
By n.j.scott

Published on Nov 9, 2000


Disclaimer I don't know Nsync. This is in No way based on the actual sexuality of any member of The group. This is my first attempt at writing a story Of any kind, so please be gentle with me. Any feedback Is very welcome.

First of I would like to thank all those who sent feedback My grammar may be a little bad in this section Any way on with the story .

Chapter 7

A few hours later

"What the hell did you think you where doing josh for gods sake?!" lance shouted

"I don't know, it was supposed to be a joke" he replied

Then Danny spoke up "what exactly did you?"

Danny by the way is my best friend; we've known each other for years danny is 6ft brown hair blue eyes and very well built which is the main reason he is head of security at the house and my personnel body guard

Josh looked down at the floor, "well I went up to Justin and said hey man you look sexy I've had my eye on you since we meet what do you say we get to know each other better, he then turned to me and said I'd like that Jon I think you're a great guy, then I said gotcha I'm josh, then his eyes went wide and he started to cry and said josh how could you play with my feelings like that, I happen to be very attracted to Jon then he ran off I turn to go to find lance, then I saw my brother in the door way tears streaming down his face and he said fuck and ran off that's all I can tell you ok".

"Well I get the Justin bit he is obviously in lust or love with Jon, but why did Jon run off," lance said

"I think that's where I come in," said Danny


"Let me explain abit about jon you don't know, make yourselves comfortable this may take awhile" they settled them selves into the nearest seats and turn there attention to danny

"I haven't known jon very long, because he hasn't been around for very long, I would say about six years since your mother died josh, that's when I first saw him.

Jon is the mask he uses to cover his emotions so that no one can hurt him, but getting back to the story as I say I first meet jon after his parents where killed, but he went away and I didn't see him again for over to years, then his last boyfriend raped him and left him bleeding and bruised and since that day there has been no one but jon here, I watched as my best friend disappeared and it hurt because I could do nothing to stop it happening, he needed to be loved and I couldn't give him the love he needed and that hurt far worse than anything else.

But just lately I've seen my friend around here again and it's good to see"

"I don't understand," said josh

"Has jon ever spoken to you about your mother or farther?"

"no that has always puzzled me"

"well let me tell you he never will you have to talk to your brother for that information"

"ok now I'm confused" said lance "jon is his brother"

"no he isn't neil is his brother jon is the mask neil hides behind so no one can see how hurt and broken he is go to him josh and ask to talk to neil find out what he feels bring him back to us"

"ok" said josh stood up and made his way to the door of my room he knock and I answered


"is it alright if I talk to you for abit there are some questions and have and I need answers"

"Of course you can josh come I take a seat"

"Before we start" said josh "let me make one thing clear I want to talk to neil not jon neil got that"

My voice shock "are you sure about that"

"Yes the questions I have can only be answered by him"

"Ok then ask away"

For the next three hours we sat talking about our mother and farther and the rape I cried a lot and so did josh but I felt better and I think after that I was almost ready to face the world as neil again, after we both calmed down I turn to josh and said

"can I talk to you on a personal matter?"

"yes of course you can how do I make Justin see neil instead of jon I herd him say he like jon but that's not me and I'm frightened that he won't like neil like he likes jon"

"well danny gave me a message for you to tell you that when you are with Justin that jon has never been around he's seen neil every time does that help you "said josh

"yes it does now I think it's time me and Justin had a little talk but first I think you need to apologise to him for what you did it was a very bad joke josh and I think you know that now don't you

"yes well here goes he may not listen though


Well there you have it chapter 7 comments and feedback are always welcome let me know what you think

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