
By n.j.scott

Published on Oct 7, 2000


Disclaimer I don't know Nsync this is no way based on the actual sexuality of any member of the group. This story is a complete work off fiction.

Getting to know you

As the plane levelled of I got up and made my way to the bar at the end of the cabin turning to the other I asked if anyone could use a drink. They all asked for a cold beer.

We sat in silence for several minutes before Justin spoke " I'd like to here your story from the start but something is bothering, you said that you have been looking for jc for about six years yes?"


"Well we've been famous know and in the news for a couple of year it can't have been that hard to find him, can it?"

I was about to reply when josh spoke up, "no Justin your right it wasn't that hard for him to find me, he contacted my parents about three years ago about being able to see me they told him no and have at every request since "

"Oh" said Justin

"I'm not sure how much josh knows about why they turned me down but the reply I got was it was felt that not enough was known about me to let me see josh because of his position and the media attention he gets, it could have caused problems for him so the said no I couldn't see him."

"So why know "said lance

"What difference should that make said Joey

"Big deal he's famous he's still your brother " said Justin. The only problem was they all spoke at once and continued to shout their questions at me. I held up my hand and ask them to "shut the fuck up!" they became silent so I spoke "I think if I tell you the story as I know it that should answer most of your questions."

They all made them selves comfortable and looked at me to signal they where ready for me to begin.

"Well lets start at the very beginning shall we I was born on the 8 of August 1976 8 minutes be fore my brother we are Identical twins we where named Neil Jon Scott

And Joshua James Scott respectively, born to James and Chris Scott.

Due to the financial situation of our parents they could not afford to keep both of us so the second born was to be adopted by friends of the family Roy and Karen Chasez.

There's not much to tell after the separation till about six years ago.

Mum and dad got a surprise summons from gramps, this was a big surprise for me because I never even new I had one that was when mum sat me down and told me about gramps disowning her and kicking her out, because she married pops, but dad was intrigued so they went to see him. On there way back to the house with gramps the oil tanker they where following exploded and they where all killed." At this point I chocked up and turned away the memory of that day still shock me. Josh was up and out of his seat and holding me with in seconds of the first sob that left my mouth, it felt good to finally be held by someone who truly understood what I had lost.

We stood holding each other for several minutes before I motion for him to sit down after asking me if I was all right he made his way back to his seat and I continued with my story.

Two weeks later granddads will was read I was the only one the apparently I was the only grandchild and the only remaining member of the family or so I thought, you can imagine how shock I was to find I was one of a set of identical twin as the lawyer said I felt like one half of a set of dolls, anyway I was given all the information on you they had and I began to make enquires that's when I sent the first letter and was first refused." I stop for a moment and looked around at the group I could see the questions forming in their minds so I decide to continue.

"It's partly my fault the wouldn't let me see you really I suppose I wouldn't give them any information as to why I wanted to or anything and that's how it went on for the next 6 years till this week."

"Why " said josh "why suddenly know do they let me see you."

"I suspect though I can't be sure they saw a certain story one British newspaper did on me and decide they better find out what was going on."

"But they didn't have to send josh they could have seen you and found out surely" said lance

"Nope "said josh "I doubt he would talk to anyone else but me and they knew that, so we had to meet to satisfy their curiosity, am I right?" he said turning to look at me

I just nodded my head.

I turned back to the bar and got myself another beer.

"The information I have to pass on is not something that is anyone else's business but josh's not even yours lance, that is why we are at this moment flying non-stop to Britain, because the information I have for josh's is personal and It must be up to him to decide once he knows how much he is willing to tell you guys,"

"But why fly us to Britain surely you could have told him in Orlando?"Said Joey

"Believe me if I could have I would have but there is files and files of this stuff not to mention paper he has to sign"

"Good I sound like hard work to me "said Chris

"Ah but what he gets in the end may just be worth it any way I have some calls to make before we land so I'll leave you guys alone to talk," with that I got up and went into the back cabin.

Well there you have it chapter two still not to sure if this is any good I know there ain't much going on yet wanted to give you some background let me know what you think should I continue or not


Next: Chapter 3: Brothers 3 5

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