- she could become shaman of a kraal with her knowledge -- respected by her siblings, but not feared -- a very good student, top 1/3 of her class -- not into sports, but is very knowledgeable and helps coaching some little leagues. -- She is an early bloomer and has a figure to rival girls 4 years older. -- Loves to tease the boys in her class.

Conner [Knowledgeable] Ulwazi [the one with knowledge] and Conrad [Bold, Wise Counselor] Chitauli [one who tells us the law]

They are 12 years old -- they are 5 feet 11 inches tall -- they are scamps and tricksters, they love to play jokes on all of the family and their friends -- they are good students and play a lot of different sports -- their bodies are in proportion to their height and well developed, everywhere

Trisha [Of Noble Decent] Thenjiwe [the trusted one]

She is 10 years old -- she will keep any secret confided to her -- she is already showing signs of early development -- She is a good student and enjoys school -- she doesn't have any boy friends, but likes boys

Leonard [Brave as a Lion ] Nkonkoni [champion; leader] and Leon [Brave as a Lion ] Vusumuzi [builder of the home]

They are 9 years old -- they are 5 feet 9 inches tall -- they are average students and have problems paying attention, except to the things that they like -- They have tried different sports and are good at the ones they try, but can't settle on one that they really like -- like their older brothers they are well developed physically, all of their body is above the norm


1 The name of a powerful Zulu leader, also spelled Chaka (I was unable to find any other meaning for this name)

2 David Heinemeier Hansson is the creator of the popular Ruby on Rails web development framework and the Instiki wikis. (see for more information)

3 Grover Cleveland was the 22nd (1885--1889) and 24th (1893--1897) President of the United States, and the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms (see for more information)

4 Elias Boudinot was president of the contential congress (see for more information)

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Next: Chapter 17

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